Once again there seems to
be no mist, but the temperature is
definitely down to -3° C. As seen
on the left, my most pessimistic
outdoor thermometer says it is
-4.7° C, but I don't think that is
correct. Perhaps with no mist we
don't have to wait until midday
for the sun to break through. In
fact it seems to be shining now,
but is below the roofline of the
houses to the east as I write
this. Maybe the extra sunshine, if
indeed the sun can stay shining
until sunset, will raise the
temperature higher than the
forecast 1° C. At the end of the
afternoon the temperature will
fall again, and by 8pm is might be
possible that mist will fall, and
by midnight the temperature will
be down to -2° C. Tomorrow will
start very cold again, but there
may be some sunny spells in the
afternoon, and maybe the
temperature may peak at a whole 3°
C. From the day after tomorrow the
nights may stay above zero.
My patched patch on my
bathtub seemed to mostly hold
yesterday, and I was able to wash
my hair, and have a shower. I also
put some laundry in to soak, but
that is still there this morning.
Having got clean and shiny (I also
had a wet shave) I could have done
anything that needed being clean,
but I didn't do anything like

What I did do slightly
surprised myself. By 1pm it
did seem to be bright and sunny
outside, and that gave me the urge
to go out and test my new camera
lens. It was a good test because
it gave me a better idea of when
it would be stupid to use it, and
when it might be useful. It soon
became obvious that it really was
useless for long distance shots.
having said that, maybe with a
more evenly lit day, later in the
year when the sun is a lot higher
in the sky, it might take some
interesting pictures.
I was still not keen on
walking very far in that freezing
air, but I put on my extra thick,
bright orange (in case I get lost
in a snowdrift or something)
winter coat, and kept the hood up
all the time. That kept me warm
enough to end up starting some
light sweat under the coat. The
coat felt comfortable, but
slightly restrictive when carrying
a heavy camera bag, and heavy
camera. I think the last time I
used it I just had a small pocket
camera, and that felt fine.
As can be seen from the
trace on the left, my walk was a
bit more than just halfway through
the park and a quick return.
I ended up walking all the way to
Ladywell, and then back again, and
I didn't use the shortest route
possible. I ended up walking 1.449
miles, but with with frequent
stops to take many more pictures
than I'll show here, my average
speed was only 1.384 mph.
This was not the first
picture taken through my new
fisheye lens, but it is the first
I have to show. Some earlier
picture were completely lost when
one of the memory cards in my
camera failed. More about that
later. This picture is heavily
cropped to lose the worst picture
distortion, but it still seems to
be a picture taken at the top of a
hill when it is actually on level
ground. If I had squatted down to
keep the bench in the exact centre
of the picture there would be less
distortion once cropped, but I
didn't feel comfortable trying to
squat down.
Maybe I will retake this
picture in June when I can
hopefully go out in just jeans and
t-shirt, or maybe even shorts and
t-shirt, and squatting down would
be much easier. Some nice bright
sunshine at that time of year
would improve the picture
many-fold too.
It was lucky I had changed
back to a normal zoom lens what I
took this picture - the very next
frame on the camera. Despite the
zoom lens (albeit not a high power
zoom lens) I had to really crop
this picture to get a more close
up view of this rat spotted on the
river bank. With hindsight I think
I brightened the picture more than
I needed to, but it was very dim
in the riverside vegetation where
I spotted the rat...or is it a rat
? I have doubts that it might be a
water vole. I may have it the
wrong way around, but I think rats
have more pointy ears than the
rounded ears in this picture.
I was really pleased with
how this picture of a robin turned
out. The robin sat there most
patiently while I took it's
picture, but not patiently enough
to fiddle with camera settings. My
initial guessed settings seemed to
work well, The Robin is in sharp
focus, and seems quite bright. The
background is nicely out of focus,
but the tree it is in is also
sharply focussed. This must me the
best picture I took yesterday.
When I reached almost the
furthest point of my walk I saw a
train pull into Ladywell station,
and it being only 15 seconds walk
away, I went down the slope to the
station where I took this picture
of a class 376 train, about to
leave towards Hayes (Kent), via
Catford Bridge. I could have
caught this train and lopped a few
tenths of a mile of my walk, but I
decided I ought to carry on
walking because it was possibly
good for me.
In fact the picture above
is the second train picture I
took. The first was of a class 707
train, a SouthEastern "City Beam"
train that had already left the
station, ultimately heading to
Charing Cross. It was a nice
enough picture, but I thought the
one above, showing the station
itself, was a better choice.
With the door open the Good
Hope cafe turns into the Goo Hop !
It is a slightly tricky place to
photograph because there are
several conflicting pointers to
getting a straight picture. Maybe
I was lining myself up on the path
because the building looks skewed
in this shot. Incidently, the open
door towards the left is the
entrance to the ladies toilet. I
always find this confusing because
when I was a kid, and used to
spend hours and hours in the park,
that door lead to the gents
toilet, and the ladies was around
the corner. Now, for reasons
unknown, the toilets have swapped
If there had been more
light, and it was falling on the
face of this building, this might
have been a good picture taken
through my new fisheye lens. It is
heavily cropped to cut off the
most distorted bits of the
original picture, and so used here
more like just a wide angle lens.
It shows the building that nearly
all the wards are in of Lewisham
Hospital. It did almost as gloomy
to my naked eye as it does in this
I have often referred to
"the curly whirly bridge" and this
picture may help show how I came
to give it the name. On either
side there is a spiral ramp to the
top that enables prams,
wheelchairs, and bicycles to cross
the railway with relative ease.

I was very glad to get home
from this walk. Most of it seemed
OK, but I was getting very tired
towards the end, and it was so
nice to get back into the warm,
and sort of put me feet up.
Initially I didn't because I made
some lunch first - two wholemeal
rolls with sliced processed
chicken and some green salad in
them. I didn't eat them straight
away because I had a very
important task to do first.
I had taken about a dozen
pictures on my walk when suddenly
the camera stopped working. The
display said memory card error.
Fortunately my Nikon D610 has two
cards in it, and I was able to
keep taking pictures after I had
removed the faulty card. It is
pictured on the left. I used to
think that Integral branded cards
were supposed to be good, but I
think it is the second one I have
had that has failed.
By failed I don't mean just
corrupted. It seems to be dead as
a doornail. I have the means to
recover pictures from a corrupt
card using a Linux command line
app called Photorec, but that
assumes the card can actually be
detected. Trying several card
readers they all gave the same
result as if there were trying to
read a bit of cardboard - no
electrical signals at all. I had
to give this card the ultimate
send off - I tossed it in the bin.
I shall avoid Integral cards in
future, and mostly stick to San
Disk, although the pair I have put
in the camera now are two
identical cards from Lexar. I hope
they are reliable !
I'll just interupt
things here for a real time news
flash (as they say). It is just
coming up to 10am now, and there
is glorious golden sunshine
pouring through my bedroom
windows, and it feels lovely and
warm where it touches my body.
It is still -1.5° C outside, but
starting to get comfortable in
my south facing bedroom. If it
can keep this up I could be
tempted to go for another walk
My two rolls, adding up the
equivalent of about one and a half
baps that I have been eating
recently, were delicious, and just
about gave me the energy to sit
down and go through the pictures I
had taken (after spending a bit of
time trying to get anything off
the the dead memory card), and
selecting and editing the pictures
I have used here today. Once that
was done I could finally lie down,
and really get the weight off my
I read for a while, and
then fell asleep. I really have no
idea how long that snooze lasted,
but I know it was 5pm when I woke
up, and I had slept through a
whole Star Trek episode which I
might have watched otherwise. It
was also getting close to dinner
time, and all the fresh air seemed
to give me huge hunger, I did not
realise how huge until
later. At about 5.45pm I put
my dinner, or the main part of it,
in the microwave. While I was in
the kitchen I washed a Persimmon
fruit, and a Golden Delicious
apple. I had that fruit as a
I had decided to eat
some of the ready meals I had
stashed away in the freezer of my
new and bigger fridge. The picture
on the front suggested this Korean
style Spicy Chicken Noodles
might make a very nice dinner. Of
course it looked nothing like the
picture on the front, and I am not
sure I even noticed any chicken in
it as I ate it. It did have a sort
of hint that the flavour and spice
combination could be good if
prepared by a chef with taste buds
instead of a robot.
The alleged Korean style
chicken was probably best eaten
with some rice, but it didn't come
with any. However I did have an
alleged Korean
style Rice
Bowl that I could eat as a sort of
pudding. Once again the picture on
the front was nothing like the
dense and squidgy brown rice
porridge that was in the pot. I
could see there was more than just
rice in the mix, but all the
colours were shades of brown.
The good and the bad were
the sugar content of these two
ready meals. The Korean
chicken had a horrendous 13gm of
sugar in it, but the Korean
rice had a more reasonable 3.8gm
in it. Along with the fruit
starter it felt like I had eaten
quite a lot, and probably blown my
sugar allowance out of the window
for the day. The idea of following
it all with ice cream sounds like
the height of insanity, but that
is what I did. I ate the last half
of the tub of the not very nice
salted caramel ice cream - mainly
to use it up, and to make room for
something nicer in the freezer.
I watched assorted stuff on
TV until 9pm, and then went to
bed. I read for a while, but I
would be surprised if it was much
later than 9.30pm before I was
fast asleep. Apart from feeling
only just about warm enough under
the duvet, I seemed to be
comfortable, and I had absolutely
no trouble with any indigestion.
That meant falling asleep, and
staying asleep very easy. By about
10pm I was already dreaming,
although I must admit that is a
baseless estimate, but good enough
for now.
That dream was not notable
for any action. In fact hardly
anything happened at all, and it
was more like thinking aloud for a
few moments. I have no idea of the
inspiration, but I was thinking
about dried meat, and in
particular dried beef. The stuff
marketed as Jerky tends to be
sugar cured instead of air (or
possibly smoked) dried, but there
as a shop in Earlsfield which I
frequented when I worked in
Earlsfield, that had varied dried
meats from South Africa, and one
was beef. It was expensive, but
maybe not as expensive as the tint
amounts you get in small packs of
beef jerky. Then latter often have
little bits of postage stamp sized
beef in the packet. The South
African stuff was quite a chunk of
This dream was little more
than me thinking what I have
written above, plus contemplating
what it would be like if it was
used for cooking. I assumed it
would swell up when in boiling
water. The only thing worth
mentioning this brief dream for
was that there was a part two many
hours later. Before that came a
few visits ton the toilet for a
pee, and another much more complex
dream sometime in the early hours
of this morning.
It was a another dream
about being at work, but this one
was from the days of working in a
Telephone exchange. In this dream
I had gone out with another man
plus my boss to visit another
telephone exchange. When we got
there the door was open, and I was
just going to walk in because they
knew me there, but my boss said we
must follow protocol, and ring the
doorbell so we could announce
ourselves to whoever came to the
Eventually someone came to
the door and I just said hi, and
walked in. I think I probably left
the other two behind at the door.
I went straight to the main
apparatus floor, and asked why
they had called us in. I was told
it was nothing of official
importance, and that it was just
something that would interest me.
I followed the man and we went
down a rather dim staircase that
went fairly deep underground. We
got to a door, and behind the door
was the back of a Bakerloo Line
tube train. We got on via the
drivers door, and as soon as we
were on board, the train started
We seemed to go quite a
long way, but it was just a joy
ride with no destination of any
importance. As far as I can
remember, the dream sort of faded
out at that point, or maybe I had
to wake up and go for a pee. After
the pee I was soon asleep again,
and I think it was the last bit of
sleep before I got up. It was then
that my dream about the air dried
beef sort of restarted with
thoughts about how I might cook
it. I thought it might work well
in a semi dry stew served with
mashed potatoes. Like part one,
and also another dream I mentioned
a day or two ago, it was like a
radio dream - sound but no real
pictures, although I sort of
remember looking at a piece of
dried beef, but didn't even touch
it, let alone move it.
maybe it was getting fresh
air during the day, and a good
sleep last night, but this morning
was one of those semi recently
rare mornings when I have just
opened my eyes and got up feeling
that it was most definitely time
to get up. As is routine, I had a
pee, and not always routine,
didn't have a poo, and then
weighed myself. I though I had
eaten rather a lot for my dinner,
and I was quite surprised to see
that I had still managed to lose
I was less surprised to see
my blood glucose was up again, but
I suppose I was very surprised
that it had not gone up through
the roof after the fruit, ice
cream, and to a lesser extent, the
style chicken. The
Contour meter read 8.3mmol/l, and
that is actually surprisingly
good. The GlucoRX meter read more
in line with what I expected at
9.2mmol/l. The Sinocare meter read
an OK 8.7mmol/l. It feels like I
dodged a bullet with two of those
readings, but as Meatloaf once
sung, "two out of three ain't bad
Even my blood pressure is
looking good this morning. On my
first attempt (which I admit was a
bit better than a second attempt,
I got 107/40. The diastolic
pressure of 40mmHg does look
possibly a little too low, but
just thinking about it was enough
to increase all but the pulse rate
a small amount. The pulse rate was
a nice and relaxed 51 bpm.
Today there is one thing I
have to do before anything else
(except the usual 20 to 30 minutes
rest I have after writing all
this). It is to finish the laundry
that I left soaking in detergent
in the bug builders buckets in the
bathtub. It is only one t-shirt,
and maybe half a dozen pairs of
underpants, but I still don't feel
like getting back to it - mainly
on account of the detergent will
be stone cold and almost slimy
this morning. Once I take the
plunge it should not take long to
get it rinsed and fabric
conditioned, and hung up to dry.
Once that job is out of the
way I might possibly put on my
thick, hooded, orange, winter coat
and go for a short walk. This time
I will only take a small pocket
camera (probably a Nikon Cybershot
S6300). If I do go out I might
possibly head towards the River
Pool Linear park. I doubt I will
make it as far as the bow string
bridge for a full 3 mile walk, but
it would really feel very good if
I did manage that without my legs
falling off !