The latest revision
to the forecast has changed 10am to dark
cloud, but other than that, it remains as
shown in the screenshot above - cold, grey and
miserable ! The afternoon high today will be
just 7° C. Tomorrow is shown as completely
dark grey, and with a high of just 5° C.
Yesterday was pretty miserable.
Not only was it cold and grey, but being ill
was starting to wear me down. On the other
hand my illness was changing, and possibly for
the better, although it is hard to decide if
there is any useful improvement this morning.
I had been hoping I would feel well
enough to go out for a bit of shopping
yesterday. I probably could have forced myself
to go out, but my need was not so great that I
wanted to risk making things worse. The almost
total lack of sunshine (apart from a few brief
sunny spells) made it feel chilly in my
bedroom where I spent most of the day. I ended
up running the fan heater flat out to get the
room really warm.
After a few hours of the heater on full
blast my thermometer said my bedroom was, or
should have been, very warm, but I still felt
a bit cool. That strongly suggested I was
running a fever, but my under-the-tongue
clinical thermometer said my body temperature
was only very slightly high. In fact the
reading I got at 2pm, 36.5° C, a whole 1.2°
less than what is usually considered the start
of a fever, was not far different to a reading
at similar times during the last 3 months.
At other times, like this morning, I
have had readings a bit higher than
typical, but I have found some past readings
just as high when I don't remember having any
illness. The morning reading is very dependant
on whether I slept under the duvet, or had
kicked it aside, plus how warm my bedroom was.
So it seems I probably didn't have a fever
yesterday, but I most definitely felt
Once upon a time I was be sort of
grateful to feel terrible because it meant I
could take time off work as sick. Under such
circumstances I could relish being lazy, and
try to bring it to a new level of extreme
laziness. Of course living on my own meant I
had to attend to my own needs, and couldn't
aim for something like a zen trance or other
distractions from reality. Of course there was
also the problem that every now and again a
short sting of coughs would drag me back to
The nature of my cough changed
yesterday. The day before yesterday I think I
reported that my cough was being triggered by
tiny drops of mucus apparently balancing on
the top of my windpipe. On every breath they
would sort of shiver and irritate me. It might
have been the night before last, or during the
day yesterday that those drops of mucus were
no longer a problem (the big problem being
trying to shift them with ever more powerful
That seemed like a move in the right
direction, but it was no more than a small
change in direction. Although during the day,
and also during the night, the next symptom
started up. It was basically a stuff nose. It
has still not reached the stage where my nose
is freely dripping (than goodness), but it
does benefit from a good blow now and then. In
past colds I have been in the position where
each blow could saturate a tissue beyond
further use, and the next one was needed a
minute or two later. The worst I've had during
this cold - so far - is a couple of uses of
each tissue, and sometime 10 or 20 minutes
before a new one is needed.
I didn't seem to have a lot of appetite
yesterday. It is possible that was a
subconscious trigger from my
very high
blood glucose reading yesterday morning. At
lunchtime I half fancied something to eat, and
went for a very simple meal that needed little
preparation - instant noodles. It was
definitely nice to get something hot to eat,
and while the flavour and make of instant
noodles I chose is not noted for being
delicious, it seemed to taste pleasant enough.
I didn't eat again, apart from maybe a
chunk of cheese, until dinner time, and in
fact I didn't really have a dinner unless you
call a couple of handfuls of mixed nuts a meal
- which I guess if you are a squirrel you
would call it a very good meal ! I washed them
down with three cans of Guinness. I thought it
would make a change to whisky, and drinking
Guinness helped save my diminishing supply of
Diet Coke.
The photo above came out very strange.
I think it was a mixture of lighting - rather
red lighting like tungsten lighting, and
partly obscured flash from the camera, plus
some light from my desk light. While adding
photos to this narrative.....
It must have been a week ago that I
ordered a beer advent calendar from The Bier
Company. Their beers are OK, but it is rare
they include some of the more exciting beers.
Most of their beers can probably be found in
supermarkets - different supermarkets in
different parts of the country, so there are
beers that you would probably not come across
easily. My big moan is that they are one of
several companies who claim they have shipped
your order when you haven't.
All they had done when they sent this
email (or screenshot of part of the email) was
to phone Yodel to arrange collection, and to
get a reference number. So at this point their
courier (Yodel) had
not received my
package. This is confirmed a little further
down when it says "We're
your parcel from your sender". The Bier
Company may think this makes them look super
efficient, but it just makes them look like
pratts ! The very latest news is that my beer
advent calendar will probably be delivered
I watched some TV last night, but soon
after 8pm I felt like going to bed. I had
turned the heater to low some hours earlier,
and my bedroom was starting to feel cool. I
thought getting under the duvet would be good.
I read for maybe 20 minutes before turning out
the lights. As far as I can recall/guess I
fell asleep really quickly. I seemed to sleep
well until 4am this morning, although I
probably got up to pee about 4 times before
At 4am I wanted to go back to sleep,
but it seems I didn't feel tired enough. It
felt like I was awake for a whole hour, but I
guess it might have been less before I fell
asleep again. I woke up again at just after
6am, and it seemed a good idea to get up.
After all, there is nothing stopping me going
back to bed today - except for the
expected/hoped for beer delivery. Under normal
circumstance I would have expected my blood
glucose reading to be quite low after not
eating much yesterday, but these are not
normal circumstances. At least this morning I
got my blood glucose down to 9.2mmol/l, and
that is just about OK.
Aside from dreams, which I don't really
remember enough to comment on, I do remember
something of my cold symptoms. I have already
mentioned that yesterday my nose started to
get very stuffy. Every time I woke up in the
night I had to give my nose a good blow, but
it seemed I only had to do it the once, and
even this morning it still only needs an
occasional blow. That is not a lot worse than
normal life - particularly when walking in
cold air.
I did note my cough changing character
during the night. My coughing became much more
sporadic, but when I had to cough it was more
a sort of deep growly cough with some small
amount of mucus. That is rather different to
the sort of barking, and mostly dry cough of
yesterday. I (obviously) hope this is good
news. It now feels like I have a very
ordinary, and mild common cold.
I'm not sure if I would feel like
walking to Tesco later, and I am not sure I
would want to go to Tesco if I keep coughing.
It is possible that a walk in fresh air could
make it better, or worse, and of course there
is no telling what the change of atmosphere,
going from fresh air to that inside the
supermarket, would do. I guess I'll just have
to see how I feel later today. One thing I am
not going to do is to walk to Hither Green to
see The Entourage Band playing Xmas songs
early this afternoon.