There was heavy rain during
the night, and it didn't
finish until about 7am,
although there is still a
bit of drizzle even now. The
BBC forecast, in the
screenshot above, is pretty
pessimistic, but the Met
Office forecast says it will
be dull, but dry from 11am
to 5pm. After, just when the
BBC says rain will stop for
a while, it will probably
rain until the end of the
day. The afternoon
temperature should reach a
slightly cool 17° C,
although the Met Office says
18° C. Tomorrow
be a generally dry day, but
the chances of seeing any
sunshine at all seem to be
just about zero. It will be
another coold day with just
17° C predicted.
Yesterday was a
day that was probably boring
because I didn't really do
anything, and yet it was a
successful day. After
writing I had my usual rest,
laying on my bed reading,
and then I had a shower. I
could have done a bit of
laundry after that, but I
I can only describe
the rest of the day in terms
of what I ate because I just
didn't seem to do anything
notable. It should have been
very boring, and that would
normally mean doing lots of
snacking. That didn't
happen. For lunch I had some
rice crackers which I used
to scoop up cream cheese
straight from the little pot
it came in. I did have one
or two snacks of quite small
amounts of peanuts.

Skipping forward to
dinner, and my dinner was
accidently a vegetarian
dinner. I didn't read the
box well enough when I
picked it up in Aldi. Oh
well, it was always intended
to be just an experiment.
Several things on the
box were fantasy. The
picture was nothing like the
real thing, and in my book
it was not a single
portion. At 8.2gm of sugar
per pack, it was not
particularly low sugar. At
least it didn't seem like a
low amount, but maybe it was
fairly low.
One thing I do know
was that it didn't seem very
filling to me, and as soon
as I finished it I decided
to have a dessert of two "no
added sugar" choc chip
cookies, and a couple of
"40% less sugar" ginger oat
biscuits. The latter,
despite being 40% less sugar
(than what ?), did seem to
still contain a lot of
sugar. That is why I am
making a single packet last
a lot longer than other
There was
a bit of entertainment on TV
last night, but not a lot. I
watched two one hour (or 40
minutes when all the adverts
are extracted) of Guy
Harvey's "From The Vaults".
Both were on the theme of
Brit Pop (not Brit rock)
from the 1990s. I probably
recognised about three
quarters of the band names,
but I don't think I
recognised a single song.
The 1990s were a dire time
for music, or maybe my
preferred music.
I was in bed fairly
early again last night, but
I spent a fair time reading,
and I even got up again for
a short while to check a few
things on the internet. I
think I was probably fast
asleep before 10pm, and it
could have been closer to
9pm. On the whole I slept
well, but I still needed to
get up 2 or 3 times in the
night for a pee. The
temperature in my bedroom
was just low enough that I
could half cover my body
with the duvet for most of
the night.
I do remember some of
a dream, but it is possible
that some of what I remember
may have been while awake,
and thinking about the
dream. It all seems rather
confused. The dream was a
sort of Sci Fi dream, and
was inspired by the book I
am reading. I dreamed I was
on a planet that had
developed rockets powerful
enough to get a satellite in
a low orbit. The big problem
is that the first launch was
perfect, and the next three
This lead some people
to believe that some higher
power didn't want rocket
launches. They still
persisted, and got much
better at them, but it lead
to a strange sort of non
violent war between two
factions. One believed that
they were not welcome in
outer space, and the other
did not believe that idea.
Their beliefs were split
between two paragraphs in
their big how-to-do-it
manual on space flight (that
was being continuously added
to by each triumph or
failure). Somehow the idea
of two people split by their
interpretation of a single
book sounded depressingly
I was up extra early
this morning, and it is
because I heard an odd noise
this morning. It sounded
like a mouse trying to chew
through a
floorboard/wainscoting, but
I am hoping it was just rain
hitting the window. It did
seem to stop when the rain
turned to just drizzle. On
the other hand, I am sure I
can remember a few crumbs
under my computer desk that
don't seem to be there this
I was sure I was
going to have a poo as well
when I went for my first pee
of the morning (after
getting up) but is seemed to
be just wind - which has
happened a few more times
since getting up. On the
plus side, without a poo, it
seems I have lost another
400gm since yesterday.
Another 500gm to go and the
last digit will flip over to
one less, and I will
entering rarely charted
regions for many years.
My blood glucose
readings were made tricky
because this morning they
were to come from my right
index finger. That finger
has quite tough skin on it,
and it is usually tricky to
get a decent bead of blood
squeezed out when I prick
it. However the readings, or
two of them were very good.
The Contour meter read
7.9mmol/l - in the light
green, but only just. The
GlucoRX meter read a perfect
7.5mmol/l. The Sinocare
meter read only a bit higher
at 8.2mmol/l, but that takes
it out of the light green
area, and so no "three
cherries" this morning.
I'm not sure what to
do today. If the weather was
a bit dryer and bright I
might fancy jumping on a
train to go somewhere exotic
like Chingford, or Epping. I
am fairly sure that won't
happen. More likely is that
I will do some laundry - for
drying indoors. I expect
I'll read a lot, but I
suppose I ought ton try and
enthuse myself to do some
computer stuff like trying
on of those new M2 sized
solid state hard disks I
bought almost a fortnight
ago, but have done nothing
with them yet.