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Friday 22nd September 2023
 08:00 BST

  Yesterday featured some of the heaviest rain I have seen for ages. It was like all the rain forecast for yesterday fell all in one go. Light rain was forecast for midday, and heavy rain for 1pm. By 2pm no rain had fallen, and I thought was had got away with it, but five or ten minutes later - Whoosh, or should that be slosh ? For may 20 minutes it came down like stair rods. After that it stopped, and the world (or maybe my bit of Catford) started to dry out. I think there may have been a few bright spells later in the afternoon, but it was still an almost cold day with the mercury only just reaching 17° C.
dull start 
  The forecast has been revised since I took the screenshot above. The change has reduced the sunshine to just sunny spells for 10am, and full sunshine for 11am and midday (which feels unlikely as I look at the very grey sky outside). After that, the only thing that spoils the monotony of white cloud until sunset is possible light shower at 4pm. Once again the temperature will only reach 17° C, and then falls away in the early evening to give another rather chilly night. Both the BBC and The Met Office predict tomorrow will feature at least some glimpse of the sun most daylight hours, and possibly a few hours of full sunshine. Once again the temperature will peak at 17° C after 6am being between 9 and 11° C (depending on whose forecast you believe).

   How to describe yesterday ? I guess it was a fair day with some ups and downs. Like the day before, and probably most days recently, or longer, I was very lazy in the morning, and that suited me just fine. I think I did consider trying to wash and get ready to go out a lot earlier to get a bit of shopping, but in the end I didn't need to, and couldn't be bothered to do it even for fun.

  I was able to slow down a bit more when I got a message from Michael saying he had been shopping, and got me my usual bottles of Diet Coke. He said if we were drinking later he would bring them with him. That gave me an extra hour to be lazy, but I only used a bit of it before I had a shower, and then put on some clean clothes. I then did a small backlog of washing up, and slightly tidied the dining room for some beer tastings.

  Jodie later messaged me to say she would be late because she and Alan were taking their new kitten to the vets for his (her ?) checkup, shots, and flea treatment. After wards she was being dropped off at Norbury station, and left to find her own way here. I am not sure what route she used. She almost certainly got the London Bridge train, but could have changed at Peckham Rye or London Bridge.

  With Jodie being late it gave Michael more time to panic about Angela's wedding. We know that there is only space for a limited amount of people at the Register Office ceremony, and that invites would be sent. Michael has not received one, but assumes because he is a very old friend of Angela he should be invited. As far as we are aware no one has had a formal invite. I have not had an invite, but I have been told by both Angela and her son that I have to be there.

  I still don't know if the reason I have been ordered to be there is because I will be the unofficial, official photographer. I still have many fears about that because even though I don't actually like the idea of the marriage, I still hope I can do a decent job of taking photos. Meanwhile, Michael is flapping about wondering whether to go or not to go, and to make it all the more embarrassing for me he wants to go with me as if he were a "plus one".  Usually I don't mind being his carer, but tomorrow I will have my own griefs to face and stuff.

  I don't think the subject of tomorrows wedding ever really went away, but there were other diversions as we drank through quite a few bottles of beer - most of them split three ways so we could all taste them. Most were OK or better, and I slowly started to get drunk. I think I probably started out to get a bit drunker than usual because of all the stuff about the wedding tomorrow.

  By the time Michael and Jodie left I was evidently drunker than I thought because I don't remember much about the rest of the evening. I do remember my dinner was a couple of simple garlic sausage sandwiches, at least I think it was just a couple. I am sure I was feeling some guilt about wolfing down quite a big bag of crisps for lunch, and so would not have eaten more than two sandwiches last night.

  I know I watched some of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, but whether it was most of it or the last 5 minutes is lost to the (drunken) mists of time. I know I definitely watched Star Trek: Voyager, and hated most of it, but what I really hated was the commercial break at the end. I could not believe they would show nearly 10 minutes of adverts and promotional stuff right at the point the end credits were about to roll. Had I known I would have turned the TV off early, and been in bed 10 minutes earlier.
                                  nightcap of Ouzo
  Until this morning I had no idea I had washed down my dinner with a large Ouzo or two. I may have been very drunk at 7.45pm, but it seems I was still able to take a fair picture, and edit it ready to be shown here this morning.

  I have no idea what time I went to sleep, but I suspect it was not a lot later than 8pm. As far as I know, the next time I woke up was about 2am. When I think about it, that means I had six hours of sleep, and although I prefer to aim for 8 hours of sleep, six hours is enough provided I don't do it too often. It is no wonder that I didn't get to sleep again until gone 4am. At the time it just felt like annoying insomnia. The only good thing is that I never seemed to suffer any form of hangover during the night, or this morning.

  It felt like I never did get back to sleep, but there was one big clue that I did sleep between 4am and when I got up just after 6am. That big clue was a dream. It was almost a pleasant dream set in a sort of cross between a telephone exchange, one of my other places of work, and rather strangely what appeared to be a school playground outside (although there were no school kids to be seen).

 I only remember snatches of what seemed like a long dream (most probably a series of dreams with a similar setting). I think the first bit was set at my bench/desk at my last place of work. I had to reprogram a micro controller chip, and I needed something to do it with, although I can't think what, but I left my bench to get it. The first person I went past was a very strange looking woman with a baby. Her face was rather narrow, and sort of pinched looking. She had been breast feeding, and still had one nipple exposed as I walked past..

  I expect my memory jumps to a new dream at this point. I arrived at the Test Desk area of the telephone exchange, and found there was an impromptu photo shoot taking place. There was a slim woman showing off a new dress that I think she had made. I knew who she was, but I couldn't seem to remember her name in the dream, and I can't seem to think who it was supposed to when describing it this morning. The new "dress" was very sexy, but it was like that because what you couldn't see. It was based on some sort of thin, almost transparent nylon, but with lots of embroidery to emphasise the hidden bits. Her breasts, or at least her nipples, were covered by a bold X of some sort of black tape.

  As usual, just as it started to be interesting, I woke up from the dream. I guess the real good thing about it was the realisation that I had got more of my missing sleep. This morning I did my triple blood glucose level check, and this time i used the method I described yesterday. I pricked my next finger (which this morning was my right thumb), and only gave it a squeeze for just enough blood for one test strip. I then gave it another squeeze for enough blood for a second test strip. finally I wiped off the blood and gave one last squeeze for fresh blood for the third test strip.

  Maybe the beer, to some extent the sandwiches I had for dinner, plus the big bag of crisps I had, were all reasons why I expected my blood glucose reading to be high this morning. It was, but not as high as feared, and not much above my typical average. My new blood glucose meter read 8.6mmol/l, and that was definitely lower than expected. Both the older meters gave exactly the same reading, which was good news in itself, of 8.8mmol/l. Three so similar readings strongly suggest no errors, and confirms that I still have good control of my type 2 diabetes.

  Today there are some positives that mean I should try and attempt to convince myself to go out for something like a three mile walk. One good thing is that I have been to the toilet twice so far this morning, and I feel I won't need to go again. That is always a good idea when far from a toilet. It should be bright, and even sunny until midday, and the earliest it might rain is 4pm. Yesterday's rain, plus rain on previous days should make the river more "exciting" if my walk follows the course of the river. On the negative side, this cold, and damp weather is making my knees hurt, and besides that I feel like I might prefer to just be very lazy today.
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