The forecast for
this 1st day of December almost looks
cheerful. The latest revision has extended the
sunny spells from midday until almost sunset.
Curiously enough it has changed the hours
before midday to feature dark clouds instead
of light clouds. When I look out my window I
can see light, and well broken clouds. The sun
is still low in the sky, too low to clear the
house roofs to the east, as I write this, but
it looks that once it is a bit higher we could
easily get a sunny spell. This afternoon the
temperature may only reach 9° C, and in
following days there is a distinct downward
trend. Tomorrow may only see 8° C, and with
the forecast predicting no sun, and some hours
featuring heavy looking dark clouds, it could
be a most miserable day.
Yesterday features a mix of the
good and bad. The worst of the bad was
starting off the day with a very high blood
glucose reading. It was in the danger area,
but I knew why it happened, and could steps to
get it lower again. The other bad was that
during the morning I realised I was on the
first steps of (probably) going down with the
common cold. My nose was not running, but
stuffy. I was also starting to cough.
I wondered if it was wise to go out,
but a semi-hot shower seemed to help a lot,
and of course I had a strong desire to see
Angela. Once I did go out the fresh air had a
very positive effect, and I hardly coughed at
all while I was out. I had a bit of a strange
journey to the pub, and I still hadn't heard
from Angela. I was going to go to Ladywell by
train - mainly so I could pick up a copy of
The Metro so I had the crossword puzzles to
amuse me if I was sitting in the pub alone.
There was a lot of disruption to the
trains yesterday morning because of a
signalling problem at Hayes. Once upon a time
the network was more flexible, and the human
signallers knew their stuff. Trains could be
terminated and restarted at Elmers End, and
some trains could be sent to Beckenham
Junction instead of Hayes. The latter was
mentioned in the "travel alert", but it didn't
look like it happened.
I just missed one late running train
that was running, but the next two were shown
as cancelled. I had time to walk all the way
to the pub, but I didn't feel like walking
when there was an easier choice - a bus ! I
had to run the last 10ft to jump on a 185
before the doors closed, but I made it. While
on the bus I sent a text message to Angela to
say I was going to the pub, but if she other
plans it wouldn't matter because I had The
Metro with the crosswords to amuse me.
I had assumed Angela was not going to
the pub because she did say she would let me
know if she was going. By the time I got to
the pub I assumed I would be spending the
session on my own. I had actually arrived 20
minutes early, and was sort of looking forward
to a long session, but just as I was ordering
my Guinness my phone blipped, and it was a
message from Angela saying "see you soon xxx".
My guess was right - Angela was looking
forward to swapping notes, and reliving some
of the excellent time we had at Brian's 70th
birthday party on Sunday. She was on good
form, and her lunch hour seemed to pass so
quickly. My original thought, after getting to
the pub so early was that it was going to be a
three pint session, but the time whooshed by
so quickly that I only had my usual two pints.
Walking Angela back to work was not as
good as it could have been - yesterday the sun
didn't come out as we left the pub. It is
almost supernatural the way the sun has come
out so many times in the past when no sunshine
was forecast. I guess it was just late because
there were unexpected sunny spells soon after
I got home from the pub. I left Angela after a
brief, but warm hug, and walked all the way
home as usual. I can't say it was effortless,
but it was possibly not as bad as some times.
It wasn't long after I got home, and
able to relax, that I started to cough again.
It wasn't, and still isn't, more that, say, 50
seconds of coughing followed by a pause of
sometime more than half an hour. Actually I
pulled those figures out of thin air because I
have never got a stopwatch out, but they are
probably good enough to illustrate the rate
lies somewhere between very annoying and
What was less ignorable was a feeling
of fatigue. It did feel like I had a cold, and
I didn't really feel like doing much except
keeping warm. One solution to keeping warm was
a couple of cans of hot soup. I could have
gone for the ultra low sugar Tesco cream of
chicken soup, but I fancied something a bit
more substantial. I had a can of Scotch Broth,
and a can of Irish Stew - both with lower
sugar quantities than many other soups.
Once I had that hot soup inside me I
felt very sleepy, and I didn't let a cough
stop me going to sleep. I may have only been
asleep for half an hour, but it felt good.
What didn't feel good was when soon after
waking up I went down to the cold kitchen to
do the last preparation for my dinner. It was
cold down there, and the water from the cold
tap was icicles as I washed the sprouts and
mange tout. My fingers almost went numb, and I
developed a few unwanted pains as I worked
over the sink.
I spent most of the evening watching
TV. I even watched an episode of QI that
featured that thick idiot Johnny Vegas without
turning off. There is no better illustration
of how ill I must have been feeling ! I was
quite looking forward to bed, although I did
wonder how I would sleep with that annoying
cough. I took a couple of Paracetamol in the
hope it would improve my chances of sleep, and
I think they did.

I seemed to fall asleep quite easily,
and I slept for over two hours before I woke
up feeling really hot, and sweating under the
duvet. For a while I fought the idea of
throwing back the duvet. I assumed I had a
fever, and keeping warm would help to cook the
bug causing my illness. After a while I got
curious because aprt from the heat and
sweating, it didn't actually feel like a
fever. It seems I was right. It was 31 minutes
past midnight when I check my temperature. The
display in the picture to the left is saying
my temperature was 35.7° C - a long way from a
fever, and precisely my average temperature !
After checking my temperature I
went back to bed, and with only some of me
under the duvet I was soon asleep again, and
seemingly sleeping well. I did seem to have a
right mixture of dreams in the hours before I
got up. I can't describe them in any details,
but they included having a girlfriend I don't
think I actually saw (possibly the worst
erotic dream EVER !), apparently living or
staying in Argentina - and Argentina where
everyone spoke perfect English. Also there was
a dream about Argentinian food, and in
particular, biscuits. It seemed their
favourite was something that looked like a
refried Yorkshire pudding !
I think I woke up at 6am, but only
seemed to open my eyes long enough to check
the clock. Having checked the clock I just
felt asleep again. It was just gone 7am when I
woke up again. I didn't feel good, but I
didn't feel bad. That was a bit like my blood
glucose reading. It wasn't good, and it wasn't
bad. It was 9.0mmol/l. That was far, far
better than yesterday mornings terrible
reading of 11.3mmol/l. It was a shame I hadn't
managed to get it under 9.0mmol/l, but to do
so would have needed some fasting, and I
didn't feel up to that what with my possible
cold, and the real cold outside.
This morning I have to message Jodie
with the vague news. I warned her yesterday
that I was not feeling good, and said I would
update her this morning. I don't feel that bad
provided I feel warm, and I have no fear of
drinking lots of beer, but I guess I am
infectious, and Jodie may prefer to stay clear
of me. I hope Angela hasn't caught anything
off me, although I was probably exposed to
some bug on Sunday, and we were both there at
the party. If Jodie does come over it will be
a normal afternoon beer tasting session. I
might possibly go out ton the shops later, but
I'll see how I feel before going out, and how
I feel once out in the cold. I'll probably
turn back if I start to cough too much, but on
the other hand, it did seem the fresh air and
exercise was a temporary cure for me