comes as no surprise that
this morning has started
very murky, but maybe the
surprise is that this
morning it has been
correctly forecast. One
difference is that there
could be some light rain
before the sky clears, if
indeed it does clear, by 1pm
(the clue may come at midday
when sunny spells are
forecast). It is going to be
a little cooler today, but
21° C should be nice in the
sunshine. The balck bar with
"Weather Warning" in it
refers to tomorrow, or maybe
the day after.
Tomorrow should start with
sunny spells (yeah, we've
heard that one before !),
but there could be a few
showers between them. The
maximum temperature should
be 22° C. From 9pm there
could be thunderstorms.
Curiously, the Met Office
don't seem to have a weather
warning, and don't seem to
mention thunderstorms at all
! Their forecast says
tomorrow night should be
dry, and Sunday only mildly
damp (the BBC say loads of
featured an interesting
paradox. It one respect it
was an awful day, but this
morning it turned out that
what I thought was a
disaster was actually a good
thing, somehow. The bad was
the result of boredom and
frustration (a bit like most
of life), and somehow, in
ways I can't fully
understand, that was also
why it was good !
My whole day
yesterday, and by whole day
I mean about 95% of it, was
all about waiting for a
delivery from Amazon. Of
course I knew it would come
no earlier than about
11.30am (I think that is the
best ever), but just to stop
me being too relaxed and
happy the postman brought
bad news. One letter was
just a credit card
statement. It was for less
than I thought it would be,
and while that should have
been good, I feel it a great
indignity to pay any bill.
If I were rich, like Donald
Trump, I would just ignore
all the demands, and let my
lawyers deal with it.
Unfortunately I am not
stinking rich - probably
because I pay 99.9% of my
bills on time.
The other letter was
some gloom from EDF energy.
I knew that energy prices
were rising in the winter.
It is the traditional way
they screw the little people
by hitting them hardest when
they need all that energy to
keep warm. Yesterday's
gloominess concerned gas
prices. I have painlessly
built up a large credit to
help me get through a bad
winter, but the dirty
grasping hands of EDF still
disgust me.
An awful long time
passed before I did any more
than reading and eating. By
my reckoning I had far too
many snacks yesterday. Most,
like the can of Scotch Broth
soup I had for lunch were
"mostly harmless", but I am
sure other stuff should have
had a bad affect on me. In
particular the big bag of
greasy "Frisps" (matchstick
sized fried [probably]
extruded mashed potato could
not have been good for me.
The occasional chunk of
cheese, and palmful of
salted peanuts can hardly be
considered healthy eating.

It was about 6pm when
Michael popped around when
he discovered I had been
drinking the beer on the
left. There was no official
drinking session yesterday
because Jodie was at a gig
or something. I decided I
would still have a few beers
at about 5pm. Most of them
were to be from the box of
12 Brewdog beers that Dik
gave me for doing his band
In the box there were
three cans of Elvis Juice
(as pictured on the left). I
declared it must be
something to do with Elvis
Costello, and indeed I have
seen nothing to contradict
that (although I have made a
point of not looking too
carefully). The thing is
that I have never liked
Elvis Presley, and find him
rather revolting.
Sadly Elvis was one
of Michael's teen heroes,
and so he hoped to taste
some of the beer. He popped
round, but I did not have a
can in the fridge to chill.
Rather than drink it warm he
drank other stuff, but I
have promised I'll keep a
can in the fridge for next
time. Oddly enough,
considering it is grapefruit
flavoured, it is not all
that bad.
Michael had plenty to
say when he came around, and
it was all about the trials
and tribulations of caring
for his dementia suffering
wife. The latest "disaster"
is he can't stand the idea
of the carers giving his
wife a bed bath. He feels
sure they are all lesbians !
He wants me to order, from
Amazon, some adult, all over
wet wipes that he can use to
clean her.
I was not very happy
with Amazon so I didn't do
it last night, but I'll do
it today sometime, and he
can pay me the money for it
later. I'll get them sent to
his house, and let him
suffer the trauma of waiting
and waiting, and
I was cooking my
dinner while Michael was
here. He left just in time
to get home in time to watch
Star Trek: Voyager, but
claimed he had lost interest
in it the series lately. I
am sure he watched it, but
just wanted to stop me
ribbing him about how he
fancies Captain Janeway (the
frumpy old trout). I had my
dinner in the oven on the
timer, but I still managed
to dry out the lamb while
leaving the sprouts slightly
undercooked. Plus it was
almost cold by the time I
got to eat it.
I threw caution to
the wind and had a couple of
bitter orange chocolate
covered biscuits just so I
could finish on something
nice. They are a bit low in
sugar, but I still thought
that it was a foolish idea.
The trouble was that by then
I was feeling quite pissed
off. That changed at about
one minute to 8pm when my
Amazon order finally
arrived. It was in a just
about small enough package
to get through my very small
letter box. I was rather
worried that one of the
small retail packs in the
package rattled. I thought
it was possibly broken, but
it turned out to be a single
tiny screw in a bubble in
the packaging. Had I
known it would fit through
my letter box I could have
stopped fretting about it,
and gone out or done other
Once I had the two M2
sized solid state hard disks
in my hands I could relax -
and I did....or maybe I
didn't. I still couldn't
face going on Amazon's web
site to order Michael's wet
wipe things, but at least I
was able to lie down and do
some reading, and also to
sit at my PC to catch up on
a small backlog of technical
news. I was feeling quite
tired, but I resisted going
to bed for some time so I
felt I was back in control
of my own life....or
something like that.
I think I was in bed
and asleep before 10pm, and
that is fairly typical. It
seemed quite warm in my
bedroom (23.7° C) almost all
night. I suspect some of the
warmth was filtering through
the walls from my neighbours
on both sides who both have
central heating, and maybe
keep their room temperatures
quite high. I was able to
comfortable go to sleep
almost uncovered last night.
I was like that most of the
night except at around 3am
when our body temperature is
usually at it' s lowest. I
stuck both and arm and a leg
under the duvet for the next
few hours.
I seemed to sleep
well last night, but for the
umpteenth day in a row, I
can seem to recall any of
the dreams I had. I feel
sure I had a long and very
enjoyable dream some time in
the night. I can remember
thinking about it when I got
up to go for a pee, and
thinking it would be an
interesting dream to
describe, but not a single
thing about it comes to mind
now. It is rather annoying.
I slept in late again
this morning. With sunrise
this morning being at
6.44am, and getting later
day by day, I don't seem to
feel inclined to get up in
the dark. It was only just
before 7am when I got up,
and that might only have
been because I needed a pee
(although I wouldn't say
there was any desperation
about it). After that pee it
was with great reluctance
that I got on the scales.
All I can think is that
yesterday, although I
thought I had eaten too
much, I must have
subconsciously been careful
about what I ate. This
morning, even with having a
morning poo, I seemed to
have last another 200gm !
Even if I had lost
weight it should have still
been impossible to get any
decent blood glucose
readings, but I did. I
scored three (light green)
cherries ! The Contour meter
read 7.5mmol/l, or spot on
my current target. The
GlucoRX meter was even
better with a reading of
7.4mmol/l. Surely the
Sinocare could not agree
with the other two, but it
did with another reading of
7.5mmol/l. It has been just
a few days short of a month
since I have had three low
readings like this.
Today is another
enigma. I really have little
idea what I shall do today -
apart from a couple of
essential. I didn't shower
yesterday, and so that is an
essential for today. I'll
probably wash my hair at the
same time. I have a few
items of washing up in the
sink, and I intend to clear
that, and maybe give the
work surfaces a wipe down.
Incidently, it seems almost
certain that my dripping
thermostat gland on my water
heater is now slowing down.
It is possible it will self
seal with limescale in
another week, or at worst
Maybe after midday,
when the sun should be out,
I might go to Savers and
Poundstretcher. It would be
useful to get a bottle of
bleach after only buying
Toilet Duck, and similar
toilet cleaners for weeks.
They claim to clear
limescale, but bleach does a
better job. If I am buying
that I will undoubtedly buy
other assorted stuff from
both shops. I should spend
some time putting one of my
new M2 sized solid state
disks to use, but somehow I
feel in the wrong mood for
that. Oh well, the PC one of
those disks will end up in,
was bought a good few months
ago, and so there can't be
much of a rush to do the
work, but one day....