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Monday 8th June 2020
Lockdown day 77

10:04 BST

  The weather forecast for yesterday was not entirely accurate ! For a start, the sunny intervals forecast for the morning were so close together that, at least for some hours, may just as well have been described as "sunny". Soon after midday, if I recall correctly, the clouds built up enough to completely block the sun - maybe 2 hours earlier than forecast. The afternoon was expected to be dry, but it rained - not a lot of rain, but it seemed enough that I didn't need to water the garden. It was probably the hot sun on my black coat that made it feel a lot warmer than the 12 to 14° C forecast for the morning. With no sunshine in the afternoon it felt a lot cooler than the possible 18° C forecast, and I am not sure if it was actually any better than 16° C.
a mostly dull day
   The latest revision to the forecast just shows a uniformly grey day (except for a possible brief ray of sunshine at 8pm tonight. The original forecast shows sunny intervals at 9am, and indeed there was one. It lasted about 5 seconds as a small patch of blue sky blew past the sun. Maybe we will get another few seconds before the day is out. Like yesterday, no rain is forecast for today, but I am sure I could feel a few tiny drops swirling in the breeze recently, but most probably evaporated before even hitting the ground. The latest revision to the forecast still predicts the temperature will hit 16° C, but rather than most of the afternoon, the new prediction says it will only reach that for a few minutes at 2pm. 15° C would seem to be the best we can expect in reality. Tomorrow might see the temperature rise to 18° C by late afternoon, and it is possible there could be a few sunny spells scattered mostly through the afternoon. It could be a weeks time until the weather works to the June plan instead of like late November !
another 3 and a
                              bit mile walk
   I didn't think I really wanted to go out much earlier than usual yesterday, but I did. Instead of typically going out sometime after 11am, and quite typically around midday, I was out the front door soon after 9am. I was feeling quite creaky before I went out, and decided if I could just take a quick peek at the river, to see how the heavy rain the day before had affected it, I would be satisfied.

  It was so predictable that once I got moving I felt better and better. Well almost better. My right knee, which I expected to give some trouble, didn't really bother me. I though that knee was going to be my weakest point, but it turned out to be my lungs that were the weakest point...sort of. It felt like the air was a bit thick, and indeed it was very likely very humid with hot sun warming up the ground that got a good soaking the day before. I frequently felt a bit wheezy, and apart from that probably high humidity, I don't know why. In fact I don't know why I even felt wheezy.

  There is only one bit of my walk that is significantly uphill, and that is only for a short distance. I was actually recording some video, with a spoken commentary, as I went up that little hilly bit. My breathing was not so heavy that I couldn't speak, and even at the time I felt like I was going up it faster than usual. Perhaps I was showing off for the camera...actually I think I was !

  Of course the other anomaly for someone claiming there was anything wrong with their breathing, was that I seemed to manage an average of almost 3 mph for the 3 mile walk. That is a little faster than usual, and probably a good reason to have to breathe a little more deeply. On the other hand it wasn't about how deeply I was having to breath, but the feeling of the air going in. It did feel "different" somehow. Oh well, might as well blame it on Covid-19 - it is the universal scapegoat for everything these days.
  I spotted this moorhen doing something weird across the other side of the river. There is another bird under it. It is a slightly smaller version of the bird on top. At first I thought it was just bird sex, but there was very little movement during the few minutes that I watched. It was almost as if the bird on top thought it was sitting on an egg in a nest, but it evidently wasn't that. It seems very unlikely, but one possible explanation is that it was keeping an injured young bird warm.

  Here are what I think of as the highlights of my walk. The entire video lasts about 6 minutes. If you can make it through the first 4 minutes (approx) you can see the little hill I mentioned earlier, and hear my commentary going up it.

  When I started out on my walk the air temperature seemed quite chilly, and so I put on a light coat. It was my black, leather look, coat, and I found it was soaking up the sunshine and converting it to heat ! By the half way point of my walk I was feeling semi-cooked ! I could have carried the coat, but I left it on. In consequence, I was a bit of a soggy mess when I diverted into the little supermarket on Catford Bridge to buy some beers (and nothing else on this occasion). When I got home I had an interesting choice for breakfast !
what a
                                    choice - apples or beer
  I could have a couple of Pink Lady apples, or a cold can of strong beer. Of course there were other options, and rather than go for the healthy option of the two small apples, I put some sausages in the mini oven/grill to cook. Now I have to confess that I did wash those sausages down with the strong beer in the picture - at about 10.45 in the morning !

  The rest of my day could have been very lazy, and I sort of intended it to be so, but a phone call from my friend Lee changed things. I had offered him a JVC camcorder that I had barely used - mostly because it didn't suit my needs. Lee wondered if it was OK to come over and pick it up. He also wanted to offer me some money for it. I didn't want to take much off him because I knew it was not a very good camcorder (once again only for my needs). I said he could give me £10, mainly to cover the cost of a brand new 32GB SD memory card I had put in it.

  I also said he could earn part of it's worth by doing a little job for me - actually several jobs. One was to taxi across a big and heavy transformer to a mutual friend. Another was to dispose of a radio test set that I am sure Lee had originally given to me 10 or more years ago, and that I had never used. He will probably clean it up and sell it on Ebay or something. There was also a suitcase sized case of a black and white Sony TV camera that is a nice piece of equipment, but one I can't ever foresee a use for. He can probably sell it too if he wants to go through all the trouble of putting on Fleabay (ripoffs our speciality). Although only a serious collector would want a 40 year old black and white vidicon camera.

  With several dusty gaps left in my house I had to do a bit of cleaning up, although I couldn't find the energy to push the hoover around later yesterday afternoon. I did move a few things around to completely clear the little bit of hallway that leads to the bathroom, and that definitely needs hoovering now - maybe a job for later today. I also was also able to compact things down a bit in the back room - the room that s slowly heading back to being a dining room again.

  I wasn't even properly lazy after that, although I did have a rest before hand washing some t-shorts and underwear. Then I could do absolutely nothing, or nothing physical. I did do quite a bit of reading, and I did some cooking too. By mid afternoon I was feeling peckish, and it was a funny sort of peckish. I had an irrational desire for some instant noodles. I have a small stock, maybe 3 left now, of some instant noodles that come with a very fierce chilli oil. I cooked up one of those, and thoroughly enjoyed those burning chilli flavour noodles.

  My actual dinner was some mini grilled/ovened chicken fillets with salad. At least one of my meals yesterday was mostly healthy ! I had that dinner a bit later than usual, possibly around 7pm instead of 6pm. I washed it down with a couple more tins of beer, but I stopped after 2 or three beers. I put the last can I was going to drink back in the fridge, and it was mostly because I was planning on going to bed soon, and not because I felt I had drunk too much.

  I seemed to have a fair night's sleep, and woke up at a sensible time - about 6.30am. The echoes of the noodles were instantly seen in my blood glucose reading. It was lower than yesterdays high, but still too high by my self set standards. There was better news when I got on the scales. I seem to have just passed the last little peak, and beginning to come down the other side of the curve (although there is reason to think I am about to have another little bump on the road). My blood pressure and temperature were both absolutely fine.

  My main mission for today was to get to Aldi early enough to avoid queues. Like last time, I was there just after 9am, and it was relatively quiet with no queues outside. I may have go a bit carried away once inside. I had to stagger back with rather a lot of shopping. In theory I should not need any major shopping for a full week now. I may buy some more fresh vegetables during the week, and I'll probably buy a few bottles of Diet Coke or Pepsi Max.

  Even after buying all I did buy I could have bought even more. I have a desire to rebuild my Brexit emergency supplies - mostly of long life tinned goods - not that I have depleted them much during lockdown, but extra cans of soup are always useful in winter as well. I was happy to buy another 9 pack of toilet roll. I was one of the few who didn't strip the shops of toilet paper when this coronavirus panic started - mainly because I had panicked as much as a year early when it bwas predicted that Brexit could cause a paper shortage, and there could be toilet paper shortages. I had plenty while others were scrambling about for it.

  I did buy some good and bad stuff today. The worst was a couple of packs of chicken wrap type things. I don't even know why I bought them because they are not that nice until treated with enough hot chilli sauce. The better stuff was a few packs of assorted fish. My dinner today may well be grilled cod with peas (or some other vegetable). I shouldn't really ahve any lunch after having those wraps for breakfast, but if I give in it may be more fish.

  I was giving a lot of thought of going to the seaside today. It is a rotten day for it, but it seems that face masks will be compulsory on public transport after the 15th June, and I do not want to wear a face mask. From all I have read in New Scientist (a hopefully reliable source of science news and opinion) it seems their downsides can outweigh any good they can do. They are essential when dealing with infected persons at close quarters, but should be discarded as soon as possible afterwards because they collect infection quite quickly, and soon become a source of infection rather than protecting against it.  One general news report said that even the government department who made this new rule admit that the advice the received was that the effects of masks was at best rather marginal, and brought it's own dangers, but they still decided to bring the law in so they could be "seen to be doing something" - even if it was a stupid something. I prefer not to wear a mask, and so public transport is not available to me from the 15th June.

  I might possibly go for a walk this afternoon, but I don't feel it is likely. I think it more likely I will get the hoover out, and hoover the stairs (a hateful job), and more particularly that little passage/hallway that leads from the top of the stairs to the bathroom. I still need to hoover my bedroom. That hasn't been done for far too long - although the chances of anyone ever seeing these places seems highly unlikely. Once upon a time I used to try and improve the place as much as I could for when Angela visited, but she hasn't been here for a couple of years now, and it now feels unlikely she will ever visit here again. The only other person of significance is Patricia, and if travel restrictions loosen she would still like to fly over from Argentina and visit before the year is over, but next summer is more likely.

  One other job I am contemplating instead of a walk is tidying up the front garden. The Michaelmass Daisies are now starting to flower. Ideally they need a bit of husbanding, and some weeding around them. The small stump of an old tree, that I try and mutilate more and more is heavily sprouting again, and definitely needs cutting back. Ideally it needs cutting down, but there is not much of it to get at. Last year I took my cordless drill out there, and riddled it with holes, but even that didn't dent it's enthusiasm to try and grow into a 50ft tree !
