Today's weather forecast seems very
haphazard. The latest revision says it
should have been sunny until recently.
I was actually very nice and sunny
between about 8 and 9am, but after
that it got dull and cloudy. It is now
10am, and the latest revision to the
forecast shows that very weird mix of
of white cloud with the sun peeping
out behind it, and heavy rain below
it. This is labelled "Heavy Shower
(day)". The reality is dark clouds and
heavy rain as I write this. Coming up
at 11am will be "Heavy Rain", and it
may continue to midday. After there is
supposed to be an hour of just white
cloud, and then 4 hours of sunny
spells. I have great doubts that it
will be like this. During the day the
temperature will start to fall from
about 10° C now to 6° C by the end of
the day. Tomorrow will see the process
in reverse - starting at 6° C and
rising to 11° C by very late evening.
It may be a dry day, but the sky will
be completely covered by white cloud.

I really needed some exercise
yesterday, and the weather forecast,
although ultimately wrong, seemed to
give the green light for a walk. I
originally thought that I would have
to wait until at late as midday to
catch the promised sunny spells. At
midday the temperature was forecast to
be 11° C, and I thought that it might
feel pleasant in the sunshine. I
thought I would be comfortable wearing
my sleeveless denim jacket.....
The sky seem to start clearing
a bit earlier earlier than forecast,
and by 11.30am I was getting ready to
go out, and I thought I did go out
soon after that, but my "Simply
Walking" phone app says it was 12:32
when I set out. Maybe I should have
gone out earlier because the sunny
spells barely lasted until the point
when I was entering the River Pool
Linear Park
I have to admit that it felt
rather cool for most of my walk, or at
least my bare arms did. The other
negative thing was that many parts of
the park were very muddy - the path by
the river, and the field on the east
side of the river between the railway
foot bridge and the bow string bridge.
The railway foot bridge end of that
field was still an absolute quagmire.
It made part of the walk hard work.
It was probably hard work
because the care needed not to slip in
the mud. That would have been bad
enough in the field, but a slip by the
river could have ended up as a fall
into the river. The thing that seems
very odd is that my speed on this walk
actually seems to be a tiny bit faster
than usual. I usually use 3 mph as my
normal walking speed over medium
distances, and on fairly level ground.
Managing 2mph over some truly awful
ground, and occasionally stopping to
take photos, seems to be better than I
would have imagined. It also explains
why I was feeling fatigued when I got
I had heard, probably from The
Friends Of The River Pool, that new
park benches were going to be
installed at some time, and yesterday
I found 4 new ones had very recently
been installed. One was near the
Catford Hill entrance, and the other
three along the main path between The
Bridge Of Doom, and the footbridge
across the railway near the bottom of
Winsford Road.
I noticed a lot of vegetation
clearance has been undertaken in The
Vineries field. This allowed me to
find what I have dubbed pond 3 of the
4 ponds that I was told existed there.
This one is quite small, maybe just
4ft across, but at least it has water
in it. I think it is fed by a pipe
that carries the overflow from pond 2.
This is pond 2. It often dries
up, but it is getting a good flow of
water through a pipe that lads a small
stream under the path, and below the
vegetation. It is bigger than pond 3,
but not by much. The white area is
froth. It is where the water flows
into the pond, and it makes me think
there is some contamination in the
water - maybe natural, maybe not.
This is pond one, and it is the
biggest, and never seems to dry up. It
is fed by a "French drain" - a drain
below the bed of the little stream
that runs along the edge of the
Vineries area. I first learned of the
name "French drain when I announced I
could hear a gurgling sound, and the
previous full stream seemed to
disappear underground. Somewhere below
the shingle of the stream bed must be
a grill allowing the water to drop
into a sump where it is lead through a
pipe to this big pond. I could see the
water entering the pond quite freely,
but the level of the pond looked lower
than usual. I presume this is because
the channel connecting this pond to
the next has been cleared of debris.
I thought I saw these crocuses,
heralding the first hints of spring,
much nearer the bow string bridge, but
judging by the sequence I took the
pictures, it must have been earlier in
my walk.
New picnic tables had been
promised, and finally table number 2
has been installed. This is by the
path from the bottom of Winsford Road,
and used to overlook "Lake Winsford",
or the kiddies play area.
This is where "Lake Winsford"
used to be, but it looks like the
drainage had been fixed, and the
gigantic puddle has now shrunk to just
a couple of small puddles either side
of the path. Presumably as longer and
drier days arrive they will dry up
completely, and than the mud will be
blown away (or maybe swept up). I
wonder how it will fare next autumn if
it is a wet one ?
There were more signs of spring
in the rough vegetation between the
railway fence, and the unofficial very
muddy path on the east side of the
river. I am not sure what these
flowers are. There were some white
versions of the flowers nearby, and my
first thought was that they may be
rhododendrons, but now I think they
are not.
The camera has slightly over
exposed the flower, but it is
unmistakeably a daffodil, and it is
the first I have seen open. Spring
really is on the way ! This one was
near the road in the grounds of St
Dunstans College. I sent a copy of
this photo to Patricia in Argentina.
Out of all the things to see in London
it was the "hosts of golden daffodils"
near Horse Guards Parade that made
Patricia fall in love with London when
she first came here.
As I approached home my legs
were feeling a bit creaky, but I still
basically felt OK until I got home,
and sat down. I then felt deeply
fatigued. I fought the fatigue while I
sorted out the photos, and cooked
myself some Lincolnshire sausages for
a late lunch. After eating, and
dealing with the photos I allowed
myself to rest. I am unsure what time
that was, but I am guessing it was
about 4pm. It wasn't long before I was
snoozing, and it was dark when I woke
I had about half an hour to
prepare my dinner for cooking if I was
to have my dinner at my preferred time
of 6pm. Fortunately I had decided I
would have a very simple dinner of
nothing more than chicken thighs and
beansprouts cooked in chicken stock
and a few flavourings. Before I ate it
I checked my blood glucose level. It
was a rather excellent 7.1mmol/l. I
expected it to be higher after eating
the sausages. It seemed low enough
that I decided there and then to take
a tub of low calorie/low sugar (or is
it ?) ice cream out of the freezer to
have for dessert after my very healthy
I found it uncomfortable when I
went to bed. My legs seemed to
complain when I lay in certain
positions. It was a case that anything
comfortable for my legs seemed to be
uncomfortable for something else. It
made getting to sleep quite hard. My
long snooze (90 minutes ?) didn't help
matters either. I don't know when I
finally got to sleep, but I think it
was probably closer to 11pm than
I slept OK for maybe 3 hours,
and then I think my sleep became a lot
more patchy. It seemed to feel like I
was awake a lot, but with hindsight I
now wonder if I was dreaming I was
awake. The only thing about the dreams
I know where dreams was just a common
theme. They seemed to be about
sausages, or specifically a variant of
"pigs in blankets". My sausages were
thin, but about the same length as an
average rasher of bacon. It was
because of that the bacon was wrapped
around the sausage lengthways instead
of the normal way pigs in blanket are
wrapped in bacon. I have no idea how
those dreams started or finished, but
it felt like several contained this
sausage motif. If Freud is to be
believed it was some sort of sexual
thing, but if so it wasn't enjoyable
in that sense.
Considering how little sleep I
seemed to get, I seemed to run out of
sleep before 6am this morning. It was
hard trying to sleep from as early as
5am. By about 6.20am I threw in the
towel, and got up. I could feel
some legacy of yesterday's walk in my
legs, but nothing bad. Another legacy
was a potential flare up from my chest
again. That would have been the result
of it being colder out than I thought
it would feel. As yet it is not a full
flare up - just some twinges telling
me to take care, or some Ibuprofen.
The really bad thing this
morning was my blood glucose
level...or was it ? When I first
checked it I got a really high reading
of something like 10.8mmol/l - well
into the danger area. I couldn't
understand how it could have gone so
high after being so low before dinner.
I was expecting a small raise after
eating the ice cream, but nothing like
that. In desperation I tried checking
a pin prick of blood from my other
hand. That said just 8.8mmol/l - a
whole 2 points lower, and a just
acceptable value (and the one I
After I had had a shower I went
for a little walk to the little
supermarket on Catford Bridge. There
were a few things I wanted from there,
and it was a good excuse to find how
my legs were doing... They were
working fine except for being a bit
stiff and sore. When I say they were
working fine I really mean that were
wo0rking as fast as usual. My whole
body felt a bit creaky in some
respects. It all felt exactly I now
come to expect it to feel on a cold
wet day. It wasn't wet then, it was
actually sunny, but that didn't last
long. The view outside my window as I
write this is of a cold wet day, and
it is getting colder hour by hour
(fortunately only dropping to 6° C).
At about 10.30am I had reason
to pulls a few more muscles, and
derived the means to overeat, or eat
stuff that is not always good for my
blood glucose (or weight). I had a
delivery of the stuff I had ordered
from Star Bargains. One big error was
ordering 6 packets of a sort of baked
crisp. They may be low in fat, but not
low in anything else ! The box
contained about 6 litres of assorted
drinks, plus a small selection of
canned food. In consequence it was
bloody heavy when I had to lift it off
the doorstep, and carry it into the
dining room for unpacking.
I final reason for ruining my
diet in all sorts of bad ways is that
it is Thursday, and Thursday is
traditionally boozing day. I shall
probably consume some sweet and
delicious Belgium abbey beers again,
but I do have some other less nice,
and less naughty beers to drink. I
dread to think what Jodie will bring
over with her. It is possible she has
ordered more Belgium beers. I'll have
to wait and see what she brings this
afternoon. Before all that I think I'd
like a snooze.