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Tuesday 13th
August 2024
Yesterday was definitely
quite warm. The morning
started dull in complete
defiance to what the
weather forecasts
predicted, and there
were also some dull
periods in the afternoon
instead of the forecast
strong sunshine. At one
time I thought a
thunderstorm might be
brewing, but the clouds
passed over again to
reveal the sun in all
it's glory. The highest
temperature I saw on my
thermometers was 31.8°
C, which is pretty
close to the
forecast 32°
This morning is almost
fresh, but it has started
with full on sunshine. The
sunshine should continue
until sunset, but today
will not be as hot as
yesterday. Just 25°
C is forecast.
Tomorrow may
feature a
light splash
of rain in the
morning, and
most of the
day will be
dull, but
sunny spells
might be
possible for
the last few
hours of
daylight. The
should peak at
just 23°
Yesterday was
a very busy day in way's I
couldn't have foreseen.
The first significant
thing yesterday was
foreseen, and it was to
test my new kettle for
real. There isn't much to
say about such a mundane
thing. It boiled water,
and I used that to make my
instant noodles, and that
is about it.
One thing I should
have done yesterday, and I
assumed I would do, was to
have a nice cleansing
shower, but I didn't ! I
kept putting off the
shower in favour of doing
sweaty stuff. I must admit
it might have felt nice to
have had a shower before
going to bed, but my then
I don't think I even gave
it any consideration. It
all started with some
had a bit of a rest after
writing yesterday's
electronic diary, but not
a long one before I
decided to do some laundry
instead of having a
shower. I usually do any
laundry after a shower,
but not yesterday. I hand
washed two pairs of long
pants, a t-shirt and
couple of pairs of
underpants. I felt quite
good about getting
everything hanging on the
line to dry by 11am.
It was hot work,
and I had some elevenses,
or maybe a very early
lunch. It was ice cream -
the same Tesco plain
vanilla ice cream that was
probably responsible for
my high blood glucose
readings yesterday
morning. Having examined
the nutritional
information more
carefully, I could see
why. It said that each
scoop of ice cream had
about 9.4gm of sugar in
it. One problem here is
that "scoop" is a very
vague term.
I compared that
information with that on a
small tub of ice cream
that experiment seemed to
suggest is a lot safer.
That said that 1/3 of a
tub, which I am guessing
might be two scoops, only
had 4.3gm of sugar in it,
and if my guess that a
third of a tub is equal to
two scoops, then the good
ice cream has about a
quarter the sugar content.
Anyway, I cheated, by
eating the ice cream so
early in the day It had
little effect on my blood
glucose this morning.
I might have
allowed half an hour for
my elevenses/lunch to
settle down before I did
my next small task. It was
to clear a lot of muck,
including quite a bit of
vegetation from the
guttering of the lower
roof. Fortunately it is
fairly easy to do from the
back bedroom window using
a long pole with a small
scoop fixed to the end.
That "tool" (or bodge) was
already still made up from
the last time I did the
job last year sometime.
After dropping all
the muck from the gutter
onto the garden path, I
had good reason to go
outside to clean it up. I
then went on to do more
work in the garden under
the hot blazing sun. The
major task was to dig a
small slit trench about 10
inches deep, and two foot
long. For a professional
builder that would seem no
more than pin prick, but
it seemed enough to cause
me to break out into quite
a heavy sweat under the
bright sun.
The trench was to
receive the stinking, a
real awful stink, sludge
from the bottom of the
garden waste wheelie bin.
I held my nose, and
emptied the bin into the
trench, and quickly
covered it over again. I
then started filling the
bin with what is supposed
to be in there - twigs and
old plants, and other
organic garden detritus. I
thought of using the
strimmer, but the garden
was dry enough that it was
easy to pull up a fair
bit, and there was also
quite a bit of dead
material laying around I
could put in the bin.
I doubt I spent
much more than half an
hour doing this
"gardening", but it was
quite sufficient to start
the first twinges of
angina. I could have done
even more, maybe even got
the strimmer out, but I
felt I had done enough for
a while. It seemed to have
accomplished what I hoped
for - reducing the stink
from the bin to quite a
low level, although I
suspect my nose had became
numb to the stench, but
later on I went out there,
and while I could still
smell a bit of stink, it
seemed far weaker than
After I came in I
rinsed off my arms and
washed my hands in cold
water before going up to
me bedroom. Then, with the
desk fan on full blast, I
laid on my bed and read. I
can't seem to remember if
I did, or did not have a
snooze. I'm inclined to
think that I probably
would have had a snooze,
but not for long. I had
other stuff to do, and
about 3pm I got up, and
went into the bathroom to
hand wash a double fitted
sheet, and a pair of
A double fitted
sheet is fairly big, but
it is fairly easy to
handle, although not so
easy to wring out that
well. I had taken in my
first lot of washing, and
it was bone dry after
being in the hot sunshine.
My next lot of laundry
didn't have to be wrung
out all that well to hang
on the washing where any
drips didn't matter
(unlike if I had dried it
on the clothes horse
admit it was getting a bit
late when I hung the sheet
and pillowcases on the
line. It was unfortunate
that some of the time they
were out there on the line
was during the hour or
more when it clouded over,
and almost seemed like it
would soon be raining. It
didn't rain, and the sun
did come out again. I
think it was around 6pm
when I brought it all in,
and only after I had taken
it off the line did I
notice a few very lightly
damp bits at what would be
the back of the sheet as
it hung on the line, but
those bit very quickly
dried after I brought them
It was sometime
after hanging the washing
on the line, and having
dinner, that I did another
couple of odd jobs. They
were not hot and sweaty
work, but did soak up a
bit of time. I edited a
couple of recent
recordings of The New
Avengers - stripping off
the crap before and after,
plus all the adverts out
of the middle.
Being a weekday
evening I had up to 4
episodes, one after
another, of assorted Star
Treks to watch. One
episode was a bit boring,
and a quick check on the
electronic programme guide
showed there was a fifth
Star Trek episode from the
original Star Trek series
I could, and did watch.
had had the occasional
nibble since having my
early lunch (or
elevenses), but nothing
terribly significant. My
dinner was, I hoped, going
to be a safe end of the
day meal. It was, as
pictured above, an
Iceland, "My Protein"
Firecracker Chilli and
meatballs. As the front of
label says, it has only
512 calories, and on the
back it showed quite a
small amount of sugar in
it. I it also shows three
chillies on the front.
Having had one of these a
week or two ago, I thought
that some hot pepper sauce
might liven it up a bit.
I must admit that
although I am trying, and
maybe even starting to
learn/train myself, it is
still difficult to not
"top up" what seems like
quite a small dinner. I
was quite tempted to have
something else after it,
but I guess it was not
that hard to resist it. I
watched the last Star Trek
(a very mediocre Star
Trek: Voyager episode),
and then started making
plans for bed. Despite my
dinner being spicy, I
didn't seem to get any
indigestion/heartburn, and
so at about 9pm, with the
fan blowing on me, I fell
asleep, and generally I
seemed to sleep well.
I woke up a few
time to pee in the night,
although there seemed no
urgency to do so.
Once again I seemed to
have a long series of
dreams set in a common
background. This time it
was about visiting the
pirate radio station,
Radio Jackie. They had
hidden themselves in a
disused chalk mine. It was
a very big place, and they
has set up some decoys for
when officialdom came
looking for them. They had
spread a rumour that the
mine was a hippy den, and
had invited quite a few
hippies to spend time in
the mine.
All the Radio
Jackie people had long
hair (the dream was set in
the early 1970s), and so
they hoped the officials
would not know who was
who. One curious thing is
that the mine was brightly
lit even though there were
no obvious lights. It was
as if it had been lit like
a film set. I seemed to
spend a long time in
there, and yet I can't
seem to remember anything
I did, or even where I
went, or at least nothing
that is easy to describe
"I visited many rooms in
the mine".
Yesterday morning I
only did a couple of small
poos, and I was feeling
just a hint of
constipation. It was
probably just gone midday
when I went "properly",
and that may be why
nothing has happened this
morning, or not
yet....maybe something is
on it's way.....anyway,
without even doing a
morning poo, my weight
seems to have dropped even
more. It still is not as
low, but only by a few
hundred grams, as I have
occasionally achieved,
only as a one off, several
times in the previous
couple of months. Maybe
this time it is a
foundation I can build on,
and get my average down
another kilogram.
This morning my
blood glucose if finally
down to some really good
figures. The Contour meter
read an almost wonderful
7.2mmol/l. The GlucoRX was
not quite as good, but
still very good, at
7.6mmol/l. The Sinocare
meter was the very best
with an extremely good
7.1mmol/l. It seems
getting the ice cream out
of the way very early in
the day, and then a very
safe dinner worked a treat
! My blood pressure seemed
very good too this
morning. It was just
One of the first
things I must do today is
to wash my hair, and have
a good shower. After that
it is anyone's
guess....I've just put my
Nikon P500 "bridge camera"
on charge in case I go out
somewhere, but I may stay
in and do more work. I
have plenty of work to do
in the garden, and I also
have a double duvet cover
to wash. Apart from the
fact I expect to go out to
the pub tomorrow
lunchtime, tomorrow will
probably be a bit dull to
dry stuff outside, and it
might even rain. Getting
the duvet cover washed
today, when it should be
warm and sunny, sounds
like it should be a
priority, but if I get it
down early enough I might
find the energy to go out

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