Like yesterday, the
first revision to the forecast has added a few
more hours of sunny spells to that shown
above, and I would not be surprised in later
revisions add even more sunny spells, or even
sunshine. On the other hand it could go the
other way.... Today seems like it will be a
bit cooler than yesterday with only 23° C
forecast. At the moment the forecast for
tomorrow is looking a lot like today - which
is always a good bet at being right.
Yesterday was another day when very
little happened. The rail strike meant no
train based adventures, and to be honest I
just didn't feel like going out for a walk.
The reason for that was probably because by
the time I could have gone for a walk I seemed
settled down in a different rut.
The morning wasn't exactly dominated by
another parcel delivery, but I did keep a
close eye on the expected delivery time for a
single bottle of beer. Those nice people at
Beautiful Beers had made a mistake with the
order that was delivered on Wednesday. Somehow
they realised they had sent one wrong beer
just after the order was despatched. They
emailed me to say the correct bottle was on
it's way, and indeed it arrived here at about
midday with a despatch note to say it was free
of charge.
There was one other reason that I
didn't go out after that parcel was delivered,
and it was because the weather forecast for
the afternoon was improving all the time. It
seemed a great opportunity to get some more
laundry done, and hanging on the washing line
to dry in the warm sunshine. I didn't rush at
it - maybe because my brain knew something it
didn't let me know. It seems to have
calculated the time so that the first
significant amount of sunshine started just as
I was hanging my laundry on the washing line.
I brought it in maybe 3 hours later feeling
warm and fresh.
There was one other little, but
important job yesterday, and it's one I
mentioned yesterday. It was the improved way
to bait a couple of mousetraps to catch the
little bugger who had managed to get at some
ginger biscuits left in a ziplock bag in the
dining room. The previous night the mouse had
managed to take the little bit of ginger
biscuit without triggering the trap. The top
biscuits in the packet, firmly out of harms
way in the wall mounted kitchen cupboard, are
now stale. The are sort of soft and almost
That gave me an idea. The yellow
plastic trigger for the mousetraps I am using
has holes in it. It was easy to push two short
tin-tacks through two of the holes, and sort
of nail the biscuit down. The mouse would have
to put in some effort to remove the biscuit,
and that would surely trigger the trap. It was
no more than 10 minutes after turning the
lights off, and closing the dining room doors
that I heard one trap being triggered. It was
a reason to sleep well last night.
Unfortunately there were reasons not to sleep
well too.
I had a small bowl of instant noodles
for breakfast, and a slightly bigger bowl for
lunch. I had a mid afternoon snack of cheese
and ham on rice cakes. My dinner was nothing
more than well grilled bacon with some low
sugar ketchup. The ham I had on the rice cakes
had been opened for a few days, and I was a
little suspicious of it, but almost all (which
could be significant) seemed fine. The bacon
was past it's use by date by a few days, but
that very rarely matters. Maybe one end of one
or two rashers did taste a bit odd....

I washed my dinner down with some beer.
The first can I opened is pictures on the
left. It was a can of Zubr (Polish for Bison),
and it was from my now shrinking stock of
Polish beers bought before Brexit slashed the
amount available. Many Polish beers on
ordinary supermarket shelves are now brewed in
gigantic beer factories in Belgium, and so are
not the real thing.

One of the very good thing about most
"Continental" beers is that the continue the
fermentation until all the sugar has been
converted to alcohol. They are "sugar free"
drinks. The next can of Polish beer was also
sugar free, and maybe the final two cans were,
but they did not say it explicitly. All of the
were moderately strong, around 5%, and one of
them was 7%. I was feeling drunk when I went
to bed.
I was also feeling bad. It felt like I
was very close to vomiting. It didn't feel
like food, or even alcohol poisoning. It was
mostly an awful lot of burping. I put it down
to drinking the fizzy beer too fast, although
I must admit I have never suffered like that
before. On the other hand it could have been
food poisoning because I was, or at least felt
like I was burning up. Unfortunately the blast
of air from my fan felt icy cold as it blew
over my damp body.
I still don't know if it was food
poisoning, but another clue that it might have
been was the two extreme visits to the toilet
this morning. It wasn't diarrhoea, but there
was a lot of it ! I had a most uncomfortable
night, and got far less sleep than I desired.
At least I think that was the case. There were
certainly what felt like long periods awake,
but I did seem to get some long chunks of
sleep. One curiosity was that while I
eventually felt cooler in bed.
I felt very hot when I went to the
toilet the first time this morning. The window
was open all night, and it should have felt
cool in there, but it didn't. I only seemed to
cool down once I had made my two visits to the
toilet, but I did start drinking some chilled
water at the same time, and maybe that has
cooled me down a bit.
That chilled water, plus careful eating
and drinking yesterday, has taken my blood
glucose reading down to an excellent 7.8mmol/l
this morning.....well, I say excellent, but my
real target would be 7.5mmol/l, and excellent
would probably be 6 point something, but it is
very good compared to most reading this month.
I think I am going to treat myself with a bowl
of instant noodles !
When I went down to the kitchen for my
chilled water I expected to see a corpse in a
trap as I went through the dining room. To my
surprise, there wasn't one. The trap had
definitely triggered, and the ginger biscuit
bait was no longer on it. The bit of ginger
biscuit was about 20 inches away. I can't
decide if it was dragged that far by a
possibly injured mouse, or if it was thrown
there by the trap actuating. It is feasible
that the trap could have been triggered by a
change of temperature, but they way it went so
soon after turning out the lights, closing the
doors, and going upstairs, does make me think
it was triggered by a mouse which had a very
lucky escape.
It would be good to get out today, but
there are some reasons not to do so. One
initial thing is that I fancy going back to
bed for an hour or more when I have finished
writing here. Perhaps after that it would be
useful to go to Tesco for a few odds and ends
- maybe including some bird seed because the
poor starving pigeons haven't been fed in two
days now, although I am sure they could find
other sources of food. Today might be good for
drying a bit more laundry. The final potential
reason for staying in today might be to go to
a gig tonight. Chain are playing in
Blackheath, and although I don't like the pub,
it might be nice to spend half an hour there
taking a few snaps of the band.