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7th October 2024
Yesterday was pretty grim. It
was either dull, or duller.
The only good thing, although
for me it was irrelevant, was
that it stayed dry until after
dark, and maybe beyond that. I
have to admit there were quite
a few times in the afternoon
when it did give every
appearance of about to rain,
but it stayed dry. The
temperature only reached 15°
C, and with not a single ray
of sunshine it felt like a
very cold 15° C.
Both the BBC (as in the
screenshot above) and The
Met Office predicted sunny
spells this morning. The BBC
probably came closer to
reality because at first it
was rather dull, and damp
looking, possibly from
overnight rain, but suddenly
the sun burst through, and
it hasn't stopped yet.At the
moment a lot of the sky is
blue, although there are
also some thin looking,
streaky clouds. Maybe this
sunshine might last a lot
longer than forecast. The
forecast actually predicts
light rain at midday, and
more form 2pm for 3 hours.
The temperature should climb
to 17° C, and while the sun
is out it should feel like a
nice day. Tomorrow could be
a wetter day than today.
Some sunny spells are shown
in the forecast, but there
is also a lot of rain shown.
Most of it is light, but the
evening may see heavier
rain. Once again the
temperature should rise as
high as 17° C.
The grim and
grey, and cold day
yesterday provided no
inspiration to do anything,
and I did come close to
doing nothing yesterday, but
"close to" is not the same
as nothing at all. The most
simple to describe, and one
thing that was definitely
hard work, was some laundry.
I had said I was
intending to wash my hair,
and have a shower yesterday.
I certainly needed to do
both, or at least I would
have had I had any notion
that I might go out or
receive any visitors, but
both seemed completely
unlikely. Apart from
cleaning my teeth, and my
hands, I didn't bother to
get anything else clean. I
must confess I was mildly
put off by the difficulty of
trying the get the water
temperature reasonable since
I moved the thermostat on
the water heater.
If it didn't
start to leak for a few
weeks every time it was
moved, I would fiddle with
the thermostat, and gas
pressure to get the water
temperature perfect.
Sometime soon I will have to
take the bull by the horns,
and adjust that thermostat
again. I'll just need to
leave a bucket under the
leaking gland until the
limescale plugs the leak
again. Maybe the urge to do
it will be enhanced by the
colder days coming soon.
I included so many
pictures in yesterday's
electronic diary (this thing
you are reading now), and
had so much to say about
them, plus starting to write
late, that it was only a few
minutes before midday before
I had finished the job. It
felt like lunchtime, and my
choice of lunch was a can of
Tesco's own brand chunky
vegetable and beef soup. I
think it was the first time
I had tried the beef
flavour, and it seemed quite
nice. It is also low
calories and has only about
1.5gm of sugar in it.
After lunch I laid on
my bed, and read for maybe
an hour. I possibly had a
snooze too. I don't
specifically remember having
a snooze, but it is still
highly likely I did. When I
decided I should be active
again I went down to the
kitchen where I washed up a
few things from the sink,
and started to prepare my
dinner. I first cleaned up
some small potatoes, and
then cooked them with a
couple of cut up chicken
breasts and some chicken
stock cubes.
Finally it was time
to do the laundry I had felt
would be a good idea to do,
and it definitely was a good
idea because I didn't
realise how much was in the
laundry basket. It may have
only been two t-shirts, and
pair of lounge pants, but
also 5 (or was it 6 ?) pairs
of underpants. It felt like
I had reached the full
capacity of the big buckets
I used for washing clothes
and stuff.
I felt really creaky
bending over the bath to do
the washing, and my chest
was giving strange pains
very near the top of my
sternum. I think it was
nothing sinister - just some
sort of muscular ache, but
still very annoying. By the
time it came to the third
rinse I wanted to take a
break. I would have toughed
it out, but fortunately I
was getting close to having
a pee with some urgency. I
needed to take off my rubber
gloves for that, and once I
had washed my hands my hands
were too damp to pull on the
rubber gloves, and I took a
15 minute break, possibly
After that break,
where I had sort of
fortified myself with a
naughty snack of very low
calorie puffed rice and just
enough salted caramel fudge
to hold the rice together
(and so fairly low sugar
too), I got back to rinsing
out the final rinse, and
doing the fabric
conditioner. There was only
just enough room for
everything on the clothes
horse without letting any
item touch any other item.
As usual I used the desk fan
to blow at the clothes to
help speed up the drying,
but it is quite cold in the
front room, and this morning
it still feels slightly
damp. I am hoping the
current sunshine will warm
the room a bit.
The next useful thing
I did was to complete the
preparations for my dinner.
I intended to add some
broccoli and cauliflower to
what was essential a chicken
and potato stew. What I
didn't realise was that the
bag of ready to use broccoli
and cauliflower had been in
the fridge so long that half
of it was unusable.
Fortunately there was plenty
of bits I could pick out the
bag that were still in good
condition. I added those,
and gave the stew another 10
minute blast in the
microwave. It was still a
bit early for dinner, but it
would only take a couple of
minutes to warm it up when
the time came.
When the time came I
decided I didn't want that
dinner for dinner, and I am
not sure why. It may have
been that it would have been
quite a big dinner, although
by no means huge. I made a
split second decision that I
would have two portions of
instant noodles for dinner.
That was quite a change, but
I did check that together
they had quite a low sugar
content, and also a semi low
calorie level.
I thought I would be
in bed early last night, but
I ended up watching an
episode of QI and of have I
Got New For You on "Dave". I
think that ended about 10pm,
and I then read in bed for
maybe half an hour before
turning over, and getting to
sleep very quickly. Apart
from waking up around 3am
with my left elbow aching
after I had slept with most
of my left arm uncovered, I
think I probably slept well
last night. I can remember
dreaming a fair bit, but I
can't quite remember what
the dreams were about.
I woke up just as I
was starting to get the
first feeling of cramp in my
right leg. That was at about
6.30am, and that seemed like
a suitable time to get up -
even if at that time it was
still dark outside. After a
pee, and a small poo, I
weighed myself. I didn't
really know what to expect,
but I hoped I had not put on
too much weight after eating
a bit more than I thought
might be good for me.
Unfortunately it seemed like
I put on 500gm yesterday. On
the other hand, I have just
come back from a visit to
the toilet, and what I just
dropped in the pan might
almost have accounted for
much of the 500gm.
My blood glucose
measurements were good, good
and bad. The Contour meter
read an ideal 7.3mmol/l, and
the GlucoRX meter was only a
tad higher at 7.4mmol/l.
Both readings slightly under
my latest target. The
Sinocare meter seems to be
going through a bad patch.
This morning it initially
said my reading was a
terrible 9.1mmol/l. I tried
again with a fresh test
strip, and blood from a
different finger, and this
time it read 8.7mmol/l. That
is still a lot higher than
the other two meters, but at
least is not a terrible
figure. The big question now
is whether the meter has
gone faulty, or if I am
using a bad batch of test
As usual (these days)
my blood pressure is a very
good 101/49. I'm not sure I
feel all that good though.
One problem may have just
mostly cured itself. I did
have a bit of a stomach
ache, and at east I know why
now, although I have an idea
it is not completely over. I
must say that this morning
sunshine is making me feel
good mentally, although it
is not feeling hot enough to
cure some assorted
stiffness, creakyness, and
other signs of aging bones,
muscles and joints.
I have feeling I know
what I will be doing for a
good few hours today. I had
a message yesterday evening
to say that Sue was going to
phone me today. Her calls
can last many hours, and
often straddle the line
between interesting and
boring. If there was any
good proof that this
sunshine might last a lot
longer I could be tempted to
go out for a bit - with the
other stipulation that I
feel confident this stomach
upset is now all over....and
as I write these very words
I have a feeling another
visit to the toilet is on
the cards ! 5 minutes
passes.......just back from
a run to the toilet !!
1696 words today
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