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30th September 2024
only did yesterday start a
degree or two colder than
forecast, but the predicted
sunshine arrived a few hours
late, and then it was only
sunny spells. I can't recall
seeing all that many sunny
spells yesterday, but at least
it did stay dry - even when
the rain was forecast to fall
at 7pm. I'm unsure if the rain
had even started by midnight.
The maximum temperature was in
the region of 14° C.
The forecast for rain
this morning seemed to start
correctly, but as I write
this the rain seems to have
stopped, and the sun is
trying to break through the
clouds. Maybe it will never
break through because the
sky seems to be a very
uniform grey colour. Maybe
the rain will continue
intermittently until 5pm
when it is forecast it
should stay dry for the rest
of the day. This morning
started at about 14° C (by
my reckoning) and it should
peak at 16° C by midday. It
looks like the cloud will
continue into the night, and
that will keep the
temperature up a bit.
Tomorrow is forecast to
start at 11° C. It will
probably be like today with
light rain or drizzle until
4pm, and then possibly dry
until the end of the day.
The day should reach just
14° C.
I guess
yesterday was a fairly good
day, or perhaps good and bad
in equal measure. I don't
think I did anything
yesterday morning except the
usual writing, reading and
snoozing. Apart from having
a shower, just after midday,
there was little I had to do
until mid afternoon.
I had a moderately
light lunch of Heinz potato
and leak soup. For a Heinz
product it had a remarkably
low sugar content. I gave
the kitchen and dining room
a quick clean, and then
waited for Jodie to arrive
for another beer tasting
session. For a while I
thought she was not coming,
but she arrived late at
nearly 4pm.
We had a fairly good
beer drinking session. I had
actually started at about
the usual time, or 20 to 30
minutes before Jodie
actually arrived. I admit it
wasn't terribly seasonal,
but I started with a St
Bernadus special Xmas ale.
It was rather nice, although
being worried about it's
sugar content did slightly
spoil the experience.
Some of thee beers I
had with Jodie were fairly
good, but inevitably there
were a couple that we had
very opposite opinions. I
did one quite unusual thing
during that session. As I
have mentioned many time
before, Jodie does like to
spend ages on her phone
ignoring me, and so I
brought the book I have been
reading down to the dining
room, and read it while
swilling beer.
I can't think of any
other notable beers we had,
but I can say that Jodie did
approve of quite a few beers
that came in my last recent
beer order. We actually had
some, and there are some I
have been ordered not to
touch (!!!) until Jodie is
back from her trip to
Finland (for beers and
music) next Thursday
week. Maybe after
arriving late, Jodie left a
bit late at gone 6.30pm,
although it was timed so she
could meet up with Alan.
I still had a glass
of beer left when Jodie
left, and I don't think it
was a beer I was enjoying
that much - at least I
seemed to leave about an
inch of beer in the bottom
when I saw it still on the
table this morning. Maybe I
was just looking forward to
my dinner, and that
distracted me.
It was a very
special, or maybe just
slightly unusual dinner. It
was boiled new potatoes with
steamed "Weekend" sausages
from Poland. They were ready
cooked, but much better when
warm. I started off boiling
the potatoes in the
microwave early in the
afternoon. After Jodie left
I poured off most of the
water, put the three
sausages on top of the
potatoes, and then gave it
all another 5 minutes in the
I very nearly made a
stupid mistake. When I was
in Tesco last week I was
already looking forward to
this dinner, and I made a
point of buying some Tesco
low salt and sugar tomato
ketchup. I almost walked out
of the kitchen without
squirting any ketchup on
those sausages, but I had
put some chilli sauce on
them. Maybe a combination of
chilli and tomato sauce
worked well.
It was quite a tasty
dinner, although without
some green stuff it was not
a very healthy meal. It was
also not good for weight
loss either. In fact,
together with the beer, I
seemed to have put on a lot
of weight in the last 24
hours. Some mostly low sugar
biscuits as a dessert
probably didn't help either.
My lack of awareness
of time last night was
probably all to do with
being mildly drunk, but very
strongly aided by no need to
be aware of the time because
there was nothing on TV I
wanted to watch. After
dinner the chilli sauce
seemed to be doing a good
job of keeping me feeling
warm, and I turned off the
heater (which I had been
using rather generously
during the chilly day). It
was not all that long before
it was more comfortable to
read in bed.
It was probably
around 9pm when I put the
book down, turned out the
light, and tried for sleep.
Unfortunately I started
suffering from quite mild
heartburn as soon as I was
no longer distracted by
reading, and had turned on
my side. As I said, it was
quite mild, but still too
distracting for sleep. I
took some antacid liquid,
sat up for almost an hour,
and then tried for sleep
again. I was then feeling OK
and did fall asleep.
I think I slept
mostly OK, but I did wake up
for a pee at 3am, and it
seemed to be feeling chilly
enough to switch the heater
on low. I have a feeling,
although I can't offer any
reason why, that I did sleep
better once the room was
warmed up a bit. One thing
that did spoil my sleep in
the early hours of it was
the result of the hot chilli
sauce on my dinner. That was
probably the cause of the
heartburn, but it also
caused me to sweat a lot in
my sleep. At 1 or 2am I woke
up to find my pillow wet
from sweat. It is odd that I
must have slept through it
because I had stopped
sweating by the time I woke
Most of my dreams in
the night seemed to be about
going back to the TV repair
workshop I worked in for 6
years or so. I think I only
went there to say hello to a
few friends, but it turned
out to be a boring
experience. Many people said
hello, but then ignored me.
I became bored and decided
to pick up a small TV and
fix it for something to do.
In a new sequence the senior
engineer called me over and
beckoned me to follow him
into a part of the warehouse
where written of TVs and
stuff were being prepared
for disposal. He had found a
nice Panasonic VHS machine.
It was one of his
favourite machines because
the were easy to repair, and
made good quality
recordings. He decided he
was going to add it to his
collection. I think I left
then, and went to find a
route 1 bus to take me part
of the way home. I don't
recall actually seeing a
bus. Then I found myself
back at the workshop where I
wandered around feeling
bored. This time I decided
to go home straight home.
Going home was not so
easy. Somehow the workshop
was now deep in the
countryside, and it seemed
to be an endless walk down
long lanes, interspersed
with a hamlet of two, as I
desperately tried to
remember the way to a tube
station. I did see a bus
stop for a country bus
service, and assumed I could
use my Freedom Pass on such
a bus, but none seemed to be
running. I woke up after
apparently seeing a lot of
countryside, but getting
I ended up having my
longest sleep in for ages. I
evidently needed a lot of
sleep. That does seem to fit
in with an idea that I am
fighting some malady
recently, even though there
have been no overt symptoms
apart from a general feeling
of being under the weather -
and it may just be the
changing weather that is to
blame. After getting
up I went to the toilet
twice in about 10 minutes. I
peed and pooed both times.
It didn't help much. I still
seemed to have put on a lot
of weight in the last 24
My blood glucose
readings were not that bad
this morning. The Contour
meter read 8.4mmol/l, and
that seemed pretty fair. The
GlucoRX read a bit close to
the limit with a reading of
8.9mmol/l. The Sinocare
meter read just a tiny bit
higher, but 9.0mmol/l just
slips into the light pink,
and so a warning not to eat
anything bad today, and
after seeing the scales this
morning I wonder if I should
eat anything at all.
I needed to eat
breakfast this morning to
hold down the cod liver oil
capsule I took, but I didn't
really need to have two
small packets of instant
noodles - small enough to
fit both into one
bowl. This morning my
blood pressure is back in
the "Optimum" area with
slightly higher than usual
reading of 111/51.
I once had plans for
today that were advanced
enough to charge my Nikon
P500 "bridge" camera for
some sort of outing. It is a
good all rounder camera that
usually produced good
pictures on automatic if the
lighting conditions are
reasonable. In today's dull
weather it might set itself
for a shutter speed that is
slightly too long for moving
trains, but that is what I
was thinking of taking
pictures of.
I had in mind a
couple of stations I might
visit today. There are
several reasons why it would
be good to do so. The first
is that I have not done much
photography lately. The two
other good reasons is that
being out would mean no
temptation to raid the
fridge, and no need for any
heating on. The reasons
against it are that the
light, although not as
currently dull as I thought
it might be, is still not
ideal for photography. I am
not sure I really want to do
it now because I don't feel
very dynamic this morning.
Also, there are a few things
I should do today -
including some internet
banking and topping up my
phone, plus I could also
wash a few t-shirts even
though I have no choice but
to dry them indoors - until
maybe next May !
1859 words today
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