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26th October 2024
Yesterday was
generally very dull, and at times
there was some drizzle, and
possibly rain too. With no
sunshine the maximum temperature
of 17° C felt cool, almost cold.
Both the BBC (screenshot
above) and The Met Office
forecast mist of fog for
this morning, and The met
Office saying it would not
lift until 1pm ! In reality
it has been perfectly clear
since first light. It does
look damp outside, and maybe
there has been some very
fine drizzle. The forecast
says there could be both
drizzle and light rain until
this afternoon. Incidently,
the latest update to the Met
Office forecast now has mist
shown right through until
10pm this evening. If I
squint a bit I can just make
out a very slight haze in
the far distance ! The
highest temperature today,
agreed on by both
forecasters, will be just
15° C, and with no sunshine
that is going to feel quite
chilly. Tomorrow could
feature clear blue skies
with non stop sunshine, but
it will only raise the
temperature to 14° C
outdoors, but it could raise
the temperature to quite
comfortable behind the glass
in my front room windows.
The great
achievement yesterday was
finishing washing a fairly
large bath towel. I had left
it soaking after having a
shower the day before
yesterday. I finally
finished it, and hung it up
to dry, a bit later than 3pm
yesterday. The rest of
yesterday is mostly about
Yesterday's breakfast
was two small, 50gm, packets
of instant noodles. They
were made in Pakistan by
Knorr, and weren't too bad,
but there are plenty that
are better, and I doubt I
will buy any more of
them.....unless heavily
discounted to clear ! The
rest of the morning was
quite slow and very lazy. I
read some and I might have
had a snooze.
My lunch was just
fruit, but quite a lot of
it, although I didn't have
any cheese with it to
improve the flavour. I had
the last sweet and sticky
Persimmon, a red apple, and
a large orange. The red
apple and the large orange
were from the mini
supermarket on Catford
Bridge. The orange was very
nice, although I have had
nicer. The red apple was a
bit disappointing. It was
head and shoulders above the
terrible apples I bought
from Aldi, but not nice
enough to say it was very
As I tried to
convince myself to go and
finish washing the semi
large bath towel, I had a
tasty snack of rice crackers
and cream cheese. Finally I
went into the bathroom, put
on rubber gloves and started
with the horrible chore of
lifting the towel out the
ice cold, almost slimy
feeling, detergent, and
wringing it out. From then
on it was hot water for all
10 or 11 rinses. I have to
confess that after 5 rinses
I had a break, and nearly
didn't go back to finish the
job afterwards.
That is all the
actual physical work I did
yesterday, but I did do a
few other things that were
important. I paid off both
off my credit cards. Both
were a bit expensive this
time, but nothing to worry
about. The only sort of
worry was getting an email
just as I logged off one
bank. It warned of dire
retribution if I didn't pay
off the minimum payment by
the 1st of November.
Evidently, at least I hope
evidently, we had done the
equivalent of letter
crossing in the post. On
Monday, if I remember, I
will check to make sure the
payment did go through.
With (hopefully) both
credit cards zeroed it
seemed like a good time to
spend more ! As I said
I might do, I went on to
Amazon, and looked at blood
glucose meters. I was hoping
for a decently priced
European blood glucose meter
that was different to the
two I already had (as
provided by the diabetic
nurse over the years). The
only one I could see was
£61, and I thought that a
little high for my purposes.
However I did see another
Chinese brand that seemed to
look a bit different.
That blood glucose
meter had a nice big LED
display, and was only
£16.99. That is the sort of
price that seems reasonable
for an experiment. I want to
see how it's reading
compares with my other blood
glucose meters. On the
whole, although not every
time, my two European meters
tend to roughly agree with
each other, and the two
Chinese meters agree with
each other, but do not agree
with the European meters.
It is possible that
sooner or later the diabetic
nurse will say my current
"official" meter is now
getting too old, and will
provide me with a new meter.
It won't exactly be a free
prescription, but the makers
provide free samples because
they know that can make the
cost back by selling
inflated price test strips
for them. Another thing I
ordered yesterday was more
test strips for what may end
up as obsolete if the new
meter agrees with the
European meters better. It
is the sometimes right, and
sometimes wrong, Sinocare
There was one other
thing I ordered that I have
been thinking about for some
time. It is a potato storage
container. I'm not sure if
it will be that useful
because I do tend to eat
potatoes so slowly that the
best place to keep them is
in the dark of the bottom of
the fridge. That seems to
even stop them sprouting
when stored for weeks on
end. At least the new
storage container is
basically light proof, and
that should make potatoes
last a fair time. Just 15
minutes ago I got a
notification it has been
despatched via Royal Mail.
The estimated delivery is
November 6th. I am sure it
won't take that long to
arrive unless it is being
sent from the Outer Hebrides
I did my best to have
a dinner that was like most
of the food I had eaten
during the day of being
fairly low calorie and low
sugar. it was just two cans
of soup. One was pea and
ham, and the other was
chunky vegetables and lamb.
Both cans reported a low
sugar content, and fairly
low calories content. Both
were fortified with chilli
sauce. I was quite tempted
to have some sort of
dessert, but I somehow
resisted the idea.
As usual, I ate
dinner while watching some
TV, but soon after 8pm I was
heading to bed to read. I
didn't think I read for all
that long, but the last time
I saw on the clock before
falling asleep fairly fast,
was 9.40pm. I didn't seem to
suffer from any indigestion,
and last night the bed
seemed comfortable. I had
turned off any heating soon
after I had finished eating.
The added chilli sauce
seemed to keep me feeling
hot enough to feel sticky
under the duvet. By 1am the
effect had worn off,
although bits of the duvet
and pillow felt damp. It was
time to put the heater on
I seemed to mostly
sleep well last night. I
didn't seem to get up to pee
more than a couple of times,
and each pee seemed quite
small. It seemed to suggest
my blood glucose was quite
low last night - which was
the plan when I was eating.
I can't describe what my
dreams were about, but they
seemed nice. The only think
I can really say about them
is that each seemed to
follow logically from the
last, and yet there were
very frequent changes of
location. I can't say if
this is actually true, but I
am sure there was one
occasion when I stepped
outside a door for some
reason, and when I turned
around, and went back in,
the room, or scene, or
whatever, was completely
different, and yet it seems
the storyline, whatever that
was, continued seamlessly.
My sleep seemed so
easy that I went for the
maximum, and didn't get up
until almost 8am. It seems
like it was the longest
sleep I have had in ages. I
am not sure I feel better
for it - particularly after
weighing myself after going
to the toilet. I thought I
had eaten quite carefully,
and yet I seemed to have put
on even more weight.
Fortunately, after I had
dished my pills out for this
morning, and this afternoon,
I went back to the toilet,
had another poo, and a bit
more wee. That reset my
weight to exactly what it
was yesterday morning.
My careful eating (or
so I kidded myself) did seem
to reflect in my blood
glucose measurements this
morning. This morning's
average was a little lower
than yesterday's. The
Contour meter read
7.7mmol/l, and that was
pretty good. The GlucoRX
meter read a rather
magnificent 7.0mmol/l. As
Usual, the Chinese meters
read higher, although not by
a lot. Both the Sinocare and
the Vivachek meter read
8.1mmol/l (although one of
them only read that on a
second attempt). That is not
a bad reading, and not a lot
higher than the Contour
meters 7.7mmol/l.
One thing I must do
today, although it could
easily be midday before it
happens, is to wash my hair
and have a shower. I
intended to do both
yesterday, but by the time I
had finished hand washing
the semi big bath towel, and
the bath was free, it was
gone 3pm, and it just didn't
seem worth it. There is no
great reason to do it today.
It is highly unlikely I will
be seeing anyone, but it is
possible I might go to
Poundland, and at the same
time see if any work had
started on the now closed
Wetherspoons pub in Catford.
I meant to do that yesterday
as well. Whether I do it
today, on anther very dull
and damp day, is anyone's
guess !
1671 words today
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