One of both forecasters
predicted heavy rain in the
small hours of this morning.
It did look slightly damp
when I opened the curtains,
but I was never aware of any
heavy rain. This morning it
is very dull, but it is not
raining (although the damp
appearance may have been
drizzle at 7am). It will
stay very dull until maybe
2pm when it will change to
just ordinary dull ! It is
going to be another cool
day. One single hour of 17°
C is predicted, but
generally it will only be
16° C. There could be
mostly light rain from 3pm
onwards tomorrow, but before
that it should be dry, and
mostly dull. Tomorrow's
temperature may only see 16°
C for two hours, and most of
the day could feel quite
I think I
seemed to feel fairly OK
yesterday, but it was
another day when not a lot
got done - and anything that
did get done had nothing to
do with computers, my new M2
solid state hard disks, or
anything like that. I did do
some laundry though.
I was not expecting
to go out anywhere, and I
was fairly sure I was
expecting no visitors, but I
did feel a bit grubby, and
so I had a shower late
yesterday morning. Ideally I
should have washed my hair,
but maybe I'll do that
today, and also include a
wet shave to save time
tomorrow. After I had
finished showering I got my
big buckets out and put in
some laundry to soak. It
would be quite a few hours
before I finished it.
After I was dried and
dressed I went into
lazy/relaxation mode. I laid
on my bed, and read for a
while....quite a long while.
The next thing I did was to
have some lunch. It was a
novel lunch of tomato and
herb flavoured bruschetta
(basically small diameter
toasts) which I used to
scoop up some cream cheese.
It was all probably a bit
unhealthy, but it was sort
of nice until it became a
bit boring after the novelty
wore off.
It may have been as
late as 4pm before I
returned to my laundry that
had been soaking it
detergent for hours, and was
now stone cold. However, I
was not feeling stone cold.
There was almost no wind,
and by then there had been
many sunny spells. They had
got my bedroom quite warm.
Before I did the
(potentially) sweaty job of
finishing off the laundry
(all by hand) I opened the
bathroom window to let some
cooler air in. It seemed to
be quite nice outside, but
only for short spells.
I tried to capture a
shot of looking from the
bathroom window while the
sun was shining. Towards the
north there was a lot of
mostly white cloud, with the
odd small patch of blue. To
the south the sun was
shining while I took the
picture, although it is not
terribly obvious, but the
brick faced house on the
left of the picture shows
some nice shadows that prove
it was bright and sunny for
a while.

My dinner last night
was a "Protein" Paella. I
guess this is a similar idea
to Iceland's "My Protein"
ready meals, but this one
was from Aldi. The main
thing wrong with it was the
size of the serving. It
seemed quite small to me,
and not really filling, but
it was quite tasty. It might
have been even better if it
had some seafood in it as I
believe real Spanish paella
At just 321 calories
it was a definite help to
lose weight - providing just
that small portion
satisfied. The 6.9gm of
sugar initially seemed like
a lot, but I am starting to
revise my ideas about that.
Maybe it was reasonably low.
Ideally I should wait until
there is room in my freezer,
but I am thinking that the
next time I am in Aldi I
will probably buy another,
plus one to keep for another
I have to say I am a
bit disappointed by Michael.
I know he has a lot on his
plate (some of it self
inflicted), but it would
have been nice if he had
just sent a brief message to
thank me for ordering the
large sized wet wipes for
his wife so he can clean her
up in the care home instead
of leaving it to the
(probably imagined) lesbians
to clean her intimate parts.
I was also rather miffed to
have to message him to ask
if he had successfully
received his order, or
if it was still at the
bottom of the recycling bin
where the courier left it
because he was out. Several
hours after asking he did
finally respond to me, and
said thanks.
Last night was the
usual eating dinner while
watching one of the Star
Treks being shown, and then
continuing to watch until
the fourth of the four Star
Treks shown had finished.
The last was Star
Trek:Voyager, and the only
good thing about it was the
Borg Queens boobs - not that
we actually saw them, but I
liked the way her
costume is moulded to act
like a sort of bra. A nice
rounded shape. Shame the
rest of her is so hideous.
After Voyage finished
I headed to bed so I could
read in comfort. I am not
sure how long I read before
I began to feel very sleepy.
It is possible that I fell
asleep slightly before 9pm,
but I would not be surprised
if it was actually an hour
later. One thing that
slightly delayed getting to
sleep was keeping an ear
open for any hint of any
mouse activity. I think I am
now convinced that what I
heard yesterday morning was
just the rain hitting the
window even if it did sound
like a mouse trying to gnaw
through the floorboards.
An unseen mouse did
feature in my dream(s). I
can't really remember all
that happened in the dream,
but one feature was that a
mouse was being used to
somehow validate tickets of
gigs. In the cold light of
day I wonder if it was the
pattern of the mouses teeth
that validated the chewed
ticket. In the dream it
wasn't really any more than
a stated fact. On the whole
I seemed to sleep well again
last night. I didn't even
seem to pee all that much,
although I probably got up
to pee the usual 3 or 4
times in the night.
I was, probably
subconsciously, dreading
waking up to mysterious
gnawing sounds, but I
needn't have worried. I was
possibly still sleeping
quite deeply when I was
woken up by the short noise
(bleep !) of a message
arriving on my phone. I was
not aware it had happened
until I got out of bed, and
put my phone on charge. As I
did so I saw that there was
in message from Angela on
Her massage said she
had had her biopsy, and it
had been done under a
general anaesthetic. That
makes for a far more
comfortable procedure, but
an uncomfortable morning
after coming around from the
anaesthetic. She
reported that she was in
pain, and felt very
weak. She couldn't be
too bad if the first thing
she did was to start sending
messages on her phone ! I
have no idea how many she
might have sent, and to
whom, but I have a feeling I
might have been privileged
enough to have been the
first, and at the time, only
I must confess it was
hard to conjure up some
properly sympathetic words
30 seconds after I had woken
up, and quite keen to go to
the toilet ! One thing I
didn't want to do was to
raise her hopes up too much,
but I did wish her a good
outcome. I was thinking of
Ayse (my favourite barmaid).
She had some treatment for
what she believed was a
polyp up her nose. The
surgeon who was going to do
a quick operation on it
didn't. Instead he took a
biopsy sample, and told her
he thought there was a
chance it was a cancerous
growth. The biopsy proved it
was not cancerous growth,
but was an abnormal growth
that might respond to
steroids. I will have to ask
Ayse if there has been any
improvement when I am in the
Jolly Farmers tomorrow.
It seems my own
health, ignoring the angina
problem, is still reasonably
good this morning. Had I
passed the large "stool"
before I had my breakfast,
it is possible that my
weight would not have
appeared to have gone up by
200gm. I can't help but
feeling there was one
significant thing I ate
yesterday which I can't
remember. Based on what I do
remember I might have
expected my weight to have
either not changed, or gone
down a little this morning.
At least my blood
glucose measurements seem
pretty good again. The
contour meter read slightly
over the light green area
with a reading of 8.1mmol/l.
The other two reading were
both in the light green
"very good" area. The
GlucoRX meter read
7.8mmol/l, and the Sinocare
meter reading a slightly
better 7.6mmol/l. Sadly not
a single reading equalled or
bettered my new target of
I nearly said my
blood pressure was a tiny
bit higher this morning
until I saw that it is equal
or less than another half
dozen morning readings so
far this month. It would
have to go up a little more
to leave the "Optimum" area,
and enter the "Normal" area,
as diagnosed by the blood
pressure meter itself.
It's another day, and
once again I have zero
plans, or even ideas, about
what I might do
today......almost. One thing
I might do, and probably
will, is to continue
cleaning some nasty looking
splashes of old gravy, or
something, from the doors of
the (hardly used) cupboards
under the kitchen worktops.
I did one completely
yesterday, and it looked
nice, but it is hard work at
an awkward stance to scrub
those doors. Today I could
aim to do just one door, and
leave the rest until
tomorrow or something.
It is very hard to
get enthusiastic about
anything under this cold
grey light, and it is
feeling slightly cold in my
bedroom now. With no
sunshine to warm anything
up, I may be thinking about
a warm top. If I should go
out today, and I could even
though at this time I have
no idea why, I had to give
in and admit we are now back
in wearing a coat
season.....and it can only
get worse !