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20th August 2024
Yesterday may have still
been warm according to
my thermometers, but
contrary to the weather
forecast, it was a
mostly grey day with
enough wind to
make 22° C
feel chilly. There
was also a very
light splash of
rain at about 6pm.
It was not a nice
forecasters agree
that 5pm will see
full sunshine until
sunset, but the BBC
(screenshot above)
and The Met Office paint
a different picture for earlier
in the day. Maybe the BBC
forecast has got off to good
start by saying 7am would be
dull and cloudy, but then
reality diverged, and now, 9am,
it is still very dull outside,
and the chances of seeing any
sunshine soon seems very
unlikely. A high of 22 °
C today should feel
warm, but if it
stays dull and grey
like yesterday, it
may be no better
than "mild" - maybe
more suited to
October. Tomorrow
could start off very
chilly with just 12°
C, but it will warm
up to 21°
C by 3pm, but then
we may lose the
sunshine and sunny
spells to leave most
of the afternoon
very dull.
Yesterday was
very strange. I was still
feeling very slightly
depressed, and the weather
not obeying (!) the
forecast, and it actually
being very grey for a
large amount of the day,
did little to enthuse me.
By midday I still hadn't
been notified that my
packet from Amazon had
been despatched. That
effectively mean my whole
afternoon was open to me.
Although I was
having fantasies about
going out somewhere if I
had a reasonable belief
that I had no reason to
need to stay in, I put off
having a shower, for the
second day running, until
such time that I knew I
would be going out. With
the afternoon being nasty
and grey, and the wind
blowing in my open bedroom
window feeling quite
chilly, I was pretty sure
I did not want to go out.
During the morning
I spent some time reading
and snoozing. In fact I
spent nearly all my time
doing that once I had
finished writing here. At
about midday I had not
heard from Amazon, and I
felt sure my packet would
not be delivered
yesterday. Maybe it might
today, but according to
their estimates, it could
be as late as Wednesday. I
won't be letting that stop
me from going to the pub
It was also just
after midday when I had
some lunch. I wanted it,
but didn't really enjoy
it, and that made me
wonder if I really needed
to have it. I think
possibly not. It was a
packet of two little (3"
across) mini cheese and
spring onion quiches. I
also had a single, small
packet of crisps with
them. Maybe their strong
cheese and onion flavour
just blocked th flavour of
the quiches. The first
time I tried those Iceland
quiches I thought they
were really good, but now
the novelty has worn
I can't say I did
any big things in the
afternoon, but I did do
quite a few small things
that helped pass an
otherwise boring time. One
thing was topping up, and
fully charging some of my
camera batteries. My Nikon
Cybershot P500 camera, a
"bridge" style camera
(bridging the gap between
a point and click, and
full DSLR camera) does not
use a physical power
switch, and the power is
switched electronically.
That means the battery is
always supplying some
small amount of to the
control circuitry.
I found that small
amount of power had
completely flattened the
battery, and it needed
charging from zero - which
took some time. I must
admit I was surprised to
see it in that condition.
It is probably my
favourite camera to take
out on rail journeys -
mostly to take pictures of
trains. It usually does a
first class job providing
it is bright enough to use
a very fast shutter speed.
The trouble is that I have
not gone out on any rail
trips for ages, possibly
for a full year....and
a bit ! According to
my records, the last time
I used the P500 was on 5th
June 2023. No wonder the
battery discharged.
Another waste of
time was searching for a
USB Blutooth dongle that I
am sure I can remember as
being class 3 blutooth.
Maybe I never had one
because otherwise I would
probably be using it. I am
still hoping that the
class 5 dongles I am
expecting to be delivered
today or tomorrow will
give nice and fast
transfer rates, but I
wanted to see what a class
3 could do. Sadly I never
did find it, although I
did find an unmarked
dongle, apparently
identical to the one I am
using on my main PC, on a
currently redundant PC.
With hindsight, I should
have tested it to see if
it made any difference,
Maybe that will be a short
job for today.
I have to admit
that I stopped wring to do
the test I had intended to
do later today. As far as
I can tell, the dongle I
found plugged into a
redundant PC, and three
others are probably also
class 2 devices - except
for one of those three
other devices. That
appears to be a class
zero, or in other words it
appears not to work at all
! It all makes me
even more eager for my
class 5 devices to be
delivered. There is still
plenty of hope that it
could be today because it
seems Amazon drivers are
far from early risers !
At about 5.30pm I
started to make up my
dinner. It was a sort of
chicken salad, but a very
basic one. I can't seem to
remember the name of the
lettuce, but it was long
rather than round, and I
pulled off at least 6 of
it's long leaves, and
roughly cut them into more
manageable sizes. On top
of that I added a few baby
plum tomatoes, two quite
small packets of Iceland's
ready cooked and sliced,
BBQ flavoured chicken.
Finally I added a big
spoonful of potato salad,
and another of coleslaw.
I have to admit
that the chicken was not
very nice. It seemed to be
real, rather than
reconstituted chicken, but
the BBQ flavour sometimes
reminded me more of
tobaccos smoke. The potato
salad and coleslaw didn't
seem to be very good at
all. I think Aldi's cheap
versions are superior, and
for that matter, their
ready cooked chicken seems
to be rather better too. I
had a dessert after the
salad because I thought it
might give me heartburn. I
topped it off with a glass
of cold milk and some "no
added sugar" chocolate
covered oat cookies. They
were nice, but I still
suffered from heartburn
last night.
One bit of
unpleasant news that I
have not mentioned yet
concerns the result of
taking a couple of
constipation tablets the
previous day. Despite
seeming to have a very
thorough clear out the day
before, I started
yesterday as if nothing
happened the day before,
and did a fairly normal
poo in the morning, and
then a smaller on a few
hours later, and only very
slightly small poos at
about 4 intervals during
the afternoon. I have no
idea where it was all
coming from, but the last
time I went to the toilet
for a poo was at about 8pm
I thought I would
be clear of any problems
after that, and in that
respect I was, but as I
was going to bed my chest
started aching. The pain
was like a burning
sensation, and it was
indeed heartburn. A couple
of Gaviscon tablets helped
a bit, but a couple of
hours later I needed to
take two more to finally
settle things down. I lost
track of time, but I think
it was before midnight
when I managed to get to
I only have a clear
memory of part of a dream,
and I am sure I remember
it because it was a sort
of lesson. In this dream I
was in bed, with no
clothes on, when someone
who was a close
approximation of an old
girlfriend came into my
bedroom. She then got into
bed with me without taking
any of her clothes off. I
felt I had to apologise to
her and say I was terribly
sorry that I had nit
showered for the last two
days. She replied that I
didn't seem to smell bad,
but she didn't cuddle as
close as she might have
done. Unfortunately, or
maybe fortunately, I can't
remember what may have
happened after that.
One thing I also
can't remember is what my
state was when I looked at
the clock, and calculated
that if I fell asleep
quickly, and slept well, I
could still get over 6
hours of sleep. I don't
regard that as a full
sleep, but maybe I did
fall asleep then, and did
get 6 hours of sleep. I
must admit that I felt
reluctant to get up as
early as I did (about
6.40am) but I guess I
don't feel too bad for it.
Maybe I don't really feel
bad in any ways this
morning, but then again I
haven't stressed myself
One bad thing is
that I seem to have put on
a lot of weight in the
last 24 hours. Now that is
a bit odd because while
not everything I ate
yesterday was particularly
healthy, I can't seem to
remember eating all that
much of anything bad. The
big paradox is that this
morning my blood glucose
readings average was the
second best this
month. The Contour
meter read the highest,
and that was only
8.2mmol/l. The GlucoRX and
Sinocare were both in the
good light green area -
7.6mmol/l for the GlucoRX
meter, and 7.8mmol/l for
the Sinocare meter.
My blood pressure
reading was very ordinary
this morning. On my first
attempt at taking a
reading, and without
really doing any
preparation, I got a
reading of 103/50. That is
in the optimum area, and
seemed good enough without
trying for any spectacular
by doing some relaxation
and breathing for a second
reading. Incidently, when
taking a blood pressure
reading early last night I
got another good figure,
and confirmed it with my
other wrist mounted meter,
and my upper arm meter.
The readings were not
identical, but agreed to
within a few digits.
As I type this it
is 11:23am, and most of
the morning is over. It is
easily still possible I
may get an email from
Amazon to say my packet
has been despatched, and
will be here by 9pm (but
hopefully a lot earlier. I
still have time for a
quick shower before
possibly needing to go on
high alert. One thing I
will do today is to wash a
few t-shirts, and some
underwear. I am almost
tempted to wash my outdoor
shorts. It is feeling like
the time to get back into
long trousers is getting
very, very close ! Maybe
I'll hold out until the
end of the month when the
long range forecast shows
the fantasy of a few days
at 25°
Other than that, I have no idea
what I shall do today.

1897 words
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