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Thursday 22nd October 2020
Lockdown day 213
Shopping embargo day 88 91

09:18 BST

  Yesterday was miserable and wet, and grey and wet, and wet and dull, and dull and grey, and it was very wet too ! There were times when it wasn't actually raining, but it was still very soggy. If anything good can be plucked out of this awfulness it is that it was sort of mild in the afternoon with the temperature reaching 16, and maybe even 17° C.
sunshine today !

  The latest revision to the forecast has changed a few times when it will be sunny, and when there will only be sunny spells. The 30% chance of light rain at 1pm has now been reduced to10% and the icon has changed to full on sunshine. Today looks like it will be one of the better days, although the fly in the ointment is that the maximum temperature has now been reduced by one degree to just 15° C. That should still feel OK in the sunshine. There may be  a splash of rain in the early hours of tomorrow morning, but the day should start bright and sunny. It may not last long, and from late morning it will probably be lightly overcast. There is a chance of some rain after sunset. The temperature may be similar to today - a maximum of 15° C.

   Sometimes it is easy to develop paranoia, and believe "they" are out to get you. Yesterday was a prime example. On Monday I had to force myself out the door, but I did a quite enjoyable 4.92 mile walk. On Tuesday I thought I might do the same, but I couldn't seem to raise the enthusiasm, and besides, there were things I wanted to do at home - like a lot of hoovering. The next day, yesterday, I seemed to be feeling good enough physically,, and maybe mentally, to want to go on another long(ish) walk. I even had a potential route planned out the previous night. I suppose I still could have done it in the rain, but it is impossible to believe it could be enjoyable. Today the sun is out, and I think I feel OK to go for a walk, but I can't because I have things to do. I'm sure "they" are out to get me !

  I have to confess that the grey skies and copious rain, seemed to sap any enthusiasm for anything yesterday, but I wasn't completely idle. Over the course of the day I did two lots of laundry, and I unblocked the sink. I think they are my only achievements yesterday. Unblocking the sink, although obviously important, was quick and simple, and so counts for little. The second lot of laundry was just a small hand towel, and two tea towels. Apart from two extra rinses, they were easy to hand wash - a convenient size to wring out.  The first bit of laundry had more items, some big and some small, and so a bit more fiddly.

  I did a lot of reading yesterday, but maybe the book was less attention grabbing  than some because I still managed to feel quite bored for a lot of yesterday. Under such circumstances it was too easy to think of eating, but I mostly resisted anything too naughty until dinner time. I actually had a three part dinner because I forgot what I had in the fridge, and that was because what I had in the fridge would not really make a meal with stuff I had available.

  My first course was pasta. I don't think my "recipe" actually has a name. It was spiral pasta with roasted mini tomatoes (home grown, and some almost still green), some peas, and a small can of tuna. It was maybe a bit weird, but it tasted nice. I deliberately made it a small(ish) portion because at the last minute I realised I had a portion of chicken wings in the fridge. They were left over from the takeaway I had on Monday night. When delivered I didn't think they looked that good. They were obviously fried and not grilled.

  I decided I would give those wings a really long and fierce grilling before I ate them, and that improved them a lot. One possibility might have been to use them in a stew instead of grilling them, but I didn't really have the ingredients for a stew. I could have maybe served them with pasta, but for some reason I had my mind set on tuna with pasta. In the end I just had them as the second course of my dinner.

  The two courses should have been quite enough for last night, but the gloomy weather had obviously had a bad effect on me. I wanted something else, and against all sense, something sweet. I ended up eating some cake bars. They finally seemed to do the job, and I never ate anything more for the rest of the day - although the rest of the day was only a few hours.

  I know I had lost a few hours of sleep the previous night when I had a stomach upset, but I thought I would make that up during the day, yesterday. For some reason I didn't - and that despite feeling bored. I think it was as early as 7.30pm that I began to yawn, and felt like going to bed. I didn't go to bed that early, but I think I may have been fast asleep by 8.30pm. I found sleeping to be really easy last night, and I think I got a lot of sleep.

  Of course there were some times when I woke up in the night for a pee. One time was just before midnight. It was quite a surprise to realise it was still the same day. I seemed to do a lot of dreaming in the last hours of sleep. A few dreams featured my old friend Nigel (who died about 10 or more years ago now). In one dream he seemed to take on the appearance of a cat. That was very strange.

  This morning I think I feel well rested, and I guess I feel fairly OK. My blood glucose is the same as yesterday. It is higher than I would like, but OK, and the best thing is that it is not a lot higher. I expected it to have gone up after what I ate yesterday. I don't like to think of my weight. It remains stubbornly high after where it was 2 or 3 weeks ago. I have a dark feeling I won't be able to do much with it until next spring.

  In these pandemic times, with no pubs, no entertainment, no shopping, social interaction limited to just a couple of people (and even that may be currently illegal), and isolation from the rest of the the world, it is hard to find reasons to do anything. Losing weight, and trying to be a bit healthier, sometimes seem very low priority, but sometimes they are the best entertainment there is.  Today would be good for a walk. The weather is OK, and I don't feel too bad, but today is Thursday, and I know Jodie is definitely coming over for a few beers, and I expect Michael will too. It is possible I might go to the little supermarket on Catford Bridge to buy some beers (because they don't seem to worry about face masks), but I don't have time to go further. Plus I need to make sure the dining room is ready to receive guests. Maybe I may go for a walk tomorrow.