sunshine is forecast for
today, but it should stay
dry despite some of the
cloud being almost black (if
I interpret the forecast
correctly). Despite no
sunshine, the temperature
should reach an almost warm
12° C. Tomorrow should
be another dry day, and the
middle of the day should
feature some sunny spells.
It will be almost as warm as
today, but only 11° C is
currently forecast, but it
could all change in
tomorrow's version.
I seem to be having
another late start this
morning, but it may not
matter because I probably
don't have a lot to say (but
who knows what might tumble
out once I get started). The
nice sunshine could have
inspired me to do more, but
it looked nicer than it
It was sort of
planned based on the weather
forecast the previous day -
I had intended to trim
severely trim my beard, have
a wet shave for the rest of
my face, wash my hair, and
have a shower. I did all
that except for washing my
hair. I seemed to think I
didn't have time for that,
but I don't know why. There
were hours to go before the
sun went in behind clouds,
but I was feeling rather
keen to walk in the
I did have grand
plans imagined for walks to
here, there, and anywhere,
but I settled on plan B -
going to Poundland. Let me
interrupt myself at this
point. It is just before
10am, and the sun has come
out. The sky seems to show
lots of blue, and this is
definitely not shown in the
weather forecast...or maybe
it was in the Met Office
forecast, but only for a
single hour. Looking at the
sky, it may last a bit
longer than that.
Back to yesterday,
and I got dressed and took a
walk to Poundland. The big
problem with that is that
most of the walk is in the
shadow of houses, and so not
enjoyable at all. On top of
that, the walk is possibly
as little as 30ft beyond my
comfortable walking distance
these days. I was starting
to get hints of angina pains
as I entered the shop.
I am happy to say that I
achieved the core reason for
going there - buying sugar
free choc chip cookies.
Of course I bought
more than that. I bought
some spare shower gel, and
two more bottles of Vanish
stain remover. I had a look
to see if they had any high
cocoa content, dark
chocolate, but all I could
see was Cadbury's (or is it
Hershey's now ?) Bournville
chocolate. I bought a bar to
try it, although it's sugar
content is a bit higher than
is ideal, but not terribly
While I was in the
shop there was quite a loud
row started. The security
man wanted to see what
another man was up to. He
told him he had seen him
picking up stuff from the
shelves, but his basket was
empty. The suspect, at the
top of his voice, said that
just because the security
man was not from East
Africa, but maybe from some
other part of Africa (but
more likely the Caribbean)
he was picking on him, and
was a racist.
I have no idea what
may have happened after I
left the store. It may have
descended into a fight, or
it is possible the police
were called, and the suspect
would have had to empty his
pockets out. Maybe after a
lot of shouting the suspect
may have left the store, but
either he was being well
blocked by the security man,
or he seemed to have no
desire to leave.
Maybe because it had
almost caused me pain when I
walked to the shop, but I
did not enjoy the walk home
at all. I felt uncomfortable
in a way I can't really
describe. Maybe some of the
problem was that all that
walking in the shadows left
me feeling a bit cold
despite having one of my
warmer coats on. I felt glad
to get home. I think that
was about 2pm, and I was
feeling like some lunch
would be a good idea.
I had had a very big
portion of instant noodles
for my breakfast on the
assumption that maybe I
would not be home for lunch,
or if I was, I would not
have any lunch. Of course
that didn't work because I
had just bought new food. My
lunch was actually a
small-ish bag of black
pepper flavoured cashew
nuts. They were nice, but I
should have split it up into
several smaller amounts
because my taste buds just
became numb after shovelling
enough it. After that I
opened one of the three
packets of sugar free choc
chip cookies. I only had
about 4 cookies from the
pack instead of eating the
whole pack.
There was just one
important thing I did
yesterday afternoon, and it
was to pay my overdue
telephone bill before BT
started getting stressed. To
do that I logged into my
main bank account, and that
enabled me to see the
balance of my current
account. It was looking
fairly healthy. That was
pleasing, but I had to
remind myself it could soon
go down fast if I got
carried away with takeaways
and Amazon orders.
Around 4pm I had a
healthy sort of snack (at
least I think it was
supposed to be). It was
nothing more than a medium
sized Conference pear, and a
large orange. The pear came
from Aldi, and during the
week I have had them, they
are now starting to taste
nice and ripe. It is a shame
that I now only have one
left. The orange came from
the little supermarket on
Catford Bridge, and peeled a
lot easier than the rough
old ones that Tesco sell,
and tasted nicer too.
At some point, and I
can't seem to remember what
order things came in, I had
my last wholemeal bap filled
with corned beef, tomato and
mustard. It is probably just
as well that it was the last
one because it was nice
enough that I could have
easily had a couple more. I
used the last of the corned
beef for my official dinner.
I had it cut into small
squares, on rice crackers
(supposedly very low sugar
content) with some pickled
sliced gherkin on some of
I did something I
haven't done for years last
night, and it was to watch
something on BBC2, and even
rarer was that it was a
film. It was a black and
white film made in 1964
called "
Train". It was
(probably very loosely)
based on a real event in
wartime France when a train
carrying looted paintings by
famous artists was stopped
by the Free French Forces,
and prevented from leaving
France. The film version was
obviously dramatised, but it
was sort of captivating. I
thought I would just spend a
couple of minutes seeing
what it was all about, and
ended up watching until the
It was lucky that I
had fond something to watch
because there was very
little offered that might
amuse me on TV last night. I
thought Jephro Tull in
concert might be
interesting. Maybe I just
picked one of the worst bits
to watch, but it seemed very
boring - so boring that I
thought eating three small
packets of crisps might have
added more flavour.
After 10 minutes I turned
the TV off, and resorted to
reading to pass the time.
I have no idea when I
put the book down, and very
quickly went to sleep. I am
guessing that is was
probably very soon after
9pm. I was going to say that
I slept very well last
night, but then I remembered
waking up feeling cold.
Later on I woke up with
cramp starting in my left
leg (or was it the right ?).
I also had pains from my
right elbow - possibly where
it had got chilled earlier
in the night. When I got up
thinking I was actually
"getting up" I woke with
both my hands numb.
I am not sure
how the two things are
related, but I decided I
wasn't getting up then after
all, and after a pee, and my
hands returned to normal, I
went back to bed. I suspect
I spent more time thrashing
around trying to get, and
stay asleep, than the amount
of actual extra sleep. In
theory I would have had an
extra pee after extra sleep,
and I thought I would have a
poo. I had no poo, but did
pass a lot of wind, and
little more than a trickle
of pee.
I had hoped I might
have lost moor weight than
the scales said I did
yesterday. The scales seemed
to hesitate before coming to
a proper reading, and it is
probably they were deciding
if it was 100gm or 200gm
that I was lighter this
morning. If I put on my
extreme optimistic hat it
was 150gm, but the scales
only read in 100gm
increments. Oh well, at lest
is was a drop even if a
small one.
This morning proved
the worth of using three
different blood glucose
meters. The first reading
was a lot higher than the
other two. maybe it was a
faulty test strip, or just
something weird, but a
second reading brought it in
line with the other two. The
Contour meter, the one that
needed a second reading,
read 8.7mmol/l. The GlucoRX
meter read 8.0mmol/l, and
the Sinocare meter read
8.8mmol/l. That gives an
average of 8.5mmol/l, and
that is very average in
One of the last
things I did before going to
bed last night was to
remember I had not checked
my blood pressure. I usually
do it early in the evening.
Doing at the last minute
meant I was not really
relaxed, and more in a sort
of panic. The reading was
unusually high, but even
121/52 is perfectly normal,
and not far off "Optimum".
This morning I had a mini
panic when the meter
suggested the new batteries
I had only fitted a few days
earlier were already flat,
but I think it was a
recurrence of a "loose
connection" problem I had
weeks ago. The best I could
manage this morning was
116/45, and despite the
stress, was still shown as
Once I have finished
this writing I will have my
usual rest for half an hour
or so, and then I will have
a shower. I may also wash my
hair. It needs it, but I may
get by if it feels like I am
running out of time. What I
have to do once washed and
dressed, is to finally go
shopping in Tesco. I have
done well to eke out what I
have, and in theory I could
last another day, but I
think today has to be the
Two things will
happen this afternoon, and
until the first has
happened, I won't know what
order they will be in. It is
probable that Jodie will
arrive for a beer tastings
session after the other
thing. It was last Friday
afternoon that I ordered
some more Xmas beers. This
lot will be a more
international selection than
the last. I forgot to
mention it on Saturday, but
I was reminded this morning
when I got an email to say
the beers would be delivered
this afternoon. I guess in
the Xmas rush the couriers,
DPD in this case, are now
all on overtime with
deliveries even on a Sunday.