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Diary/Blog For the Month of April 2024 |
Tuesday 30th April
2024 |
Yesterday was a really nice day compared to the rest of the month, and the month before ! Apart from a couple of hours that only featured sunny spells, most of the day featured non stop sunshine, and it was warm. 15° C was the forecast high, but it may have been a degree or two higher than that. It was only spoiled a bit in the middle of the day when it seemed windy for a while. ![]() Yesterday was a very good day. With the bright sunshine, and the warmth, it could hardly be anything else, but the cream on top was going out in it for the whole of the afternoon wearing just my sleeveless denim jacket over a sleeveless t-shirt. It was great to feel the sun on my arms and face. My day is fully described, along with my night, and this morning, in my complete archived page for today. |
Monday 29th April
2024 |
Yesterday started off exceedingly wet, but in the afternoon the weather diverged a long way from what the forecast predicted. Instead of light rain, mid grey clouds, and later white clouds, most of the afternoon featured white fully clouds, and lots of sunshine. There was at least one more heavy shower late in the afternoon/early evening, and possibly more after dark, but a lot of the afternoon looked like summer. Sadly it didn't feel like summer because the temperatire still only climbed to the forecast 11° C. ![]() It may have been the weather changing, or recovery from some undefined illness, but I definitely felt a lot better yesterday - also in completely undefined ways - and even the very gloomy, and wet morning didn't have the impact that it might have on my soul/psyche/whatever. It wasn't a very exciting day, but it is all described, along with how my night went, and how things are this morning, in my complete archived page for today. |
Sunday 28th April
2024 |
Yesterday was miserable dull, cold, and sometimes wet ! The temperature may have reached 12° C, but with no supporting sunshine I had to run the heater on low for most of the day so I didn't shiver. ![]() Yesterday was a fairly productive day, but I can't say I really enjoyed being productive, and felt fairly low all day - both mentally and physically. I had no specific symptoms, but at least one clue that I may have actually been ill/fighting some sort of infection. That one indicator was my blood glucose readings, and they bothered me all day. My whole day, for all it was worth, plus my night, and this morning, are described in my complete archived page for today. |
Saturday 27th April
2024 |
There was an occasional glimpse of watery sunshine yesterday, but most of yesterday was dull. White, or light grey covered almost all the sky for most of the day. The morning started off rather cold, but the temperature reached 12° C in the afternoon. Not that it did much good, I still had to have the heater on low for a lot of the day. ![]() I thought I could describe yesterday as a moderately good day, but with hindsight it was actually a rather poor day. I had a very loose thought that I might go out last night, and so I decided I would have a shower later in the day, a few hours before going out, but I didn't go out, and another day went by when I didn't wash at all. This train of thought continues, and my whole day, night, and this morning is described in my complete archived page for today. |
Friday 26th April
2024 |
Yesterday was cold and dull, and the first rain started a lot earlier than forecast. Fortunately it was mostly drizzle. The forecast said it would rain from 6pm, but it first started at about 3.30pm. The temperature probably reached the forecast 11° C, but the dull grey sky made it seem more like 6° C. I had to burn a lot of electricity to keep warm. ![]() Yesterday was mostly a good, or satisfactory sort of day, although it did have a few bad sides, but they were mostly revealed by hindsight. Although I described yesterday as dull, at the top of the page, there were a few short lived sunny spells mid morning, and they enthused me to some activity. My day, night, and this morning (and I remembered to note my blood glucose readings this morning) is all described in my complete archived page for today. |
Thursday 25th April
2024 |
Yesterday was another dull, and cold feeling day, although the morning did have quite a few sunny spells in direct contradiction to what both weather forecasters predicted. Those sunny spells may have help to warm the day up a bit faster, but it still finished at around the forecast figure of 11° C, and some wind made it feel colder around the ears ! ![]() Yesterday had it's good and bad points, but overall it wasn't bad. The unexpected sunny spells in the morning added some cheer to the day, but it still felt cold, and when sunny spells would have made going to the pub that much nicer, it remained dull. My whole day, night, and this morning (except for my blood glucose readings that I forgot, although they were good) is described in my complete archived page for today. |
Wednesday 24th April
2024 |
Yesterday started with some light rain and drizzle, but I think I remember ending earlier than forecast, and the rest of the day just beeing very dull and grey. The temperature did reach 10° C by late afternoon, but it felt like a rather cold day. ![]() Yesterday had all the making of a dull and miserable day, and indeed that does describe the weather, but a few good things, and a bad thing, did happen indoors - where I stayed all day. It was one of those days when I couldn't be bothered to have a proper shower, but curiously enough I did trim my beard, and used the beard trimmer to do a coarse shave over the rest of my face. The complete description of my day, night, and this morning, can be read in my full archive page for today. |
Tuesday 23rd April
2024 |
There were sunny spells yesterday morning, but they fizzled out by mid morning. The rest of the day was pretty dull, but it was dry, at least as far as I was aware (I have no idea what happened after sunset). It was probably one of the coldest days we have had for some time now. The official said no more than 9° C, and I think that was right. ![]() Yesterday could be be described as a day that passed smoothly, and maybe even be elevated to nice for some of the time. It was even mildly productive, but it was nothing like as I expected the day to go. After a few hours of sunny spells in the morning, the return of greyness and cold sapped most enthusiasm for anything. As usual, I have written a long and possibly rambling account of my day, night, and this morning in my complete archived page for today. |
Monday 22nd April
2024 |
There were sunny spells yesterday morning, but the fizzled out in the afternoon. Despite that sunshine, yesterday felt cold, and maybe that was because when it was theoretically warmest, 12° C in the mid afternoon, it was rather overcast, and there was no sun to make things seem warmer. It also meant a cold night. ![]() Yesterday was another day where I felt sort of OK, but I seemed to lack any get up and go. Maybe I was bored, maybe the day was feeling too cold, and maybe I just started and ended writing too late to do much. I had once thought I might go shopping in the late morning, but then realised I didn't need to, and couldn't be bothered anyway. My day, night, and this morning is all more fully described in my complete archived page for today. |
Sunday 21st April
2024 |
There was some sunshine in the morning - eventually - and there were a few sunny spells in the afternoon, but too much of the day was dull to call it a nice day. It was also rather cold feeling. I didn't think the temperature ever exceeded 11° C and that didn't seem to last long. ![]() Yesterday was one of those days where anticipation turned into something like depression, but not actually depression (at least I wouldn't describe it as such) once the anticipation had been achieved. I had plans to do much, but did little in the end. On the other hand, one plan did work out OK. It is all explained in my complete archived page for today, and which also includes some notes about my night, and this morning. |
Saturday 20th April
2024 |
Yesterday was grim, or at least the forecast for it was. It was indeed a dull day, sometimes very dull, and sometimes a bit lighter, but the rain was lighter than forecast, and I am sure that was less of it. The temperature was forecast to peak at 12° C in the morning, but I think the temperature may have risen a few more degrees in the afternoon. It certainly seemed to feel mild, but maybe that was just a lack of wind. ![]() I am unsure whether to say yesterday was a good or bad day. I guess it was a bit of both. Until 4.40pm I was restricted in what I could do while waiting for my delivery from Amazon. I couldn't go out, or even have a decent snooze in case I missed the doorbell. I managed to pass the time without getting bored, and it is all described, along with some notes about my night, and this morning, in my complete archived page for today. |
Friday 19th April
2024 |
Yesterday was bright and sunny, and it helped warm up the day after a rather cold start. The sunshine changed to sunny spells around midday, and they fizzled out a few hours later. With very little wind it did feel mild to slightly warm in the afternoon. There was rain forecast for late at night, but I didn't notice it. Towards the end of the afternoon the temperature rose to 14° C. ![]() Yesterday was a fairly OK to good sort of day, - except for late evening when it wasn't so good. I had a moderate amount of things to say about the day before yesterday, and the start of yesterday morning, but still managed to finish writing quite early, although I had also started writing earlier than I often do. Today I also started a bit earlier, and have finished a bit earlier than typical. All I have written about yesterday, last night, and this morning can be read in my complete archived page for today. |
Thursday 18th April
2024 |
Yesterday was generally very drab. There were one or two short sunny spells, but even when the temperature reached 12° C it still felt cold. It wasn't helped by more showers than forecast, although most showers seemed to be very light, and each probably only last 5 minutes or so. ![]() Yesterday was an OK sort of day, but much of it was sort of neutral - no great highs, nor lows. Apart from having a shower, and washing my hair, I spent a little more of my morning on money matters. One interesting this is that I checked to see how much had been debited when I paid my rail fare on Tuesday morning by credit card. What I saw, plus a description of the rest of my day, night, and this morning, can be read in my complete archived page for today. |
Wednesday 17th April
2024 |
Yesterday's early morning weather forecast was no real guide to the day's weather. There were some sunny spells in the morning, but there were light sprinkles of rain between some. This afternoon there was a short spell of moderately heavier rain, but then there were more sunny spells. It didn't feel too bad in the sun, but sometimes the wind felt rather cool, particularly when it was carrying some rain.Top temperature was around 12° C. ![]() The 3,030 words I wrote yesterday, after getting home from my MRI scan, took me up to about 6pm, if I remember correctly. That got the bulk of the previous day, and yesterday out the way. I can now pick up where I left off, but I think this will be one of my shortest entries for ages. There are no pictures, but all I wrote about yesterday evening, my night, and some notes on this morning can all be read in my complete archived page for today. |
Tuesday 16th April
2024 |
Yesterday was almost a return to winter. It was cold, no more than 10° C. It rained, although not nearly as much as originally forecast. There was one mega downfall of rain, and that almost drained the sky. On top of everything else there was a howling gale. ![]() Welcome to the mixed up blog/diary for today. I have to try and remember the salient points about yesterday, and last night, before describing the events of today. Apart from anything that happens this evening, and during the night, I may have little to say tomorrow. It can all be read, and some pictures viewed, in my complete archived page for yesterday, last night, and most of today right here ! |
Monday 15th April
2024 |
Yesterday was another good day, but... It was bright, and dry, but there was not much sunshine, and with a max of 14° C it was not more then a sort of poor "mild". It was quite breezy at times, and that made it feel cooler. ![]() The whole of yesterday all hinged on one thing - Jo's solo gig in Ye Olde Whyte Lyon pub in Locksbottom. It was an enjoyable couple of hours bracketed by two very long and tedious bus rides, but more on that very soon. It was fortunate that I started, and finished writing moderately early yesterday. My whole day is described with some pictures, plus some notes on my night, and this morning, in my complete archived page for today. |
Sunday 14th April
2024 |
Yesterday was another splendid day. Contrary to the earlier forecasts, particularly the pessimistic Met Office forecast, even the afternoon was sunny and warm, although at 19° C it was a couple of degrees cooler then the day before. ![]() Yesterday was a day when I was determined not to waste another warm sunny day. My original idea was that I would go for another walk to help strengthen my leg muscles. I didn't think it would be as long a walk as the previous day, but there was always the option to do more or less depending on how I felt. That didn't happen, but the day was not wasted. It is all described, along with my night, and this morning, in my complete archived page for today. |
Saturday 13th April
2024 |
Yesterday was a splendid day. The sun seemed to be out for most of the day, although sometimes it was not that bright after shining through thin cloud. It was also a very warm day. The temperature definitely hit the forecast 20° C, and I think it actually peaked at 21° C. ![]() Yesterday was a most splendid day even if it did include an assortment of pains, aches, and stiff legs. The predicted temperature, and sunshine made it almost essential that I go out and enjoy it, and more importantly, try to get my leg muscles built up again so I can walk more freely. My day is described, with many pictures, along with my night, and this morning in my complete archived page for today. |
Friday 12th April
2024 |
Yesterday was very dull, but it did get quite warm in the afternoon. It also tried to brighten up, but I am not sure if the sun ever completely broke through the clouds. The forecast said the afternoon might reach 17° C, but it is possible it reached 18° C. ![]() Yesterday was generally enjoyable, but it wasn't all good. More of the not so good later. I was happy to get out and do some shopping a little earlier than usual yesterday. The only downside was that while the afternoon got to feeling quite warm, before midday I needed to wear a coat to go to Tesco. My shopping trip to Tesco, and the rest of my day, night, dreams, and this morning, are described in my complete archived page for today. |
Thursday 11th April
2024 |
Yesterday's weather was horrible. During the sunny morning the temperature was very low, but just as it was warming up the sun went in, never to be seen again. Very light rain was falling soon after midday, and heavier rain at about 3pm. That latter rain felt icy cold, and there was a very strong wind that made everything feel even colder.I don't think it rained at 6pm, as per the forecast, but I may have just missed it. The sky was very dark by then, and maybe that did help to keep the warmth in a bit, and lead to a mild night. After a 5° C start it did warm up to 13° C, but the wind and the rain made it feel no warmer than the morning. ![]() Yesterday was a good day, but with the evening being caught between being good and not so good. I wrote 2,235 words yesterday, but I started early, and seemed to finish writing those words early too (and with probably hundred of uncorrected misspellings or grammer errors). That made for a quite relaxed morning. The story about yesterday, last night, and also this morning, continues in my complete archived page for today. |
Wednesday 10th April
2024 |
Yesterday's weather started by following the weather forecasts. The morning was dull, and at about midday there was a light shower that lasted close to an hour. After that reality diverged from the forecast. We started getting sunny spells, and then quite long periods of sunshine. I don't think I checked the temperature, or if I did notice it, I didn't make a mental note of it, but it is possible the temperature went a little higher than the 11° C forecast for the afternoon. ![]() Yesterday turned out to be a useful, and productive day, although the evening was very bland. After an awful day the day before yesterday, I didn't have a lot to write about yesterday, and I finished a lot earlier than some of my more extended waffling prose ! As usual, my day is fully described in my complete archived page for today, and which also includes notes about my night, and this morning. |
Tuesday 9th April
2024 |
Yesterday was dull, but still modestly warm. The threatened heavy rain, and possibly thunderstorms, was a bit of a damp squib. There was some rain several hours later than forecast, but it didn't seem to be very heavy, although it was dark, and I might have been mistaken. The late afternoon temperature reached the predicted 16° C. ![]() I didn't feel very bright yesterday, and in consequence I didn't achieve much. It seemed amazing that I managed to finish hand washing the single hand towel, and one face flannel, that I had left in soak the previous day. In my state of mind at the time it didn't feel like a great victory. All I can say about my day, and my night, plus this morning, is all told in my complete archived page for this morning. |
Monday 8th April
2024 |
Yesterday was a lovely warm and sunny day, although the actual temperature reached was only 16° C. There were some strong winds, but they didn't seem to make it feel particularly cooler. ![]() Yesterday was one of those days that was both good and bad. The bad was not really any more than a bad selection of food to eat, and not finishing a late evening phone call until gone 1am, maybe it was nearer 2am. By that time I was drunk, and I had passed the peak of sleepiness, and slept incredibly badly last night. All this and more is described in my complete archived age for today. It also includes notes about my sleep, or lack of it, and this morning. |
Sunday 7th April
2024 |
Yesterday was definitely warm, but most of the time it was cloudy enough to make it slightly a dull day. I think it was a perfectly dry day. The afternoon temperature reached 18, and possibly 19° C. ![]() Yesterday was one of those days that had plenty of potential to be a great day, but it was never realised the way intended, but it was still a fairly pleasant day. Having said that I can think of one thing that was not so great. My day, such as it was, is described, along with some stuff about my night, and also a a few notes about this morning, in my complete archived page for today. |
Saturday 6th April
2024 |
Apart from the early morning rain, yesterday turned out to be a very nice day. There were some strong gusts of wind, but it was a very mild, maybe even the lower end of warm. Certainly mild enough to go to, and sit in the beer garden of the pub with bare arms. It even seemed to stay mild well into the evening, and also this morning. The forecasts said 17° C, and I wonder if it might have even been a degree or two higher. ![]() Yesterday was generally a very good day, but it turned out to be very different to how I might have expected it to. I had a fairly sedate morning until things shifted up a gear when Kevin messaged me to say he was OK for the Friday drink we had hoped we might be able to do. I seem to have written a lot about yesterday, and it is now midday as I am finishing the job. Yesterday, last night, and this morning are all described in my complete archived page for today. |
Friday 5th April
2024 |
Yesterday was a day that didn't seem to follow the forecasts. There were unpredicted sunny spells in the morning, although they got the early rain right, but the afternoon seemed to be mostly dry as far as I can remember. I am unsure if the afternoon featured any sunny spells, but it did seem quite mild. The forecasts predicted 15° C, but it might have been a degree warmer. There was rain very late in the evening, but that is the best time for it ! ![]() Yesterday was a busy day, and it was mostly because I had so many photos, taken the previous night. I had to select the best, about 31 of them if I recall correctly, and do whatever was needed to polish them up to a fair quality, or at least to try to. Occasional photos were selected for what they showed, rather than how the showed it. My day, with a selection of pictures from my photo album, plus how I slept, and some notes about this morning, can all be read in my complete archived page for today. |
Thursday 4th April
2024 |
Yesterday was one of those days when the BBC weather forecast was at odd with the met Office forecast. What we actually experienced was a sort of mix of both. There were sunny spells for a lot of the afternoon, as per the BBC forecast, but they seemed short, and that was close to the Met Office's forecast of almost no sunny spells. As far as I was aware, the day stayed dry until almost midnight. The temperature seemed almost mild, but it was no more than 14° C. The useful thing for me was that it only dropped a few degrees by the end of the day. ![]() Yesterday ended up as a good day. The hoped for plan never happened, but that left the way open for an even better time in the evening. The original plan was to meet Kevin in The Blythe Tavern because Ayse, my favourite barmaid, would not be in the Jolly Farmers. That never happened. My actual day, evening, night, dreams, and this morning, is all described in my complete archived page for today. |
Wednesday 3rd April
2024 |
Yesterday morning was a lot brighter than forecast. Most of, but not all the afternoon was rather dull, and the evening featured some rain. It was the BBC forecast that said the temperature might hit 15° C, and according to my outside thermometers it almost hit 16° C while the Met Office were still insisting no more than 14° C. ![]() Yesterday was another day that started out to be quite good, but by mid afternoon it was getting a bit boring, a bit tedious. It was also a day when my plan to try and eat less did seem to work, but only from the point of view of less bad stuff, and maybe not less in total. My whole day, my night, and this morning, is described as best I can, in my complete archived page for today. |
Tuesday 2nd April
2024 |
Yesterday was often quite bright. If my memory is correct, there were far more sunny spells, and less showers than forecast. There were still some showers, and at times it did get a bit gloomy, but it was all very mixed up. The temperature probably reached the forecast 13° C for at least an hour or two. It still felt like a chilly day, but that have been just me. ![]() Yesterday was fairly predictable. After being kept awake for some of the night with angina pains followed by all the symptoms of a bad head cold, I felt justifiably lazy, and once I had finished writing yesterday's piece I laid on my bed to read and snooze. The rest of what I did yesterday, plus how my night went, and some notes from this morning, can all be read in my complete archived page for today. |
Monday 1st April
2024 |
Yesterday was not a very nice day. The weather was mostly grey, but at least it was dry. It was close to warm with the afternoon temperature just about reaching 14° C. ![]() Yesterday was a mixed day - good, or bad, or indifferent ! Late night, and for most of the night, it was definitely bad, but at least the morning started off moderately good, but only because I had very little to do, and could devote my time to quietly reading, and practising the art of being lazy. The rest of my day, night, and this morning, is described to the best of my ability, in my complete archived page for today. |