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13th December 2024
09:11 GMT
Yesterday was cold, dull and
miserable - just like many recent
days. In addition to the cold and
lack of sunshine, there was also
some rain. It was mostly light
rain or drizzle, but still
horrible. The afternoon
temperature rose from 7° C to 8°
C, and that is the one single
positive, but useless thing about
the day.
is very wet out this
morning. There must have
been some rain in the early
hours, and I think there
might even still be some
light drizzle even if the
forecast says zero chance of
any rain in the last hour.
The forecast actually says
no rain at all today. The
morning will feature thick
cloud, but the cloud should
thin a bit after sunset, and
so there is still zero
chance of seeing any
sunshine today. Most of the
daylight hours will be 6° C.
Tomorrow is currently
forecast to start with some
drizzle, but the afternoon may
see some sunny spells, and
it could be 8° C - which is
still pretty chilly.
One way of looking at
it is that yesterday was a
disaster, albeit a slowly
acting disaster. That will
be explained in due course.
Another way of looking at it
is that yesterday was a nice
day, and that will be
explained too.One definite
thing is that I missed a lot
of good sleep last night.
That too will be explained.
Yesterday morning was
good and bad. The bad was
simply that I was a bit
miffed to see I had gained
weight, and the good is that
there was very little I
needed to do, and I could be
thoroughly lazy almost the
whole day. I had got up
earlier than recently, and
so having a short snooze
after I had finished writing
partly made up for losing
about an hour of sleep in
the morning.
That extreme laziness
didn't actually last long
because I suddenly decided I
should put my Xmas lights up
in the dining room. That
meant wobbling on top of a
chair to get my mini Xmas
tree down from the cupboard
on the top landing
(perilously close to the
full drop down to the bottom
of the stairs), and a bit
later to pin some fairly
lights up in the dining
room. I think it was after
that when I made sure the
beer glases were clean and
polished. One thing I didn't
do was to do all the
washing up left in the
kitchen sink, although I did
do a few things I knew I
would need later.
Nothing much happened
then until after 3.30pm when
Jodie arrived for our beer
tasting session. Michael,
who as always I had to
prompt, despite him knowing
he has an open invitation,
arrived fairly late at about
5pm. My Xmas lights were
(probably politely) admired,
and we drunk several Xmas
beers. The only possible
negative thing is that most
of the beers were English
ales, and they can sometime
have a fair bit of unbrewed
malt (= sugar) in them.
For once Michael was
fairly cheerful, although he
did bring me a letter to
look at because he was very
suspicious of it. He seems
to be taking warnings about
fraud, scamming, and
computer/phone viruses to
almost paranoid proportions,
but I guess he has no
counterbalancing information
about such things. The
letter he was very
suspicious of was indeed a
sort of scam, but not one
that was illegal, and
only slightly not quite
It was actually a
letter to his wife about eye
tests, and it included the
NHS logo. It was about free,
in home, eye tests. That
part seemed to be totally
legitimate. Where it fell
down was that there was no
obvious warning that any
glasses prescribed would not
be free. I think this is the
same everywhere, but in a
shop you sort of know that
because a shop is obviously
there to sell you stuff. I
gave my opinion to Michael,
and he seemed happy with
In the last 20 to 30
minutes of drinking, we had
a visit from Mark. He was
due to give Jodie a lift to
some boozing place they
would be meeting Alan
(Jodie's boyfriend). Mark
didn't want to stay long
because he was worried that
some mad parking enforcement
person would be patrolling
in the dark and rain, and
would target Mark's car. He
only expected to be parked
outside for 10 minutes or
so, and didn't think it
worth paying, by phone, for
a full hour of parking.
It was about 6.30pm
when everyone had gone, and
I could watch a bit of Star
Trek while my dinner cooked.
My dinner was to be a couple
of home made burgers - aka
ready made burgers in a
ready made bun. The bun was
actually a large wholemeal
bap, and the burgers were
made by (or for) Tesco.
Despite the addition of
sliced cheese, and sliced
gherkins, I found them to be
not nearly as good as hoped.
Maybe if I had grilled the
bun it may have improved it
a bit.
I had also had a
couple of wholemeal rolls,
with cheese and tomato in
them, for my pre-drinking
lunch. I thought that the
wholemeal bread would be
fairly safe, but it seems
that it was not. The very
worst thing is that the two
big baps with burgers in
them, plus the two remaining
burgers in the pack, eaten
with a sprinkle of grated
cheese, seemed to give me
terrible acid indigestion
I watched the rest of
Star Trek: Voyager (a pretty
poor episode), and I could
almost have gone to bed
after that at 8pm. I didn't
for two reasons, although I
suppose reason 2 was a
follow on from reason 1, and
that was the start of
feeling bloated. It was
worse than that. I started
belching, and on one belch I
came close to vomiting. I
felt acid reach the top of
my throat. In consequence I
decided to watch Have I Got
News For You to delay when I
would try for sleep.
In the meantime the
acid indigestion turned to
what ended as really bad
heartburn. The short result
is that it was not until 3am
before I was OK to sleep
properly. I did end up
getting a few odd snatches
of sleep before that, and
one of them was while
sitting in front of my PC.
Had I been near the toilet,
or some other suitable
receptacle, it would
probably all been over a lot
quicker if when I belched up
the acid to the back of my
throat, I had just let in
continue, and vomit up the
content, or at least some of
it, of my stomach.
I passed the time
until 3am by reading stuff
on the internet, taking
antacid remedies, and at
about 1pm, having a poo. If
it wasn't so cold in the
bathroom I may have gone
back to try for another. On
the whole the entire
experience was rather
boring, but worse was that I
definitely felt extremely
tired, but I could just not
lay down in bed comfortably.
I seem to recall that I was
not perfectly comfortable
when I think I fell asleep
from pure exhaustion at
around 3am.
It was just normal
when I woke up a few times
to pee between then and when
I got up. I am sure I
remember that the first time
I woke up for a pee, I was
still not feeling that good,
but on subsequent times I
think I felt OK. At this
point I would describe my
dreams, but while I feel
sure I can remember
dreaming, I can't seem to
recall a single thing about
them. Maybe the effort at
finally getting up at 8am
erased my memory.
After getting up I
went for the first pee of
the day, and even did a very
small poo. It was far from
enough because it seems I
managed to put on another
500gm since yesterday
morning. That is very
bothersome, and the only
solace is that subsequently
I did have another poo and
another pee before I had
breakfast, and ruined any
chance to weigh myself again
On this occasion, not
only had my weight risen,
but my blood glucose had
gone up a lot too. I'm not
sure whether to blame the
English ales or all the
wholemeal bread, but the
Contour meter read
9.1mmol/l. That is higher
than is desirable, but still
not too bad. The GlucoRX
meter read 9.5mmol/l, and
that is definitely in the
worrying area. The Sinocare
meter really hit the bone
with a terrible reading of
10.5mmol/l - well inside the
danger zone.
It all means that
today, a really dull and
miserable day, and in
consequence probably a very
boring day, I have to try
and fast all day until
dinner time. Even dinner has
to be very restrained if I
want to get any acceptable
readings tomorrow.
Even my blood pressure is up
a little bit this morning,
although 114/55 is still
classed as optimum. This
really very small increase
is most probably a reaction
to the stress of having to
try to be very disciplined
There is one thing I
need to do today, and it is
to finish washing a small
hand towel that I left in
soak after my shower
yesterday morning. It will
probably need as many as a
dozen rinses, but being
small that should not be too
arduous - just boring.
Ideally I could do with
taking a walk for a couple
of miles today, but looking
out the window I just see
misery - cold air, dull
light, and dampness. I could
still possibly go to the
shops, but that would
probably be unwise when I am
trying to fast - I can't
think of any shop I frequent
that doesn't have some sort
of food in it ! So I have to
think I am not hungry, and
don't want to snack, while
being bored stiff !
1689 words today
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