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13th November 2024
eventually started as bright and
sunny, albeit later than forecast,
but it did not last long. By
midday the clouds were getting
thicker, and we seemed to lose all
sunshine by 1pm. From then on it
was another dull and dreary day.
It wasn't even very warm. Just a
mere 11° C
The forecast sunshine is
also late today. I can see
some blue areas of sky, but
they are all in the west
instead of the east where
the sun is. Hopefully the
clouds will split up, or
thin, later, and we shall
get the promised sunny day.
Once again the temperature
will only rise to 11° C.
Tomorrow may also only see a
maximum of 11° C. It may be
a mostly dull day, but with
the chance of a few sunny
spells in the afternoon.
I covered just about
all of yesterday morning
yesterday when I resumed
writing after getting back
from the Group Practice
where I gave me blood and
urine samples, and picked up
my repeat prescription
(except the test strips for
my nurse issued blood
glucose meter, which they
seemed to forget).
After I had finished
writing I felt really tired,
and I am not sure why. It
was only a small walk to and
from the Group Practice, and
even losing two test tubes
of blood was no reason to
feel so tired. Maybe it was
just a reaction to getting
up extra early (or at the
right time as I used to call
it until my standards
slipped). Maybe it was going
out before breakfast, but
that doesn't sound like an
excuse either.
What I do know is
that soon after I had
finished writing, and
uploading the pages to my
web server, I laid down on
my bed, and read for maybe
10 or 15 minutes before I
put down the book, and then
snoozed for maybe a full
hour (although I have no
real idea of how long it
was). I do know that when I
woke up I was feeling
hungry. I don't know if it
was real hunger or not.
Once again, one of
the few facts I am sure
about was that my lunch did
seem to be filling enough to
stop any hunger pains. I
guess in some ways it was
almost a large lunch, even
if I didn't think of it like
that at the time. It was
basically beans on toast.
The difference was that they
were Heinz, heat in the bag,
(alleged) Mexican style
beans. Much of it was kidney
beans, but there were some
haricot beans, as well as
some slices of very cool
chipotle chillies. It was
nice-ish, but nothing to
make me want to buy more if
I ever see them again. I
bought the bag I had
yesterday at least a few
years ago.
My original plan was
to go to Tesco yesterday. I
felt too tired to go out,
and far less inclined to try
after eating. It left me
with little else to do
except to ration my Diet
Coke because I was down to
just a bottle and a half.
That was the biggest reason
for originally wanting to go
to Tesco. Until there was
something worth trying to
watch on TV, I basically did
nothing except read from my
book, and also stuff on the
internet, and to feel
peckish again.
My next snack
(actually my first I think)
was quite a big bag of crisp
like things. It may have
been a big bag, but these
crisp like things were so
light and airy that I doubt
they weighed more than 50
grams, or about two packets
of ordinary crisps. That was
not my last snack. I later
had some rice crackers with
cheese. At some point I also
had a portion of instant
noodles which came in their
own "cup, or mug". It is
possible that I had the
noodles earlier in the
afternoon after I woke up
from a snooze feeling cold,
and wanted something hot.
Maybe I lost a few
braincells when the blood
was extracted from an artery
in my arm in the morning. I
say that because my memory
after getting back from
seeing the vampires seems
very hazy, and I am
obviously having trouble in
remembering what order I did
things. It is possible the
rice crackers with cheese
was actually my dinner,
because if it wasn't, I
can't seem to remember what
it was !
I do remember that
whatever it was I had for
dinner, I ate it while
watching Star Trek: Deep
Space Nine. It was another
poor episode, and another
episode about an alternative
reality. The writers really
wrote themselves into a
corner when they decided to
set it on a space station. I
then watched some or all of
Star Trek: Voyager. It was
so "exciting" (not) that I
was easily distracted, and
may have only seen about
half of the episode.
I had my usual break
from TV between 8 and 9pm
when I turned on again to
watch an edition of Have I
Got News For You. I think it
was originally broadcast in
2021, but more news or just
reminders of how crap Boris
Johnston's reign as prime
Minister were still very
funny in a sad sort of way.
When it finished at 10pm I
went straight to bed, but it
may have been an hour before
I got to sleep.
I seemed to sleep as
well as i usually do these
days. I still seemed to wake
up for a pee about every 2
hours. I had several dreams,
and my dim memory of them
was that they were all
dreamed as if I was reading
a book, or watching a play.
I could see stuff, but I
didn't seem to be actually
taking part in the dream. At
least one dream, that I have
some partial memories of,
was obviously inspired by
the book I was reading.
The story was set in
a dystopian, not too distant
future. The weather through
the book was like an
extended winter, much like
the real weather in 1963
when snow lay on the ground
until mid March. Although
there was a nominal Prime
Minister, the country, and
maybe much of the world, was
run by a faceless
dictatorship. The
heroes were resistance
fighters, and I seemed to be
watching through their eyes.
One very odd thing
that formed the only bit of
the dream that I remember
with a modicum of clarity,
was about small bombs and
statues. It seems that to
prevent damage to public
statues they were all
surrounded by small moats.
For less important statues
there were small touch
sensitive bombs in the moat.
These were about the size of
half a king sized cigarette,
and could do some damage to
hands if they exploded while
the hands were in the water.
More important
statues had bigger bombs in
them. They were tubes about
6 or 7 inches long, and half
an inch thick. They were
seen as a good source of
explosives by the
resistance, and they had
worked out ways to safely
extract and defuse them. I
watched one such operation
take place. The small bombs
were also occasionally taken
to be used as fuses. It was
a dream, or dreams, where
nothing really happened
physically, but lots of
ideas were learned before
waking up made most of the
ideas fade to nothing.
I woke up at about
5am for a pee, and before I
went back to bed I turned
the heater on full. It was
nice and warm when I got up
at about 6.50am - a little
later than I might have, but
quite good enough. I went
for the first pee of the
waking day, and also managed
to have a poo as well. When
I weighed myself i found I
was a mere 100gm lighter
than the day before. That
was a bit disappointing, but
at least it was still going
down - just !
As I mentioned a few
paragraphs back, I did seem
to pee as often, and in the
usual quantities to suggest
my blood glucose was
probably not as low as
hoped. I was wrong. I got
two very good, and one good
enough readings. The Contour
meter read a very good
7.6mmol/l. The GlucoRX meter
read very close to the
Contour meter at 7.7mmol/l.
This morning was one of the
rare mornings when the new
Exactive meter didn't go
completely out on a limb. It
still read higher than the
other two, but 8.3mmol/l is
very acceptable.
I am happy to say
that my blood pressure was
nice and low on my first
attempt just now. It was
104/52. That is definitely
well good enough. I am not
sure how I feel this
morning. My lower back was
very stiff for the first 15
or 20 minutes after getting
out of bed, but is perfectly
OK now. One bothersome thing
is that I feel sort of tired
again, and I am looking
forward to spending a
bit of time quietly reading
after I have finished
writing this. Another
bother, although it is not
unique to this morning, is a
tendency to need very little
irritation at the back of my
throat to start coughing.
This is becoming of
particular concern because
tomorrow I have my diabetic
eye scan in the hospital. I
don't want to start coughing
during that.
The main even today
is to go to The Jolly
Farmers for a lunch time
drink of Guinness, and to do
as much of the quick and
cryptic crosswords as I can
do in The Metro. As usual I
will take just a small
camera to get a few snaps of
trains and anything else
that catches my eye.
Anything interesting I will
show tomorrow.
1651 words today
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