Today started very damp
after rain during the night.
It seemed like the rain had
stopped for a while, but I
can now see that the rain is
very fine rain, and
difficult to see. That may
be the case for most of the
day. It is the sort of rain
that gets you saturated
without you realising it is
happening until it has
happened. The temperature
will slowly climb from just
7° C to 15° C by the end of
this soggy day. It could
almost feel nice if you
wanted to stand in the rain
at midnight. One important
thing about today's weather
is very strong winds, and
they will continue tomorrow.
Tomorrow was, if I recall
correctly, going to be
another very wet day, but
the latest update shows the
day being dull, but dry
until rain resumes in the
early evening. The
temperature could rise to
16° C, and if it was dry and
bright that could be t-shirt
weather !
Yesterday was a
rather good day, and it was
mostly because I did what I
didn't think I would do. I
mean that more literally
than it reads because what I
did was a bit different to
even my optimistic
predictions. With no more
than a quick flick with a
damp flannel, and a squirt
of deodorant, I went out
into the big wild world !
Having just re-read
what I wrote yesterday, when
I initially said there might
be three options for things
I might do, I see that I did
add a fourth possibility,
and although not actually
planned that way, that is
what I did. I had made
earlier preparations for
going out, but mostly just
checking my Canon 300D
camera to make sure the time
and date were correct, and
too make sure that the
battery was showing as full.
Sadly the battery indicator
says full for three quarters
of it's life, and can then
go down fast !
Having found the
correct desire, and
something like courage, I
decided that I would start
off just going to the
station to get a copy of The
Metro, and that is what I
did. While at the station I
would take pictures of any
trains I saw. I don't think
I have ever tried using that
very old Canon 300D (also
known as The Rebel) for
taking train pictures. It
was really just an impulse
buy when I saw it going for
a song in a second hand
When I got to the
station I found it would be
at least a 10 minute wait
until the next train, and so
I went outside the station
to take the picture above.
This is a very contrasty
picture taken from the top
of Catford Bridge looking
towards the east, and the
old Town Hall, and Lawrence
House. The sun was off to
the right of the picture,
and was very low in the sky
, as can be seen by the very
long, very dark shadows to
the left of everything.
I went to the London
bound platform to take this
picture of a train heading
to Hayes (Kent). Only the
front of the train is in
full light that is coming
from between two blocks of
flats on the left of the
station. Apart from an
excellent demonstration of
how not to take a good
picture, it seems sort of
OK. At least it shows the
camera could focus on a
moving train, and take a
sharp picture.
I took this picture
mainly as a reminder for
Jodie who likes to have a
look at this once a month
food market, but maybe also
for myself. I did do a
fairly fast wander through
the market when it was in
Catford Broadway, but have
never seen it in it's new
place, for the last year or
two, between the two
Having made it to
Catford Bridge station I
could effectively rest, and
reset the first hints of
angina. It was by no means
complete rest, but by not
walking to far I was fine.
With another long-ish wait
for another train at Catford
Bridge, I decided I would
visit Catford station. Now
there are lifts there, which
seem to be mostly reliable,
it is only a short walk from
one station to the other,
and then up in the lift.
Unfortunately I got
up to platform 2, the
country bound platform
before checking the times of
the trains. It is only a
half hourly service outside
of the core rush hour times,
and it happened that I had
just missed a train by about
5 minutes. I didn't fancy
waiting around on the
platform - it is very windy
up there ! So it was back to
Catford Bridge because that
was the direction of home.
My timing was
terrible yesterday. I got
back to Catford Bridge
station just as the next
Charing Cross train was
arriving. It was too late to
get a snap of the front of
the train, but I though I
could get a snap of the
back. I pressed the shutter
button and nothing happened.
It too a moment to realise
the battery had gone flat. I
had three spare batteries
with my, but by the time I
had swapped to a fresh
battery that train was gone.
A few minutes wait and the
next Hayes (Kent) train
arrived, and once again I
took an extremely contrasty
picture of it. The sun
was even lower in the sky,
and even the far platform
was disappearing in shadows.
One slightly more
useful picture I took while
still at the station is
shown above. It seem that
tomorrow there will be no
trains to Waterloo East and
Charing Cross because they
will be diverted into Canon
Street. If I had time
tomorrow I might be tempted
to get a train to Canon
Street, and then come
straight home again - just
because I could.
"Just because I
could" was my feelings about
going home from the station.
It would not make my walk
home a lot longer if I
diverted into the shopping
centre, and went into
Poundstretcher. I had even
taken a bag with me "just in
case...". Actually it would
increase the distance walked
enough to get uncomfortable
before I got home, but a
slow wander around
Poundstretcher would be
sufficient rest.
There were a few
things I bought in
Poundstretcher. One item was
a string of 50 battery
powered LED lights. I think
I thought that a string of
50 was more than I had seen
before, but on reflection I
am sure it wasn't. Much of
what I bought was food, They
didn't have any zero sugar
biscuits, and not really any
low sugar biscuits that I
fancied. I did buy a few
high sugar chocolate
biscuits, but I think I can
eat them very sparsely.

When I finished in
Poundstretcher I came out
the shop feeling sort of
rested, and decided I would
push the entire length of my
walk a bit more. I guess it
was as much curiosity as
much as masochism. I thought
I would take a look at the
London & Rye pub, to see
if it's new owners had done
anything to it. I found it
exactly as I last saw it. I
have no idea what the new
owners are doing because
superficially it looks ready
for use.
I felt fine walking
as far as the pub, but from
then on, the rest of the
walk home was rather taxing.
It may have been a little
over the halfway point when
I had to stop to consult my
phone (to appear to be doing
something) and have a 20
second rest. Even with that
I was feeling quite
uncomfortable when I arrived
home. I had walked a total
of 1.333 miles, and that
should be a fairly accurate
figure because I remembered
to pause the tracker while I
was in Poundstretcher, and a
few times when doing nothing
at the railways stations.
One bit of discomfort
was the need for a pee. I
had a medium size pee just
before I went out, but the
cold air meant I was getting
hints I needed another pee
by the time I first arrived
at the station. After
bottling it all up while out
I had a rather large pee
when I got home. The other
discomfort was that I was
definitely getting strong
angina pains, and I could
feel them heading up my
chest, over my shoulders,
and almost into my arms - a
very undesirable state to be
Although the official
time of my walk was just 47
minutes and 40 seconds, that
didn't include the time I
was in Poundstretcher, and
some periods when I had
paused the tracker while at
the stations and not really
moving. I think the total
was really almost 2 hours,
and it was well past lunch
time when I got home. I
expected I would have hot
soup, but my thick winter
coat had kept me warm enough
to not need a hot meal.
After having my pee,
and getting changed into
indoor clothes, I went down
into the freezing kitchen,
and made myself two well
filled wholemeal baps. Each
had a different cheese, and
both had sliced gherkins,
sliced read jalapeño
chillies, and sliced tomato.
They were pretty tasty,
although being so well
filled, they were messy to
Once I had eaten I
felt very tired, but I
forced myself to transfer
all the pictures taken to my
PC, and to put the camera
batteries on charge. I then
went through the photos and
selected which ones I would
use. I was generally happy
with the pictures that old
camera took, but I suspect
that my mobile phone might
have made them less
contrasty. Had I managed to
get a snap or two of trains
at Catford station I think I
would have seen better
pictures because the light
up on the platforms there
would probably have been
After I had finished
editing and saving the
pictures I wanted, I laid
down on my bed to read. I
think I managed half a page
before my eyes closed, and I
slept through to dinner
time, although that was
probably for less than an
hour. For dinner I did opt
for hot soup, but I only had
one can of pea and ham soup
(with added chilli sauce). I
then had a dessert of one
large orange, one of the
nice ones from the small
supermarket and not the
nasty ones from Tesco, plus
a Persimmon fruit and a
small kiwi fruit.
It was probably a
mistake to stay up to watch
both QI and Have I Got News
For You before going to bed.
I think staying awake that
long made me pass the peak
tiredness, and I was waking
up again. It was gone
midnight before I managed to
fall asleep. Once asleep I
seemed to sleep OK, or
perhaps "typically" is
closer to how I slept. I
think I had a dream about
working in a telephone
exchange, but I can't
remember enough to describe
any of it.
I managed to sleep
through to just after 7am
again. By then I was well
ready to go for a pee, but
alas I didn't poo. I state,
with little to no evidence,
that that was the reason why
it seemed I put on 200gm
since yesterday morning. I
didn't think I had eaten
enough to put weight on, and
at worst I thought I may
have broken even, If I had
had the poo I thought I
deserved, maybe I would have
weight the same as
yesterday, and maybe a tiny
bit less. The good thing (I
hope) is that apart from
these small ups and downs,
the average is still looking
like I am less heavy now
than I was at the start of
the year.
My blood glucose was
the now typical good and
bad. Both the Contour and
GlucoRX meters read the same
with a reading of 8.0mmol/l
- not perfect, but still
fairly good. Once again the
Exactive meter gave a silly,
by comparison, reading of
9.1mmol/l - just in the one
stop until the danger zone
area. At the end of the
month that meter definitely
goes into retirement ! I'll
probably go back to using
the Sinocare meter as the
third meter, but I might
give the Vivachek meter
another go, but I think that
was possibly worse than the
Exactive meter.
My blood pressure is
slightly up again this
morning, but 115/49 is still
shown as in the optimum area
on the meter. I do
seem to be generally
hovering between good and
bad this morning. I sort of
feel sort of OK in a very
hesitant way, and I have a
few mild aches. I have felt
better, and I have felt
worse. Maybe it is about as
good as it can get on a cold
drizzly day.
It is possible I am
going out later. I hope I
manage to find the right
mood to go out because a
rare opportunity has arisen.
It is because of engineering
works today that the London
Overground service from
Dalston Junction to Clapham
Junction is being diverted
into Battersea Park station.
There are two through
platforms there, one
completely disused platform,
and one terminal platform.
Once up on a time there used
to be a service, possibly
peak hours only, from
Battersea Park that went as
far as Peckham Rye station,
and then maybe to Beckenham
That terminal
platform at Battersea Park
station is very rarely used
now, and it is not often
that an opportunity arises
to use it. The connection
from Wandsworth Road
station, the previous
station, to Battersea Park
station is not even shown on
the London
Overground map. I
really need to psyche myself
to go out on the cold
drizzly day to not miss this
opportunity for a bit of
novelty. The possibility may
not arise again for month,
or even years !