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30th October 2024
Yesterday started
damp after some (probable) light
rain before sunrise, but the rest
of the day was dry. It was sadly a
rather dull day. The sun did break
through the cloud mid morning, and
we had a few short sunny spells,
but after that it was just a grey
day, albeit often light grey. The
temperature managed to rise to
about 15° C, but it still felt
Yesterday's forecast for
today said the day may start
with sunny spells, but the
reality is that it is grey
morning, and the latest
forecasts says it will stay
that way all day, a;though
the Met Office forecast
still says there should be
sunny spells from 9am (now
!) until 3pm. From the look
of the sky, which has the
colour of dense grey lino,
that seems highly unlikely
(but fingers crossed !). The
afternoon temperature should
reach 15° C, and with no
supporting sunshine it will
probably feel quite chilly.
The very early hours of
tomorrow may feature mist,
and by 6am it could be thick
enough to be called fog. It
won't disperse until 10am
when we should have sunny
spells until sunset. The Met
Office says no mist or fog,
but does admit to the last
few hours of the morning
having sunny spells. From
midday they say thick, dark
grey clouds for the rest of
the day. The temperature
tomorrow could rise to 15°
C, and if The met Office
turns out to be closer to
reality, 16° C.
Yesterday was one of
those days when not a lot
happened, and the day ended
badly. Once I had finished
writing, and having a short
rest, I did the most
important job of the day -
to finish washing a couple
of t-shorts and some
underpants that I had left
soaking in detergent the day
The day before
yesterday I was feeling off
colour in ways that I cannot
easily define - some mild
aches and pains, but mostly
just a feeling of lack of
energy, and a lack of desire
to force myself to do much.
Yesterday I seemed to feel
far better, and "back to
normal", whatever that is,
seemed to be how I felt.
Finishing the laundry I had
ignored the day before
seemed far easier than
expected, and I finished the
job without taking any
Much later in the
late afternoon, maybe even
very early evening, I did
some repairs to my patch
over the split in the bottom
of the bathtub. The big
patch cut from a rubber
glove still seemed water
tight, but the protective
duct tape over it seemed to
have a water soluble glue -
which is useless for duct
tape. I very easily pealed
off any bits that were not
already flapping about, and
then carefully cleaned and
dried the area. The duct
tape I used was bright
orange, and that be a bit
bright, but I think/hope it
may use a more water
repellent adhesive.
One delay it
repairing that patch was
because until recently I
seemed to get chest pains
when bent over the bath
tube, to reach the bottom.
Yesterday I had no such
pains. I can almost believe
something has changed for
the better, but quite what
is a mystery. It will be
interesting to see if I feel
any different, in a better
direction, when I walk to
the station to go go out for
my usual (but not the last
couple of weeks) lunchtime
Guinness in The Jolly
Farmers. I heard from Kevin
yesterday, and he expects to
join me today.
One of the things I
wanted to do yesterday was
to eat in such a way that
maybe I could lose a little
bit of weight, and also get
lower blood glucose readings
this morning. Somehow it
actually worked - a teeny,
tiny bit. I thought I would
fall at the first hurdle
when my lunch, and a mid
afternoon snack, was a few
wholemeal rolls. Lunch was
two cheese and onion rolls,
and the snack was two
pastrami and mustard rolls.
The cheese and onion was
more tasty, but the pastrami
did not leave a lingering
onion taste in my mouth, and
that was part of the reason
for having that later snack
- to stop the lingering
onion taste.
I kept my dinner very
simple, and I think it might
have even been smaller than
I might have chosen if I had
made it myself. It was a
small tub of Tesco, ready to
eat, roasted chicken thighs.
I zapped them in the
microwave for about 3
minutes, so they were nice
and warm and the grease was
running freely. They were
almost as tasty as I hoped
for, but only after a
sprinkle of hot pepper
sauce. I did have some no
sugar vanilla wafers after
as a dessert.
The only problem is
that greasy chicken, and
with only the wafers to
slightly soak up the grease,
would eventually give me
terrible heartburn. I was
stone cold sober, but last
night seems very hazy in my
memory. I think I tried for
sleep at about 9pm, and I
think I did fall
asleep for as much as a
couple of hours. It was when
I woke up that I had the
terrible heartburn, and the
acid reflux seeming to come
up high enough to only just
miss burning my throat.
It is probably that
it was affecting me before I
woke up, and maybe I kicked
the duvet aside, and managed
to chill a few bits of me
(the heating was off at this
time), or it was something
else, but I most definitely
hurt in several places. The
worst was my right elbow,
and to a lesser extent my
right wrist. I put support
bandages on both while also
taking antacids, and
paracetamol tablets. Not
only was the top end of my
digestive system
complaining, but the other
end gave hints that some
action may take place there
as well.
The lower end never
did do anything, but it
still involved sitting on
the toilet in a cold
bathroom for several chilly
visits. It is possible that
once some of the worst had
settled down a bit, I may
have managed to get a few
short sleeps, but
essentially I didn't get any
proper sleep until about
3am. Even then I woke up
several times, and each time
I went for a pee, but it
seemed like I did not pee
much, in terms of volume,
all night.
After thinking I had
not peed much in the night I
expected not to see any
weight loss this morning,
and probably quite the
opposite. I slept right
through to 8am before I got
up, and then I did one of
the bigger pees of the
night, and I also did a
medium sized poo. When I got
on the scales I was
delighted to see that I had
lost a whole 100gm compared
to yesterday, and I am now
back down to what seems to
be a barrier I can rarely
I thought that maybe
the seemed lack of pee might
suggest my blood glucose
might be nice and low this
morning. It was lower, but
only by the thinnest
margins. The Contour mete
read 8.3mmol/l, and at least
that was less than my old
target of 8.5mmol/l (I am
aiming for 7.5mmol/l
currently). The GlucoRX
meter read 8.6mmol/l, or
just over the old target.
The Sinocare meter read
8.4mmol/l. I tried the new
Exactive meter again this
morning, and it seemed to be
almost following the trend
with a reading of 8.7mmol/l.
That meter does not feature
in my average for the day
which was 8.43mmol/l.
Yesterday that average was
very slightly higher at
8.53mmol/l. Knowing how all
these meters rarely agree
except in the broadest of
terms, I guess that small
difference is actually
meaningless, but at least it
looks like it is lower.....
This morning I will
definitely need to have a
good shower, and to wash my
hair after doing neither
yesterday, and I think I'll
have a wet shave too - even
if there is no one to kiss !
After that, and some time to
cool off, I shall go out to
the station to make my way,
via Ladywell station, and a
small bit of train spotting,
to the pub where I should be
joined by Kevin. I have no
reason to think that today;s
walking will be any better
than last time, but I do
have a crazy idea that it
might be. Maybe I'll be
comfortable walking all the
way until I go over the
footbridge, and that last
effort brings on some angina
One possible reason
for the walk being easier,
or involve less angina pain
was that my blood pressure
seemed to be higher this
morning. That was only
because I just slammed the
pressure cuff on and hit the
start button with no
preparation. That gave a
quite high (but still safe)
reading. After leaving it
for a minute or two, and
taking a couple of deep
breaths to relax myself, the
second reading far far
better, down from "high
normal" to "optimum" at
1544 words today
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