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10th January 2025
09:11 GMT
I guess yesterday was another
typical good, but bad winter day. It
was very cold, with an afternoon high
of just 3° C, but we also had bright
sunshine through most daylight hours.
After sunset the temperature started
to drop a lot.
This morning started at a teeth
chattering -2° C (yes, minus
2)! It should eventually warm up
to plus 1° C. Sunny spells through
the day do seem to look possible,
and at least they will be cheery
on an otherwise awful day. By 9pm
the temperature may drop to -1° C,
and tomorrow may start at -2° C
again. Tomorrow will be much like
today with sunny spells, but the
afternoon temperature may rise to
plus 2° C.
Yesterday was
one of those days that was almost
good, and at odd moments was good,
but sometimes not so good. It was
a day where not a lot happened
except one important thing -
collecting my latest repeat
prescription with the usual 56 day
supply of pills.
With signs my latest patch
over the crack in my bathtub was
leaking again, I didn't want to
use the bath for a shower, or to
wash my hair. I still wanted to be
a bit clean when I went to the
pharmacy, and son it was time for
the wet flannel treatment. It
actually went a bit further than
expected. I had washed my face,
and wondered if the stubble on the
not bearded bits of my face would
be soft enough to shave without
using shaving cream. They were,
although maybe it was not the very
closest shave I have had, but it
looked pretty clean shaven.
To go to the pharmacy I put
on my thick, hooded, blue winter
coat, and wore a pair of gloves.
With the hood up, which felt a bit
odd in bright sunshine, I kept my
ears warm, and the gloves kept my
hands warm. I was feeling overall
quite warm, almost too warm when I
got to the pharmacy in that 2° C
air. It was not a bad walk. I
seemed to be walking fairly fast,
and I was only slowed towards the
end by needing to breath so
The distance to the
pharmacy is about my limit before
Angina pains start, and ideally I
should have made a point of
walking slower, but I didn't
really, and as i got there I could
feel the very first hints of some
pains about to start. I only had
to wait about a minute until I was
served, and by then my breathing
was back to normal. There was the
usual fuss of finding my made up
prescription, but a minute or two
later it was handed to me.
On this occasion I opened
the carrier bag, and checked to
make sure it was all there. The
last time they had forgotten my
diabetic meter test strips. This
time it was all complete, and I
walked home again. On the way home
I could feel I was trying to push
myself a bit too much, and I
slowed down a bit. When I was
about 100ft (or yards - I can
never estimate these distances) I
had a short pause to chat to the
I was going to just thank
him for delivering my new camera
lens, but it went a bit further
than than that. At my suggestion
the previous day, he had delivered
it to my neighbour because I was
out. I had mentioned it to my
neighbour, and asked if she would
be OK taking it in for me if I was
out at the pub - which I was. She
said she would slip a note through
my letter box to say she had it.
The postman said don't worry
because I would be notified on my
mobile phone.
I told the postman that I
never did get the notification,
but I did check the main tracking
web site on my PC, and saw on
there it had been delivered to my
neighbour. The postman was
interested in this because he was
under the impression I should have
got a notification sent to my
phone. He said no one had said
they had got such a message or had
not done so. I was the first to
mention it. He said he would take
it up with his manager, and find
out how they knew my phone number
to send the message in the first
He thanked me for letting
my know, and then we got back to
what my original intention was.
The postman is a keen
photographer, and I had said it
was a new camera lens I was
expecting. I was happy to report
to him that the new lens was very
good. I said it was not the sort
of lens I would be using very
often, but he agreed, that it is
still useful have other lens in
your arsenal for those rare times
when only that lens will do.
I may have been warm in all
the stuff I was wearing, but it
was still good to get indoors, and
take off the thick coat and
gloves. The first thing I did was
to do early preparations for my
dinner. To do that involved doing
some washing up first. With the
sink clear of stuff I put some
water, two lamb stock cubes in it,
and then added a small pack of
diced lamb. I put that in the
microwave for 20 minutes, and then
made up a wholemeal bap with
sliced beef, horseradish sauce,
and some mixed salad leaves. It
was identical to the one I had the
previous day, and just as
Before tucking in to that
bap I put away all my new boxes of
pills, and made sure the ones I
would need today were on the top.
Then I could relax and eat that
bap. I had a desire for something
more, and I can't seem to remember
if I had something after that bap
or not. Maybe it was not because I
was on a slightly more, but not
much more, half hearted quest to
control my eating.
Apart from a bit too long
phone call from Lee (he can never
ever explain something simply) I
didn't really do anything except
read and have a snooze in the
afternoon. I must admit that I
needed a good rest after trying to
get Lee to come to the point about
what he wanted to know. He was
trying to repair an expensive
keyboard he had found dumped
outside a house. He wanted some
technical advice, and so I don't
know why he thought I would be
interested in how he found it,
what colour it was, and how many
keys were on the keyboard.
The really stupid thing is
that he had already found the
answer to the problem, but somehow
needed reassurance that it was
correct. The simple thing was that
this 1980s era keyboard had an old
single density 3.5 inch, 720k
floppy disk drive, and the manual
which he had downloaded and read
the relavant bit out to, said that
a disk needed to be inserted with
the operating system on before it
would do anything. He didn't have
the floppy disk, and so nothing
worked !
I think it was at about 3pm
that I fancied a snack, and while
I could have had some fruit, I
decided on some rice crackers and
cheese. They would possibly have
more calories, much more
cholesterol, but far less sugar
than fruit. later on I did have
one large, but not big, very tasty
orange as a sort of starter for my
dinner. Dinner itself was the lamb
stew I had started a lot earlier,
and later added some baby sprouts.
With a splash of very hot sauce,
it was very tasty, but not
completely satisfying in.
Maybe it was the Star Trek
stories I was watching not being
very interesting, and not
providing sufficient distraction.
Maybe it was the illness I seemed
to have being enough to get me
down even if the symptoms were
mild and intermittent, but I had
this super crazy idea that I would
throw out all my principles and
eat some ice cream. The ironic
thing is that the alleged salted
caramel flavour tastes very
unauthentic, and the ice cream was
not very enjoyable. I have now
eaten the second quarter of that 1
litre tub of ice cream, and maybe
it is good it was not a much nicer
basic vanilla flavour (which might
have even had a lower sugar
content if carefully selected),
because I was in the sort of mood
where I might have eaten a lot
I watched a fair bit of TV
last night, and it was more that
it was on, than actually enjoying
some of it. I finally switched the
TV off at 9pm, and quickly went to
bed. I was feeling like I needed
some sleep. After the calamity of
the night before it was good
having no problems getting to
sleep, and to sleep better than
recently. I remember having many
dream, but only the general theme
of one has left any memory of it.
I can't really remember enough of
it to trying to describe it, but
it was another dream about being
back at work....although in this
case I think it wasn't one of my
going back to work after retiring
Only one thing of note
happened in the night, and I only
know it from the evidence it left.
It seems I had a heavy outbreak of
sweating in the small hours. I am
sure it was not from being too hot
because even with the heater on
full blast it was only breaking
even against the icy air outside.
I think it was a fever brought on
by the illness I seemed to have
even though I could not boast any
great symptoms for it. It is
notable what seemed to be a fever,
I do seem to feel a bit better
this morning - just as would
usually be the case when a high
fever finally kills off a cold
I seemed to be pack to
peeing freely and frequently last
night, and maybe because of that,
and a small poo (I've had a bigger
one since) I seem to have lost
300gm since yesterday. That is not
a lot, but anything is good (if
only to offset the occasional
gains). What I feared was that
that loss, plus the back to usual
peeing in the night, would usually
translate to poor blood glucose
readings this morning.
After eating the ice cream
last night I was expecting the
very worst, but somehow the
Contour meter read 6.9mmol/l. I
have not had a reading that low
since an isolated one off in last
November. The other meters weren't
quite that good, but the GlucoRX
meter read 7.3mmol/l, and that is
still very good. The Sinocare was
a bit better at 7.2mmol/l. Now the
ironic thing is that I don't know
what I did right to get these low
readings, and why the late night
ice cream didn't ruin everything.
My blood pressure is in the
"Optimum" region this morning,
although 110/49 is a teeny bit
higher than my typical readings.
Overall I do seem to feel better
than yesterday morning, but I
still feel some random aches and
pains - particularly around my
upper arms and my elbows. My legs
feel a bit stiff too. Maybe it is
just back to bad weather symptoms,
and the rest of me is in fair
working order.
I tried to cure possible
leaks through the patch on the
crack in my bathtub yesterday. I
fear I will ultimately have to
strip off all the duct tape and
stuff, and start again because it
was obvious there was water
trapped under the patch, but it
might just hold enough for me to
finally wash my hair and have a
shower today. It is possible that
once that is done I might try and
force myself out for a walk or
One thing I do know is that
if I go out I will leave the
heater on full blast. I don't want
to risk another day like Wednesday
when it felt really cold when I
got home from the pub, and it
wasn't until midnight, or later,
before I managed to get the room
feeling warm again. Maybe if I do
go out it might be to go just far
enough to take some test pictures
using my new wide angle/mild
fisheye lens Maybe something like
the middle of the park, but to be
honest, I have doubts I will go
much further than from my bed to
the toilet and back again
(although I would also go to the
kitchen for food purposes).
2163 words
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