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24th October 2024
Yesterday started
with mist, but by about 10am the
mist lifted, and the sun came out.
Unfortunately, as soon as it saw
it was exposed, it spent the rest
of the day mostly hiding behind
clouds. Some of those clouds were
big and dark, but I don't think
any rain fell. By early afternoon
the temperature reached 16° C but
with no sunshine it still felt
cold. By 10pm the temperature had
fallen to just 11° C, and we had a
chilly night.
my reckoning, it was just a
bit under 9° C at the start
of the morning, and that was
thanks to the sky being
clear. We now have glorious
sunshine, and it is possible
it might stay this way until
sunset. Sadly it will only
raise the temperature to 16°
C, but it should reach that
by 1pm. It could feel quite
warm in direct sunshine, and
all that sunshine should
warm my front, south facing,
rooms up a treat ! Sadly
tomorrow may start with
mist, and after that some
rain can be expected.
However the temperature may
reach 17° C, but with the
possibility of rain instead
of sunshine it will probably
feel rotten again.
Yesterday had
it's moment, but it was not
a very good day. It wasn't
actually bad, but it seemed
very bland, and there was no
"natural" things to do -
just stuff I almost made up
on the spur of the moment to
stop me feeling too
bored...and hungry !
One thing I did do
was to wash my hair and have
a shower in case I did need
to go out. In the end I
didn't go out. I decided I
couldn't be bothered to go
to the pub at lunchtime if
my favourite barmaid was not
there, and besides which, I
had dawdled so much in the
morning that I barely had
time to dress after my
shower, and get to the
station in time. It just
seemed easier not to bother
going out.
One positive thing of
having a shower was that
once I had finished I
thought I may as well leave
the hot water running
(actually a bit hotter than
I had showered under) and
put some laundry in to soak.
Finishing that laundry would
be a job for later in the
afternoon. What I did once I
was dry and dressed was to
prepare some lunch. It was
nothing extravagant - just
the second pair of now past
their use by date, Scotch
eggs I had found on the
reduced price shelf in
Maybe an hour or so
later I did "top up" lunch
with a smallish quantity of
Bombay Potato flavoured
crisps. Such a flavour
dictated they had to be
bought, and tried - even if,
as expected, they turned out
to be just s a sort of vague
spicy flavour crisps that
didn't tast at all like
Bombay potato. I can't even
say they tasted different
and yet still delicious. I
would only go as far as to
say they tasted
"interesting", but not so
good that I have any desire
to buy another packet. I
don't think "Indian"
flavours translate well to
When I went back to
my laundry I found I was not
enthused to do it, and that
made it seem like hard work.
In a way I was fortunate
that I needed to go to the
toilet just as I was about
to start the fabric
conditioner. That gave me
the perfect excuse to take
the rubber gloves off, have
my pee, wash my hands, and
then be lazy for 30 to 60
minutes before finishing the
wash. It was one pair of
long lounge pants and 5
pairs of underpants (or was
it 6 ?). One again there
were no t-shirts because I
have mainly been using one
t-shirt to go out shopping,
and so probably less than an
hours wear, and a smelly old
t-shirt for private indoor
use. I guess the one I have
only really used for
shopping probably is due for
a wash very soon.
My next diversion
from reality was to edit a
couple of TV recordings. One
was an episode of The
Simpsons. Removing the
adverts, and the stuff
before and after didn't take
long, and I ended up with
about 24 minutes left from a
30 minute programme. Sadly
the end was completely
mutilated by Channel 4 doing
promos and voice-overs all
over the end credits. If I
was the producer I would sue
them for mutilating my
The other recording I
edited was the film I
mentioned recently, The
First Man In Space". it was
sort of interesting to
reviews small bit of the
film now I know it was
actually an Anglo-American
production, and that the
majority of what started out
looking like a very shouty
American film was mostly
shot near just outside
London, and after the
initial shots taken in the
USA, all the shoutiness was
turned down to be more
appealing to more
sophisticated English
I had done all the
editing, and was just about
to save it to my archive
hard disk when my phone
rang. It was my friend
Keith, and he is another one
who likes his long phone
calls (it was nearly 2
hours). His news was that he
had had three operations to
cure two hernias, and now
faces another because
apparently his testicles are
still enlarged and dangling
down too far to be
His operations mean
he is forbidden to lift
anything heavy. Once upon a
time he would be gung-ho,
and said the doctors must be
lying, and ignore them.
Maybe he has had some
experience of the result of
not following the
doctors/surgeons advice, and
now takes it very seriously.
It seems quite unusual for
him to take orders from
anyone after making his own
rules for so much of his
I hurried our
conversation along a bit
when it became boring. He is
a mine of trivial
information about mobiles
phones, their masts, and
their operators. Oh well,
everyone to their own, but I
don't have to listen to it !
By the time we had hung up
it was after my usual dinner
time, and I had nothing
prepared. On the other hand
I had little I could have
prepared. I did have some
chicken I could cook, but I
didn't fancy that. Anyway, I
still had to save the edit
of the film, and copy it
from one back up hard disk
to the other.
With the film
securely saved I could think
about dinner, and I opted to
start with a can of pea and
ham soup with added
croutons. If that was the
starter, the main course was
interesting. It was a small
and slightly nasty apple,
and bigger and tastier apple
and a large Tesco orange.
The latter I microwaved for
60 seconds in the hope it
might make it easier to
peel, and remove more of the
pith. I think that almost
worked, but the next orange
I might put in a container,
in case it explodes, and
give it 2 minutes.
As I have begun to
realise, some fruit can be
almost satisfying, and two
apples plus one large
orange, and a chunk of
cheese could have been
satisfying enough without
the can of soup. I am
wondering if I can be
satisfied with nothing but
fruit this evening after
consuming lots of beer.
Maybe I'll end up soaking
some of the beer up with
some crisps...or maybe
something different.
Star Trek: Deep Space
Nine, and Star Trek: Voyager
were both lousy episodes,
but I watched most of them
before retreating to bed to
read. I did try and get to
sleep after 9pm. I seemed to
almost feel comfortable for
a change, but I found I just
did not seem to feel sleepy.
Like the night before, it
was almost 11pm before I
fell asleep. I mostly seemed
to sleep OK, but like most
night now I ended up turning
the heater on low the first
time I woke up for a pee. It
felt quite chilly when I
went back to bed.
I had the most
peculiar dream last night,
and there were several
repeats of basically the
same thing, and then an
"extended mix" of it. The
most peculiar thing was that
I was not sure what it was
about. It seemed I just had
to learn the mantra "Windows
open up, and doors close
down". I didn't know if I
was learning this for some
sort of video game, or even
if I was learning it as part
of becoming a building
designer or something.
I can't seem to
remember actually seeing any
door or windows. In fact I
can't seem to remember
seeing anything at all, but
I definitely heard it, and
repeated it. That changed
when there was a strange
addition to the dream later
in the night. It involved a
can of Ravioli, and it
needed to be opened with a
key. So was added, "and a
key is needed for Ravioli".
I did did visualise a can of
Ravioli, but it seemed to
need an ordinary can opener,
and not a key. Somehow it
was all sort of suggestive
of some sort of video game,
but I don't play video
I suppose it is no
more than a cliché now, but
once again I feel sort of
OK-ish this morning,
although I could find lots
of little aches and pains to
moan about if I tried. Maybe
the warm sunshine on my
right shoulder give me a
more positive attitude.
Another positive thing is
that after my early morning
wee, and again, a poo at the
same time, my weight seems
to have dropped by 700grams
after my special diet
That diet, despite
some reservations, including
a blood glucose measurement
of a massive 13.7mmol/l
about half an hour after
dinner, has left me with
quite reasonable, maybe even
good, blood glucose
measurements this morning
(although once again I did
one twice because the first
time it seemed so much
higher than the other two
readings). The Contour
meter, and the GlucoRX meter
read 7.7mmol/l. That is very
good, but I was hoping it
might be lower. The Sinocare
went back to being the odd
one out, and the first
reading was over 9, but the
second reading was
8.4mmol/l. By itself that is
in an OK sort of area, but
so much higher that the
other two readings.
It may be because I
have turned the heating off
and it is feeling a bit cool
while I wait for the
sunshine to warm my bedroom
up, and it may be because I
am rushing to get all this
typed, and should have
rested a bit before checking
my blood pressure. It has
gone up a tiny, and to be
honest, insignificant
amount. On the second
attempt it was 110/46.
Nearly all people who have
been diagnosed with
hypertension would be really
proud of that figure, but I
can usually manage to get
the systolic pressure down
to around a current average
of 105mmHg, and so 110mmHg
is a bit higher, but it is
still well inside the area
that the meter says is
"Optimum" (or even better
than "normal").
Just to make a change
I have some definite plans
for today. I want to wash my
hair and have a shower
before doing anything else.
Once I am dry and dressed I
would like to go to the
little supermarket on
Catford Bridge to buy some
of their
much-nicer-than-Tesco fruit,
and probably some more
instant noodles, and
hopefully some sugar free
biscuits. Later this
afternoon I should be seeing
Jodie and Michael for a beer
drinking session.
1977 words today
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