The Met Office predicted
heavy rain at daybreak, and
there was. It then went on
to predict mostly light
rain, and even an occasional
dry hour, until 9pm when
very heavy rain could
resume. On the other hand,
the BBC forecast (in the
screenshot above) shows not
a single pause in the rain,
and while most of it is
shown as light rain, every
single hour includes a
Thunderstorm ! There were
even thunderstorms forecast
from midnight last night to
7am this morning, and yet I
heard and saw nothing. As I
type this, the rain seems to
have stopped, and I could
almost imagine it is
brightening up a bit. Maybe
the only bit of the forecast
we can rely on, and agreed
by both the BBC and the Met
Office, is that the
temperature will peak at 19°
C mid afternoon. Tomorrow is
shown as mostly wet, but
only light rain, and there
may be sunny spells from mid
afternoon. Of course it
wouldn't be a BBC forecast
without one thunderstorm,
and they reckon it will be
at 6am tomorrow.
featured a small disaster of
my own making, but I almost
recovered from it by this
morning. Another "disaster"
that I have been meaning to
post a follow up to is
regarding the leak from the
thermostat on my water
heater. I am happy to say
that the drip once a second,
or possibly even faster for
part of day one, is now down
to drip about every 7
seconds. It could be a week
or less now until the leak
if once again sealed by
After my usual
rest/lazy period after I
finished writing yesterday,
I had a shower so I was
clean and fragrant when I
went out shopping to Aldi.
At the end of my shower I
put some clothing in to soak
(in one of my big builders
buckets) in detergent. I
would get back to that
laundry quite late in the
afternoon. Once I was dry
and dressed, I soon headed
out to Aldi to get a bit of

It was almost a
pleasant walk to Aldi. I
decided to measure it so I
could quote it with some
authority. I tried to keep
up a typical pace - not
rushing, nor dawdling. At
the screenshot from my phone
(on the left) shows, I kept
up an average of 2.44mph.
Once upon a time I would
usually manage about 3mph,
and so while I was slower, I
was not a great deal slower.
Along the way I
stopped for 10 or 20 seconds
to say good morning to a
neighbour, and I had a few
roads to cross. Each road
crossed may have taken
perhaps 5 or 6 seconds as I
made sure I was not about to
walk in front of a car or
something. If I could claim
that the delays added up to
the 35 seconds shown as part
of the time it took, it
would bump up my speed to
about 2.7mph, and so even
closer to my once average
speed of 3mph.
significance of all this is
that it puts some real
figures on my current
endurance before the onset
of angina pains. By the time
I got to Aldi, and I didn't
give in by slowing as I got
near, I was just starting to
feel a bit bad. Another 100
feet and I could have been
in a fair bit of pain
instead of mild pain that
was starting to spread out
across my chest, and up my
neck. For longer walks I
would probably have tried to
slow down a bit after maybe
4 minutes, and then I would
be stopping for anything
from 30 seconds to several
minutes, to recover before
walking for a few more
It was in Aldi that I
had my main disaster of the
day, or maybe it was the
build up to a disaster after
I got home. In simple terms
I bought more than I could
safely store. I knew there
were a few frozen things I
would have to store in the
fridge, rather than freezer.
In particular they were a
couple of frozen ready meals
that have probably thawed by
this morning, but there was
one item that I could not
even store in the fridge....
One the whole I was
fairly selective about what
I bought in Aldi. I went in
there with just two
particular things on an
imagined shopping list. One
was a couple of their
alleged calorie controlled,
and hopefully sugar
controlled ready meals. The
other was some beers. I must
admit that as of this
morning, I have still not
read the small print to see
if those ready meals were as
safe I hope them to be.
I bought several cans
of beers, and just one can
may be of interest to Jodie
- assuming she hasn't tried
it before (which is
unlikely). It is a Pineapple
flavoured IPA. It sounds
completely disgusting, and I
hope Jodie will drink all of
it (apart from a thimble
sized taster for me). One
good thing is that Aldi have
got in some new instant
noodles. They are described
as "a taste of Asia", and I
feel sure they were made in
Birmingham or somewhere like
that. I bought 4 packets of
each of the two flavours. I
tried one flavour for
breakfast, and found it to
be quite peppery, but fairly
nice. I will buy more if
that have any left the next
time I am shopping in Aldi.
There was more
sunshine when I walked home
from Aldi, and it seemed hot
enough to get my damp with
sweat (but not sweaty enough
to actually drip). I
probably walked slower
because I was feeling hot (I
was wearing a black t-short
but no coat). Maybe I had
slowed down just enough to
offset the shopping I was
carrying, and so I only felt
about as bad I had when I
reached Aldi, when I reached
It was after i got
home that the wheels were
set in motion for my
disaster. I decided that I
would have a cheese salad
for lunch, and I could not
do a lot different because
there was no room in the
fridge for the ready made
salad bowl. There was also
not room at all for a pork
and apple pie. One think
that would have reduced the
disaster would have been not
to add the cheese, and so
much mayonnaise to the
salad. In that respect I did
have a choice, but I had no
choice by to cook and eat
the pork and apple pie.
That, plus a salad heaped
with grated cheese, and very
generous amount of
mayonnaise, made for an
unusually filling lunch.
After my lunch I felt
like, or was almost
compelled to, have a nice
lie down to read and snooze.
There was no special reason
why I couldn't make that
last as long as I wanted,
and including the snooze, I
laid there for several hours
- maybe more. It was getting
on for 4pm before I went
back to the laundry I had
left soaking. It was not a
huge amount - just 2
t-shirts and 4 pairs of
underpants, but with a full
stomach it seemed like hard
work to finish it and hang
it on the big clothes horse
in the front room (with the
desk fan blowing at it).
By the time the
laundry was hung up to dry
it seemed like dinnertime
was not far away. My dinner
was also pre-ordained by the
fact that one ingredient,
some diced chicken, was on
or past it's sell by date,
and I didn't really want to
leave it in the fridge any
longer. (What I probably
should have bought many
years ago was a big freezer
so that I could keep stuff
like that chicken frozen
until I really needed it). I
grilled/roasted the chicken
with some spices.
Once the chicken was
done, and had started to
cool down I broke it up into
smaller bits, and added it
to a the second ready made
salad I had bought. It
seemed a bigger meal than I
imagined, and the proof of
it was that I had bad
heartburn later in the
evening - which was sort of
surprising from what should
have been generally safe
stuff, although as already
noted, I did sprinkle the
chicken with a lot of herbs
and spices before I cooked
I watched a few
episodes of the Saturday
omnibus repeats of the
already repeated The New
Avengers. At 8pm I turned
off the TV and retired to
bed to read. I distinctly
remember it was 8.54pm when
I put the book down, turned
off the light, and tried to
sleep. It would be many
hours before I slept
properly, but I think I
might have got an hours
sleep before waking up
again. I was suffering from
two or more things, although
all could probably be blamed
on feeling stuff after my
big lunch, and moderately
big dinner.
Maybe the chief
symptom was heartburn, but I
felt uncomfortable in other
ways too. At one point I
felt a bit too hot, and if I
had not put it away, I might
have turned my fan on.
The heartburn was
particularly bad. It was not
actually very strong,
although strong enough a
time, but it was it's
persistance that was very
wearing. A couple of
Rennies, antacid tablets
didn't seem to do anything
at all. A swig of "Acidex"
antacid slurry seemed to
help a bit more, but it
didn't last long.
If anything that
Acidex made me burp more,
and each burp was still
tasting of the chicken
salad. I did wonder if I was
going to get to the point of
throwing up. Fortunately
that didn't happen (although
it could have brought a
small improvement in some of
my health measurements this
morning). I think I may have
fallen asleep once or twice,
but that sleep didn't seem
to last long.
In the end I had to
get up and sit at my PC
desk. I did feel much better
than when laying down. I sat
at my desk, reading some
odds and sods off the
internet until gone 1am
before I felt ready to try
to sleep again, but by then
I had taken another swig of
"Acidex" I don't see how it
could have made any useful
difference, but the second
swig was of the aniseed
flavour instead of the
peppermint flavour I had the
first time.
Once back in bed I
seemed to get to sleep quite
quickly, but I am unsure if
I slept well. I seemed to
wake up a lot, but I think
that some of those times
times might have actually
been dreams of waking up
because all I can remember
of it seems like it was sort
of shrouded with mist. I do
remember one dream from
earlier in the night. I was
sort of re-enacting
something I had read
earlier. I was driving down
a country road trying to
escape from some pursuers.
It seems that as I went
around corners on two wheels
I was acting it out for real
- in so much as I was
thrashing about from side to
side in bed. That was really
stirring up my heartburn. It
may even have made it bad
enough that I had to spend
so much time sitting at my
desk to recover from it.
All I ate yesterday
gave me reason to believe I
would get terrible results
this morning when I went
through my health
measurements. After a pee
and poo I got on the scales,
and I had, as expected, put
on some weight......but it
was not as bas as I feared.
It was just 300gm, and that
still left me in a good
place to hopefully continue
from - maybe even today if
those ready meals from Aldi
are as innocent as the bold
headlines on the packet seem
to claim.
While my weight may
have gone up a bit, my blood
glucose has gone down. This
morning I scored there
(light green) cherries ! The
Contour meter read a very
good, maybe almost
excellent, 7.1mmol/l. The
GlucoRX meter read
7.2mmol/l, and that is also
excellent. The Sinocare
meter joined in with a goof
7.5mmol/l. Even my blood
pressure may be a bit lower
this morning with a first
time reading of 102/47.
Being as today is a
Sunday I should normally be
seeing Jodie this afternoon
for a beer tasting session.
At the moment the rain has
stopped for some time now,
and the road is starting to
dry out, but even the far
more optimistic Met Office
forecast says it probably
won't stay dry for long,
although until 9pm when we
might get heavy rain, only
light showers are forecast,
and 1pm may even be a dry
hour. If the Met Office is
correct then Jodie might not
be too averse to travelling,
although if the BBC
forecasts, with all it's
thunderstorms is as much as
10% correct then there is no
chance of Jodie going out,
There is one other
reason why I don't think
I'll see Jodie today. There
seems to be engineering work
on the railway today, and
there are no trains between
Elmers End and Catford
Bridge today. I am very sure
Jodie will not want to get a
bus under such unstable
weather conditions. I could
be wrong, but I am 97% sure
I will have to find my own
amusements today. They may
not involve any beer,
despite being at least one I
bought from Aldi yesterday
that may possibly be to my
liking. It would be too easy
for booze to swerve my
eating intentions today. On
the other hand, the grey
skies could do that just as
well !