The forecasts from both The
Met Office and the BBC are
almost identical, but only
the BBC shows rain and a
thunderstorm for 3pm !
Neither forecaster
acknowledges that as I write
this it is rather grey, and
the chances of a sunny
spells at any time in the
near future seems very
unlikely. However, it could
be warm with a high of 23° C
predicted. The Met
Office predicts that
tomorrow will be damp, but
mostly from light showers,
until the last shower at
4pm. The BBC says
thunderstorms from almost
dawn to dusk, and if it is
not a thunderstorm it will
still be heavy rain. Both
forecasters agree that
tomorrow will be just 19° C
by early afternoon.
Yesterday can
only be described as a bland
day. It passed by easily
enough, but I found I was
not in the right frame of
mind to do much with the
day. Probably my greatest
achievement was eating
unwisely, although maybe it
was going out to get some
assorted shopping from

It was quite late in
the morning before I felt
ready to take a shower, and
then get dressed to go out.
I only went to
Poundstretcher - a very
similar distance to Tesco,
or Aldi, but less than the
walk to either of the
Catford Railway stations. I
can, and can't blame
Poundstretcher for my unwise
eating yesterday. The
"Flips" pictured on the left
were one thing I bought, and
they do look possibly to be
not good for me.
The very surprising
reality is that per 100gm
they contain 0gm of sugar,
and the bag only contains
60gm. I have no idea what
the lobster is doing on the
packet. Maybe the misshapen
lumps of what is probably
some sort of foamed and
fried starch is supposed to
resemble a lobster shape,
but to see that you probably
need very special glasses.
They weren't even greasy,
and so apart from the fine
peanut dust over them, the
food quantity was probably
little different to package
packaging chips.
I did buy several
packets of three bitter
orange chocolate coated
biscuits. They do have quite
a low sugar content, but I
think I ate a whole packet
of them (a packet of three
!!). The main thing I wanted
from Poundstretcher was not
food at all, but bleach. I
bought a couple of bottles
of cheap bleach, and now my
toilet pan is gleaming !
There is not
much I can say about the
walk to and from
Poundstretcher. It is about
as far as I can walk
comfortably. When I got
there I was just getting the
first hints of discomfort,
and the same again when I
got home. I can't seem to
remember if any of the walk
featured sunshine. It
possibly did, and that bit
was probably nice. It
definitely didn't rain, and
I walk there and back with
no coat.
As mentioned
near the top of the page, I
didn't seem to be in the
right frame of mind to do
anything, or at least not
beyond odd little things.
Such little things included
washing up a few bits in the
sink, and later on to
prepare are part cook some
of my dinner. Even with
dinner being part cooked,
and scheduled for just a few
hours later, I think it was
boredom that drove me to
prepare and eat an extra
portion of instant noodles.
As pm approached I
added the last ingredient to
my dinner. It was bacon, and
it was oven cooked sitting
on top of a few baked mini
potatoes, a few baby
tomatoes, a couple of mini
bell peppers, and some
sprouts. The bacon seemed to
be quite good, but maybe not
when effectively roasted. If
fried it could have been
really good. The whole meal
was actually a bit
disappointing, but it might
almost have been moderately
After watching Star
Trek: Voyager (a moderately
OK episode) there seemed
nothing to do but go to bed
to read. It seemed warm
enough in my bedroom that I
didn't have to get under the
duvet to feel warm while
quietly reading. I read for
long enough, maybe no much
more than 30 minutes, to
finish the book I was
reading - Harry Harrison's
"The Stainless Steel Rat
Wants You", the seventh book
in the Stainless Steel Rat
series of books. It could be
easily described as comedy
Sci Fi.
While I was
reading I was just about
distracted enough to not
notice that I was feeling
quite uncomfortable. I
seemed to just feel
uncomfortable all over. I
took a couple of Paracetamol
tablets to see if they
helped, but what the
probable cure was, was to
take both pillows off my
bed, fluff them up a bit,
and more importantly, put
them back in the right
place. All this was preceded
by some thrashing around in
bed as I tried to get
I didn't do the
pillows until sometime
later. I was trying to get
to sleep with the aid of the
Paracetamol at about 10pm,
and I seemed to be close to
getting to sleep when my
phone bleeped at me. To my
(pleasant) surprise it was
another series of messages
from Angela. This time she
revealed some more about her
problems. It seems she has,
or may have, cancer of the
tonsils. It is a cancer I
have not heard of before,
but of course I did some
mild research about it this
Angela is
understandably quite scared
of it all, but she may be
premature, and is
concentrating on how
unpleasant the treatment may
be. She has been told she
may need radiotherapy 5 days
out of every week, for 6
weeks. That could indeed be
very unpleasant, but maybe
she is jumping the gun. She
told me that she goes to
hospital for a biopsy on
Monday. As far as I am aware
she is not actually fully
diagnosed as having cancer
until the biopsy has been
studied. Until it is it is
possible that it is not
cancer at all, or at least
not in the conventional
sense. Any abnormal growth
can be called a cancer, but
quite a few come and go with
no consequences.
I didn't attempt to
argue the point with Angela,
but I did try to say stuff
to raise her spirits and
similar stuff. I still find
it rather wonderful that she
considers me to be a very
good friend still, and turns
to me, and possibly no one
else, when she needs a good
friend. What she needs, and
what I would very much like
to give her, is a nice hug.
I thought that was supposed
to be her husband's duty,
but it seems not to be the
case. It reinforces my
thoughts that they were not
meant for each other.
We finished
exchanging messages at about
10.30pm. After taking on
board all that, it was
probably at least 11pm
before I could get to sleep.
Incidently it was after we
had finished messaging that
I sorted out the pillows,
and got when back where they
should be (with the bottom
one not falling off the end
of the bed !). Once asleep I
seemed to sleep quite well,
and I didn't have to get up
to pee all that much.
I did have some
dreams, and this morning I
finally can remember some of
a dream. I can't recall the
whole sequence, but it was
basically about a train. The
train was a 2 car slam door
train with a sort of
engineers wagon coupled to
the back. It was making a
special last run before
being scrapped. There was
quite a scramble to secure a
place in the engineers wagon
and the only way of getting
on it was to go down onto
the live track and cross one
line before getting on the
The inside of the
wagon seemed to change a lot
during the dream. Sometimes
it seemed like a slightly
short normal carriage. At
other times part of one side
was open, and the back had
sort of canvas curtains, and
tailgate like a lorry. being
able to see out the back was
most fascinating during the
ride. At one point we were
going down the middle of a
road like a tram does, but
the tracks we were on were
from when it was originally
all railway, and before the
road was built over most of
When coming down a
very low hill we passed the
site of where there was a
railway depot, but that had
all been excavated to reveal
the bottom floor of blocks
of flats. It must have been
during a jump in the dream
(or probably a completely
new dream) that we ceased
going on tracks in the
middle of a busy road, and
were entering a station. For
some reason I believed it to
be London Bridge.
The dream jumped
again, and we were back on
the road as pedestrians (I
was not alone, but I have no
idea how many other were
there), and watching as an
ordinary car was being used
to pull the engineering
wagon away from the other
two carriages after they had
been uncoupled. I asked when
that wagon was going to be
cut up, and was told it
would be in the afternoon.
That meant a mad scramble to
take more photos.
I probably woke up
then, and I think it was
just gone 6am. I went for a
pee, and then went back to
bed. It seemed a bit too
early to get up. I turned
over in bed, closed my eyes,
and the next thing I knew
was that it had just gone
7am. It really was time to
get up. Once again I went
for a pee, but this morning
I also did quite a
substantial poo. Even after
that it seems I managed to
out on a whole half kilogram
since yesterday morning.
That was not good, but so
far it might just be the
usual day to day up and
down, but recently yo-yoing
around a lower average.
My blood glucose was
also up, but not by much.
The Contour meter read
8.9mmol/l, and that is about
the highest that could be
described as "ok". The
GlucoRX meter read
7.8mmol/l, and that is
rather good. The Sinocare
meter read 8.5mmol/l, and
that was spot on my
target. My blood
pressure was up a small
amount this morning, but
110/50 is still in the
"Optimum" area according to
how the meter diagnoses it.
Once again I only
have the vaguest of ideas
what I might do today. I
think that I will definitely
have a shower this morning.
After it I may do two
things. One will be to leave
some laundry soaking it
detergent for later washing,
rinsing, conditioning, and
then hanging up to dry on
the clothes horse in the
front room. I feel I am also
tempted to go to Aldi. I
want to try their other
"Slimwell" frozen ready
meal, and see if it as bad
as the other one I tried. I
might even buy two if it
seems to be as small as the
other. Some cans of beer
could be useful too.
We are now getting
some weak sunny spells, and
maybe the forecast sunny
spells might be a reality.
It could make the walk to
and from Aldi quite pleasant
if I can do it in sunshine.
I guess it may be possible
that I will get around to
trying out one of the new M2
sized solid state hard
drives I bought from Amazon.
Maybe by this time
tomorrow these web
pages will be served from a
new server using one of
those drives......but I
wouldn't promise it.