was some more snowfall in the early
hours of the morning, and the road
outside was starting to look very
wintry. Any snow that had fallen would
have settled because today the
temperature will be below zero all day
long. The coldest is predicted to be -2°
C, and the warmest -1° C ! More snow has
been forecast for around now, but it has
been a very feeble effort. The latest
revision says it will finish in the next
hour, and won't snow again until about
8pm, and it will still be very light
snow showers - that is if you put your
faith in the Met Office. If your faith
lies more with the BBC, and their
Meteosat forecasters, then it will snow
all through today, and some of it will
be heavy snow. Staying with the Met
Office - Tomorrow may see more light
snow in the morning, but then the
temperature will rise, and it could be
0° C by the start of the afternoon, and
possibly 1° C by sunset. There might
even be a sunny spell in the afternoon !
With no snow to see until late
afternoon, I decided not to go out, but
to pursue some things to do indoors.
That didn't amount to much, but did
include another small bit of laundry -
just a hand towel, a pair of underpants,
and a pair of lounge pants. It was a
good excuse to leave some heating on
downstairs during the night to get it
dry, although the temperature being
-1.6° C when I went to bed was a good
enough reason to leave some heat on by
I had it in mind that I was going
to occasionally warm myself up with cans
of "no added sugar" soup yesterday, but
maybe because I didn't go out in the
cold I didn't need to. On the other hand
the cold outside made me feel cold
inside despite the thermometers saying
it was nice and warm in the two rooms I
spent most of the time in. It was really
that subconscious desire for extra food
- food like breakfast !
It wasn't too long before I gave
in and had some breakfast. I opened up a
tin of bacon grill, which seems to be
basically smoky Spam, and I sliced it
before giving the slices a jolly good
grilling. I ate those grilled sliced
with "no added sugar" baked beans. It
was a fairly substantial breakfast,
although I suspect it didn't have a huge
amount of calories in it, and my theory
about it not contributing much, if any,
glucose to me blood seemed subsequently
to be true. I don't think it was
particularly high in fat either. Almost
no far ran off it as it was being
grilled. It did seem to be filling
enough to distract me from eating much
more before dinner time.
Probably the next significant
event yesterday was dinner time. It was
simplicity itself - the second half of
my takeaway from the night before -
chicken and lamb shish kebab. I had to
be very careful about microwaving it. I
wanted to warm it a bit without cooking
the salad. The first one was a bit cool,
and I gave the second a little longer,
but even that one could have benefited
for maybe another 30 seconds worth of
zapping. I didn't have any beer with
yesterday's dinner, but I did treat
myself to several rather large whiskies
in the evening.
After such a sedentary day I
didn't feel ready for sleep until a lot
later than usual. That was sort of
annoying because I wanted to be up early
to go shopping this morning (I was). I
spent a long time in bed just reading.
In one respect that was good because I
am no enjoying the current book I am
reading....well, it's not bad, and I
will read it to the end, but I have
another book lined up that will
hopefully be much more enjoyable.
I guess I was probably asleep by
midnight. From then on I had that
curious of thing of insomnia that isn't
insomnia. I would lay in bed wondering
if I would ever get to sleep. I would
check the time, and then inwardly
grumble about how slowly the night
seemed to be passing. A "few minutes
later" I would check the time again, and
2 or even 3 hours would have passed
without being aware of it. This even
happened when I woke up at three, and
stopped to pull the curtains aside to
see all the newly laid snow outside.
Thinking about that snow seemed to take
20 or 30 minutes in subjective time, but
possibly less than 5 minutes in real

I got up at about 6.30am. The
snow didn't seem to be much better than
what I had spied at 3am. Despite seeming
to get some solid hours of sleep, albeit
only around 6 hours, I feel I must have
slept a bit awkwardly because I had a
few extra aches and pains this morning.
My right shoulder, in particular, seemed
to be a bit stiff and sore. It is
another occasional, but long standing
complaint of this slowly disintegrating
I felt a bit better when I
checked my blood glucose. It was down to
a very good 7.9mmol/l. That was more
like I was expecting yesterday morning.
It tends to support my ridiculous theory
that there can be a time lag in my blood
glucose dropping after a day of eating
carefully. That theory will be dashed to
pieces when I check my blood glucose
tomorrow. I expect it will react
instantly to stuff I may eat today after
shopping in Aldi.
At 7.59am I was ready to go to
Aldi, the temperature was -1.6° C,
and this was the view outdoors. As can
be seen, the snowfall didn't cover
everywhere. What is not easily visible
is the amount of black ice on the road.
I was wearing my best walking boots that
have plenty of good tread on the sole
and heel. On the crispy fresh snow they
gripped like poo on a blanket. However,
as I found to my cost, they are
absolutely useless on black ice. As I
stepped off the kerb, into the road, at
the crossroads with the corner shop
diagonally across the junction from me,
I went flying !
I was basically OK, but it was
embarrassing trying to get upright again
on the slippery surface. Fortunately I
discovered that the granite kerbstones
still gave a very good grip. For the
next minute I had a pronounced limp
because I seemed to pull a muscle in my
left thigh (it neatly matches the right
one that still gives me trouble 7 months
after tripping on a tree root or
something in Brookmill Park, Deptford).
The pain faded away, or almost away,
before reaching Aldi, but I can still
feel some tenderness there an hour or
two later.
Going shopping in Aldi has
satisfied my most important ambition for
today. The other ambition is a "nice to
do" thing - namely taking pictures of
the snow in the Linear Park. After that
fall earlier, and the lingering
tenderness in my left thigh muscle, I am
less keen to go out, and the poor snow
cover makes me wonder if it would be as
photogenic as I hoped. I may still go
for that walk, but it's probably 50 -
50. Other than that, it will be another
sedentary day.