off to a good start.
I think the
temperature was
closer to 12°
C at 7am, but the
sky was blue (which
caused the temperature
to drop so far), and the sun was
shining (albeit below the roof
line of houses to the east). If
the forecast continues to be
correct, which seems unlikely at
the moment because the sky seems
to be almost covered with thin
white cloud, we should have at
least sunny spells until midday.
After that it may be too cloudy
for any sunshine, but at least
it should stay dry. The
temperature should peak at 3pm,
but with no sunshine it might
feel cool enough, at 21
C, to maybe need a
light coat if I am
outside. Tomorrow
may start with some
sunny spells, but
most of the day may
be dull, and for
much of the
afternoon it could
be extremely dull.
The temperature is
only predicted to
rise to 19°
C, but it should
stay dry. The long
range forecast still
predicts some quite
warm days towards
the end of the
month, but tomorrow
it is probably going
to feel that Autumn
is just around the
In case you
are curious, my packet
from Amazon, with my class
5 Bluetooth USB dongles,
and a
few other things, did not arrive
yesterday. By midday I was 99%
sure I would not be getting a
notification to say they had
been despatched, and one their
way. That left a rather large
gap in my afternoon plans.
One thing I made a
definite point of doing
yesterday morning, was to have a
long overdue shower. That felt
very good after not having a
decent wash for a couple of
days. Once I had finished my
shower I put my big buckets in
the bath so I could start to
soak a few items of laundry. I
would not get to finishing this
laundry until over halfway
through the afternoon.

One significant diversion
that started yesterday was
reading the book whose cover is
shown in the photo on the left.
It is a very large format
paperback, and not easy to read
when laying on my back, but I
seem to be making good progress.
in fact it is quite an addictive
book, and it filled up almost
any spare minutes I might have
had yesterday - and there were
plenty of those !
This book, as the title
implies, is three books between
one cover. The first was a
prequel to the very funny "
Steel Rat" stories by
Harry Harrison. It tells of how
he started his life of crime.
The next two are also prequels
when Harry Harrison realised he
had more to tell about The
Stainless Steel Rat's early
beginnings. Each of the whole
series of books (see
article for a list) is a
complete story itself, but it
increases your (mine) enjoyment
to know some background stuff.
It could be argued that knowing
how he did things before takes
the mystery out of some of a new
story, but I still find it very
amusing to read it.
By the time lunchtime
came around I was fairly sure I
would not be hearing with
Amazon, and so I could relax for
the rest of the afternoon. Of
course there were times when I
couldn't relax, and having lunch
was one of those times. I had a
very simple lunch of cheese
flavoured rice crackers and two
different flavours of cream
cheese. On reflection, I think I
might have enjoyed some sliced
real cheese more than the cream
After lunch I read for at
least an hour, and I think I
might have had a snooze too,
although whether it was a one
minute, or one hour snooze is
something I seem to have
forgotten to have made a mental
note about. What I should have
done next was to get back to my
laundry that was soaking in it's
big bucket in the bath. I think
I probably spent as much as
another hour readings some tech
news from
Eventually I knew I had
to get back to the laundry. When
I first started on it I felt
like I was going to get angina
pains. There was a slight
feeling of chest
pain....actually no more than a
mild itch. It seemed to go away
after I had wrung out the first
item plucked form the soapy
water - a mere pair of
underpants - one of three pairs.
The other two items were a pair
of t-shirts. It seemed too late,
and too grey outside (although
sunshine was promised for later)
to hang the washing on the
washing line, and I reverted to
drying it overnight on the big
clothes horse in the front room.
I feel sure I must be
deceiving myself, but I can't
recall eating anything between
lunch and dinner. I was making a
conscious effort to keep my
blood glucose down (which did
work) and to lose a bit of
weight (which didn't work). My
very special dinner, which I ate
while watching Star Trek:
Enterprise (or was it Deep Space
Nine ?) was to be no more than a
tub of low calorie and low sugar
ice cream. Somehow I couldn't
keep up the pretence that that
was enough, and I ate a few
Pepperami sticks afterwards.
Straight after all the
Star Treks had finished there
followed a brand new episode of
Secrets Of The London
Underground that I wanted to
watch, and record. I did both,
and now I have another video
editing job to do, cutting out
the adverts and top and tailing
the recording, when I feel in
the right mood, or I am
desperate for something to do.
That finished at 9pm, but I did
not go to bed until I had also
watched a moderately good
edition of QIXL.
That finished at 10pm. I
had already got myself ready for
bed, brushing my teeth, etc,
during one or more commercial
breaks, and I was in bed within
minutes of turning the TV off.
Before trying for sleep I
couldn't resist reading another
short chapter from the Stainless
Steel Trio book. I then put the
book down, turned out the light,
and tried for sleep. Sleep
didn't come instantly. I had to
re-fluff my pillows, and get
them just right, and then I
quickly fell asleep.
I don't have a lot to say
about my sleep. I remember I was
dreaming about something, but no
memory of any details has
survived. I know I got up three
times in the night, and each
time I did quite large pee. I
was slightly concerned that I
might be a bit dehydrated when I
finally got up after all that
peeing, but two things said I
did not get dehydrated. I didn't
have a poo this so far this
morning, but I still weighed
myself. I found I had put on
another 200gm. These small gains
are getting depressing because
it seems my slow weight loss had
now gone into reverse.
If I had eaten enough to
put on weight, there seemed a
good chance that I would have
ruined my blood glucose
measurements, but apparently
not. Instead they were extremely
good. The Contour meter read a
magnificent 6.6mmol/l. I've only
had one other reading in that
area so far this month, and two
like it last month. The GlucoRX
meter was not so good, but
7.2mmol/l is still very good,
and the Sinocare's 7.0mmol/l was
even better. It makes me wonder
what could possibly have caused
my weight to rise. I guess I am
overdue a major visit to the
toilet !
There are just two
important events for today, and
the annoying thing is they could
overlap. Today is the last day
of Amazon's estimate for the
delivery of my last order. The
chances are that I will be
informed about it in the next
hour or two. The other thing is
that it being a Wednesday, I
want to, and will go to The
Jolly Farmers for my weekly
Guinness infusion, and a bit of
banter in the pub. I am thinking
I might go and leave early to
lessen the chances of missing my
Amazon delivery. Sod's law could
be involved here. If I don't get
home early I will miss the
delivery. On the other hand, if
I am in and waiting, I'll have
to wait until something stupid
like 8pm before the delivery
happens !