It was a lovely day
yesterday - almost like summer come early. The
sky wasn't always pure blue. There were a few
small fluffy clouds floating around, and on a
few rare occasions one would pass in front of
the sun for a minute or so, but generally it
was a bright sunny day. The temperature
reached a warm 18° C.
Today's weather, and
possibly the following two days, will be
almost the same as yesterday, although today
the temperature could be a degree lower at 17°
C (according to the latest revision to the
forecast). There will be no more than a very
light breeze today, and that 17° C should feel
very pleasant in the full sunshine.

The main thing on the agenda yesterday
was to have a lunchtime drink with Angela, but
there was also another almost important thing,
and that was the visit the pharmacy to pick up
my latest repeat prescription for the next 2
months. I also washed a double duvet cover
before doing almost anything else, and hung it
on the washing line to dry by just before
8.30am. It was bone dry after drying in sunshine
when I brought it in at about 5pm.
It was so nice that I made a determined
effort to get out early to take the scenic route
to the pub where I met Angela. It was just after
midday when I left, and the first thing I did
was to forget to turn on the tracker until I was
almost a tenth of a mile from home. That did not
make that much difference, but it would have
made the map neater, although I can't deny that
2.3 miles sounds better than 2.2 miles !
One of my objectives was to pick up a
copy of The Metro so I could start doing the
crosswords in it if I arrived at the pub a bit
earlier. A very quick through it convinced me I
didn't buy it for the news content. To get a
copy of The Metro I headed for Catford Bridge

From Catford Bridge station I could then walk
through 7/8ths of Ladywell Fields with camera in
hand for any interesting photo opportunities. My
camera of choice yesterday was my
Coolpix L29. It hasn't had a lot of
outdoor use, and I decided it was due for a
walk. If I recall correctly it cost about £25 in
a secondhand shop, and it was a bargain !
Funnily enough, this picture was actually
taken using my mobile phone. It shows my first
long view across the fist section of park. I
took it on the phone so I could send it to
Angela to show how nice it was outside, and to
tell her I was on my way.
Looking to the left of where I took the
first picture I took this picture to represent
all the fruit trees that were also mostly in
full bloom. Some were still to blossom. Most of
the trees are either varieties of apple or pear,
but I think there are other fruit trees among
For most of the river the water is very
clear - as you can see by the ducks feet. A
later picture shows the weir, and it is very
murky there.
Another picture to mainly show how there
were still some fluffy clouds in the sky. I
can't be sure now, but I think it was the
northern side of the sky, where my camera is
pointing, where most of the clouds were, and
that left the southern half of the sky, where
the sun was, mostly clear, and unobstructed.
It was difficult to get a picture that
covers all the facets of this scene. The photo
was taken from the bridge that connects the park
to the grounds of Lewisham Hospital. In the
foreground is a weir, and it is doing one of
it's jobs by collecting debris that has been
washed down the river. It also helps to aerate
the water to keep it fresher. This one also has
a third purpose, and that is to raise the water
enough to push some of it through the man made
stream that winds through the northernmost field
in the park. In that respect it has failed
because that man made stream is dry.
The weir has caught loads and loads of
fallen wood that came down in the big storm we
had a month or two ago. Unfortunately that has
severely reduced the flow at the surface of the
river as it approached the weir. It is not easy
to see from this picture that the last 30ft of
the river before the weir is covered by a scummy
layer of small debris like leaves and stuff. It
looks really unpleasant, but I would guess there
is clear water below it, and the fish are
probably not bothered by it, although they may
find the weir hard to pass when it is so
I arrived at the pub with just enough
time to do about 4 clues in the crossword before
Angela arrived. There were no special highlights
about our meeting worth mentioning this time,
but like always, it was a warm and friendly hour
together, and we parted with a good warm hug
outside her office. There was one slight
diversion from normality - I gave Angela a very
quick peck on the end of her nose. For reasons I
only now understand (she was teased by her
brother), she is sensitive about her nose. To me
it is a perfectly normal nose - not to big, not
too small, and just the right shape. That quick
peck on the end of her nose was my way of saying
it is a nice nose.
After we said goodbye I almost forgot
that my next destination was not home, but the
pharmacy. I was supposed to be picking up my
next repeat prescription. I phone in the request
on Monday, and Wednesday afternoon was the
agreed time for it to be collected. When I got
there I found that half of my drugs were out of
stock, and so the prescription hadn't been made
up, and nor had the out of stock drugs been
ordered. They promised to order them in time to
be collected on Friday (tomorrow) morning.
My feet were feeling sore when I got
home. I had opted for a lightweight pair of
summer shoes. I remembered the last time I wore
them I had done a slightly longer walk, and it
included going to the top of Hilly Fields. It
was quite a demanding walk, and the soles of my
feet were really sore, and I am not sure why. It
was the same yesterday, and once again it was
the soles of my feet that hurt. It felt good to
sit down and take the weight off my feet.
I tried an experiment yesterday. I
reversed lunch and dinner. It was because the
coating on the fish I was having was known to
include some sugar, and the idea was to get it
out of the way earlier in the day to give a long
time for it to be processed before I checked my
blood glucose this morning. I had that fish with
salad, and that salad included quite a few very
sweet baby tomatoes as well.
I had that dinner at nearly 3pm, and so I
had my evening meal late too. It was to be just
soup, but after one can of soup I decided to
open on of my mystery cans. It is from a range
made in Romania (I think), and bought from The
Metro Food Centre. It is not an export food, and
so there is not a word of English on the can.
There are 4 very similar looking products, and
so far the best one, and it is rather good, is
smoky bacon with giant beans in sauce. Last
night's can was almost described by the picture
on it if I had studied it a bit closer. It was a
couple of chicken wings (or possibly duck) in
peas and sauce. It was sort of nice, but not as
good as the beans and smoky bacon.
After my normal fare of an episode of The
Prisoner, and an episode of The Simpsons, I was
almost ready for bed, but 7.30pm felt a bit too
early. One extra diversion was to go online, and
pay my credit card bill. It didn't seem to be
much, and so I then stayed on line and ordered a
1TB solid state hard disk from Amazon. I intend
to put that in my laptop. With luck I can copy
the root and home partitions from the existing
hard disk, and all I will have to do then is
re-install the boot menu - which is now usually
easy using my
bootable CD. The SSD (solid state disk)
drive should be faster than the current
"spinning rust" disk, and with luck the power
consumption may be lower, and extend the battery
Last night was the second night that I
went to bed with no heating on. This time I held
out until 3am this morning before I turned the
heater on low. Once again there was a bit of a
battle between it being too hot under the duvet,
and too cold for any bit of my body (except
face) left outside the duvet. A bit of extra
warmth in my bedroom allowed me to leave a leg
or arm (often both) outside the duvet. The
temperature was quite low this morning (just
over 4° C at 6am), and I put the heater on full
blast at 6am, and then went back to bed until
On the whole I slept reasonably well last
night. I seem to recall some assorted dreams,
but only part of one sticks in my memory because
it is so ludicrous. I can't remember how it
started, or even how it ended, if indeed it had
any form of ending. The middle bit was quite
weird enough ! In this dream I had two packs of
smoked mackerel stored in my belly. I hadn't
swallowed them - they were just sort of in that
area. I dreamed I was looking forward to eating
one, but I didn't know how I was going to get
them out without being cut open. I'm sure some
of the dream was about wondering how they had
got there in the first place !
I am pleased to so that my blood glucose
dropped again, but it was only 0.1 again. It had
dropped from 8.9mmol/l to 8.8mmol/l. As I said
yesterday, any drop is a good thing, but it is a
bit annoying it wasn't a bigger drop. I have a
suspicion that can of chicken (or duck) wing in
peas may have had more sugar in it that I hoped
for. My feet are still a bit sore this morning,
but generally I feel OK.
I have had a very lazy sort of morning,
and with a few interruptions along the way,
writing all this has taken a long time. It is
now close to midday, and the next thing I
desperately need to do is to have a shower. In
little more than three hours Jodie will be here
for a Thursday beer tasting session. I probably
ought to be a little restrained in what I drink,
and also eat today because I am fermenting a mad
idea for a day out on the trains tomorrow. More
about that if it is going to happen, tomorrow