The Met Office says it will
be misty until quite late in
the day. It did look misty
when I peeped out from
behind the curtains at about
6:30am, but once there was a
bit more light in the sky it
had vanished - if it was
even there in the first
place ! This morning it
seems to be a few tenths of
a degree below the forecast
6° C, but it is supposed to
warm up to 7° C very soon.
Drizzle may start to fall at
1pm, and the temperature
should go up another degree
by 2pm, and at 4pm the
drizzle may turn into light
rain. It is going to be
another miserable day with
no sunshine. Tomorrow may be
another sunless day, but the
clouds may be a bit lighter.
The temperature sometimes be
6° C and sometimes 7° C, but
by midnight the temperature
could fall to 5° C.
The main problem
yesterday was the dull and
cold weather. I burned a lot
of electricity keeping my
bedroom, where I tend to
spend much of my free time,
warm. I was OK when I went
out. I wore one of my thick
hooded coats, and at one
time I was feeling a bit too
warm !
Yesterday morning
seemed to be slow, or maybe
it went too fast, It depends
on your perspective. All I
know is that once I finished
writing, had my traditional
30 to 40 minute lie down,
washed my hair and had a
shower, and then blow dried
my hair, it was getting
late, and I would miss the
train I usually get by about
a minute. The train was to
Take me to Ladywell, and
from there, armed with two
copies of The Metro (from
Catford Bridge station) I
walked to the Jolly Farmers.

When I got to The
Jolly Farmers (everyone but
the sign writer knows it is
"Farmers", plural) I found
the Xmas decorations were
up. Whoever did it did a
reasonable job, but I can't
say I found there was any
"wow factor" to it all, but
this is because I am just
indifferent to any Xmassy
sort of things, and have
been for many,many years. I
will put up my mini tree and
some lights for Jodie and
Michael, but otherwise I
wouldn't bother. When I was
working Xmas was just
another couple of days off
work, and since retiring it
is no different to the
endless days that are all
the same.
I had my usual two
pints of Guinness, and
didn't really fancy any more
than that. It was so dull
outside that I kept thinking
it would be night very soon,
and if I didn't leave the
pub then I might be late
getting to bed. Once I went
outside it seemed less like
late evening out there.
It seemed quiet in
the pub at first, but it
wasn't long before the usual
regulars started coming in,
and the banter started.
Shawn came in with his dog
Stella, and while started
telling what often seem like
tall stories, Stella
continued her love affair
with Ayse, my favourite
barmaid. it is odd that Ayse
doesn't really like dogs,
but she likes Stella, and
Stella likes her because she
is the source of treats !
Stella was once barred from
going behind the bar, but
now spends most of her time
Yesterday's quick
crossword in The Metro was
once again as easy as it
should be. It is just hard
enough to tax the brain, but
easy enough that many people
finish it on their commute
to work. There were a few
clues where I had to cheat.
The were the names of
contemporary actors or
actresses, and I have very
little knowledge of them.
Fortunately there was enough
information in the clue to
enable a simple internet
search to come up with an
answer. I think I finished
the quick crossword before I
finished my first pint.
I then went on to the
cryptic crossword as I drank
my second pint. Halfway
through that second pint I
had only managed to solve 3
or 4 answers. I gave up and
decided to read some news in
the paper. I think most of
it just went in one
eye and out the other. So
much of modern popular news
is about alleged famous who
I have rarely heard of, and
I am not interested in - no
matter how many movies they
have been in, and how many
sex scandals that have been
As I mentioned above,
once I left the pub it
seemed brighter outside,
although it was all still
very grey. When I had
arrived at the pub I was
beginning to feel a bit too
warm under my coat because I
had been doing a fair bit of
walking and only interrupted
by a 2 minute ride on a war
train. I did not feel so
warm as I walked back to
Ladywell Station, but I
didn't feel cold either -
except for cold hands
because I didn't think to
wear gloves.
I had a 10 minute
wait for the next train
after missing one by just a
few minutes. Even standing
around, I still felt quite
comfortable in my blue
hooded winter coat. I think
the last selfie I showed of
me wearing it was over a
week ago, and on that
occasions it was raining,
and that coat kept me dry. I
think I bought the coat 3 or
more years ago, and it was
quite cheap, maybe around
£30, and it seems it was a
bargain. Originally it
seemed very tight, but now
it seems very comfortable,
although getting the zip
over my belly can be a bit
tricky to avoid catching my
t-shirt in the zip.
As usual, I took
pictures of the front and
back of every train I saw,
but sadly there was no train
I had not photographed
before. On my way home I
called into the little
supermarket on Catford
Bridge where I bought 4
apples, and a lot of
assorted instant noodles,
and a big packet of Lay's
KFC flavour crisps. I tried
some when I got home, and
they just have that savoury
taste that is usually
described as roast chicken,
but is closer to thyme and
something stuffing.
Apart from that
taster, I made up two small
wholemeal rolls with cream
cheese, tomato and iceberg
lettuce, plus a squirt of
mayonnaise. It was about 3pm
when I arrived home, and
only a few hours until an
early dinner. It was the
start of what was really
slightly excessive eating.
That included some small
snacks that by themselves
were mostly harmless, but
added together they were not
good for me - mainly in just
one respect.
One thing I almost
forgot was that when I got
home I noticed a couple of
small packets from Amazon,
that I was expecting today,
were tucked in behind the
black wheelie bin. They
contained two pairs of SD
memory cards - two big ones
for my big Nikon camera
(which takes two cards at a
time, but only needs one to
function*) - and also a new
2TB solid state hard drive
to replace the unknown named
Chinese on that started to
produce file errors after a
few months of use.
* The big Nikon D610s camera
can use the two cards in
different ways depending on
what is selected in the main
menu. The safest way is to
have one memory card as a
duplicate of the other.
Another option is to use the
second card as an overflow
if the first card fills up.
The third option is for one
card to store JPG versions
of the pictures, and the
other to store RAW versions
of the pictures. The latter
are uncompressed and are
huge files, but more
versatile during photo
editing. It is very rare
that I feel the need to use
I can't remember
whether it was before or
after dinner that I started
copying my /home partition
over to the new solid state
hard drive, but I do know it
ran most of the evening,
over night, and only
finished about 5 minutes ago
! It takes quite a long time
to copy about 1.6TB of data
My dinner, eaten
while watching Star Trek,
was a three part session. I
started with the last of the
"grill chips2 I have
mentioned the last couple of
days. I decided I didn't
really like them, but rather
than throw them away, I had
the last of them as part of
my dinner - it was quite a
small portion of extra well
cooked chips - cooked enough
to make the top layer almost
blackened and very crispy.
The second part of my
dinner was a liver and
bacon, with mashed potato,
ready meal. It was not very
nice, and I don't really
know why I bought it because
I know they are not nice. It
just seemed like a sort of
good idea at the time. I
guess they are not actually
horrible, but just sort of
disappointing - particularly
compared to what my mum used
to make. The final bit of my
dinner was a single apple as
a dessert. It was a Croatian
"Red" apple from the same
grower as the Golden apples
I seem to like.
Last night was a bit
silly. I was feeling tired,
but I didn't seem to try to
go to sleep until quite
late. The last bit of TV I
saw was Have I Got News For
You, and that followed QI
(or was it the other way
around ?). Anyway, it was
11pm when I turned the TV
off and went to bed. I read
for an unknown amount of
time before I turned the
light off. I didn't
consciously plan it that
way, but it worked well
because I think I fell
asleep with seconds of
turning the light out.
I seemed to sleep
well, and maybe I woke less
often to pee, maybe....
There is one one bit of
dream I remember, and it was
about purifying, or
something, some sort of pale
pink liquid in conical
flasks. I can't seem to
recall what the liquid was,
although there is a hint of
an idea it might have been
natural either from out of
the ground, or something
like plant sap. It was left
for some time for some
sediment to settle, and then
the flask was decanted to
leave the sediment behind. I
don't even know whether it
was the clear liquid or the
sediment that was the wanted
product. It seemed to be a
long dream where almost
nothing happened !
For some unknown, and
to be honest a stupid
reason, I was up early this
morning, although by early I
mean the sort of time I
would get up when the sun
rose before 6am. It was not
long after 6am when I got
up. Had it been closer to
8am I would probably have
had another pee, and maybe
in the specific case of this
morning, have had a second
poo, and it would look less
like I seem to have put on a
lot of weight in the last
day. If I had bothered to
get undressed down to my
underwear, before I ate my
breakfast, I may have found
I had only put on a little
weight, but once the big
increase was logged on my
spreadsheet, it was
Maybe there is
something good about that. I
was definitely partly
constipated yesterday, and
that would make me seem
heavier. This morning I am
not constipated, and I think
there is a fair chance it
will turn out that I am
definitely, definitely not
constipated today. There is
a chance if I eat carefully
today I will find that
today's weight was just a
blip, and everything will be
back to normal tomorrow
morning - although of course
this is unlikely because
booze will be consumed
As is often the case,
the very nature of physics
and chemistry seemed to be
warped again. My weight may
be up, but my blood glucose
is down. This does hint that
my eating yesterday was less
cavalier than I thought. The
Contour meter read a fairly
good 8.3mmol/l. The GlucoRX
meter read an even better
8.1mmol/l. Only the Sinocare
meter gave a slightly
higher, and mildly
disappointing reading of
8.7mmol/l - but that is
still good enough.
One bothersome thing
is that I am still seeing
slightly higher than average
blood pressure readings.
Having said that, 112/47 is
still very good. My meter
describes it as "Optimum".
What bother me is whether
this admittedly very small
rise is part of a continuing
trend. On the other hand,
the average morning Systolic
pressure so far this month
is only about 1 different
from the averages of the
last 3 or 4 months. I guess
it is no bother, but I'll
keep and eye on it.
The main thing today
will be a beer tasting
session with Jodie, and
probably Michael too. It
will make for a bit of a
busy time for me because I
feel I probably should get
the little little beer
fridge top Xmas tree out,
and put some lights up. I
know where the lights are,
and I have already bought
spare AA batteries for them.
I think I know where the
mini xmas tree is, and it
will mean lugging a chair up
the stairs to get it from
off the top of the cupboard
on the top landing. I think
my spare Xmas cards,
possibly with spare stamps,
are up there too.