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8th October 2024
There were more sunny spells,
and a lot less rain than
forecast for yesterday. Apart
from a moderately heavy shower
around midday, it was dry with
lots of sunny spells until
after dark. I think it was
something like 10pm before
there was any substantial
rain, and it may have
continued, with gaps, and
mostly light showers, all
through the night. The
temperature rose to about 17°
C, and that was quite nice
when combined with the
unexpected sunny spells.
When I opened the curtains,
at around 8am this morning,
the sun was shining even
though much of the sky
looked grey. The sun is
shining as I write this (at
9am), and it looks like some
of that grey cloud is
breaking up. I can see
several fairly large blue
areas of sky now. Sooner or
later we may get the
forecast light showers, but
for now it is nice and
bright. The forecast, as
shown in the screenshot
above, says there will be
thundery showers, but
unusually for the BBC, none
are shown. However the Met
Office s does show
thunderbolts for 8 and 9pm
tonight. Like yesterday, the
temperature should reach 17°
C again. Tomorrow is
currently predicted to be
dry, and quite dull, and it
will be a lot cooler with
only 15° C predicted. That
could feel rather cool with
no sunshine.
I made the
terrible mistake of
believing the early weather
forecast, and wrote
yesterday off. As noted in
the weather section at the
top of the page, it was
actually a fairly nice day,
and had I known I might have
forced myself to do
something useful.
I did do one useful
thing yesterday morning, and
it was to wash my hair, and
have a shower. I have to
admit I did feel a lot
better for it after not
washing my hair for maybe a
week, and not having a
shower for a day or two. The
only trouble, if it can be
put like that, is never took
advantage of being clean and
shining. I didn't go out,
and I saw no one. I didn't
even get the long meandering
phone call from sue that I
was expecting.
One thing I did do,
although I did not spend
long doing it, was to check
all my photos for the last
two years to see if I had
taken any pictures of
Underground trains. I didn't
think I had, but it was
worth checking. Early last
year I went to Southend
Victoria station, and that
meant getting a train from
Liverpool Street station. To
get there I took a
Metropolitan (or maybe
circle line) train from
Cannon Street tube station.
I was not using one of my
big DSLR cameras, and while
my Nikon P500 camera is very
good in good light, it could
not cope in the dim light of
the tube station, and I only
attempted to take one
picture of a train down
there, and it was just a
horrible blur because of a
very short shutter speed.
One thing I didn't do
yesterday was to practice
safe eating. My lunch was
just a can of soup, which
could have been OK, but it
was a can of Tesco's own
Cream Of Tomato Soup, and
the nutrition panel said it
had a rather high 10gm of
sugar in it (and I didn't
look very closely, and it is
possible that might have
been for half a can !). To
make matters worse, I added
a lot of croutons, and then
covered the whole lot with
ready grated cheddar cheese.
The sad thing is that while
it was nice, it was not the
pure ambrosia that I hoped
it would be.
I spent most of the
afternoon either reading a
book, or on my PC, and I
would say that most of the
time it was probably on my
PC. Some of it was the
checking for pictures of
tube trains, as mentioned
above. A little bit of it
was perusing Amazon for some
trinkets and toys. For some
not easily explained reason,
I have ordered a 10 inch
portable LCD TV. It may be a
bit more than just a TV. It
also had inputs for external
video from several types of
sources. It might possibly
make a nice big viewfinder
for a mini camcorder - in
the unlikely event I do any
video recording.
During the afternoon,
at about 3pm, I stopped for
a snack of rice crackers and
just for a change, quite
thinly sliced Red Leicester
cheese. I didn't want
to over do it because I knew
I had quite a big dinner
coming up in a few hours
time. It was the chicken,
potato, cauliflower, and
broccoli stew I had cooked
for the previous day. It was
quite nice - better than
expected. One reason I
didn't have it the night
before was because I was
worried it might be a bit
To help wash my
dinner down I had two bottle
of beer early in the
evening. The first bottle
was an Adnams "Old Ale", and
it was good, although
drinking it straight from
the fridge probably
made it too cold to allow
the best flavours out. I
followed that with a room
temperature bottle of
Hogsback OTA (aromas over
Tongham, and not arse over
tit). That 10% beer was,
once again, delicious. I can
foresee ordering another
dozen bottles when this lot
is finished.
I turned off the TV
at 8pm when Star Trek:
Voyager finished, It was
another pretty bad episode,
and not a patch on Star
Trek: Deep Space Nine. That
was one of the few classic
episodes, and it was about
the three main Ferengi
characters Quark, his
brother, and Nog, being
stranded on Earth back in
1947, and completely
ridiculing the American
army. Of course the three
character managed to
generate a time warp (or
something) and all returned
safely back to the 24th (or
whatever) century.
Soon after 8pm I was
reading in the warmth of my
bed. The plan was to be
asleep by about 9pm, but
that never happened. I felt
uncomfortable when I tried
to sleep, and there were
several ways I was
uncomfortable. One was just
the typical newly discovered
lumps in my pillow, and
newly discovered lumps in my
mattress. The more annoying
thing was a mild stomach
ache with lots of grumbling,
glooping, and other
unpleasant internal noises
from my gut.
I am unsure of the
cause that stomach upset. I
thought it might be building
up to some explosive
diarrhoea, but in the end it
just seemed to be wind. I
think it was a more
specialised clause of Sods
Law that I hardly farted at
all on the numerous times I
went to the toilet, but
often after getting back
from the toilet I would emit
a few "duvet lifters", and
they were most
aromatic.....to put it one
way. It may have been
after 11pm before I got to
sleep, and my gut didn't
trouble me a bit after that.
I think I slept OK
for the rest of the night.
Once again (and this is
getting an annoying habit) I
can remember having many
dreams, but I can't seem to
remember any of those
dreams. I do remember
getting up to pee 3 or 4
times in the night, but only
on one of those occasions
did I seem to take more than
a couple of minutes to get
to sleep again. The only bad
sleep was when I woke up
just a few minutes before
6am, and wanted to get at
least another half hour of
sleep. I sort of did, but I
find it hard to remember if
I was awake of asleep for
much of the next 30 to 40
I think the nest I
can say is that I think I
felt better when I got up
this morning than I did the
previous morning. I had one
more pee before I weighed
myself. I assumed after all
the bother the previous
night, I would be having a
big poo this morning, but so
far it has just been a very
small amount of wind passed.
No poo is unfortunate
because it makes it seem
that I put on a whole 300gm
yesterday. That is not a
lot, and maybe after all I
ate I should have expected
some weight increase, but a
good poo might have weighed
half or more of that
increase, and the increase
would not be too bad at all.
My blood glucose
readings this morning were 2
out of 3 ain't bad. The
Contour meter read a nice
7.7mmol/l, and the glucoRX
meter read an even better
7.1mmol/l. Once again the
Sinocare meter read high,
but this morning it wasn't
into the pink zone, but in
the neutral zone with a
reading of 8.2mmol/l. This
morning I did the readings
in reverse to see if that
made any difference. I also
drew a big bead of blood
when I pricked my thumb, and
i used that one big bead of
blood for all meters. It
didn't seem to make any
difference at all to my
usual way.
This morning my blood
pressure is very high (by
comparison with my normal),
and that was not surprising
after sneezing in the middle
of checking it. I had to
allow a few minutes for
things to stabilise before
checking again. This second
time it was very slightly
higher than my typical, but
108/45 is still very good,
and according to the scale
on the blood pressure meter,
still in the very best
"optimum" area.
As I write this we
have lost the earlier
sunshine, and the pavement
outside looks damp as if we
have just had a brief light
shower. I assume that
reality has caught up with
the forecast, and any ideas
of possibly going out for
"fun" have completely
evaporated now. I think I
will still go out to get
some shopping from Tesco,
but if I am lucky I can time
it to miss any
showers.....well maybe not
time it, but just rely on
nothing but luck. Of course,
having just said the sun has
gone in, it has now come out
again !
Some of today I will
probably pass sifting
through another couple of
years of photos to see if I
managed to take any decent
pictures of tube trains. I
can probably skip the Covid
lock down years, but I seem
to recall a few years
earlier I did go for a few
trips on the Underground to
pass a few empty days. When
I go even further back in
time I might find some older
train stock being used, and
I'll have to decide if I
will make a new spreadsheet,
or fit the pictures in the
current spreadsheet.
One bit of good news
from yesterday.... I thought
the medical profession had
just about forgotten my
existence, but maybe that is
only the cardiology
department. The diabetic
department haven't forgotten
me. Yesterday I got a letter
to say that my next
diabetic, retinopathy
screening is scheduled for
the 14th of next month.
There is a good chance that
a November day may be dull
and gloomy, and that is just
perfect for when my pupils
are dilated after the drops
they put in to make
photographing the back of
the inside of the eyeball
easier, and everything looks
ten times bright than it
should !
1922 words today
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