After my experience
yesterday I am taking the
idea of sunny spells this
afternoon with a pinch of
salt. Maybe the temperature
will reach the forecast 11°
C, but with no sunshine it
will feel very cold. By 1am
tomorrow morning the
temperature will have
dropped to 4° C. It will
continue to drop and
tomorrow morning may start
as low as just 3° C. It
might possibly be a bright
days with sunny spells and
possibly a full hour of non
stop sunshine at 1 and 3pm,
but the temperature is only
forecast to rise to 10° C.
We have some very cold
weather on the way if the
long range forecast has any
credibility. Tuesday and
Wednesday of next week may
see daytime temperature only
reaching 4° C. That is cold
enough for rain to fall as
sleet !
Yesterday started off
good, but ended very badly.
I was looking forward to my
lunchtime drink in The Jolly
Farmers, and had a good
shower, although I didn't
wash my hair, and I didn't
have a wet shave. I did use
my beard trimmer with the
shield off to have a quick
buzz over the worst of the
Once again I left
home quite early so I did
not have to rush to the
station. In fact it was far
earlier than needed. I
arrived with at least 5
minutes to spare to catch
the early train at 12:19
instead of the more usual
12:34. There were some
delays on some trains, and I
couldn't do my usual
sequence of train
photography. However I did
get a bonus train when I got
to Ladywell.
After getting
off my train, and walking
down the platform towards
the exit I saw on the
passenger information
display the warning to stand
clear of the platform edge.
It was because the next
train would not be stopping.
Usually it is a class 465
"Networker" train that I am
guessing is on some sort of
test run. Yesterday it was a
class 375 "coastal train".
These are the trains that go
all the way from London to
various parts of the Kent
coast. It was a bit of a
novelty, and it was also one
I had never photographed
before. Ideally it was going
for a clean because it
looked very grubby.

I walked from the
station to the pub non stop
because I didn't see
anything new to photograph,
and besides which it was
very overcast - as it would
be for the rest of the day.
I ordered my first pint of
Guinness, and ended up
drinking it very slowly
because I was having
difficulties with the
crosswords in The Metro.
I don't know if I've
blown my last braincell, but
I had a lot of difficulty
with the quick crossword. I
can often solve that before
I finish my last pint, but I
barely finished half of it.
It might have been because I
was interrupted while doing
it. To my surprise I
received a message from
I guess Angela was
bored because what she told
me was that she was being
"pumped up" with Potassium.
I think that was her way of
saying she was on a drip
feed of potassium, and had
just just sit, or lay there
waiting for it to diffuse
into a vein (or artery).
I replied with the
picture of my pint of
Guinness on the left, and
worded it to say I was being
"pumped up with Guinness".
She replied to say "the good
old Jollys (Jolly Farmers)",
and asked if the normal
people were there. It was
not until last night that I
remembered to answer that
I got
distracted looking up good
sources of dietary
Potassium. Top of one list
was avocados - which I know
Angela likes. I suggested
them to her, and included a
link to the website where I
found the list. She replied
that she would definitely go
for it, but only once the
mouth ulcers she had were
cured. That was another fact
she had not mentioned
before. Apparently they are
a result of the
The next thing on the
list was sweet potatoes. I
suggested them because they
very easily make a very a
very smooth mash, and that
should easily pass by the
ulcers. Part of my reason
for making these suggestions
is that she did tell me that
the doctors urged her to eat
freely to keep her strength
up, and because she would
sometimes be off her food
(or even throwing it up like
she did after chemotherapy
sessions). She is naturally
thin, and does not have a
lot of reserves for times
like this.
10:14 - Contrary
to expectations, there
is now glorious sunshine
pouring through my
bedroom windows, and
warming up my bedroom
After sending
my last message to Angela I
thought I would tackle the
cryptic crossword. I had
done so badly on the quick
crossword that I was not
expecting much from the
cryptic crossword. I did
solve 6 clues, and that is 6
more than I was expecting. I
think I might have managed
more, but my heart wasn't in
it. I resorted to actually
reading the news in the
paper, and it was all rather
depressing. It was more
interesting to listen to
Ayse and a couple of men at
the bar.
I have never got a
good picture of Ayse, and
the one above is definitely
not good ! I can't seem to
correct the strange skin
colouration given by the dim
lighting in the pub. I did
not take this picture
yesterday. I found it among
some photos taken 2 years
ago ! I had not used it
before because itw as such
poor quality, and that is a
shame because the pose is
just perfect (although one
of her better smiles, and
not looking shocked would be
an improvement).

I only stayed for two
pints of Guinness, and when
I had finished the second
pint I said my goodbyes, put
my new leather jacket on,
and zipped it up tight
before going out into the
gloom and cold outside.
Maybe gloom is a bit over
the top, but it was
definitely grey outside.
I had not checked on
the train before I left the
pub, and I did not check
until I was actually on the
platform at Ladywell
station, and saw the next
train was cancelled. I had
walked directly to the
station, and I had to rest
for a bit before doing any
more walking.
I most definitely did
not like what I saw when I
checked the trains on my
phone. It seemed that I had
missed the previous train by
about 10 minutes, and would
have only had a 5 minute
wait for the next train -
except it was cancelled. The
next train was just over 20
minutes time, and I was
feeling too cold to want to
wait that long.
My only real option
was to walk home. As I have
mentioned in the past,
getting the train only saves
about 5 or 10 minutes of
walking against walking
straight home, but it does
split the walk into two, and
that helps a lot. Yesterday
I had to walk back from the
station to get onto the path
through the park. Instead of
saving 10 minutes by walking
direct from the pub, I had
added an extra 10 minutes to
the total walk.
To make matter worse
I was feeling cold. The
peculiar thing is that in
the past I have always
thought that leather jackets
are often too warm, but that
was not the case yesterday.
Although to be fair the
worst thing was having to
breathe in the cold air. It
just made me feel colder,
and it was irritating
everything. I had chest
pains from inflamed old scar
tissue, and also growing
angina pains, on top of a
feeling of being short of
I had to frequently
stop on my walk home to get
my breath back, and allow
the angina pains to fade.
One such stop was as I
passed the back of the
Lewisham Hospital building
with most of the wards in
it. With a lot of trees
losing theor leaves it was
easier to see more of the
building. On the second
floor, and roughly in the
centre of the building is
Chestnut ward where I spent
a couple of days back in
I couldn't help
thinking that if I did not
take care on the walk I
could easily end up visiting
Chestnut ward again. I did
feel really awful walking in
the cold air with a belly
full of Guinness - although
as I walked that Guinness
was slowly heading to my
bladder. I wasn't keeping an
accurate count, but I think
I did the walk in four major
portions. By the time I got
home I was feeling like I
would not have been able to
walk much more without a
long rest - ideally
somewhere warm.
It was obviously a
joy to get home. The first
thing was to go for a pee,
but with that done I turned
the heater up full in my
bedroom, and than went down
to the kitchen to heat up
the first of two cans of
soup. The first was potato
and leek soup with added
chilli sauce, and a very
good sprinkling of grated
Cheddar on top. I had never
tried adding cheese to
anything but tomato soup,
but it seemed to work well
with potato and leek.
Soup number 2 was a
can of chunky beef and
vegetable soup. That got the
same treatment - chilli
sauce and more grated
cheese. I don't think the
cheese really went with that
soup. It was not horrible or
anything like that, but it
just seemed a bit of bland
addition. Anyway, the good
thing is that at last I felt
warm inside and out. It
wasn't too long before all
the chilli sauce made me
feel sweaty hot, but even
that felt better than the
cold I felt when I got home.
I was feeling very
tired after having my soup,
and it would have been so
easy to have had a lie down
once I had eaten, but I
found some reserve energy to
allow me to check the train
photos I had taken (only one
of which was useful) and the
other pictures I have used
here this morning. I then
laid down to read for a bit
and catch a short snooze.
Only a few hours had
passed since I had eaten the
last of the soup, and I was
feeling hungry again, and
fortunately dinner time was
fast approaching. I thought
it was time to use the last
of the bread I had, and also
a pack of quarter pounder
burgers that had been in the
fridge for something like a
week. I knew it would be an
unwise sized dinner, but I
went ahead, and cooked and
ate the lot.
The original idea was
to make sort of burgers
using toast, but I only had
three slices for four
burgers. The only
possibility was to have
chilli sauce of burgers, on
tomato sauce on the three
slices of toast. It was very
nice at first, but I quickly
realised it was going to
really fill me up after that
two cans of soup, and just
two of the burgers and just
two slices of toast would
have been quite sufficient.
Nevertheless I shovelled the
whole lot down !
I watched, or
sometimes just half watched
the usual Star Treks, and
then turned the TV off to
spend some time reading
while laying on my bed. I
soon realised that I was
feeling too uncomfortable to
try for sleep for several
hours when some of the food
I had eaten had gone down a
bit. On top of that I had a
lot of other pains. They
were probably the result of
getting cold on my way home
earlier, but with them all
being assorted muscle and
joint aches, I was wondering
if I was going down with
I turned the heater
up full again, and spent an
hour or more reading stuff
on the internet while
sitting in front of my PC.
While doing so I had a
couple of paracetamol
tablets, and some antacid
liquid. the latter was more
a precaution at first, but I
now think it was well that I
did so. It was probably gone
10pm before I got to sleep,
and that that point I had
turned the heater down to
low again.
I did feel a bit too
warm under the duvet, and I
am sure I kicked it partly
aside, and I slept partly
uncovered. When I woke up
around 2am for a wee I felt
awful again. My shoulders,
wrists and elbows ached, and
I seemed to have aches in
quite a few arm muscles. I
then turned the heater on
full blast, had my wee, and
then got back into bed where
I fell asleep, partly
uncovered again, very
I think I left the
heater on full blast until I
got up. That was expensive,
but maybe it was more
important that I felt a lot
more comfortable when I got
up to pee a few more times
before I got up. It was 7am
when I got up, and apart for
some short lived lower back
pain I seemed to feel
generally OK, although I was
aware of a slight feeling of
bloat. I expected to poo
when I went for a pee, but I
just let out a blast of
I was quite surprised
when I checked my blood
glucose readings. All three
were quite reasonable. The
Contour meter read 8.4mmol/l
- that's not good, but
neither is it bad. The
GlucoRX meter read a better
8.1mmol/l. The Exactive
meter read 8.6mmol/l - one
of the first times it has
broadly agreed with the
other two meters. I wonder
why ? There was bad news
about my weight. It seems I
have done the impossible and
gained a whole kilogram in
24 hours. I suspect I will
be doing some big poos later
today - or at least I hope I
This morning my blood
pressure is extra low -
possibly because I had
breakfast quite late, and
only a few hours have passed
since eating it. My blood
pressure is usually lower
after eating. This morning
it is just 95/44.
I had three plans for
today. I think that there is
not enough time left for the
first. It was to go shopping
in Tesco. The second has to
happen. At 2.45pm I am due
to have my diabetic eye exam
in the hospital. I think I
will allow a full half hour
to get there. It might take
me 20 minutes to walk to the
hospital, and ideally I want
a 5 minute rest before going
up the stairs to the 2nd
floor. I could take the
lift, but I feel the walk is
good exercise - sort of.
I hope that I will be
able to get there even
earlier. That might just
make for a longer boring
wait, or if I am very lucky
I might be seen earlier.
Time will be of the essence
because there should be a
beer tasting session later
in the afternoon. I have
advised Jodie that it would
be best to aim to get here
at 4am. I hope I will be no
later than that, but if they
are running late.....