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4th October 2024
weather forecasters I check
got one important part of the
forecast very wrong. Both
predicted sunny spells, but
until about 5pm, when the
clouds seemed to evaporate
away, it was very dull. After
5pm we were treated to
glorious sunshine for the last
90 minutes until sunset. The
worst error was probably the
rain on a day when no rain was
forecast. It must have been
around 1pm when we had a light
shower followed by some
drizzle that lasted for about
half an hour. The afternoon
temperature was about 15° C,
which was as forecast.
The clear sky during the
evening allowed the
temperature to drop a lot.
This morning started at just
6° C. It was a bit cloudy at
first, but the cloud seems
to be breaking up, and maybe
today's forecast of sunny
spells will come true. In
fact, as I write these
words, the sun has just come
out. Whether they will
continue through to sunset
is anyone's guess, but it
looks nice for now. Today
the temperature should rise
to 16° C by 2pm. Tomorrow
should start a few degrees
higher than today, but it
may start a bit dull. If the
forecasts are right it could
end up sunnier than today,
and the temperature could
reach 17° C.
My hopes of
going out with a camera
yesterday were dashed by the
gloomy light outside. It
seemed cold and depressing
instead of the hoped for
cheery weather (even if it
would still be cool enough
to need a coat). I did go
out, but only as far as
One ongoing problem I
am having concerns my hot
water. The water pressure
lately seems to be on a
knife edge. The water from
the hot water tap of the
hand basin in the bathroom
is currently rather hot. The
water from the shower nozzle
would be too uncomfortable
at that temperature, but the
slight restriction of the
water going through the
shower hose and head causes
enough back pressure to
severely reduce the heating
in the water heater.
I really need
to adjust the thermostat on
the heater, but the last
time, a few weeks ago, that
I stupidly touched that, for
the first time in 10 to 15
years, started a leak from
the sealing gland around the
spindle from the mechanism.
If I had not touched it I
could control the
temperature by just
controlling the gas flow
into the heater. I have
feeling I will have to
change the setting again,
and that will make the leak
worse again (after a few
weeks the drip has fallen to
just once every 15 to 20
seconds as the limescale
around the spindle builds up
All that build up is
because I had a shower
yesterday morning, and it
was just tepid. Not
unpleasantly cold, but not
pleasantly warm. Oh well, I
got myself clean, and after
dressing I was ready to
venture out into the gloom,
and get some shopping from,
Tesco. I may have don a
slightly better job at
selecting more healthy food
this time, but not
completely. The reduced
price 4 pack of mini pork
pies was probably an idea I
should he resisted better.
I feel I must blame
the cold and dull weather
for making the walk to Tesco
mildly unpleasant. I don't
think I would have fared
well if I had tried to do
much more walking
yesterday....although, after
walking enough I sometimes
seem to free up the stiffest
joints and stuff. The walk
back from Tesco, carrying a
very heavy ruck sack on my
back, and medium heavy
shopping bag, felt like hard
work, and although neither
half of the walk invoked any
angina pains, I still felt
very uncomfortable, and I
was glad to get home.
The heaviest part of
the load was four x 2 litre
bottles of Diet Coke, and
the four cans of soup were
second heaviest. Everything
else was light by
comparison, at least
individually they were. I
did find one ready meal that
could be very healthy,
although I have yet to try
it. It was a salmon based
meal with some sort of
cheesy sauce and what looks
like a few chips or potato
wedges. It claims to be
under 300 calories, and has
only about 6gm of sugar in
it - if I remember it
My lunch was a fairly
healthy sort of meal. I had
bought a "simple side salad"
to go with a couple of Tesco
Finest scotch eggs that I
had in the fridge from the
last time I went shopping in
Tesco. They were possibly
past their use by date, but
not by much. Those and the
simple salad was not as
healthy as it could be after
I was very generous with
mayonnaise on the salad, and
hot chilli sauce on the
Scotch eggs.
Itw as while I was
preparing that lunch that I
saw it was raining. It was
only a passing shower, that
maybe lasted 5 or 10
minutes, but it was followed
by fine drizzle that may
have lasted another 20
minutes, although being so
fine it was not easy to see
when it actually stopped. I
only knew it was raining by
the way things outside were
getting wetter and wetter. I
could not actually see that
drizzle from indoors.
The rest of my
afternoon was a very lazy
time. I did contemplate
going out for maybe a short
walk, but it was like
contemplating holding a
finger in a candle flame -
something you most
definitely want to do ! I
ended up spending a lot of
time just reading, and while
reading I probably allowed
my eyes to close, and have a
snooze. Most of my memory of
the afternoon is a sort of
fuzzy blur, and I can't say
whether I did snooze or not.
I did stop for a
small snack, and it turned
to be an interesting one. I
have been looking at the
almost side by side display
of crisps bearing the Tesco
logo, and crisps bearing the
name Tesco use for their
very cheap stuff (that I
seem to have forgotten). The
packets have the same three
flavours, and seem to be of
identical size. While eating
two of six packs in the
bigger bag, I noticed that
each small bag was just
They seemed to
be the same size as the
crisps I said were 35gm a
few days ago, but now I
wonder if these cheap bags
(80p versus £1) do indeed
contain a lot less crisps.
If so then they actually
offer less value for money,
and it could be a deliberate
plan to swindle the buying
public. On the other hand,
it is only a matter of
pennies, and maybe a few
pennies is worth getting a
small bag that looks like
the bigger bag, and seems to
be just as nice, but
obviously has less of the
things in it that are bad
for me.
My dinner was
an interesting experiment.
It was based on just three,
from a pack of six,
Bratworst German style (or
possibly actually German)
sausages that I had with a
bag of tomato and basil
flavoured heat in the
microwave rice. The sausages
were nice, but not
fantastic, and they claimed
to only have 0.5gm of sugar
in per sausage. The rice was
also said to be low sugar,
but being a carbohydrate it
would be converted to sugar.
It seems that rice
may have been converted to
sugar in the gut (by enzyme
action) very quickly. I did
my first 9pm blood glucose
test, and actually recorded
it yesterday. I was using
the Vivachek meter, that I
am not sure is very
accurate. I sort of hope it
was very inaccurate because
it read a horrendous
11.5mmol/l ! As I say, I
actually recorded this
reading, but I then tried to
forget it until this
Last night was a
typical night, or typical
for the last few months or
more, I was in bed after
Star Trek: Voyager ( a
completely forgettable
episode), and I spent the
next hour or so reading in
the warmth of my bed. I
didn't seem to feel very
comfortable, and I didn't
think I would get to sleep
easily. If it wasn't for a
load of dreams I would not
have even realised I had
fallen asleep for a few
The dream seemed to
be about waking up to find
my bedroom to be different.
It seemed to have a light
curtain down the middle, and
on the other side was a
small bed that I realised
had my younger sister in it.
She woke up, and said "my
need is greater than yours"
and leapt out of bed to go
to the on-suit toilet
cubicle. I had to wait in
bed feeling like I was about
to burst before she
announced "all yours".
I think I woke up for
real then, and I am sure I
did go for a pee. I soon
fell asleep again, but a
couple of hours later I was
waking up again, and this
time it felt like I had bad
indigestion, I was also
feeling cold. I put the
heater back on low on my way
to the toilet. When I came
back I took a swig of
antacid liquid. I then sat
at my PC, feeling quite
chilly, as I waited for the
antacid to work. The ache
did go away, but I am not
sure if it was indigestion,
but I suppose it could have
been reflux.
I guess I was trying
to read news stuff on my PC
for as much as half an hour.
I almost fell asleep across
my keyboard twice before I
went back to bed. The
indigestion like pain had
gone, but it seemed to take
ages to get comfortable in
bed. With the heater on it
was starting to feel a bit
too warm under the duvet,
but still very cold without
it. I think I slept the rest
of the night with at least
an arm or a leg uncovered.
I don't think I slept
all that well in the latter
half of the night. I never
seemed to be perfectly
comfortable, and I am sure I
woke up a couple of times to
re-arrange my bedding and
pillows - and at least one
of those times I didn't get
up for a pee. I don't think
it was the usual thing of
getting cramps in a leg, but
this morning I woke up
almost at 6am on the dot,
and I almost leapt out of
bed. It was like it was a
warm summers morning about
20 or more years ago when I
could greet the new day with
enjoyment - which certainly
didn't apply this morning.
The first thing I did
was to go to the toilet (as
usual) and I had a good pee,
but no poo so far this
morning. When I got on the
scales I was delighted to
see I had lost about 100gm,
Now of course just 100gm is
almost just random noise. It
also must have been wrong.
After dishing out all my
morning and afternoon pills,
plus vitamins and such, I
went to the toilet again
hoping for that elusive poo,
but instead I had another
pee. The very strange thing
is that when I came back on
got on the scales again, I
expected to have lost (peed
out) another 100gm, but
instead it seemed I had
actually put on 100gm
compared to yesterday
morning. That is very weird,
and should be impossible !
After my terrible
late night blood glucose
test I was quite worried
what my morning tests would
be like. One was a slight
disappointment ! The Contour
meter read 7.5mmol/l, and
that was spot on my latest
target. The GlucoRX reading
was also in the right sort
of area, but a little higher
at 7.8mmol/l. The Sinocare
meter reading was only very
mildly disappointing at
8.1mmol/l, but on the
positive side that is still
well under my old target of
This morning my blood
pressure is a nice 105/48. I
have finally had my first
poo of the day (but I
suspect there will be
another before midday), and
the sun is now shining
nicely. I expect my bedroom,
and the front room
downstairs, will soon be
warming up nicely. it seems
I will definitely have to
make the effort to go out
for some of today. The plan
I have in mind is to go to
the northern end of the
Jubilee line at Stanmore.
Stanmore is one of
the edge stations of the
Freedom Pass area, and one I
didn't get around to
visiting when I was making
frequent trips to visit the
extremities of my Freedom
Pass. As of 5th June 2023 I
had only visited 26 out of
45 possible end points, and
so it is high time I added a
few more entries to my
spreadsheet. Maybe today
will be the day, but I can't
say it is until I have
actually done it. I intend
to be out long enough to
skip lunch, and what I hope
will happen is that I will
do a lot of short walks that
will add up to several
useful miles. My next big
decision concerns the route
I will take. The obvious
might be a train to Waterloo
East, and then go out the
end of the station that
connects to the Jubilee line
at Southwark, but that might
be boring. I think I might
go to London Bridge, and
change to Thameslink
train to West Hampstead.
From there it is a short
walk down the road (a minute
or two) to the Jubilee Line
station of the same name.
There is also the same named
North London Line, London
Overground station that I
might visit to get a few
snaps before I head for
home.....assuming I get out
in the first place !
2352 words today
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