The forecast said 9° C after
daybreak, but I reckon it
was only 8° C, and two of my
thermometers said closer to
7° C. As far as I am aware,
there has not been a single
hint of the sun so far this
morning, and as I type this
the sky is a very depressing
grey. Maybe the sun will
eventually break through,
but I'm not holding my
breath. Maybe with the help
of possibly imaginary sunny
spells, the temperature will
reach 14° C this afternoon.
After sunset we can look
forward to more rain,
although it is forecast to
be just light rain. Tomorrow
will start a bit warmer than
today, maybe 14° C, but it
will be because of heavy
clouds that will start the
day with heavy rain. It
could change to light rain
at 9am, and stop at 1pm. By
as early as 11am the
temperature may reach 16° C,
and stay that way until 3pm
when it will slowly drop to
13° C by midnight.
I can't decide
if yesterday was a good or
bad day. I did do a couple
of useful things, and so I
guess I better call it a
good day......but it wasn't
a good, good day. I have
similar indecisions about
the evening. That too was
good and bad, although the
bad was not apparent until
this morning.
I could say that
yesterday got off to a good
start - eventually. I knew I
was going out, and that out
was almost certainly going
to be to Tesco. I needed a
shower before doing that,
and I also washed my hair at
the same time. Once I
was dressed I put my best
foot forward. That was a lot
better than my second best
foot forward because even my
best foot turned out to be
not very good at all.
The walk to Tesco
seemed like hard work. Maybe
that slowed me down enough
that I never got any hints
of angina. It was like my
legs had seized up, and each
step needed a lot of effort.
I suspect it was at least
partly due to it being cold.
I didn't feel cold as such
because I was wearing a
coat, and there was some
nice sunshine. My coat was
black, and it was soaking up
the sun to the point where I
was worried about getting
too hot.
My shopping
intentions were to only buy
stuff that should be safe
for me, but inevitably I
didn't stick to that plan
100%. One slip was a pork
pie, and another was a small
tub of tuna and sweetcorn
sandwich spread. Two hoped
for good things were a
couple of low calorie. and
low sugar ready meals. Much
of the weight I had to carry
home was 4 two litre bottles
of diet coke - two ordinary
Diet Coke, and two lemon
I think what made the
walk home so bad was that
the bright sky and sunshine
made it feel like it should
be enjoyable, but I didn't
enjoy it a bit. Once again I
didn't suffer any angina
pains, or any other pains as
such, but it did feel like I
was getting to the end of a
really long walk. I could
have joyfully laid down as
soon as I got home, but I
had shopping to put away,
and then to consider lunch.
Ideally I should have
skipped lunch. I don't think
I was actually hungry, but
it was part force of habit,
and partly because I had
bought that pork pie in
Tesco. I ate that pork pie
with two small (35gm)
packets of crisps. The
really ironic thing for such
and unwise, unhealthy lunch
was that I don't think I
enjoyed it. I had half eaten
the pork pie before I
realised it was actually
tastier without putting
mustard on it, and the
crisps were totally
After my lunch I did
have a lie down. It was not
exactly warm in my bedroom,
but the sun coming through
the window did give the
impression it should be
warm, or at least warming
up. I'm pretty sure I had a
short snooze before waking
up feeling a bit cool. One
way of warming up was to
continue a job I had started
at the end of my shower -
some laundry.
That laundry seemed
like a lot, but it was just
one t-shirt, one pair of
lounge pants, plus 4 or 5
pairs of underpants. Like
the walk to and from Tesco,
it seemed harder work than
it should have been. I
plodded on, and did the
wash, three rinses and
conditioner before hanging
it on the big clothes horse
in the front room. As usual
I put the desk fan on to
help blow dry it all. This
morning it doesn't feel
fully dry. These cold nights
and days means I will
probably have to start using
a fan heater to help some of
the drying in the future.
Writing that last
paragraph, and thinking
about how hard the walk and
the laundry was, makes me
think I was not in good
health, and I am not sure in
what way it could be. I know
my blood pressure was good,
and although I did get one
high blood glucose reading,
the other two were perfectly
normal. I did note my body
temperature was often a
degree lower at times. Maybe
it is this recant fast
change in seasons, plus all
the rain, that is getting me
down physically as well as
After finishing the
laundry I almost had nothing
to do, but there was one
unusual job to do. It all
started when I looked at the
dusty heap of a Pentax DSLR
camera I once bought in a
second hand shop. It was all
white, and looked rather
nice. The reality was that
it seemed like it had lived
it's life in a greasy chip
shop or something. When I
first bought it (for maybe
only £50, I had to liberally
dowse everything in alcohol
to un-gum everything.
I managed to get the
options selector to work on
most settings most of the
time, and after a lot of
effort I got the inbuilt
flash to pop up with a
little bit of gentle help.
It seemed to be mostly
working, but the shutter was
still sticky. Sometimes it
would take a reasonable
picture, but mostly it
didn't. I attempted to clean
the shutter mechanism, and
ended up making it far worse
Yesterday I decided I
would keep the lens, because
that seemed to be OK, and
throw the rest away.
Obviously I kept the memory
card, but I deleted
everything on it for some
future use. I also decided
to keep the neck strap, even
though I don't really have a
use for it. It was almost
slimy to the touch, and so
along with a couple of old
camcorder neck straps, I
gave it a wash in detergent
plus some "Vanish" liquid. I
think I got most of the
greasy slime out, and if
nothing else, the name
"Pentax" now shows out in
red. Before it was a sort of
indistinct muddy colour.

One of the things I found in
Tesco was this (alleged)
"Beautifully balanced" ready
meal. With just 6.9gm of
sugar for the whole meal,
and also 364 calories, it
seemed like a good choice
for my dinner last night. I
can't say it was that nice,
but it wasn't bad, and maybe
just about OK enough that I
would consider buying
Maybe the big mistake
I made was having a starter.
It was a small tub of tuna
and sweetcorn sandwich
filler that I just scooped
up using rice crackers. I
have a bad feeling it might
have been an unexpected
source of sugar. I
don't think I can account
for some high blood glucose
readings this morning in any
other way......unless it was
the Esomeprazole tablet I
took yesterday.
After a few
bad nights from heartburn I
thought maybe I ought to
give those tablets another
go. I took them for a week,
and that seemed to be a
temporary cure for the
heartburn, but I didn't like
the way they seemed to
effect me. I'm sure that one
effect was on my blood
glucose readings. If indeed
that was the problem it is a
tricky thing finding some
sort of balance between
higher blood glucose
readings, or getting a
decent night's sleep.
Last night it did
seem I got a decent night's
sleep (although maybe I am
having second thoughts as I
type this). I did my usual
of reading in bed, and I put
the book down around 9pm if
I remember correctly. I
think it was no more than 10
or 15 minutes later that I
was fast asleep. One thing
about last night was that I
don't remember peeing much,
and that
suggest a nice low blood
glucose level.
One thing about last
night was that I had turned
the heater off about an hour
before I got into bed. I
felt nice and warm, but not
too warm, under the duvet.
By about 3am, maybe 4am, I
was starting to feel a bit
cool, and I turned the
heater on low. It was still
on low until about half an
hour ago when I began to
feel cold writing this, even
after a hot breakfast, and
so I turned the heater up
full for maybe 15 minutes.
The heater is now on low,
and I still feel fine.
I had one dream last
night, but it is hard to
describe it because it is
all a bit confusing. I
seemed to be dreaming about
being in bed, and possibly
dreaming that I was
imagining a very sexy dream about !
Another dream may have been
from last night, or possibly
the night before. In the
dream I was at home, but it
was not quite like my actual
home apart from one feature.
In cold weather I have to be
careful that the door
latches when I close it. In
the dream I was struggling
to get the front door to
latch. It was as if there
was something stopping it
closing. I could see nothing
in the way, and ended up
putting my whole weight on
the door to force it to
close enough for it to
After apparently
sleeping well I woke up just
before 6am as if ready to
get up. I managed to turn
over, and sleep for another
half hour. I got up, and as
usual, went to the toilet,
and as not always usual, I
had a poo as well as a poo.
That seemed encouraging, and
went I got on the scales I
found I had lost 300gm. I
still have some way to go
before I get my weight back
down to where it has been a
few times in the last few
weeks, but at least it was
still going in the right
direction this morning.
The drop in weight
suggests I didn't eat too
bad yesterday, and the lack
of peeing in the night (if I
remember correctly) also
suggests that my blood
glucose should have been
lower this morning. It
wasn't. It was higher ! The
Contour meter was not
bad with a reading of
8.7mmol/l. The GlucoRX meter
read a terrible 9.0mmol/l,
and the Sinocare meter was
even worse with a reading of
9.3mmol/l. It feels like it
was too soon after taking
the Esomeprazole tablet for
that to be the culprit, but
I wonder....
Even my blood
pressure is higher this
morning. It is up in the
"Normal" area with a reading
of 123/54. That, in itself,
is not bad, but an upward
trend could be. Hopefully
this is just a one off, and
tomorrow may see things back
to normal. I must say, I
still feel very off colour
at the moment, but it is
nothing specific enough to
put a name on it. I just
feel "yucky" !
Today's main event
should be a beer tasting
session with Jodie this
afternoon. She said she
would definitely be coming
over even if the trains
weren't running. The reason
being is that on Monday (I
think) she is off to Finland
for gigs and beer for two
weeks, or at least she won't
be here this coming
Thursday, next Sunday and
the Thursday after that.
After my recent beer
delivery she will find a lot
of new beers here, and I am
sure she will disapprove of
many of them. I did mostly
select them to hopefully
tickle my taste buds !