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17th November 2024
can only be described as cold and
dull, with the added "pleasure" of
rain in the evening. The maximum
temperature was forecast as 10° C,
and maybe it was, but it seemed to
feel colder because of the
miserable grey sky.
This morning there are nice
sunny spells. I know this
because the forecast says
there are, but it seems no
one bothered to tell the
real weather because it is
actually quite grey outside.
There are patches of white
cloud between the grey
clouds, and maybe one of
those will open up and let a
few rays of sunshine through
- but I am not holding my
breath waiting for it to
happen. The afternoon is
forecast to be dull, and
like yesterday there could
be some rain in the evening.
The afternoon high will
probably be no higher than
9° C, but it could always be
less. Tomorrow may start and
end warmer than the middle.
From 7am to 8pm the
temperature may only be a
chilly 7° C. Most of
the day may feature light
Yesterday was one of
"those" days .
What one of "those"
days actually is will
be revealed as I
describe my day, but a
good starting point is
that my right elbow
and shoulder, the
barometer function on
some of my
thermometers, and the
weather forecast all
agreed that rain was
on the way.
I got up
yesterday, and my
right shoulder and
elbow were both very
sore. While I was
writing this
electronic diary,
yesterday morning, I
put on both an elbow
support bandage and
one for my right
wrist. I couldn't
think of any way of
supporting my shoulder
in a similar fashion
without rendering it
immobile - and that
would put a right
clinch on the day.
Some Ibuprofen seem to
provide the best
relief, but was far
from a cure.
Yesterday was
one of those days
where I didn't need to
do a thing, although
there were several
optional things I
could, and did end up
doing. Once I finished
writing I saw nothing
wrong in going into
intense lazy mode - if
laying down, reading a
book could relaly be
judged as very lazy.
It didn't seem to be
long before it was
lunch time, but before
I sorted out some
lunch I put three
t-shirts into soak in
detergent, and in
doing so I, all bar
one item, emptied my
laundry basket.
My lunch was
two wholemeal cheese
and onion rolls. Apart
from a long lingering
taste of onion, even
after brushing my
teeth (and tongue),
they were very tasty.
After eating it was
back on my bed for a
bit more reading. I am
sure I closed my eyes
for a while, but I
don't think I actually
had a snooze. Having
said that, I did have
a lot of difficulty
trying to convince
myself that I was
tired in the late
evening as I tried to
go to sleep for the
night. Maybe I did
snooze too much during
the day.
Before I went
back to my laundry
there was another
thing I did, and I did
it before it became
important. I paid off
both my credit cards.
It may have been
because I used a
different card for a
beer order last month,
instead of my usual
card, but one card
seemed to need a
smaller than usual
amount to pay it off,
and the other slightly
more. I think the two
combined was less than
most months for some
reason. I thought I
had spent a lot more
on Amazon, but on
reflection it was just
a couple of orders
that barely went about
the £35 spend to get
free delivery.
Having seen how
little I had spent (at
least I hope it was
less than usual), and
bearing in mind my
electricity account
was well in credit
(although I think I
will have burned a lot
of that credit since
the weather got a lot
colder this month), I
decided it was time to
order another big box
of beers. This time I
made sure I went over
the £100 to ensure I
got free delivery
after the value of my
discount had been
taken off the grand
This time I was
after Xmas/Winter
beers. Some are very
unhealthy, but very,
very, very delicious -
and that is three
"verys" again one. So
it must be good. In
total I ordered 20
bottles, and all but a
couple are "seasonal"
brews. Maybe half are
English, and the rest
most from Germany or
Belgium. I have a
feeling that many,
mostly the English
ales, will not meet
with Jodie's approval,
but she can drink her
own nasty sour fruit
After ordering
the beers I went back
to the t-shirts I had
left soaking.
Fortunately the
detergent they were in
had not gone cold and
slimy, although it
probably had fallen a
little lower than
blood temperature.
Three big t-shirts
were easier to wash
than 10 small pairs of
underpants, although
the t-shirts did need
a more strenuous
wringing out. If
anything, the stress
of doing that may have
improved, or even cure
my aching elbow and
I did the whole
process non stop, and
it sort of felt good
when I had them
hanging up to dry.
Once again I did the
drying in the dining
room with the fan
heater on low until
the evening when I
switched to just a
desk fan which was
far, far cheaper to
run, and probably
safer to leave
unattended overnight.
This morning they were
all nice and dry.
Dinnertime was
not far away at this
point, and like the
day before, I had a
snack to tide me over
until it was time for
dinner. It was a
mostly a healthy sort
of snack of what was
described on the label
as a "Giant Jaffa
Orange", but before
pealing it was
possibly a tiny bit
smaller than the "big"
oranges bought from
one of the smaller
supermarkets. Once I
had managed to get the
thick peel of it
seemed a fair bit
smaller. The other
thing i had was a nice
"red apple" with a
chunk of cheese.
Maybe it was an
hour later I had my
dinner. It was one
single item, and maybe
the earlier fruit had
primed me correctly to
make that one single
item seem sufficient.
It was the Tesco
chicken jalfrezi I had
found on the reduced
price shelf on Friday.
To be honest it was
not very nice, and I
don't think it had
anything to do with it
probably being a
single day past it's
sell be (possibly use
by) date. The rice
seemed gritty, the
meat seemed tough and
tasteless, and the
curry sauce was just
not Indian enough.
I passed a few
hours last night
watching a recording
of The Who playing a
concert in Hyde Park
some years ago. It was
being shown on Sky
arts. The Who are one
of those bands that
have had some
excellent songs, but I
don't think I really
like them in bulk. I
think I have only
owned one of their
albums, and I would
never choose to go to
one of their concerts.
However, the recording
was very watchable,
and I could always
just listen to it
while doing something
else on my computer.
I think it
ended at 7pm, or
possibly 7.30pm, and
it felt like it should
have been bedtime. I
was certainly starting
to yawn now and then.
I did lay on my bed
reading until gone
8pm, and then I
brushed my teeth and
got into bed. I read
for somehing like
another 30 minutes and
then tried for sleep.
Unfortunately, while I
seemed to think I was
tired, my brain had
other ideas, and
refused to calm down.
By about 9.30pm
I was up again, and
consulting Open
Street Maps on
my computer. Earlier
in the day I had seen
something about our
local river, The
Ravensbourne. Somehow
that reminded my of my
lunchtime walks at
work that was mostly
alongside The River
Wandle. As that river
approached Wandsworth
it is sent below the
shopping centre and
high street in a
culvert. before it
gets there it is sent
down a new channel
with effectively a
right angle bend in
the river.
I had found
that bend in the river
once, and although I
knew how I had found
it, I didn't really
know where it was in
respect to the rest of
Wandsworth, and last
night, instead of
going to sleep as
intended, I had to get
up to pinpoint it on
the map. The curious
things was that when I
realised where it was,
I found that if I had
walked another 100
feet I would have
ended up on Garret
Lane, and known
exactly where I was.
I spent quite a
bit of time consulting
the map. I didn't
follow the route from
end to end, but I was
aware of a Wandle
River trail, and I did
follow some of it to
see where it went. I
suspect it would be a
very long walk, but in
the highly unlikely
event that my health
improves an awful lot
by next summer, I
could be inclined to
do some more exploring
of the River Wandle. I
also saw a few other
interesting routes for
walks around there.
Back when I was at
work, and feeling fit,
I often would take a
walk to come home via
Wandsworth Common
station, and I found
several interesting
ways of getting there,
including going past
Wandsworth Prison, but
I now realise I could
have extended, or
varied that walk a lot
to see other places.
I have no idea
what time I went back
to bed, and even less
idea what time it was
when I went to sleep.
I know it seemed to
take ages to relax
mind and body enough
for sleep, but I think
I was asleep before
midnight. I seemed to
sleep OK, but I do
remember some of a
most unpleasant dream.
In the dream, someone,
and for some very
spurious reason I
think it was my mum,
had had a diarrhoea
attack in the bath,
and I had to clear it
up. It was extremely
unpleasant, and I
didn't even have the
benefit of any rubber
gloves. Even the
shower attachment I
was using to help wash
out the tub seemed to
stop working. I am
glad I woke up when I
Once again it
seemed to require very
little effort to sleep
late this morning. It
was just after 7am
when I got up. I sort
of felt OK-ish. Once
again, when I went for
a pee I only had a
pee, and despite
thinking I didn't go
at all yesterday, I
didn't have a poo. In
one respect that
didn't matter because
when I got on the
scales I found I had
lost some more weight
again, around 600
grams, and my weight
is now getting back to
where I got it down to
many weeks ago now
(until something went
mysteriously wrong).
My blood
glucose measurements
are best described as
being "Satisfactory"
(the same
"satisfactory" used on
school reports when
the teacher was
reluctant to say good
or bad). The Contour
meter read 8.3mmol/l,
and while 7.3 would
have been more more
what I was aiming for,
it is probably a
fraction better than
satisfactory. The
GlucoRX meter did give
a good reading of just
7.9mmol/l. The
Exactive meter first
gave a reading of
something ludicrous
like 9.6mmol/l, but
using a fresh test
strip it then read
8.8mmol/l. I would
have preferred
something a bit lower,
but even that is good
enough. I just wish
that new crappy meter
could produce more
consistent readings.
Last night I
not only could not
relax enough for
sleep, but also to get
a decently low blood
pressure reading. I
tried a couple of
times, and got
systolic readings as
high as 130mmHg. That
is in the "high
normal" region, and so
OK as such, but I
wanted lower. In the
end I forgot to try
again a bit later when
I might have been more
relaxed. This morning
I must feel more
relaxed (possibly
because I have finally
done a very large poo)
and my first reading,
just now, was a very
low 97/42. That may
been even lower than
"Optimum" and
sometimes I wonder if
that is just a little
too low.
Maybe for as
much as the last hour,
we have had, and are
still still having the
forecast sunny spells.
Some have been a bit
wishy-washy, but at
the moment it is like
full sunshine. That
makes me revise my
thoughts - evening
knowing in could be
back to dullness in a
few hours. I know that
Jodie is busy today,
and I won't be seeing
her for a beer tasting
session. I am now
wondering if I dare
put on my thickest
winter coat, and go
for a short walk today
- maybe just once
around the park. The
only downside is if
the cold air gets my
lungs and chest
aching. If I do go
out, and start feeling
uncomfortable I will
turn around and come
straight home, but it
is a big IF about
going out at the
moment. Maybe the main
thing in it's vavour
is that I have nothing
else to do.
2255 words today
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