morning's forecast got off to a poor
start. There was no mist, and the
temperature was 2.5° C ! There are
of sunny spells right now. It
looks like there are cracks in the
darkish grey clouds, and every once in a
while one of the cracks passes in front
of the sun, and we get a few minutes of
sunshine - mostly rather attenuated
sunshine. The latest revision to the
forecast now shows sunny spells in the
afternoon for just 2 and 3pm. 1pm is now
shown as cloudy. If we are lucky the
temperature may peak at 9° C for just a
single hour at 3pm, but 7 or 8° C seems
more representative for the afternoon.
Some cloud, possibly thick cloud, will
stop the temperature sinking too low
tonight - maybe no lower that 6° C, but
the daytime temperature may only rise to
7° C with heavy clouds in the afternoon.
There is a 10% chance of rain at any
time tomorrow, but no specific time for
rain is currently shown.
Yesterday was almost all to do
with waiting for my Amazon delivery. I
was startled to get a notification that
it was out for delivery as early as
8.28am. I didn't know Amazon drivers
knew that time of day. After not
starting to write until late, mainly
thanks to going shopping in Aldi before
I started to write here, I didn't have
all that long to wait until my Amazon
delivery arrived. I think it was about
1pm, and the driver wasn't hanging
around. He rang the doorbell, dumped the
two packets on my door step, and went
back to his van to watch for me to open
the door and take the packets in.

As I mentioned yesterday, the
more important part of the Amazon order
was a new 2TB external hard disk that I
am now using as a back up disk for a
heap of files that were previously only
stored in their entirety on another 2TB
external hard disk. Until I had
duplicated that external hard disk into
the new hard disk I did have most of the
files on a smaller hard disk, plus some
on my computers main hard disk. I have
now been able to free up the space on my
computers main hard disk, and
reformatted for some new use, the old
1TB disk that was almost full.
The other bit of the Amazon order
was two new radio controlled/linked
weather stations/thermometers. The
display of one is shown on the left. I
took this picture at 7.23am this morning
when the outside temperature was just
2.7° C. Inside it was 23.3° C, and that
was just about comfortable wearing no
more than underpants until I went and
had a shower a bit later, but it did
need the heater on full blast for an
hour or more to get there.
The reason I ordered two "weather
stations" was because the first one, the
one whose display is shown above, left,
was very cheap. It was only £20, and I
think that was about half the price of
the previously best one I had that I
bought from Aldi several years ago. The
other one I bought was a bit more
expensive at £26. It doesn't have a
built in clock, but it does show 4
temperature zones, and comes with 3
external sensors, plus one internal
The rather good thing about it
was not just the novelty of seeing 4
zones at the same time, but that the
sensors are compatible with the ones I
"blew up" by using non-rechargable 1.5V
lithium batteries in them. That means my
old displays are usable again. They only
show one zone at a time (plus their own
internal sensor), but they do have a
radio controlled clock, and a nice
colourful display. It is only a guess,
but I reckon that if I had been able to
find replacement sensors, a set of three
would have cost more than the complete
kit I got yesterday.
While spending loads of time
playing with temperature sensors I had
the back bedroom window open to leave
one new sensor outside the window. At
the same time I took in the sensor for
the first radio clock and temperature
sensor I had ever bought. It lasted a
maybe 5 years, but the external sensor
seemed to have died. It needed cleaning,
and drying out before I could give it a
good prod. There was a lot of corrosion
around the black wire that connects to
the negative of the batteries. A very
gentle pull and it just fell off. I
soldered it back on, and that sensor
came to life. I now have rather more
sensors than I need, or can even use,
but by duplicating the sensors I get a
better idea of just how inaccurate these
sensors are. It is only a matter of
tenths of a degree, and that would
hardly be seen on a mercury thermometer,
but it stands out a mile on a digital
display. While one was displaying 2.7°
C, as in the picture above, another was
displaying 2.8° C !!!!
It was surprising how long
playing with temperature sensors took
up, and by the time I was happy with
them all it wasn't much more than an
hour until dinner time - perhaps 90
minutes because I don't think it was
dark be the time I had finished. I was
looking forward to my dinner, but I
shouldn't have been. I had eaten a
couple of sandwiches, 4 easy pealer
oranges, and two kiwi fruit during the
day. All those things would contribute a
lot of sugar to my blood stream.
Eating the fruit was a calculated
risk. I bought it, and ate it because I
had a mildly sore throat in the morning,
plus a slightly bunged up, but not
dripping nose. I thought some extra
vitamin C might do a bit of good, and
maybe it did. It all meant that I should
have taken extra care with what I had
for dinner. Ideally I would have had
just a couple of cans of soup, but I had
something in the fridge that needed
It was some fish in
batter/breadcrumbs that I had bought in
Aldi in the morning. It seemed like a
good idea at the time, but it wasn't for
two reasons. The first is that even in
the fridge (not the freezer) it has a
short shelf life, and while it would be
OK for today, it seemed to be best to
use it while at it's freshest. The
second reason why it was a bad idea was
because the fish was Pollock. I knew
this when I put it in my shopping
trolley, but for some reason it didn't
flash any red lights.
Pollock is a white fish that is
lauded as a good replacement for cod. It
most emphatically isn't ! Admittedly it
has a better flavour than expanded
polystyrene, but only by a tiny margin.
It would probably be OK in a curry where
99% of the flavour is from the herbs and
spices, but as a standalone fish it is
utterly useless ! Last night's
dinner gave a new perspective, and
appreciation for the cod wars.
There wasn't much TV on to keep
me up very late last night, and in fact
I turned the TV off at 8pm, and it
wasn't long before I was reading in bed.
I think I might have even been asleep
not very long after 9pm. On the whole it
seemed like I slept well based on the
idea that I didn't have any periods of
insomnia lasting more than a few
minutes. I did have some entertaining
dreams, although apart from a vague
memory of one of them being set in a
pub, I suddenly realise I can't seem to
remember any more details than that.
This morning I did what I did
yesterday. I woke up as if I was going
to get up, but my bedroom felt a bit too
cool despite the heater being on low. I
turned it up to full, and got back into
bed. Once again it wasn't really my
intention of going back to sleep, but
that is what I did, and I probably slept
for nearly an hour. I woke up feeling
much warmer, and that gave me a chance
to try and assess how I felt, and it
wasn't that good. It was nothing
specific - just a selection of familar
aches and pains, and a sort of
constipated feeling.
It is curious how constipation
often occurs when my blood glucose is
high. I suppose the extra time given to
digestion leaches a bit more sugar
out of the waste. Of course this morning
there is a better reason for my blood
glucose going back up to 9.5mmol/l - it
was the wholemeal bread and the sweet
fruit I ate. Curiously enough the fibre
in wholemeal bread, and in fruit is
supposed to make you "regular". This
morning it has failed - so far.
I am unsure what my plans are for
today. I have thought about going out
early this afternoon if the sunny
periods turn out to be real, but whether
that would be a long walk, or just out
to the shops is unknown at the moment. I
do know it is unlikely to be either
unless the discomfort of constipation
goes away. It does make me wonder what I
have done to deserve this constipation.
Maybe it is automatic once you become an
old age pensioner. All I know is that
for many years when I was a working man
it used to be the opposite problem, and
it was a great psychological relief to
know that Waterloo Mainline railway
station had a decent set of toilets ! I
was a frequent visitor, although quite
often it was more a case of making sure
everything was OK.