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22nd August 2024
Yesterday started off
nice and bright and
sunny. It seemed like
the start of a good day,
but as per the forecast,
the sky lightly clouded
over in the early
afternoon. The cloud was
not dense enough to stop
it seeming to be bright,
but it was a very flat
sort of illumination. I
seem to recall seeing a
few brief bursts of
sunshine before the
evening when it did
brighten up a bit more.
While walking the peak
temperature of 21° C
felt warm, but
while sedentary it
did feel a bit
wouldn't be too much
of an exaggeration
to describe today as
cold and wet. The
BBC predicts this
morning will be very
dull, but dry, and
then there will be
drizzle for a couple
of hours this
afternoon. The
Met Office predict a
bit more rain, and
shows light rain
from as early as
10am to midday. The
rest of the
afternoon, according
to both forecasters
will be very grey,
but possibly dry.
Both also agree on
some sunny spells of
early evening. The
BBC are convinced
there will be a
single hour at 20°
C, but
C can be considered
the high today.
Early tomorrow could
be wet, but the
middle of the day
could feature strong
sunshine, and that
could push the
temperature up to at
least 23°
Soon after I
finished writing
yesterday, I had a shock
that cast a black cloud
over yesterday, and there
are still echoes of it
this morning. I looked
more closely at the order
confirmation I got from
Amazon for the order I was
expecting by yesterday at
the latest. On my original
look I was word blind.
When I checked yesterday I
saw that it was not due to
be delivered at the start
of this week, but in a
months time !!!
There is nothing
essential in that order,
but I was really hoping to
find out if the class 5
Bluetooth dongle(s) would
significantly speed up the
data transfer speed from
my phone to my PC -
generally when
transferring photos.
Originally it was much
faster to transfer photos
by a USB to USB
connection, but now there
are so many photos on my
phone, it takes an age for
my PC to list them. The
main slowdown is that my
PC wants to generate
thumbnails for each
individual photo. One is
quick, but multiple
hundreds take an annoying
amount of time.
There were more
annoyances to come
yesterday, but I can at
least say I enjoyed having
a good "scrub up" (shave,
shampoo, and shower)
before going to the pub. I
did have a plan to get to
the pub extra early, so I
could also leave extra
early in case my Amazon
arrived in the afternoon.
Once I realised that was
not going to happen I
could slow down a bit. I
did get to the station a
bit early, but that just
gave me an extra minute to
catch my breath before
going over the footbridge
to get to the platform on
the other side.
Despite that short
wait (which could have
been another minute or
two) I still found that
the only real angina pain
I had all day was going
over the footbridge. I
thought that was an
interesting observation,
and I made use of it on
the way home, as I shall
explain later. As usual I
took photos of the front
and back of every train I
saw, and this time I got
lucky. On the other hand,
I was not happy with the
performance of my Canon
Powershot camera (in auto
mode) at coping with the
is very annoying that this
photo seems to be in soft
focus. It is odd that
nothing seems to be in
focus - usually something
is even if it is the wrong
thing. I look forward to
getting a better picture
of 707004 some day. I had
never photographed it
before, at least not in
Southeastern blue livery.
Curiously enough, the
picture I took of it in
it's previous red
Southwest trains livery,
was also a pretty poor
problem with this picture
is heat haze. I think I
took it with maximum zoom.
The colouration is a bit
odd too. The story of the
class 707 trains is that
they were ordered by
Southwestern, but once
they arrived they decided
they didn't like them, and
there was a lot of
customer complaints that
they had no on board
toilets. They had to use
them to cover a stock
shortage, but gradually
offloaded them to
Southeastern. In an ideal
world I would have
pictures of all of them in
both train companies
liveries, but I reckon I
only got about half of
them while in red livery,
but nearly all in blue
was also lucky enough to
snap this picture of
465187. It was one of the
last three class 465
trains I needed to
complete my collection
(although there is some
uncertainty about a small
range of number that may
have been renumbered to
reflect the installation
of a small 1st class
compartment), Judging by
the thick muck on the
windscreen, I suspect this
train has been in store
for a long time for
reasons unknown. I think
it was out for a test run
It seemed to be
busier than normal when I
arrived at the pub. There
may have been a whole ten
of us in there ! That
meant there was a lot of
banter going on which was
interesting or amusing,
but a slight distraction
from the crossword
puzzles. I managed to do
the quick crossword, but
quickly gave up on the
cryptic crossword. I don't
think I was in the right
mood for doing that sort
of thinking.
With the knowledge
that I didn't have to rush
home to accept my Amazon
delivery, I did give
thought to having three or
even four pints of
Guinness, or maybe a
couple of shorts, but in
the end I decided that 2
pints of Guinness was
enough. As I was leaving I
was offered, for free, a
black leather jacket. I
was told it would
definitely fit me, and I
was talked into trying it
on. On reflection, it
might have fitted if I had
not tried to do it up over
my camera bag ! However, I
must admit I wasn't too
keen on wearing a
secondhand coat from an
unknown source.
Spending a minute
or two trying on the coat
meant that I arrived at
Ladywell station just as a
train arrived. If I had
rushed I might even have
managed to get on the very
last carriage, but I
decided to relax, and let
it go. The next train was
only about 15 minutes
away. During that wait I
got pictures of the next
London bound train,
although I didn't need
them for my collection.
As I walked from
Catford Bridge station to
home, I was thinking about
how I had not really had
any angina pains when
walking to the station. My
walk from the station to
home was not very
comfortable, but I didn't
get any angina pains. It
seemed more like I was a
bit short of breath, but
in a strange, not easy to
describe way. It also
seemed that my legs were
feeling very stiff. I
tried doing some forced
deep breathing, and maybe
that helped to reduce the
I was still glad to
get home, and be able to
rest, although laying down
for a really relaxed rest
came a bit later. First of
all I wanted some lunch -
a fairly light lunch of
sugar free choc chip
cookies with cold milk. It
was nice, but not very
healthy, although it could
have been a lot worse. I
also transferred the
picture I had taken from
my Canon SX240 camera to
my PC. I also charged the
battery for next time I
use that camera, but I
don't think it will be
train photography again.
After finding that
two pictures I had taken
were needed to fill in
empty spaces in my great
train photographs
spreadsheet, and then
doing some simple
editing/improving of them,
I entered them into my
spreadsheet. After that I
was free to lay down,
read, and have a snooze.
When I woke up it was
after 4pm, and that is
when I usually take my
second lot of drugs for
the day - if I am at home.
With hindsight it
was probably stupid to try
and take all those pill in
one mouthful while still
partly laying down. One
pill seemed to get
momentarily stuck in my
throat, and it seemed like
it burnt it. I was more or
less forecast to bring my
lunch forward, or at least
to have something to eat.
I opted for a couple of
small bag of crisps, and
the last of a small tub of
coleslaw. It was both nice
or not nice. I can't
decide which. All I know
was that it was probably
very unhealthy, but it
It was only almost
Star Trek time by then,
and once that started I
would have my real dinner.
That dinner was a
"microwave in two minutes
in the bag" bag of Korean
BBQ flavour rice. I had it
with a pack of 5 BBQ
flavour chicken
drumsticks. It was not a
great dinner. The Korean
BBQ flavour rice was not
as good as hoped, and I
think I won't be buying
another....although maybe
it might be good when
served with something
other than chicken
drumsticks. It probably
did not help that the
cheap, Iceland branded,
BBQ chicken
legs/drumsticks, were not
the greatest. I think I am
getting very wary of
Iceland products.
I had a rest
between the last of the
Star Treks - the last
being another unmemorable
episode of Voyager - and
the next thing I wanted to
see. That was a new (to
me) episode of The New
Avengers. It was a curious
episode. It tried to mix
humour and drama, and it
came across as a bit
weird. Anyway, I watched
(and recorded it) before
turning off the TV and
going to bed. I read for a
bit before turning over
and trying for sleep.
As I turned over,
and shut my eyes, I became
aware of some weak
heartburn. I should have
been able to still get to
sleep, but I guess I am a
bit sensitized to it now.
After a while I got up,
chewed on a couple of
antacid tablets, while
reading some news on the
internet. I guess it might
have been an hour later
that I realised there was
not hint of any heartburn,
and so I dived back into
bed, and I was soon
I half remember one
dream about a newscaster
who made a great effort to
make sure her name was
said in full because her
surname sounded like a
French word. The flaw with
this description of a
dream is that I can't
remember what her name
was, and what the French
word was. In the dream it
seemed so obvious, but
now....zilch ! Apart from
getting up to pee 2 or 3
times (which is almost
routine these days) it was
otherwise an unremarkable
night, although I did
close my eyes when I was
supposed to be getting up,
and had an extra hour of
sleep - which was nice.
It was and still
is, a rather gloomy
morning, but there was at
least a little bit of good
news. When I finally got
up I went to the toilet,
and with no special
effort, I did a very
regular poo. This is only
newsworthy in so much as I
can't remember going at
all yesterday. That and a
good pee didn't do much
for my weight, which seems
to have increased another
very small amount.
My blood glucose
was "acceptable" this
morning, but not very
good. The Contour meter
read 8.5mmol/l, and once
upon a time I would have
called that average, but
now I call it a bit high.
The GlucoRX meter was even
worse with a reading of
8.9mmol/l. Fortunately the
Sinocare meter was in a
good mood, and gave a
better reading of
8.2mmol/l. Even that is
not good when I am trying
to get most of my readings
in the sevens or lower. At
least my blood pressure
was really good, if it
wasn't a bit too low at
The main thing this
afternoon should be a beer
tasting session with
Jodie. After not seeing
her for a week I hope she
has something interesting
to say - even if most of
what I would like to say,
but probably won't, at
least not in full, is all
very negative. before than
beer tasting I hope I will
find the time and energy,
and enthusiasm to go out
in possible drizzle, and
buy some stuff from Aldi.
I think I'll go in long
trousers, but with the
feint hope for some warmer
and sunny days at the end
of this month, I don't
think I'll be packing away
my shorts just yet.

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