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22nd November 2024
took to at least 11am
(forecast time), and
maybe even a bit later
for the sun to break
through, and then we
had full sunshine for
the last 3 hours of
daylight. The sunshine
raised the temperature
from 1°
C to 3° C, and so with help from a
strongn breeze at times, it was a
flipping cold day !
Today should be a bit warmer
than yesterday. The sunny
spells started quite early.
and there will be some full
sunshine to warm the middle
of the day up to a
marvellous (sic) 6° C. At
least it should be another
dry day. By midnight the
temperature will have fallen
down to just 2° C. By 5am
tomorrow morning, the
temperature will have risen
to 3° C, and the first rain
will fall. At that
temperature it would be no
surprise if that rain did
not fall as sleet or even
snow. That rain will
continue, maybe non stop
through the day. As it rains
the temperature will rise,
and at midnight the
temperature will have risen
to an almost warm 14° C.
Most if the day after will
be the same temperature, and
it will also rain all day.
Just to make tomorrow (and
the day after) even worse
there could be some very
strong gusty winds.
After an extremely
late start this morning, it
is handy that I don't think
I have a lot to say about
yesterday, or maybe I can
cut the waffle, and just
concentrate on the basics.
For instance I can say that
I had a morning shower in
one sentence. A few more
paragraphs and the day could
be over.
The next significant
thing yesterday was that I
went to Tesco again. I
bought more ingredients for
some tasty cheese and stuff
baps, and I bought some
beefburgers and a pack of
cheap sausage meat. The one
thing I didn't actually
need, but is always useful
was more bottles of Diet
Coke. I noted that Haig
whisky had Clubcard
discounts, and a litre
bottle was once again
cheaper than the 70cl
bottle. Just to confound
things there was also a
Clubcard discount on the
70cl bottles and so the 70cl
bottle was actually slightly
cheaper. I still went for
the litre bottle because the
unit price per litre was
fractionally cheaper.
Walking to and from
Tesco was not as good as the
previous time, but still not
really stressful. If
anything it was the walk to
Tesco that seemed to bring
me closer to angina pains
that the walk home carrying
a lot of heavy shopping.
When I got home I didn't
make up a couple of tasty
cheese and stuff baps. but
instead I ate three items I
was suckered into buying
from the reduced price shelf
- a small, individual,
quiche Lorraine, and two
Jamaican jerk bean filled
I blame that lunch
for a good portion of some
weight gain this morning. Of
course, the next thing of
significance, an afternoon
beer tastings session with
Jodie and Michael would have
to take it's share of the
blame too. Jodie, after he
bus got caught in slow
moving traffic, didn't get
here until 4pm, and Michael
was only half an hour behind
her - which is early for him
these days. I was on my
second beer when Jodie
arrived, although not that
far into it.
I think that for
yesterday's session we had
more beers to my taste than
usual. Jodie only opened one
nasty "fruit sour" beer, and
I had a very small taste of
it. One beer was one of my
recent arrivals, and I
didn't realise it when I
ordered it, that it too was
a fruit beer, but not a
nasty sour fruit beer. It
was a cherry flavoured beer,
and it tasted a lot like
cherryade, or even kids
medicine. I liked it, but
the other two were a bit
lukewarm to it.
Michael managed to
avoid getting drunk and
emotional this time, but his
situation with his wife is
really getting him down. He
pays an awful lot of money
to keep her in a care home,
but then spends much of his
day caring for her himself -
and as far as it sounds, she
actively resents it. At the
moment it seems like Michael
is driving himself to an
early grave, and just won't
take advice from anyone,
including his sons and
daughters, to keep some time
for himself, and let the
care home do what he is
paying for them to do.
Once Jodie and
Michael had left I swooped
on my dinner like a hungry
eagle (or gannet). My dinner
was roast/grilled sausage
meat, and 2/3rds of it I cut
into 4 slices to make two
sausage meat burgers in
wholemeal baps. I expected
them to be wonderful, but
they weren't. The wholemeal
baps had such a strong, and
quite nice taste, that they
part masked the taste of the
sausage meat. The last third
of the meat I ate with just
some mustard and low sugar
tomato sauce. It was much
nicer like that.
I ate dinner watching
TV, and did the usual of
turning the TV off for an
hour, before turning it back
on to watch QI, and last
night, also Have I Got New
For You (both on Dave). I
was in bed very soon after
11pm, and while I got as far
as selecting a new book to
read, and read the first
paragraph, I was feeling
tired enough to try for
sleep. I think I was fast
asleep 15 or 20 minutes
after I had gone to bed.
I only had one
notable, and part remembered
dream last night, and it was
very strange. At this part I
can't seem to separate out
what was actually dream, and
what was additions and sort
of explanations added while
awake, but waiting to get
back to sleep. It is
possible I was asleep before
I knew I was asleep. The
dream was about watching a
movie made from a series of
black and white pictures -
like a slideshow presented
as a movie.
The pictures were of
underpants being worn. It
was obvious in a few cases
it was a man wearing them,
but maybe because they
seemed to be Victorian in
style, some could easily
have been worn by women. I
came to think that what I
was seeing was a sort of
Victorian era catalogue
presented in this slide show
style. There seemed no
intention of making it look
erotic in any shape or form.
It was purely for
advertising without actually
presented as an advert as we
know them now. It is a
complete and utter mystery
how my brain managed to come
up with this dream. Most
dreams have some sort of
message, or reflect events
of the in some sort of way,
but this one was complete
When I got up this
morning I had a good poo,
and before I got on the
scales I went back for
another poo and small pee.
Thank goodness I did because
without that second visit my
weight gain looked terrible.
After the second visit my
weight gain was merely a bit
annoying. While my weight
might have been up a bit, my
blood pressure was back down
to my usual average. It was
My blood glucose
level mostly seemed OK
again, but once again the
Exactive blood glucose meter
gave a much higher reading
than the other two. It is
interesting that for all but
one of the 22 days so far of
this month, the Exactive
meter has given readings a
lot higher than the other
two. I bought that meter to
see if it was better than
the Sinocare meter, Last
month the Sinocare meter was
the third meter of the trio
I now use. I thought some of
it's readings seemed to be a
bit higher than the other
two, but looking back over
last month, I see that the
discrepancy was usually
quite small.
This morning that
rotten old (or actually
still mere weeks old)
Exactive meter gave a
reading of 9.2mmol/l. That
is in the pink zone - the
prelude to the red danger
zone, but not terribly
bad. The Contour meter read
7.9mmol/l, and that puts it
in the rather good light
green zone. The GlucoRX
meter was only a little bit
higher, at 8.1mmol/l and so
only a tiny bit too high to
go in the desirable light
green area. (readings
starting with an 8 get no
colour code because they are
bland and ignorable).
Today there are three
things I might do. The
boring but nice option is to
lay on my bed, with the
sunshine streaming through
the windows, and just
reading and snoozing. I must
admit I would prefer to
stretch my legs for a bit,
and I could go to the shops,
go for a walk, or I guess a
fourth option could be to
combine a walk with a bit of
shopping. I don't think I'll
know what I am doing until I
am actually doing it. Of
course if it is to be
anything outdoors it would
be ne done today because of
the expected rain tomorrow.
1552 words today
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