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29th October 2024
Yesterday was usually
dull, although some times it was
very dull, and it was often damp.
No rainfall was shown on the
forecast until 10pm, but there
seemed to be fine drizzle for most
of the afternoon. The temperature
still rose to 16° C, but with no
sunshine it meant I had the
heating on, albeit just on low,
for much of the day.
This morning has started off
looking very wet, but it
doesn't seem to be raining
now, and maybe not for a few
hours. The forecast shows
the rest of the day as being
dry with just light cloud.
It may be just medium grey,
but that cloud looks like a
complete blanket across the
sky at the the moment. Today
should reach 15° C, and it
looks like I will be burning
kilowatts of electricity
again. Tomorrow may start
with sunny spells, but the
forecast says they will
finish at around 1pm, but it
should stay dry for the rest
of the day. The temperature
should peak the same as
today at 15° C.
I did not feel good
yesterday, and I am not sure
why. The symptoms were quite
vague, but maybe a bit
similar to something like an
extremely mild 'flu. I know
that Angela has been
suffering from her cancer
treatment, and as woo woo as
it sounds, I can almost
believe that most of my bad
feelings were just long
distance empathy with
After the usual
writing, and then a rest,
yesterday morning, I had a
shower. That didn't help me
much because the water
started to run very cool
soon after my shower
started, and I was too wet
to get out and adjust the
water temperature. In the
end I didn't exactly wash at
all, and just had to be
satisfied with a quick rinse
! Afterwards I made sure the
water was nice and hot, too
hot for a comfortable
shower, and put some laundry
in to soak.
With some deodorant
spray, a clean t-shirt and
clean underwear, I felt
clean enough to go shopping
(although not really clean
enough in the highly
unlikely event I would be
getting even mildly intimate
with a close female friend).
I made sure I wrapped up
warm, or at least did my
coat up (one of the slightly
thicker coats) before I
walked to Tesco. I felt a
bit rotten when walking to
Tesco. I still managed to
keep a fair pace up, and the
peculiar thing is that none
of my aches and pains was
anything to do with angina,
or any of the usual aches
and pains.
I had a fair idea of
what I wanted in Tesco. Two
litre bottles of Diet Coke
was probably the top of my
list, and maybe cans of soup
the next thing down. I also
wanted to top up my instant
noodles stocks. One slight
oddity was a strong desire
for some ready cooked
chicken. I could just
imagine chomping on some
greasy chicken thighs for my
dinner in the evening. I
actually got a small tub of
chicken thighs, and a small
tub of spicy wings. I have
yet to open them.
That list almost all
I bought from Tesco, but I
am ashamed to admit that I
was suckered in to buying
some almost half price
sandwiches. Curiosity also
made me buy a small slab of
a Swiss or French cheese. It
was a name I didn't
recognise, and I thought it
had to be tried. It was a
bit expensive compared to
Cheddar, but later I found
it had a flavour a bit like
some blue cheeses, but
without being blue.
My walk home was very
much the same as the walk to
Tesco. Carrying quite a
weight seemed to make almost
no difference. I think I
kept up a fair pace, and
once again no aches and
pains seemed to be related
to typical angina and
similar pains. One easy to
locate pain was my chest,
but it was almost certainly
just my operation scar
tissue that was aching, and
probably because I chilled
it when showering. Maybe
that cold shower accounted
for many of the aches.
Once I had put all my
shopping away, except for
what would be my very
naughty lunch, I had my
lunch. It was a pack of two
spicy bean wraps, and two
packs of smoked bacon and
chicken in a sort of small
and soft submarine roll. The
latter were nice-ish, but
the spicy bean wraps were
nicer by a fair margin. By
then I was feeling warm. I
had not skimped on heating
in my bedroom, and yet I
still did not feel good.
By then I don't think
I could identify a single
spot and what kind of pain
it was. I just felt yucky
all over. I did sneeze a few
times as if I had a cold,
but my nose did not seem to
run. It is hard to remember
it now, but with hindsight I
could maybe describe it as
the lingering effects of
very, very mild 'flu. Maybe
I had the yet to be
discovered 24 hour 'flu !
After a fairly lazy
morning, and then the brief
interruption of going
shopping, mostly had a very
lazy afternoon. I never did
get back to the laundry I
had left soaking, but I did
spent a long time, most of
it on hold, phoning the
Phlebotomy department to
make an appointment to give
some blood samples. The
nurse printed out the
request back in mid July,
and we agreed I would sort
out the actual testing at my
convenience. It will be on
the 12th Of November, and it
will mean giving two tubes
of blood for a whole host of
tests that seem more than
One thing that took
me completely unaware was
the delivery I was
expecting. The official
estimate was roughly between
4pm to 6pm, and the natural
feeling was that it would be
around 5pm - half way
between the estimated times.
I was almost snoozing when
the doorbell rang at 3.45pm.
It was the man from Evri
with the big pack of paper
plates I had ordered. They
may not be ecologically
sound, but they are damned
handy for all sorts of
little uses.
When it finally got
around to dinner time, at
approx 6pm, I was going to
have the ready cooked, but
heated up, chicken I had
bought from Tesco earlier,
but after the sandwiches for
lunch I thought something
healthier would be better.
It probably wasnt ! I
decided two golden delicious
apples and some cheese would
make a safer, but still
filling dinner. The flaw in
this idea only came to light
when I noticed that one of
the apples came in
packaging, which on closer
inspection said each apple
typically had 15gm of sugar
in it. Two apples was as bad
as eating a bar of chocolate
- but only in terms of sugar
As usual, I watched
some Star Trek episodes last
night, although it would
probably be more true to say
I half watched them. All the
epiosdes were not
gripping/interesting enough
to warrant my entire
attention, and I found
myself also looking at stuff
on the internet at the same
time. At 8pm I
switched off the TV, and
retired to bed to read. I
thought I would be reading
for a couple of hours
because I was getting near
the end of the book, but I
started to feel tired.
While I was reading I
had actually got my bedroom
quite warm just using the
heater on low. That probably
made me feel sleepy earlier
than otherwise. I think it
might have been 9pm when I
put the book down, and soon
after that I was fast
asleep. I still felt a few
mild aches left over from
earlier in the day, but I
was most happy I had no
heartburn or acid reflux. In
fact, those apples might
have been sweeter than
desirable, but they didn't
seem to cause any problems
I can almost remember
some dreams this morning.
The first I remember was
directly influenced by the
book I was reading. I
dreamed I was in space. I
knew I was weightless, but I
never lost the idea of up
and down, and I didn't
suffer from any of the
affects of weightlessness.
The dream did really feature
any action at all. I was
doing little more than
visualising the route
through the spaceship from
the lower cabin areas
through to the main hatch to
leave the spaceship.
There was marginally
more action in the next
dream. I was at a station to
photograph, and maybe ride
on a "heritage train". It
was running in a rarely used
line that was to my left (or
to the west), and which
passed the station, and then
looped around to come into
the terminal platform
pointing back to the
direction it had come from.
It was extremely frustrating
that I never could get a
clear view of the train for
a photograph. On the way to
the station there were trees
and shrubs in the way.
Once in the station
there were a lot of people
in the way at one end, and
the other end was partly
blocked by another train.
The intention was to get on
the train to take a ride
back to the station it had
come from (I think it was
Camden Road station). I
don't think I managed to get
on the train because the
dream seemed to fade out at
that point. The next dream
was about someone's
suggestion that a new
Routemaster bus would be
going through the market in
Lewisham, and it might be
interesting to take a look
and get a few snaps of it.
Things were very
confused at that point, and
I think the view of the
brand new routemaster bus
was blocked by a vintage bus
! I think I took a picture
of that, and I can
definitely recall it's
number plate OB 20. OB was a
good choice for a "vanity"
plate as it would stand for
Old Bus, and maybe 20 was
the year it was built
(1920). I am unsure how that
dream ended or even if there
was a logical end before I
woke up - probably for a
Although I did get up
to go for a pee about as
often as usual, I seemed to
think that I didn't pee
much. That made me fear that
my weight would be high this
morning - mainly from water
retention. To make matter
worse, I only seemed to
manage a very small poo
before I got on the scales.
It was some surprise to see
that my weight had gone
down, and by a useful
amount. After a recent peak,
I am now back down to where
I was a week ago.
Once again a loss of
weight has coincided with a
gain of blood glucose. No
reading was actually bad,
but all spoiled a run of far
better readings, and
ironically the reason for
booking my blood tests. The
Contour meter read
8.8mmol/l. The GlucoRX meter
read lower at 8.1mmol/l, and
was the only reading I could
say was actually good-ish.
The Sinocare meter knew it
had competition and so read
8.7mmol/l. It was in
competition with my new
Exactive meter, and that
read 8.9mmol/l. That is
still a wide spread across
all 4 meters, but all being
in the old "OK" zone was
rather good. (The new
desired zone is with
readings starting with a 7).
My blood pressure is
very slightly up again this
morning. I am seeing lots of
small peaks liken this, and
I don't really know why some
days are worse than others.
The silly thing is that this
is mostly nitpicking. My
actual measurement this
morning is 110/53. I only
say it is mildly bad because
often it is lower, and yet
this is still diagnosed by
the blood pressure meter as
"Optimum", and that is one
better than "Normal". I am
very sure my doctors would
still be extremely happy
with this
readings....although I do
wonder if doctors are ever
happy and just demand lower
and lower readings of all
tests until they all drop to
zero, and they never have to
worry about you ever again.
There are just two
things I need to do today,
although "need" really only
applies to the first. I
really must finish doing the
laundry I left in soak
yesterday. Once that it is
done, and the bathtub clear
of my big washing buckets, I
should at the very least
have a warm shower. Washing
my hair would be good too,
and having a wet shave would
be nice, even if less
essential. A lot less
important might be to go to
Savers to get more vitamin
tablets that are soon to run
out. I would expect I would
end up buying more than
that, and it would be almost
certain I would pop across
the way to have a rummage in
Poundstretcher. That still
leaves a lot of the day to
be possibly bored, but at
worst I could find some more
TV recordings to watch
and/or edit.
2226 words today
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