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29th November 2024
09:37 GMT
was bright and sunny,
but it was still very
cold. The temperature
rose to 5°
C by 1pm, and then started to drop
again after 4pm. Most of the
evening was just 4° C, but then it
was forecast to rise a degree at
11pm. I'm not sure it did.
I'm very sure it was not 5°
C at 8am, but more like 2°
C. There was a very thick
frost this morning because
of the sky being clear for
most of the night. The sky
should stay clear until 9pm,
and there will be non stop
sunshine for all daylight
hours. The temperature is
forecast to peak at 1pm, and
then it should be 9°
C. With the
temperature now (9.43am)
still a smidgen away from 5°
C, it is possible today's
high may not be as high as
forecast. There will be some
cloud from about 9pm, and
the temperature should rise
again. The temperature at
6am tomorrow morning is
forecast to be about 9° C.
It will probably be all dull
tomorrow, but a maximum of
13° C is about the best
compensation for that we can
hope for.
Yesterday started as
a disaster - huge weight
gain, and horrendous blood
glucose readings - but I did
get things under control for
a while, and indeed I did
get things very much under
control later for some good
readings this morning, but
the bad effects were still
apparent in the afternoon.
The first thing I did
yesterday was not to have
any breakfast. I had to omit
my usual cod liver oil
capsule in with my morning
medication and stuff,
because I can't stand the
taste of burped up cod liver
oil. Burping the taste of
spicy instant noodles is the
cure, but not having
anything for breakfast
meant that I had no defence
from the cod liver oil
capsule. The curious thing
is that I didn't feel hungry
during the morning. If it
wasn't for that cod liver
oil capsule I could easily
skip breakfast like I used
to when I was working.
I didn't attempt to
re-do the patch over the
crack in my bathtub
yesterday, but I did put a
few more strips of what
seems to probably be a
better quality duct tape
over the places where I
thought the water was
getting through. I had a
quick shower after that, and
I didn't notice the carpet
getting damp. I know it is
probably a very
temporary repair that
I will have to do properly
some time, but for now it
seems OK.
At midday I checked
my blood glucose readings
again (although I only used
the two reliable meters, and
ignored the joke one). I
hoped for some improved, and
I was stunned when I saw
just how improved things
were. The Contour meter,
11.4mmol/l at 7am, was right
down to a perfectly
acceptable 8.5mmol/l. The
GlucoRX meter read
11.1mmol/l at 7am, and at
midday was down to a quite
good 8.2mmol/l at midday.
On the basis of those
readings I felt safe to have
some lunch, which as I
mentioned yesterday morning,
was almost essential before
drinking beer in the
afternoon. I had two
wholemeal rolls (the smaller
type, and not baps as I was
going to buy). I filled
those two small rolls with
tomato, cheese and ham. With
hindsight the ham was
superfluous, and would have
been better on it's own with
some mustard. The only
trouble is I really messed
it all up by also having two
small packets of crisps to
scoop up some BBQ chicken
flavour sandwich filler.
Maybe I didn't really
mess things up with that
unhealthy extra on top of
the two roll. Maybe the two
rolls by themselves was
enough to give me a slight
feeling of bloat. It would
have been no problem at
other times, and I might
have snoozed it away, but it
blunted my appetite for
I think it was
getting close to 4pm when
Jodie arrived for our beer
tasting session. I think she
had stopped off on the way
to get some shopping. I am
not really aware of the
reason, but it may have been
that she over did it the
night before, and so she was
not a terribly keen drinker
yesterday. That made two of
us, and I think we only got
through about 4 bottles of
beer between us. I also had
a can of Polish lager to
myself, but I almost had to
force the last couple of
mouthfuls down.
I did seem to get
quite near to vomiting a
couple of times, but
fortunately nothing
happened. Not only was Jodie
not in a beer drinking mood,
but she was very
uncommunicative. She spent
ages doom scrolling on her
phone. Things may have been
a bit more lively if I had
remembered to remind Michael
that we were drinking. He
knows he has an open
invitation to join us every
Thursday. I don't know if he
just forgets, or is too shy
or something, but unless I
send him a reminder he
doesn't show, and I felt I
had left it too late to
remind him.
Later on I was glad
he wasn't there. I felt too
rough to want to drink a
minute later than needed. It
was fortunate that Jodie was
picked up a little bit
before 6pm by Mark, who was
taking her to their mutual
friend Arm who was
celebrating his birthday for
the third day in a row ! I
was more than happy to get
my dinner ready, and it was
a very strange dinner. I
wanted something very light,
and I was going to have a
can of chicken soup.
The potential trouble
with chicken soup is that it
is slightly bland, and I
would have perked it up with
some extra hot, Scotch
Bonnet, based chilli sauce -
not ideal when your guts are
feeling fragile. The main
course of my dinner was
actually a tub of Iceland's
"My Protein", low sugar and
calories, ice cream. It was
an odd thing on a freezing
cold night, but indoors, in
the warm, it went down well.
After that I had a palmful
of peanuts, and a small lump
of cheese.
I ate while watching
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
It was one of their better
episodes. I then watched
Star Trek: Voyager, and to
my surprise it was also a
fairly good episode. That
finished at 8pm, and by
8.30pm I think I was asleep
in bed. In the first hours
of sleep I was dreaming
about the book I have been
reading, and in particular
the couple of pages I
managed to read before I
just could not keep my eyes
It was quite strange
dreaming because I seemed to
be going over what I had
read, and I was trying to
remember what happened next
(I had read the book before
3 or many more years ago). I
don't think I was dreaming I
was reading the book, and it
seemed to be a dream about
just thinking and
remembering. As far as I can
remember I didn't see or
hear anything, and it was
all inside my head. I almost
wonder if it was technically
a dream, but I am very sure
I was not awake because I am
very sure I woke up to go
for a pee.
I don't think I woke
up to go for a pee more
times than usual, and it may
have been less than usual,
but the quantity of pee
passed seemed to be a lot
more than usual. This would
turn out to be a good thing
- maybe with also a slight
negative. After getting up,
and going for my "official"
morning pee and poo (if I
could do the later, which I
didn't) I weighed myself,
and found I was a whole
600gm lighter than
yesterday. It is still not
as low as it should be, but
it is the same as my average
for this month, which might
be good.....or bad.
I did note that my
pillow had got damp from
face sweat a few times in
the night, and that would be
another fluid loss. It is
possible I may have been
very slightly dehydrated
this morning, and that can
make my blood glucose
readings seem to be higher
than they should be. this
morning the Contour meter
read 9.6mmol/l. That is
still too high, but at least
it is a lot less than
yesterday morning, and below
the red danger line. The
GlucoRX meter read a
slightly better, but still
too high 9.4mmol/l. As
usual, on it's second to
last day of use, the
Exactive meter had a reading
that was very different to
the other two. It read
10.5mmol/l, and well into
the danger area. Tomorrow I
will use that meter one more
time, and then it will be
(possibly) permanently
I think I still need
to be a bit careful with
what I eat today if I hope
to get lower readings
tomorrow - which I hope I
will. At least I don't have
to worry about my blood
pressure. This morning it
was very slightly higher
than the average with a
reading of 109/45. Not quite
as good as one of my super
low readings, which might
actually a be a good thing
and not a bad thing, but it
is most definitely in the
meters "Optimum" diagnostic
With it promised to
be an all sunny day, albeit
rather cold, I would
properly feel under some
pressure to go out and
frolic in the sun, but maybe
not today. Tomorrow I will
be going out to take some
snaps of the few bands who
will be on the live stage of
the Petts Wood Xmas lights
ceremony. One thing makes it
even better this year, and
it is not the bands who will
be playing, that would be
almost the opposite of good,
but the fact that it seems
the trains to Sevenoaks are
being diverted to run via
Petts Wood - so I have a
direct service to and from
Petts Wood.
The only fly in the
ointment about tomorrow is
that is, or hopefully was,
when my latest order from
Amazon, more blood glucose
meter test strips, were due
to be delivered. Upon
checking I find that my
parcel arrived at the
Dartford depot at just gone
midnight this morning. There
is no reason they won't be
out for delivery a bit later
this morning, and I will get
them some time this
afternoon. I'll have to stay
in to wait, and luxuriate in
the hot sunshine coming
through my bedroom window
and onto my bed.
1799 words today
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