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Monday 12th
August 2024
Yesterday was quite a
good day, but there were
notable gaps in the
sunny spells that left
it feeling a bit dull.
However most of the day
was bright, and the
early evening
particularly so. The
temperature peaked at
around 27°
So far this morning it has
been cloudy, and I don't
think I have seen any
sunshine, although there
are some blue areas of sky
that the sun could shine
through if they were in
the right position. Both
the BBC (as above) and The
met Office predict full on
sunshine all day today.
Maybe the sun will appear
soon ! Both forecasters
predict the temperature to
soar to
C today. Clear
skies tonight
will allow it
to cool down
overnight, and
tomorrow may
start at a fresh 16 °
C. It should
start sunny
tomorrow, and
the sun is
predicted to
shine all
day long, but the temperature
may only peak at 26 °
C. The day
after tomorrow
will be
cooler, and
may even
feature a spot
of rain.
Yesterday was
one of those days when I
didn't do all that much,
and yet I did do a lot of
what I intended to do. One
thing didn't happen. At
about midday I got a call
from Jodie to say she had
spent the previous 2 days
at beer festivals, and
felt she had had her fill
of beer until maybe much
later in the day than when
we usually sample beers,
So no Jodie yesterday.
As per my plans, I
washed my hair, and had a
shower yesterday morning.
After drying me and my
hair I allowed a good half
an hour to cool off, and
then went out shopping to
Tesco. As I mentioned
yesterday, top of my list
was a new kettle to
replace what is now my old
kettle, and which has
developed a leak. Tesco
did have a range of
kettles, and the branded
ones could cost £32 or
more. The basic Tesco
branded kettle was just
£13, and I bought one.
It is a bit of a
strange kettle in so much
as it doesn't have an
obvious heating element in
it. Instead it seems the
heating element is somehow
fitted to a metal plate at
the bottom of the inside
of the kettle. That plate
obviously gets extremely
hot because the water
seems to roar like it is
sitting on a hot plate -
which I guess it is. I
washed the inside when I
got it home, and boiled
some water in it, but that
was just to wash out any
I also bought two
2l bottles of Lemon
flavour Coke Zero, and two
2l bottles of Diet
coke. I didn't buy a
lot of food, but what I
did buy included some
basic salad ingredients -
baby tomatoes, some
lettuce leaves, and some
"fiery" beetroot. Other
stuff included some ready
cooked and sliced
flavoured chicken, and
some plain vanilla ice
cream that seemed to have
more sugar in it than I
hoped for.
If I had had a lot
less shopping to carry, I
might have enjoyed the
walk home in bright
sunshine, but the shopping
did weigh me down a bit,
and I was quite sweaty
when I got home. I might
have had some of the ice
cream when I got home, but
I didn't. It was still a
bit early for lunch (maybe
11.30am), and so once I
put my shopping away, and
rinsed out the new kettle,
I did a few rinses of a
small bath towel I had
left soaking after my
It became obvious
that the towel was going
to need an awful lot of
rinsing - which was sort
of odd because I hadn't
been using it for long,
and by washing it well
before it even hinted at
becoming stale, I had
hoped to not get it too
impregnated with soap
which it seems I never
manage to rinse off my
body no matter how I try -
and I've been trying a lot
recently. I think I gave
that towel at least 4
rinses before I decided to
take a break.
I prepared, and ate
my dinner. It was two of
the very little, but quite
tasty Iceland cheese and
bacon quiches with some
baby tomatoes, iceberg
lettuce, and little fiery
beetroots. The one thing
which spoiled it was the
balsamic dressing I put on
it. The bottle of Aldi
balsamic dressing had been
opened ages ago, and the
oil was starting to
oxidise. It slightly
spoiled the flavour.
Fortunately it had not
gone rancid.
After eating I had
a lie down, and read for
maybe half an hour. There
is a bit of missing time
about then, and I suspect
I had a snooze. It may
have been 3pm when I
resumed rinsing the small
bath towel, and I probably
gave it another 5 or 6
rinses before I hung it on
the washing line to dry. I
think that was about the
same time as the worst of
the clouds were making it
quite dull outside.
Fortunately the sun
re-appeared, and 3 or 4
hours later when I brought
the towel back in it was
bone dry, and warm.
I had put a couple
of strong Polish beers in
the fridge to drink in the
afternoon, but I never did
bother to drink them. I
almost wonder if I might
be getting bored with
beer....but surely not !
Perhaps I just didn't want
to drink by myself. I
didn't feel in the right
mood for that. I think the
bright warm weather was
making me feel almost
However, I still
had to find something to
do, and there was nothing
on TV to amuse me, but I
did have some TV
recordings to archive.
They were four episodes
from the new, fourth
series of "Secrets Of The
London Underground". It
sounds quick ans easy to
do what I had to do before
adding the recordings to
my archives. I had to snip
off the start and end of
the programme, and then
snip all the adverts out
to leave nothing but the
actual programme, It is
simple, but it is not that
quick. Seeking out the
start and finish of each
advert break takes a
little time, and once all
the rubbish has been
pruned, it takes 6 or 7
minutes to render it all
to one single video file.
Just those four episodes
kept me busy for maybe a
couple of hours.
By dinner time I
was finished, and I think
I just read stuff off the
internet when I had a very
simple dinner. I
deliberately went for a
very small dinner, and
although I was tempted, I
easily managed to resist
eating any more. It
was a dinner that was
supposed to aid a bit of
weight loss, even if, as
actually happened, it was
not good for my blood
glucose level. It was
nothing more than 3 small
Satsuma like oranges, and
maybe about a fifth of a
one litre tub of plain
vanilla ice cream.
After dinner I
checked to see if there
was anything on TV, but
there was nothing that
screamed "watch me", and I
ended up reading some
stuff off the internet
before heading for bed at
about 8pm, or maybe half
an hour later. I got a 2
litre bottle of chilled
tap water from the fridge,
and then locked up
downstairs. I then brushed
my teeth, and I then laid
on my bed reading until it
was almost dark outside. I
think it was close to 9pm
when I turned out the
light, and once again with
no aches and pains, I
turned over, and I was
soon asleep.
I know I got up 2
or 3 times to pee, but I
mostly seemed to sleep so
well that I was awake at
about 5.30am, and I
struggled to go back to
sleep again until it was
at least a bit after 6am.
I only remember a bit
about my dreams. Once
again they seemed to be
almost repeats, or at
least on a common theme. I
seemed to be back at work
in my days when I repaired
telephone exchanges
because that was the only
job where we had to fill
out time sheets.
It is the time
sheet I remember from my
dreams, and not what had
happened for it to be
recorded on the the time
sheet. It seems I had been
sent to Australia for a
week, and this made
filling in a time sheet
rather complex. I put down
as much as I could, and
then handed it in. The one
part of the dream I do
remember best is my boss
coming to me to say he had
corrected quite a few
things on my time sheet,
but not to worry because
his corrections were to me
One strange
thing is that I am sure I
never saw the face of my
boss, but the way he said
he had corrected my time
sheet to my advantage,
reminded me of one boss I
had. I don't think I knew
where he came from, but he
considered us to be an
excellent team, and while
he was getting great
results he was always
rewarding us in small
ways. There were several
times when he took us over
the pub on a Friday
afternoon, and the idea of
making sure we were
properly rewarded for work
we had done, but making
sure our timesheets
included every last minute
of any overtime, was just
his style.
When I finally got
up, at about 6.30am, I
went for a pee, and then a
little later I went for a
very small poo. My attempt
at losing a bit of weight
had worked, and I seemed
to be about 700gm lighter
than yesterday. I was back
to where I had got to a
few week or more ago.
Unfortunately it was
another example of how
calories and sugar do not
always match up. My weight
was down, but my blood
glucose was up. I could
attribute both to mild
dehydration, but this
morning my 2 litre bottle
of chilled tap water was
almost half empty.
Both the Contour,
and GlucoRX meter agreed
my blood glucose was too
high at 9.3mmol/l. Only
the Sinocare meter gave an
almost OK reading of
8.8mmol/l, and even that
is higher than I like. I
had hoped that eating such
a small portion of ice
cream for my dinner would
not have any, or at least
few bad effects, but I was
wrong. I'll have to eat
any more of that ice cream
no later than lunch time
to allow my body to
process the sugar. That
is, of course, a cheat,
and it is only shifting
when I get a high, and not
good for me, glucose peak.
This high blood glucose
seems to be going on too
long to be just the
effects of what I am
eating, and I wonder if my
pancreas is finally
Today should be
steaming hot ! The sky is
now finally looking mostly
blue, and the sun has
started to shine. I really
out to get out in it, but
I feel reluctant because I
won't need to walk much
before angina pains spoils
it all. What I might end
up doing is spending some
time in the garden doing
some clearance under the
hot sun. The first thing I
will need to do is to dig
a trench to empty the
super foul and stinky
slurry from the garden
waste bin into. Than I can
start to fill the bin up
with clippings and weeds
and stuff that will
hopefully mop up some of
the stinky spells. First
of all I think I will do a
bit of reading once I've
uploaded all this writing.

1933 words
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