This morning has started
very dull, and rain is on
it's way. The BBC say the
rain will start at 11am, but
the Met Office say it might
be as late as 1pm, and all
the rain will be light rain.
The BBC predict that some
rain may be very heavy. The
temperature may only reach
13° C (BBC) or 14° C (Met
Office). Tomorrow will be
very dull, but the Met
Office say it will only rain
at 1pm, and that may only be
light rain. The BBC also
predicts light rain, and of
course throws in a
thunderstorm for 2pm !
Tomorrow could be 15° C
(BBC) or 16° C (Met Office).
I have to
confess that I found
yesterday's dull and
sometimes wet weather, to be
most depressing. I once had
mad ideas about going out to
do some photography, but the
reality of the day put me
off even going outside. It
seemed to be a day to do
indoor stuff.
There were things I
needed to do indoors, and I
did them, but I couldn't
raise the enthusiasm to find
other stuff to do. Maybe the
most important things I did
were check and fully pay off
my two credit cards, and
check my main bank balance.
I am happy to say that both
credit cards didn't have
much on them to pay, and
possibly less than expected.
My main bank account was
looking healthy after my
pension payment went in
I am not rich, and
can't afford to do some
needed, but fortunately not
essential house repairs, but
I have ample for day to day
needs. Having said that, I
will be needing a lot of the
money to pay for heating
bills. I have already been
using the heater in my
bedroom (where I seem to
spend most of my day -
either in front of my PC or
reading) rather too freely
despite my previous
intention of hardly using it
at all until at least
That intention was
really based on slightly
warmer years, but the start
of this autumn seems
unusually cold to me. It was
also based on the idea that
I would wrap myself up well
in several layers of
clothing. The trouble is
that no matter how thick my
clothing is, my nose and
hands still feel cold, and I
can't type with cold hands.
I am probably coming to the
age where I should wrap
myself in blankets and
stuff, and sit in a chair
just dreaming of past happy
experiences. I am not sure I
can remember enough past
happy experiences, and so I
have to keep my mind, and
ideally, my body active.
Keeping my body
active while I am suffering
from angina is almost
impossible, at least
impossible with accepting
pains I would rather not
accept. It is not just
angina. Lately I have been
finding angina like pains
when bending over - cleaning
the bathtub is one example
where my chest, and other
bits ache when bending over
and reaching down. I think
it has something to do with
my tendency towards acid
That problem has really only
happened when I got to bed,
but these new symptoms are
quite similar, and I am
unsure how they are related.
One possibility is some sort
of blockage that is stopping
my stomach from emptying
properly. Could even be some
sort of cancer - most things
seem to be cancer now from
all I hear from friends and
One problem with a
dull miserable, and cold day
like yesterday, is that it
makes me feel so hungry. I
did my best not to eat too
much, but it seems I must
have failed more than I
realised. I know that after
an instant noodle breakfast,
I had a can of Heinz lentil
soup for an early (midday)
lunch. I was quite surprised
to see that it is another
Heinz soup that reports a
low sugar content. I guess
that is why I bought it, and
the Heinz potato and leek
soup, a year or more ago.
As much as I enjoyed
reading my book yesterday
afternoon, it didn't fully
capture my imagination like
some books used to. It is
probably because it is the
second time I have read the
book, and although I don't
remember it in advance,
turning the next page seems
to also turn a page of my
memory. It makes it all feel
familiar in a way that is
not a complete memory. I
find it hard to explain that
in simple English. Maybe the
Klingons could explain it
better.....or almost
certainly not !
I am trying to think
how many snacks I had
yesterday afternoon, and
what they were. I didn't
seem to think they were very
significant at the time, but
this morning I feel
otherwise. I know I had one
or two very small portions
of peanuts - about as many
as you can put on the palm
of your hand. I also used
some brochette to scoop up
cream cheese, and that may
not have been wise.

My dinner was
(alleged) Chicken Tikka
Masala from Tesco's "The Gym
Kitchen" range. The
nutrition panel says it only
provides 365 calories, and
that is pretty low for a
main meal. The sugar content
at 13gm is probably a bit
high, and it could the
reason for bad blood glucose
readings this morning.
The trouble with this
meal is that it seems
physically quite small. I
was also not very tasty -
although saying that is a
bit of a simplification.
Some bits did seem nice, but
there seemed to be hardly
enough chicken to reach a
full conclusion about
whether it was not that
nice, or not actually nice.
The rice seemed fairly off,
but the sauce seemed OK.
That meal seeming
small lead me on to having a
dessert of rice crackers and
slices of cheese. I made
that even worse by putting a
dollop of low sugar and salt
tomato ketchup on each bit
of cheese. It would probably
been better to have just the
cheese and crackers instead
of the Chicken Tikka Masala.
It is undoubtedly handy
having a ready meal, but I
feel I ought to get back to
my old recipes for basically
boiled meat and green
vegetables - almost, but not
quite a stew.
Once again there
seemed nothing to amuse me
on TV after Star Trek:
Voyager finished at 8pm, and
so, once again I was in bed
reading soon after. I
could possibly have been
asleep by 9pm, but once
again I suffered some
heartburn. This time it was
very, very mild, and a
couple of Rennies settled it
fairly quickly, but by then
I had got up, and I spent a
bit of time on line checking
some places out using
Once I was back in
bed I think I slept quite
well. Like the last night or
two, I had switched of the
heater an hour or so before
going to bed. At 3am it was
definitely time to turn it
back on. By the time I got
up it was barely tepid in my
bedroom. I was hoping it
would be a bit warmer than
that, but some of the
problem is that I started to
feel too warm under the
duvet, and kicked most of it
aside. As a result I woke up
feeling cold, and it would
have been a lot nicer if my
bedroom was a few degrees
I can barely remember
getting up to pee in the
night, and yet for some
reason I don't feel like I
slept all that well last
night. I remember what
seemed to be a long series
of dreams all based on a
common theme. That theme was
another variant of being at
work. Like the previous
night it was set in a TV
(and other consumer
electronics) repair
workshop. The colour scheme
marks it out as the same
company I used to work for,
but much of it, including
the people were
It seemed like a lot
went on in the dreams, but I
can only remember a few bits
with any clarity. It seemed
like we were in a new
premises, and much of it was
unfinished. There was some
bits of scrap cardboard on
my bench, as well a few
repairs. I went to find
where the recycling bin was
to dispose of the cardboard.
In the warehouse someone
just said to dump it in a
corner, and they would take
care of it later. I went
back to my bench and found
it was gone, and so were my
It seemed we were all
getting brand new benches.
At the the far end of the
the room, which was really
long, I found a chippie
(carpenter) sitting on the
floor trying to work out how
to assemble the first bench.
One oddity was that at that
end of the building the
windows, and the view
outside reminded me a lot of
the view from the lower
school part of my old
secondary school. I think
that is all I can write
about last night's dreams.
My last few hours of
sleep were not good at all.
I was stuck in a too hot and
too cold situation, and it
seemed like I was half awake
all the time so I could keep
adjusting the duvet. That
was one reason why I woke up
not feeling all that
good. Most of it was
another case of none and
every symptom: Or I can't
really describe any symptom
in any meaningful way. One
symptom I guess is simple to
describe - my right arm hurt
- but less simple to say
how. Later on I am sure it
was my right elbow as the
source of all the pain. I am
currently wearing an
elasticated support bandage
around my elbow, and it feel
generally comfortable now.
One possible symptom
is water retention for some
unknown reason. As I said
above, I hardly remember
going for a pee in the
night, and when I got up I
didn't seem to pee much,
although it was enough to
change mildly uncomfortable
to comfortable. Water
retention (and/or poo
retention - as is often the
case, I haven't pooed yet
this morning) might explain
why this morning my weight
is about the same as my
worst weight this year !
One generally
symptomless problem is my
blood glucose readings this
morning. They are not good !
The Contour meter read a bad
9.2mmol/l. The GlucoRX meter
was a bit better at
8.5mmol/l, but the Sinocare
meter roughly agreed with
the Contour meter. It read
an even more awful
9.6mmol/l. The only good
thing is that no reading
crossed the red line that
the hospital diabetic nurse
puts at 10.0mmol/l. The only
good news is my blood
pressure remains very good
at 106/47 on my first
reading this morning.
Today is yet another
day when I have no idea what
I am going to do - even less
idea than yesterday morning
! At the moment I can see a
blinding white patch of
cloud where the sun is
trying to burn through it.
That makes the day less
gloomy, and that inspires me
enough to want to have a
shower, and maybe wash my
hair this morning. That
means I could go out. There
is a sub microscopic chance
that I could be invited to
meet Angela today.
Today Angela goes to
hospital to hear the result
of her biopsy. I really hope
it turns out that it is not
a cancer, or if it is, it is
an easy one to treat with
excellent chances of a full
recovery. I had heard from
Angela this morning. She
just sent a simple message
to say she was feeling
scared. I really don't know
what to say in such
circumstances, but I seemed
to manage to say enough to
get a reply of "xxxx".
I also added that I
hoped she would have either
best, or at least good news
today so I could drink to
her health with some genuine
Greek beer - which with her
Greek roots I am sure she
would approve of. I sent her
a bigger version of the
picture above. The only
trouble with this beer is
that apart from the bits
that have to be written in
standard Euro forms
(strength and stuff) all the
information is written in
Greek, and I can't
understand a word of it. I
am not even sure that Angela
can fully read Greek because
he parents came to England
when she was only a toddler.
I mentioned yesterday
that I had started Sunday's
beer tasting session on my
own with a bottle of St
Bernardus Christmas Ale. I
didn't have a hand picture
of the bottle, but I did
fish the bottle out of the
waste, and soaked the label
off so it would photograph
better. All the speckling
towards the top of the label
is, I think, supposed to be
snow, but somehow the camera
is showing it almost as
glare. Anyway, on the right,
you can see it was 10%, and
it was rather delicious.