It was a cold
morning, and the best this afternoon can offer
would seem to be just 8° C. The forecast
predicted mist early this morning. All I saw
was a slight haze in the air. The latest
revision says that 2 and 3pm will feature
sunny spells. The rest of the day will be grey
and miserable. Tomorrow is going to be worse
than today. Much of the day will be grey, and
quite a few hours will probably be dark grey.
It will also be colder. The temperature may
touch 7° C for just one hour, or even part of
that hour, and most of the afternoon will be
just 6° C.
Yesterday was not a good day. I
did feel good enough to pop out for a bit of
shopping late in the morning, and while that
felt OK, I think it had a very negative effect
on me. I guess it could also be possible that
it brought things to a head faster, and maybe
that was advantageous. My shopping trip was to
Poundstretcher, and as usual I went for a few
things, and came back with a lot more.
Top of my shopping list was white
vinegar. I intend to use to clean off light
limescale in the bathroom, but it is also good
for giving drinking glasses a good sparkle
provided you rinse them well after dissolving
off the very thin haze of lime that can make
them look dull. I also fancied some crisps. It
was a stupid idea considering how high my
blood glucose has been. I guess this illness
is getting me down, and what I really wanted
was a house brick sized lump of cake with half
a pint of vanilla ice cream on it, but that
would be taking things beyond madness.
It wasn't long after getting home that
the effect of breathing in the cold damp air
started to take effect. Like when I went to
the pub the previous day, actually being out
in the fresh air did relieve the symptoms, but
yesterday it wasn't long before I became
wheezy, and the cough was a lot worse. My
cough was a bit odd in one respect. The main
irritation was what seemed like were tiny
drops of mucus right at the top of the
windpipe. They seemed almost impossible to
shift without a lot of generally dry coughing.
I can't say there was any one bad thing
among my symptoms of this cold. It was more
like Chinese water torture - a constant low
level irritation. Later on, towards bedtime,
it was either the cumulative effect, or
something else that was making me feel quite
miserable. Frequent doses of whisky seemed to
have a very positive effect, but there was an
even more positive effect when I got a phone
It was about 10.25pm, way past my
"business hours" when Brian Bath, the man
whose birthday party gig I went to last
Sunday, called me. We had quite a good chat,
and it completely distracted me from my
cold...or maybe almost completely distracted
me. I do remember having the occasional cough
during the call, but it didn't seem to be a
big deal. The call concerned two interrelated
It was about photography, and about
Brian's next KT Bush Band gig. He wanted
copies of the pictures I had taken at his
birthday party. He has friends/relatives who
will only get to see the pictures if he is
able to show them himself, rather than sharing
them via social media. That lead on to the
subject of photography at the next KT Bush
Band gig. He wants me to be their official
As a quick aside, I was amused when
Brian told me about comments made at his
birthday party. It was particularly in
relation to the rubber eye cup from the view
finder of my camera. Somehow it had fallen off
despite it being difficult to remove on
purpose. It was found some time after I had
left the pub, and as they discussed what it
was, and whose it was, I was described as the
photographer. That boosts my ego a bit more
than "that bloke with the camera" !
Brian is most keen that I take my
camera along to their next KT Bush Band gig in
a weeks time. The venue is a newly
refurbished, or built venue under The Cart And
Horses pub in Stratford. Open Street Map says
it is about a 760m walk from Stratford
station. It's about a 850m walk to the pub
just beyond Lewisham Hospital. That is an
annoying walk carrying a heavy camera bag. It
is a lot closer to Maryland station, and as I
have just discovered what was once the TFL
rail service, which had a lot more train than
the earlier Great Eastern train service, is
now the Elizabeth Line with trains every 6
minutes between Stratford and Maryland
stations. That is a plus point.
Brian is very keen that I make it, and
(hopefully) take some good photos. He was
saying he could find me money for fares, and
also feed me at some point. I told him that my
Freedom Pass covered all my travel, and I
could get by on a couple of pints of Guinness.
I will also be on the guest list, and have an
imaginary back stage pass. I think it is too
small to need real back stage passes. I want
to do this "job". I just hope I am feeling in
good condition in a weeks time.
After ending the call from Brian I went
to bed, but I was fighting both feeling ill,
particularly coughing, and feeling all excited
by the hope I will get to take some of my
first semi professional photos. It was not a
combination to relax enough to get to sleep.
It was well after midnight before I fell
asleep, but I have no idea how well I slept. I
seemed to wake up a lot, but I am not sure if
some of those times were dreams.
I was seeing to dream a lot about being
at The KT Bush Band gig. I was thinking about
what could go wrong, and what could go right.
Trying to imagine what the venue would be
like, etc, etc. A lot of the time I couldn't
decided if I was thinking about all these
things while awake, or while asleep. Some was
definitely while asleep because some of the
things, like a sort of balcony above the
audience, that I could take pictures form,
were just feverish fantasy, but the more
practical stuff...I guess it could have been
dream or wake.
One oddity was how through most of the
night the usually most comfortable positions
for sleep seemed to be very uncomfortable. I
did notice that during the course of the night
my cough was changing. Before sleep it was
triggered by the feeling of a drip of mucus at
the top of the windpipe. During the night the
cough went from potentially wet, to dry, and
then to very infrequent wet - quite
infrequently I would cough up a very small
blob of mucus. That it pretty much the
situation now. It is like the cough is almost
over, to some degree, but I still feel ill. It
is hard to describe just what "ill" actually
is. I sort of think there is nothing I
couldn't do now that I could otherwise do, but
it's just that I wouldn't enjoy it.
Of course there is one very tangible
symptom of being ill. Once again my blood
glucose is dangerously high (11.1mmol/l). I
did try and be careful about what I ate
yesterday, but I was often feeling cold, and
wanted hot food to warm me up. So I did eat a
lot more than I would under normal (and
warmer) circumstances. There is also the fact
that blood glucose does rise when fighting an
illness. I'll just keep an eye on it, and try
to do better.
My plans for today are very simple - am
expect to do nothing ! I may turn the heating
up a bit and see if I can have a few snoozes.
If I do suddenly feel a lot better I might
ruin it all by doing a shopping trip - another
bottle of whisky might be good, and a couple
of bottles of Diet Coke would be handy, but
neither is essential today.