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Diary/Blog For the Month of March 2024 |
Sunday 31st March
2024 |
Yesterday was far better than the early versions of the forecast from The Met Office, and it was very similar, except maybe even a bit better than the optimistic forecast from The BBC. Instead of only sunny spells/periods, there were several hours of non stop sunshine. Most hours of daylight featured at least one sunny spell. The breeze was very light, and so 14° C actually felt slightly warm. ![]() I managed to make a grammar mistake, by omitting an entire word, in my opening sentence yesterday. Maybe Yesterday didn't start as well as I was going to describe it ! Actually, although rushing to bang out these words, as I do almost every morning, usually includes loads of spelling/grammar errors. Doing my best to include all words, and correct spelling (no chance !!) my day, night, and this morning is all described in my complete archived page for today. |
Saturday 30th March
2024 |
Yesterday morning was a bit wet, but the afternoon seemed to be nice and sunny, albeit mostly as sunny periods. The temperature reached 13° C for more hours than originally forecast, but the sun didn't seem to provide much warmth. ![]() Yesterday sort of OK. As expected I did a lot of resting to make up for a bad night's sleep, but I did also do some useful stuff. The best thing was no angina pains, although I did seem to feel a bit fragile in that area. Another good thing is that I seemed to get my blood glucose level under control. My full day, although a bit sparse, is described, along with some notes about my night, and this morning, in my complete archived page for today. |
Friday 29th March
2024 |
Yesterday was a rather wet day, but there were a few short sunny spells at the start and end of the day. It was another cool day with the temperature only reaching 11° C, and that only for an hour or two. A strong wind made it feel even cooler. ![]() Yesterday was a fairly good until the evening when it all went horribly wrong. I guess I could describe yesterday morning as fairly neutral. It was pleasant without being exciting, and apart from a late shower, just before midday, I mostly just "relaxed". My day ended badly. That and the rest of my day, night, and this morning, is described in my complete archived page for today. |
Thursday 28th March
2024 |
Yesterday was bright, very wet, and bright again. After many sunny spells, everything changed at about midday. It started with just a little bit of light rain that could be felt, more than seen, and then a bit later it came pouring down. It lasted for about 45 minutes, but was followed by another short period of heavy rain. By 2pm, maybe 2.30pm, the sun came out again, and the rest of the afternoon was bright and dry with more sunny spells. It was another cold day. The temperature did peak as high as 11° C, but by 2pm the temperature quickly dropped to 8° C.The sunny spells seeemd to carry no warmth at all - even behind glass. ![]() Yesterday was a fairly good day despite one big disappointment. It was also a day when I got some important news, but more about that later. After a nice morning shower I had another shower a bit later - thanks to the weather. I couldn't have picked a worst time to go to the pub. Getting wet, drinking Guinness, and some interesting news received in the pub, plus the rest of my day, night, and this morning, is all described in my complete archived page for today. |
Wednesday 27th March
2024 |
Yesterday was not grey despite what the forecasters thought. It was another mostly sunny morning. The later revisions of the forecasts still said it would rain by 1pm, and that the rain might be heavy. It did rain, and a short period of it was quite heavy, but that didn't happen until 4 or 5pm. It was still a cool day with the temperature peaking for an hour or two around midday at 11° C. Most of the afternoon was just 10° C. ![]() Yesterday morning was full of excitement, well, sort of, and yesterday afternoon felt tense and edgy - for the second day running. It seems there may have been a rather spooky reason for that, and I'll explain it further down the page today. Back to the morning, and one thing I was going to do, I didn't ! My morning is described with pictures, and then my afternoon, night and this morning is all described in my complete archived page for today. |
Tuesday 26th March
2024 |
The forecast morning rain didn't come to much yesterday. I'm not sure it rained at all, and I think I remember a very brief, rather watery, single sunny spell in the morning. The whole day could be summed up as grey. It was quite a cold feeling day even if the temperature did reach 11° C. Without any sunshine to warm my front rooms I ended up burning more electricity than I would have liked to. ![]() Yesterday was quite a productive day, but maybe the grey skies, and the cold, made it hard to enjoy being productive. I felt so "edgy" that I ended up buying, and eating stuff I shouldn't have even considered buying. Before all that I had a shower, and left a few clothes soaking in detergent so I could empty my laundry basket. All the relevant details of my day, night, and this morning, can be read in my complete archived page for today. |
Monday 25th March
2024 |
Yesterday was dry, and there were a lot of sunny spells, but strong gusts of wind made 12° C feel rather cool. ![]() Yesterday started off medium OK, but went downhill in the afternoon. I must admit I did not feel very dynamic in the morning, and it took me until just gone midday before I had a shower, and put on clean clothes. It was too late to go out and do any shopping, although I think the idea had passed through my head earlier in the morning. What did happen, and why it left me feeling low, is described in my complete archived page for today, which also includes notes about my night, and this morning. |
Sunday 24th March
2024 |
Despite the pessimism of the forecasts, yesterday was actually a sunny day with just one very heavy fall of rain that, with a follow up of some drizzle, lasted no more than 30, maybe even just 15 minutes. By my reckoning the afternoon was slightly cool, but not cold, apart from some occasional strong gusts of wind, 12° C. I shall have more to say about yesterday's weather in the main body of this blog/diary. ![]() All the sunshine and sunny spells had a very positive effect on my mind - except when it didn't ! I must admit that by 3pm I was feeling cheated out of good day because the weather forecasts, from both whose web pages I check, kept saying it was not going to be a nice day at all. I should have ignored the forecasts, and just used my eyes. How I spent my time yesterday, how I slept, and some notes on this morning, can all be read in my complete archived page for today. |
Saturday 23rd March
2024 |
Yesterday saw a return to almost winter like weather. It was cold, grey, and from time to time it was wet. I tried not to look out the window too often, because it was horrible out, and so I can't really say just how wet, or for when it was raining. Later revisions of the forecast did reduce the amount of rain expected to fall, and it was shown to be for only a few hours from the end of the morning. The later revisions of the forecast showed some sunny spells for the afternoon, but I don't seem to remember more than maybe one. The highest temperature was 11° C, and it felt cold and damp all day long. ![]() Yesterday was not a great day. The cold and the damp piled on top of my hangover, and I felt very miserable, and that was worsened by the fact the crap weather revived many of my usual aches and pains. It wasn't until lunchtime when my hangovers seemed to be over, and it wasn't until mid afternoon until my aches and pains started to fade - helped by some Ibuprofen. My day, such as it was, plus my night, and this morning is described in my full archived page for today. |
Friday 22nd March
2024 |
Yesterday started nice and bright, but by 11am, or maybe a bit after, white clouds came to dominate the sky. There were one or two brief moments of sunshine later, and sometimes the cloud was thin enough for the sun to almost shine through it. The temperature seemed to go a degree or maybe even two degrees higher than the forecast 15° C. At about 3.15pm I could feel some very fine rain in the air, but it was the only rain for the day, and it was probably all over in 5 minutes, and no more than a teaspoonful of rain fell. ![]() Yesterday started off good, and with high hopes for a good afternoon, but the afternoon, and into the early evening was actually a disaster, but more about that later. The morning also featured a minor disaster/annoyance, but by midday I had showered, and I was ready to go out shopping. The story continues, and includes about my night, and about this morning, in my complete archived page for today. |
Thursday 21st March
2024 |
Yesterday's weather forecast for a generally dull day was off by a mile. A lot of yesterday was either bright, or bright with long sunny spells. It certainly felt every degree of the forecast 15° C, and it may have been higher than that. ![]() All the sunshine or sunny spells made yesterday a good day all by itself, but there were other good things too. I didn't write all that much yesterday, and so I finished writing moderately early, and I could have a quick rest before going for a shower. The rest of my day, illustrated with quite a few pictures, plus how I slept, and some notes about this morning, can all be seen in my complete archived page for today. |
Wednesday 20th March
2024 |
There were a few short very bright periods, and a single, 57 second long, sunny spell yesterday morning. There was even a bright sunset, but most of the day was sometimes brightly dull, and sometimes double dull ! The temperature prediction for yesterday changed by a degree several times, and so I shall quote my own thermometers which read 15° C for a while. ![]() There is not a lot to say about yesterday because only one important thing happened, but did lead on to a few things worth noting. Mostly it seems I did almost nothing, but I must have done something because I don't remember feeling particularly bored (although there were some periods when I was bored). Somehow I do seem to have written quite a lot about yesterday, and also last night, and this morning, in my complete archived page for today. |
Tuesday 19th March
2024 |
Yesterday was an odd day. It didn't really follow the forecast, which siad sunny spells only at the beginning and end of the day. Instead there seemed to be sunny spells, interleaved with short periods of slight gloom, through the whole day. Just when the greyness started to get depressing the sun would break through again, and everything was OK again. The temperature reached the forecast 15° C, and possibly even reached 16° C. ![]() Yesterday was quite a busy, and sort of productive day. I started the day unusually early, and finished writing very early. That gave me plenty of time to have a shower some time after 10am, or several hours before I usually have a shower these days. (Once upon a time, when I was working, I would be getting up at 5am, and showering soon after that !). My full day, night, and this morning are described in my complete archived page for today. |
Monday 18th March
2024 |
Yesterday started off very wet, but it dried up later in the morning. From then on there was light cloud, and by about 3pm, possibly an hour earlier, the sun broke through for a sunny spells until sunset. The temperature peaked at 16° C, and it was feeling quite mild. ![]() Yesterday, with it's nasty wet start, set the tone of the day. I turned my thoughts inward, and ended up doing very little, or at least very little that was worthwhile. Later in the afternoon, when the sun did break through, I wondered if I should go out, but by that time I had part seized up, and walking didn't seem like it could be enjoyable. What I actually did yesterday, plus how I slept, some notes about my dreams, and also about this morning, is all described in my complete archived page for today. |
Sunday 17th March
2024 |
The weather forecast made it seem like yesterday would only be an averagely "OK" day, but it was actually a rather good day. The sunny spells, some of which were long enough to be called "sunny" seemed to go on and on. I seemed comfortable with no heating on until 6pm. The afternoon temperature almost touched 16° C - rather higher than the prediction of maybe just 13° C. Light rain was forecast for some hours from late afternoon, but I don't remember noticing any before it was too dark outside to bother looking out. ![]() Yesterday was one of those funny days when what should have been good, was not good....which might take some explaining. The day got off to a good start when, after washing my hair, and showering (for the first time in 48 hours !), I got dressed, and went shopping in just my shirt sleeves. That was good, but things seemed to go downhill from there. It is all described in my complete archived page for today which also includes my night and this morning. |
Saturday 16th March
2024 |
There was a lot more sunshine, and a lot less rain than forecast, but sadly it did rain from time to time. Oh well, I guess the garden needed it. As the forecast sort of suggested by using that strange icon that shows cloud, sun and rain all at the same time, there was indded some sunshine during a brief but heavy fall of rain just after 1pm. There was some more rain later in the afternoon, but a lot of yesterday was bright and cheerful. It is a shame that the temperature did not rise much more than 14° C. ![]() Yesterday featured a rather poor evening, but both day and night were quite good. Apart from several visits to the toilet in the morning, to seemingly clear a backlog after not going much, or at all, the day before, nothing much happened yesterday morning. I didn't even have a shower as intended. There is a lot more about my day, night, and this morning in my complete archived page for today. |
Friday 15th March
2024 |
Yesterday was a lot sunnier than the forecasts predicted, and it seemed warmer too, but that might have been because there was only a gentle breeze....On the other hand I feel sure I saw 16° C on a couple my thermometers, or two degrees higher than forecast. Later in the afternoon it did cloud over, but still seemed fairly bright, and the clouds kept the temperature up. ![]() Yesterday was a largely good day - mostly thanks to some nice weather. It was getting late in the morning before I showered, and then got dressed to go out shopping. It was to be another trip to Tesco, but I was very careful about what I bought, and I didn't spent that much for a change. More about that, and the rest of my day, night, and this morning in my complete archived page for today. |
Thursday 14th March
2024 |
Later revisions of yesterday's weather forecast showed some sunny spells for midday. There were none. It was grey all day, albeit mostly a lighter shade of grey. The temperature may have reached the forecast 14° C, but the morning wind made it feel very chilly. The wind seemed to slacken off in the afternoon, and it did start to feel milder.
We should have seen some sunny spells this
morning, but apart from a few seconds when it
seemed like one might happen, there has been no
sign of the sun. The next chance for a sunny
spell, according to the latest revision, is
midday. The sunny spells for 4pm have been
replaced with white cloud, and from 5pm, darker
cloud. Rain is now expected for 6pm. Of course all
these changes give little hope that any of the
forecast will be correct except for the
temperature - the one thing they usually get
right. The best we can hope for today is just 14°
C. Curiously, a check on the BBC website
shows sunny spells for later this morning, and
several hours of light rain from late afternoon.
Tomorrow could feature a lot of light rain, but
maybe some sunny spells might be possible. Once
again the temperature should be 14° C.
Yesterday was one of those days that was both good and bad. Most of the bad can be attributed to the lack of the promised sunny spells, and the wind making it feel much colder than the forecast temperature. As usual, the cold air made bits of me ache - particularly my chest. The day ultimately ended OK, and today started well. The whole description of my day, night, and this morning can be read in my complete archived page for today. |
Wednesday 13th March
2024 |
Yesterday was a filthy day ! There was copious rain falling from a very dark grey sky until mid afternoon. It may have been dry after that, but it was still very dull outside. The temperature reached 12° C, and under different circumstances that might have seemed OK, but the grey outside just sucked any warmth away. ![]() Yesterday started off with me feeling awful, but some "medicine", and probably the weather changing, made me feel not too bad in the late afternoon/evening. It was about 10.25am when I got a slight boost, but ultimately more reason to feel rather depressed. This and the rest of my day, night, and this morning, is all described in my complete archived page for today. |
Tuesday 12th March
2024 |
Apart from the road looking damp in the morning, yesterday was a dry day, but it was also a day without any hint that the sun was working. The temperature was 10° C all afternoon, but in the grey light from grey clouds it still felt very cold. ![]() Yesterday had some positive aspects, but it was still a day when I felt fragile. In the morning that could be blamed on a hangover from Sunday afternoon's boozing session, but I think it was more than that. I still managed a couple of minor triumphs. My day, night and this morning is described in my complete archived page for today. |
Monday 11th March
2024 |
It was back to another horrible, nasty, dull, wet and cold day yesterday. Deeply depressing ! The temperature stayed at an almost unchanging 9° C, except at the very ends of the day. ![]() The day before yesterday was bright, and tried to be warm. I felt good. Yesterday was all dull grey, wet and miserable, and I was back to feeling crap. I didn't seem to achieve anything except get drunk and cook a couple of meals. I guess having a shave, shampoo, and shower was my greatest achievement yesterday. Maybe I had a few other minor achievements as well. They are all described, along with some pictures, in my complete archived page for today, and which also includes nots about my night and this morning. |
Sunday 10th March
2024 |
Yesterday's sunshine was sometimes a bit weak and watery, but still very nice. It raised the temperature up to 12° C, and if it wasn't for the wind it would have felt very good. ![]() Most things about yesterday were pretty good. It was probably the most successful day I have had in ages, although the results of some aspects of it were not revealed until this morning (more about that further down the page). The very best thing was the effect that the sunshine and mild weather had on me. The details of my day are copiously illustrated with photos, and described in my full archived page for today. It also includes about my night and this morning. |
Saturday 9th March
2024 |
Yesterday's sunshine was very nice, and behind glass it did feel warm. (It raised my unheated front room to 20° C) but it was still quite cool outside. Once again the forecast predicted just 9° C, and I think I saw 10° C for a while. ![]() I think I can say that yesterday was quite a good, and productive day. I thought I had caught up with my lack of sleep, but after writing yesterday's scribble/blog/diary I ended up having a snooze before I did anything else. After that snooze I had a shower, put some washing in to soak, and then got dressed ready to go out. While goo, I can't say that yesterday was terribly exciting. It is all described in my complete archived page for today, and that included some notes about my night, and this morning. |
Friday 8th March
2024 |
I'm sure there was more sunshine, or sunny spells than shown in the weather forecast. When out of the wind it did feel quite warm in the sun. Once the sun had moved around, and low enough it did feel quite chilly. The highest temperaature was forecast to be just 9° C, but I think it may have reached 10° C. ![]() Yesterday was a mixed sort of day. I was still feeling tired in the morning, and I wasn't very dynamic. In fact I had a pre-lunchtime snooze. It must have been midday before I had a shower, and then I started to prepare the stuff for an afternoon beer tasting session. All this and more is explained in my complete archived page for today, and it also includes about my sleep and this morning. |
Thursday 7th March
2024 |
Yesterday started out almost spring like. There were many sunny spells, and although it wasn't in absolute terms, it felt quite mild. The forecast said it wouldn't reach 10° C until mid afternoon, but I seem to think it reached there as early as midday. I don't think it got warmer than that. It was also a bone dry day. ![]() Yesterday was a generally good day, but there were a few things that were less than satisfactory. It felt wonderful to have a good shower, and wash my hair in the morning. I was feeling quite smelly and greasy after my stay in hospital. Had I stayed in one extra day I would have had a shower there, but they only offer basic shower soap and shampoo. The rest of my day, night, and this morning, is described in my complete archived page for today. |
Wednesday 6th March
2024 |
Yesterday started with a frost because the sky had been clear overnight. The morning was moderately sunny, but then it clouded over. I didn't have access to a thermometer until close to sunset, and I think it was reading 10° C, but my mind was a bit occupied with other stuff to give the thermometer the quickest of glances. ![]() Tomorrow will be a dull day, although only a few hours may feature dark grey clouds. Most cloud should be/could be white cloud, and it won't thin enough to let any sun through until possibly just before sunset. It may only reach 9° C tomorrow. Today is a special day because it is a return to this blog, or diary, or whatever this scribble is, after a few days "holiday" in Lewisham Hospital. As I wrote on my previous entry on Sunday 3rd March, I was going to do one more blood pressure test, and if it was high I was going to take a walk along to Lewisham Hospital. That is exactly what happened. My last few days are described with plenty of pictures, plus some notes on my night and this morning in my complete archived page for today. |
Sunday 3rd March
2024 |
Yesterday was yet another day when there was sunny spells instead of the forecast rain. There was one difference - some sunny spells were forecast for the afternoon, but there were still more than forecast - or so it seemed to me. It was still a rather cold day with a short peak of just 8° C, and mostly just 5 or 6° C. ![]() Yesterday was definitely not a good day, although a quite a few hours were semi-good. I finally got out to do some shopping in Tesco, and that was good. The trouble was that my chest started to ache going there, and ached more coming home again. It did seem to be related to the very cold air, but later on I had serious doubts about that diagnosis. I write a lot more about this, plus about a few other things I did yesterday, then more about it during the night and this morning in my complete archived page for today. |
Saturday 2nd March
2024 |
There was a lot more sunshine than expected yesterday, but there were few times when the rain stopped. Most of the rain was drizzle, and often fell while the sun was shining. It was a very cool day with the temperature only peaking at 8° C, and then only for a short time. By midnight the temperature may have dropped to just 4° C. ![]() I was in mild pain for a lot of yesterday, and that dampened my enthusiasm to do much. It also encouraged me to keep warm, and so I spent most of the day in my bedroom either laying down reading, or doing stuff on my PC. For instance I backed all my pictures to my two back up, USB, hard disks. The rest of my day, night, and also the start of this morning is described in my complete archived page for today. |
Friday 1st March
2024 |
Yesterday's weather was really appalling - again ! Some of the rain may have been lighter than forecast, but it rained for most of the day with just a few short reprieves. There was not a single ray of sunshine to be seen, and it was cold. The temperature started at 11° C, and fell slowly away to 6° C by sunset. ![]() Yesterday did not start or end well. I felt pretty rotten in the morning. It was generally a legacy of catching a chill on my chest the previous day. Past experience says that such a thing can take several days or more to clear up, and one of the last days should ideally feature hot sunshine - something we may not see in the foreseeable future.(Two hours after writing that the sun came out, and behind glass it did feel nice and warm). The describable bit of yesterday, last night, and this morning are described in my complete archived page for today. |