looks damp outside, as if
there was some rain during
the night. There is no rain
now, and the temperature has
risen to 11° C. That is one
degree less than forecast.
It is going to be a grey day
today. No rain at all is
forecast to fall, and the
temperature should still
rise to 13° C for all the
afternoon until sunset when
it will slowly fall a single
degree. Tomorrow will
probably see the return of
rain, although at the moment
it seems like it will be a
few random passing showers.
Once again the afternoon
temperature should be 13° C.
Yesterday was not a
bad day, but I feel
reluctant to go as far as to
say it was a good day,
although I am forced to
admit that a few bits may
have been good.....or maybe
I just did a few things that
would later have a good
outcome. That was mostly to
do with regulating my eating
One bad thing
yesterday was waiting until
almost 4pm (which could
almost be described as early
for Amazon) for a delivery
from Amazon. It was just a
couple of packets of test
sticks for two of my blood
glucose meters. I must admit
it was good that they were
delivered yesterday because
the original estimate was
that they would be delivered
today, and that would have
been a bit tricky.
After my horrendous
blood glucose readings I
only had a single, but large
packet of instant noodles
for breakfast. Although
large, it was less than two
small packets. From then on
I managed to control my
eating rather better than I
expected to - particularly
when it was cold and I was
often almost bored as I
passed the time reading, and
before midday, also
I made a dangerous
assumption that if the day
before yesterday, my doubly
horrendous blood glucose
level had dropped to a safe
level by lunchtime, then it
would do so yesterday as
well. Of course the day
before yesterday I had no
breakfast to speed up, or
just make the drop lower.
Yesterday I didn't start
with readings over the red
line (except for the
Exactive meter whose wonky
readings I now ignore), and
just hoped it was safe to
have some lunch.
I still only allowed
myself a fairly safe lunch
of rice crackers with
cheese, and sliced gherkin,
and sliced red pickled
jalapeños. The thing is that
it was delicious in it's own
way, and it didn't feel like
I was missing out on
anything better - although I
have to admit that I had
been think that some hot
soup may have been better,
but in my bedroom, with the
sun streaming through the
windows, it wasn't cold at
all !

My bedroom was an
exception. Down in the
kitchen, where I prepared my
lunch, it was bloody
freezing. At one point,
actually 12:38, and not
13:38 as shown on my
thermometer that is still on
BST, the sun shining through
the windows, and falling
directly on to the
thermometer, raised it to
29.5° C. (The proof is in
the terrible quality picture
on the left). The rest of my
bedroom was a fair bit
cooler, and in the shaded
bit of my bedroom where my
computer is, it almost felt
A lot of sunshine was
falling on my bed, and while
it didn't seem to warm it up
to 29.5° C, it still felt
nice and warm to lay on my
bed, feel the sun dazzling
my eyes if I looked up from
my book, and warm enough to
make me feel sleepy. Once I
had confirmed my Amazon
parcel was out for delivery
(I think it claimed it left
the depot at 11:40 or
something, but I didn't know
that until I got an email
saying it was out for
delivery) I had to pay more
attention to the outside
world - even if the best
estimate that Amazon could
offer was the dreaded
"before 9pm".
I was rather happy
when my doorbell sounded,
and I rushed down the
stairs, but the man from
Amazon had no time to wait
even 30 seconds, and just
dumped the small parcel next
to the wheelie bins.
Fortunately it would not
have been easy to spot from
the road, and if it had had
to stay there all day, and
if it had rained, the
contents would not have been
spoiled by getting wet - the
actual test strips are in a
well sealed plastic carton a
lot like those that 35mm
films used to come in (and
probably still do).
Once I had my new
blood glucose test strips in
my hands I could relax. I
seemed to do a lot of
relaxing yesterday ! Nothing
really happened until I
prepared my dinner. It was
to be beef burgers with
special (as in complete crap
- mostly congealed palm oil)
cheese on top, and served
with some ready made crispy
fried onions, sliced
gherkins, and yet more
sliced, and pickled, red
jalapeño chillies.
I ate dinner while
watching Star Trek: Deep
Space Nine, and my dinner
was rather good - unlike the
TV that was only slightly
good in parts. I also
watched Star Trek: Voyager.
Now that was a typical
episode, or not terribly
exciting. During a
commercial break, maybe 20
minutes after it started, I
went out to th bathroom
where I trimmed my beard,
had a wet shave for the rest
of my lower face, and than I
washed and conditioned my
All that grooming
meant I missed some 20
minutes of Voyager, but it
did save me time for this
morning. When Voyager
finished at 8pm I turned the
TV off and did some reading,
but turned it on again to
watch an episode of QI. That
finished at 10pm, and I went
straight to bed. It was a
bit unusual, but I didn't
read in bed. I turned the
light out, and was asleep
maybe 15 minutes after
getting into bed.
I had been worried
that my dinner was the sort
of thing that could easily
give me acid indigestion. I
did burp a few times, even
when trying to get to sleep,
and I could taste fried
onions, but I didn't seem to
have any indigestion or acid
reflux. I was all set for a
good sleep, and I came close
to getting it. The only
significant interruption was
at about 2.30am. I woke for
a pee, and also because I
seemed to be having a hot
flush (or very brief fever).
I felt hot, and was just
about to break into a sweat
when I went out to the cold
toilet. I seemed to have
cooled off when I went back
to bed, but I was sure that
it could start again once I
pulled the duvet over me. I
turned the heater up, and
then slept partly, or more,
uncovered through the night.
There were several
things I thought I would
remember from my dreams. One
was a dream that included
the idea that it was illegal
to import a complete bell.
The solution was to despatch
the clapper by itself.
Another dream included the
word "homophagy". I really
have no idea what the dream
was about. It could have
been about watching
something on TV that used
the word, or maybe something
I was reading in a book,
magazine or newspaper. It
was obviously a word I had
heard before, and I even
seemed to know what it
meant. Until I looked it up
- I thought it was another
name for cannabilism, but
apparently it is about
eating raw flesh, and it is
also a misspelling of the
word "omophagy".
One thing that didn't
happen this morning, was
getting a text message from
Angela at 6:24am. That
happened yesterday, and I
forgot to mention it. It was
a simple message that saying
that Angela felt very scared
about her final day of
treatment to when I have
later learned was head and
throat cancer (although the
tumour seemed to be in her
throat). It took a bit of
time for me to wake up
enough to compose what I
hoped was a good enough
reply. I rather spoiled my
morning in a way, but I did
manage to get back to sleep
again for an hour or more.
This morning there
was no interruption except
for stopping to weigh myself
after having a pee around
6am. I think what I saw sort
of relaxed me. When I
finally got up I had another
pee, and this morning it
included having a poo too.
When I weighed myself I
found I seemed to have lost
500gm, and that meant I
finished this month 400gm
less than I started the
month. I think that counts
as good....but only mildly
good and really nothing to
My blood glucose
readings were good this
morning, and even the weird
Exactive meter managed to
almost agree with the other
two reliable (I hope)
meters. The Contour meter
read 8.1mmol/l, andthat is
very good compared to
recently. The GlucoRX meter
was even better, and only
just missed my light green
colour code on the
spreadsheet with a reading
of 8.0mmol/l. I was stunned
to see that even the
Exactive meter gave a
reading no much higher than
the other two. It read
I don't know why, but
I had a feeling my blood
pressure may have been
higher than usual this
morning. In fact it was just
about average. My first and
reading seemed good enough
that I didn't bother trying
again to see if I could get
it lower. I think 105/48 is
good enough to satisfy any
of my doctors and nurses.

The most significant
thing today is to get to
Petts Wood to get some snaps
of those performing on the
live stage. It seems there
are just 4 performances this
year. I have no idea
what to expect from Lilise
who is on a 2pm. I found
something about her in an
internet search. If it was
teh same Lilise, it would
seem that she is a bit
country orientated in her
choice of music. I have no
idea if she will have a
backing band,or if she will
sing along to an iPad.
I know Vince
Lightning, apparently
without the Thunderboltz. He
has a tendency towards old
time rock and roll, but is,
or was, doing some newer,
more rock stuff. He is a
great showman, and it could
make for some good pictures.
I think Granite are
supposed to be a bit more
like heavy rock orientated,
but they really be more into
more melodic stuff. I think
they may be a 4 or 5 piece,
and may provide some good
photo opportunities.
I have never seen The
Four Hoarsemen before, but I
am sure I have heard many
positive mentions from the
regular Bromley musicians
and audience.
For the second year
running there will be no
fireworks. Apparently they
are too expensive, and the
land they used to use to set
them off is now built on.
That means I have no reason
to hang around, and maybe
I'll just spent 15 minutes
getting a few snaps of The
Four Hoarsemen before
slipping away to the station
to get a train home. Today
the train are on diversion,
presumably because of
engineering works. This time
it is in my favour. All the
services that would normally
go from Catford station to
Sevenoaks are diverted to
Orpington, and all call at
Petts Wood !