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16th October 2024
mist forecast for yesterday
morning didn't happen here,
although other parts of London
may have had it. Much of the
day was quite dull, although
there were some sunny spells
in the afternoon. The
temperature rose to about 17°
C, and it felt just mild
enough to open the bathroom
window for a few hours. Rain
was forecast for late evening,
but I didn't pay enough
attention to notice if it
happened or not.
There was definitely rain at
some time during the night.
It looks quite damp outside
at the moment, but it
doesn't seem to be raining.
However it is very dull
right now. This afternoon
should feature a lot of
sunny spells, and the
temperature should rise to a
rather good 20 to 21° C.
Heavy rain is forecast for
late tonight, although the
BBC and Met Office disagree
about the details. As Usual
the BBC have thrown in a few
thunderstorms that the Met
Office doesn't predict. Most
of the daylight hours
tomorrow should feature
sunny spells, and the
afternoon temperature should
rise to 18° C.
Yesterday was
yet another of those good
and bad day. The bad was
insufficient distractions
from eating too much. That
had had consequences, but
oddly enough it can't be
blamed on my outing to
Poundstretcher this time,
but more on stuff bought
from Aldi when I was there
last weekend.
One good thing about
yesterday was that after
risking another couple of
weeks of drips from my water
heater, I altered the
thermostat, and yesterday I
had a shower using hot
water, Maybe it was a tiny
bit hotter than I would say
is ideal, but it was far
from scalding. I think I
actually enjoyed that
shower. After I had finished
I put some laundry in to
soak in one of my big
builders buckets.
Incidentally, the dripping
from the heater thermostat
seems to be getting less
frequent more quickly than
last time.
Despite showering in
hot water I didn't seem to
need much time to cool off
before getting dressed to go
out. Maybe it was because I
hadn't washed my hair, and
so heated my head up with
hot water, and then the
hairdryer afterwards. I
remembered what it was I
specifically wanted from
Poundstretcher before I put
my coat on to go out. It was
some paper plates. Maybe
they are not ecologically
sound, but they can make
life so much easier at
My walk to
Poundstretcher started to
feel bad until I remembered
to force myself to breath
more deeply, and some
growing discomfort started
to fade away again. I
suppose that in Victorian
times this was known as
having a weak chest, and
indeed that does seem to be
what it is - except it is
more complex than that. I am
sure that if my blood
oxygenation is getting low,
and presumably my carbon
dioxide output getting less,
my body is supposed to auto
regulate, but it seems I
have to consciously do it a
lot these days.
I am happy to say
that Poundstretcher did have
paper plates in stock, and I
bought three lots in three
different colours. Sadly
there were no pale blue
plates, which I think are my
favourites, but I did get
some gold coloured plates
that look pretty even if the
gold serves no real purpose.
Other paper products bought
were two boxes of man sized
tissues. This has become
needed because it seems Aldi
still have not found any new
stocks of man sized tissues.
Poundstretcher were
selling twin boxes of
Kleenex tissues for £2.99,
and I am sure that is more
expensive than Aldi. It is
hard to make a comparison
because the Aldi boxes claim
to contain 100 sheets, but
the Kleenex boxes say only
90 sheets. To confound
things further the Kleenex
boxes weight about 10% more
than the Aldi boxes. Maybe
the individual Kleenex
sheets are thicker, possibly
three ply or something. I
did try a single sheet, and
maybe they do seem more
rubust, and last longer
before they start to
I probably bought
less food in Poundstretcher
this time. I bought no
instant noodles, and only
bought some reduced/no added
sugar biscuits. Much of the
weight in my rucksack was
stuff like bottles of bleach
and bottles of shampoo and
conditioner. I'm sure
there is something else
significant that I bought,
but I can't seem to recall
what it was......err,, it
has just come to me. I
bought a bottle of Thai
chilli sauce. It does seem
to have some sugar in it,
but it is just about hot
enough to be only used in
small to medium quantities.
For some reason, the
walk home from
Poundstretcher didn't seem
as bad as the walk there.
One notable difference was
that the extra weight of my
shopping was enough to make
me feel warmer. On top of
that, I think, but can't be
sure, that there was a sunny
spell as I walked home, and
that warmed me up further. I
was starting to feel sticky
when I got home. Cold always
makes my aches and pains
worse, and feeling warm
tends to almost stop them
I can't seem to
remember the order I did
them, but I did two things
after getting home. One was
to have a hot bowl of pea
and ham soup with added Thai
chilli sauce. It was very
pleasant, and too my mind
off more food for hours (at
least 2 of them !). The
other thing was to make an
order with Beers Of Europe
(dot com) for more beers. I
think I managed to find a
small selection beers that
Jodie may have never tried,
and many I have never tried
before (although my memory
for beers is far worse than
Jodie's). I also ordered a
few strong beers for myself,
including a few more barley
I think it was a
legacy of when Beers Of
Europe had some IT problems
the last time I tried to use
them. They would not accept
my password, and seemed
unable to send any emails to
do a password reset, or even
acknowledge my order was
accepted. The first I knew
it was accepted was when the
couriers notified me they
had my box of beers and were
due to deliver it the next
day. I suspect their
database was corrupted, and
was reporting something my
credit card company didn't
like. When I used my other
credit card, and put in all
the details afresh, it was
accepted OK. I was hoping to
hear from the couriers last
night, to say the beers
would be delivered today It
was supposed to be delivered
"the next working day".
Maybe it will still come
today, or maybe it will be
delivered tomorrow.
I found it hard to
raise the enthusiasm to get
back to the laundry I had
left soaking, but when I did
it could only have been a
few hours after putting it
in to soak because the soapy
water was still slightly
warm. I must admit it did
seem I had started soaking
quite an unusual amount of
stuff to wash. It was only
when I was hanging it up to
dry that I realised it was
just one single t-shirt, and
9 pairs of underpants !
The only other thing
I did yesterday was to do a
bit of washing up, and some
cooking. My dinner was going
to be very simple. It was to
be grilled skinless and
boneless chicken seasoned
with any spices and herb to
hand, plus a good squirt of
the Thai chilli sauce. The
latter was possibly a waste
of time because although it
left a red stain on the the
chicken, it didn't seem to
contribute much flavour or
To go with the meat I
cleaned and boiled some baby
potatoes. I have been trying
to use them up for some time
after the last bag I had was
so old that the potatoes
started to sprout. It meant
that I cleaned and cooked
rather more potatoes than
was ideal for me. Just
before 5.30pm I put the
cooked potatoes and chicken
on a plate, and put them all
in the microwave to get them
all nice and hot. After
microwaving the meal I added
some mayonnaise, and even
some low sugar tomato
I have to admit
that it was quite
disappointing, although
quite filling....in a
way. It may have been
that all the Star Treks I
saw failed to hold my
attention, and I got tempted
to have some biscuits and
some crisp not too long
after I had finished eating
my dinner. It may not
have helped that I had also
drunk two small cans and one
big cans of moderate
strength beer.
By the time I
tried to get to sleep, not
long after 9pm because QI
also failed to hold my
attention when it started at
9pm, I had moderate
heartburn. It was then to go
through the boring routine
of taking antacids, sitting
on the toilet hoping
something might happen, and
reading stuff off the
internet until I found my
eyes closing as I tried to
read. One thing that helped
was turning the heater on
low, or rather not turning
it off when I turned the TV
off. On my second attempt
for sleep it was warm enough
not to need to shiver under
the duvet.
Once asleep I seemed
to sleep quite well,
although I think I did a lot
of dreaming. One dream was
easy to remember because it
was highly erotic. It
concerned someone I
recognised as being a
teacher from the school
where a friend worked -
except as a teacher she wore
a sort of invisible cloak
that made her seem very
unattractive. Freed from the
straits of school life she
came across as very sexy.
The wonderful thing about
the dream was that all the
boring stuff, chatting up,
and the rest of "the chase"
was in the past, and I dived
straight into the "dirty
stuff" (as some might have
it). It was such a
refreshing change to usual
erotic dreams where I
usually wake up just as the
good stuff starts !
The only other
notable thing about my sleep
was not so much the three
times I had to get up to
pee, but the seemingly large
quantity of each pee.
Whether it was a lot I
really don't know. It could
indicate a high blood
glucose level. Sometimes it
doesn't but it seems this
time it did. (I was hoping
it was just because I had
drunk 3 cans of beer in the
My Contour blood
glucose meter read
8.3mmol/l. That was higher
than the last few days, but
isn't all that high, and
less than my old target of
8.5mmol/l. The GlucoRX meter
read 8.5mmol/l. That was the
exact figure of my old
target (set during a period
of time when I was
consistently getting higher
levels). The Sinocare meter
was the one that rubbed salt
into the wound with a
reading of 9.0mmol/l,
although that is only just
in the first low danger zone
by the skin of it's teeth.
The main negative
affect of all I ate
yesterday was that I seemed
to have gone back to an
earlier time when I weighed
more. Somehow I had a sort
of manic belief that my
recent drop of weight was
too good to true to last,
but maybe that is long time
training after watching my
weight bob up and down like
a man drowning at sea.
My day is very open
ended today. My original
thought, based on
yesterday's weather forecast
for heavy rain today, which
turned out not to be true,
although it does seem that
it could still be very
gloomy, was that it was no
point going to the pub this
lunchtime - particularly
when my favourite bar maid
is on holiday again (if I
have my dates right.
It may be far better to stay
n, stay warm, and a bit
bored. I am contemplating
the idea of going to an open
mic night in Bromley
tonight. I probably won't
go, but it is a possible
2052 words today
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