Apart from a longer spell at
13° C, today seems like it
will be the same as
yesterday - which was hardly
pleasant ! Tomorrow may
start quite cold, just 9° C,
but from as early as 11am
there could be sunny spells
that will warm it up to a
far from glorious 12° C.
There are reasons why
yesterday was good and bad.
The good was not very good,
and the bad definitely was
bad, but there were some
probably bad things that may
not have actually been that
bad. Confused ? You should
be, but I'll explain all.
Obviously the dull
and very cool weather were
one bad thing, but they
didn't stop me going out,
which was a good thing. I
finished writing quite early
yesterday, in fact a fair
bit earlier than usual. That
gave me plenty of time to
have a rest, and then wash
my hair and have a shower.
That felt good, and I almost
has enough time to cool down
before putting on my coat.
Just for a change I
took my Nikon D3200 DSLR
camera with me on my journey
to the pub. I felt that on
such a dull grey day on;y a
DSLR camera could take good
pictures, and indeed that
did seem to be the
case. It wasn't
exactly intended timing, but
by chance I left home in
time to get to the station
with plenty of time to have
a minute rest after picking
up two copies of The Metro,
and then cross the
If I suffered
anything it was shortness of
breath, but not to the point
of gasping for air, but
definitely breathing quite
deeply. It was as if my
usual symptoms had changed.
More about this further down
the page. While waiting I
seemed to get a good snap of
the train going to Hayes,
and a good snap of my train
going to Ladywell (and
ultimately, Charing Cross).
I don't think I saw any
train numbers I had not
photographed before.
When walking to the
pub from Ladywell station I
got a few snaps of a
squirell, and other random
snaps of some wildlife -
mostly just ducks. I didn't
expect those to come out
well because it was pushing
even my DSLR to take picture
in the deep shade of the
river as it flows between
big trees. I did attempt to
take a snap of birds in
flight, plus a bunch of
really noisy crows in the
trees behind the church.
I arrived at the pub
maybe a few minutes later
than usual. I ordered my
first pint of Guinness, and
sat down to have a quick
flick through the paper.
That was a bad mistake.
There was no happy news in
it, and a lot that was very
unhappy. It must have put me
in a bad mood because I
couldn't even finish the
quick crossword, although
there was only one clue I
couldn't solve. On the other
hand, I solved more clues in
the cryptic crossword than
It may have been the
dreary weather, or the news
from America, but the pub
felt more subdued than
usual. I usually find all
the banter entertaining, but
while there was banter going
back and forth, it seemed
very unexciting somehow. I
had my second pint of
Guinness, did my best to
fill in a bit more of the
cryptic crossword, and once
my pint was finished I had a
pee, and headed for home.
I tried to get
another picture of a
squirrel as I walked to the
station. At the station I
got a snap of the front of
the first train which was
going towards Charing Cross.
I was then going to get a
snap of the back of the
train, which would have a
different number, but my
camera seemed to lock up.
After trying several things
it suddenly announced that
the memory card was faulty.
It was the card pictured on
the left - a supposedly well
known and reliable make.
A reboot made
no difference, but
fortunately I always carry a
spare memory card for
cameras that I transport in
a proper camera bag (my
little pocket sized Nikon
is, as suggested, just
carried in my pocket, and
rarely even carry a spare
batter for it, let alone a
memory card. I swapped the
memory card for the new
card, and the camera was
working again, but I lost
many pictures on the old
I ended up with just
three pictures, and all were
of trains, and all the
trains were of no particular
significance. The one
pictured above is the front
of my train back to Catford
Bridge. The only notable
thing is that it looks
bright and sharp on such a
horribly dull day.
This is the back of
the same train, now at
Catford Bridge station, and
already leaving. The cloud
was so thick that it meant
that everything was
uniformly lit in all
directions. This picture, on
a clearer day, would have
been taken into the sun, and
the back of the train would
have been in deep shadow
compared to the
I still have not
found the official reason,
but there is at least one
train of just 4 coaches that
goes non stop down the line
to (probably) the terminus
at Hayes (Kent) and then
comes back again. My guess
is that it is some sort of
proving run, using an empty
slot in the timetable.
Instead of going
straight home from the
station I did the little
divert to go into the little
supermarket just a bit down
the hill (actually it is not
a hill but a very shallow
hump backed bridge over the
railway). I wanted to buy
some fruit, and I did add
two golden and two red
apples to my shopping bag. I
also, as usual, bought some
instant noodles of
types/flavours I never see
in Tesco. I also bought some
possibly Turkish cheese, but
sadly I could not find any
sugar free biscuits in the
shop. I have a feeling they
very quickly sell out when
they do get them.

I don't think I can
walk as fast as I used to be
able, but maybe spurred on
by the first feelings of a
desire for a pee, I possibly
walked a bit faster than I
seem to now. Like when
walking to the station, I
didn't seem to feel any
developing chest pains, aka
angina. What I did feel was
out of breath, or at least I
was breathing a lot faster.
When I got home I dropped
all my shopping and raced up
the stairs to the toilet,
and had my pee while still
almost panting. I could have
ignored it, and waited for
my breathing to normalise,
but I suddenly realised I
could use my
oximeter to measure my
blood oxygenation.
The result was
rather pleasing, but also a
bit mystifying. My blood
oxygenation was 100%, and it
doesn't come better than
that. The thing that I could
not understand was that if
my blood was fully
oxygenated, why was I still
breathing like I was short
of oxygen. One probably good
thing was that to get to
100% my lungs must be
working at full efficiency,
and thus no
(Chronic Obstructive
Pulmonary Disease). My
thought are that the cause
is the same as the angina
pains I get - the smaller
blocked or restricted
arteries feeding some
peripheral part of the
heart, and it is the heart
calling for more oxygen.
I had already planned
that I was going to have a
couple more sausages in hot
dog rolls when I got back
from the pub. I did, but I
really didn't enjoy them.
The sausages were pretty
poor quality in my opinion,
and as I mentioned
yesterday, they had a very
bad, or maybe lack of
texture. They were probably
made form "mechanically
recovered meat". When I was
a kid, sausages were alleged
to have been made with all
sorts of off cuts including
some offal, and I think that
made them taste wonderful.
I had those suasages
in rolls quite late in the
afternoon, maybe 3pm, and so
there was not all that long
to wait before dinner time.
I was reluctant to make
dinner much later because I
wanted to allow plenty of
time for the food to settle
so it didn't cause any acid
indigestion/heartburn when I
went to bed. That was quite
important because I was
using up the last of the
sausages as part of my
I had those last 4
(or was it 5 ?) sausages
with some reheated boiled
potatoes, and smothered it
all with a mix of (ready
made) crispy fried onions
and ketchup, and also some
English mustard. It should
have been wonderful, but it
was almost unpleasant. With
the added onions it had a
double chance of causing
some sort of indigestion. I
followed it with a much
nicer dessert of a red apple
and a chunk of soft Turkish
cheese (possibly not made
with cows milk).
There was very little
on TV last night, and I
amused myself for much of
the evening with camera
stuff. First of all I wanted
to see if my photo (and
other files) recovery
software could see anything
on the dead SD memory card.
It couldn't - in fact it
couldn't even see there was
a card plugged in. It seems
my memory card was just a
slab of inert plastic after
it failed.
One of the things
about my most professional
grade cameras, the Nikon
D310s and Nikon D600, is
that they both have two
memory card slots. The two
cards can be used in various
ways. One possibility is
that that one can store jpg
images and the other Nikon
NEF (raw) images. A second
possibility is that the
second card can be used for
overflow if the first card
it full. The third, and best
thing is that the second can
act as a backup of the
first. I have already used
that a couple of times on
the D600 camera - once when
taking Angela's marriage
photos, and once again when
taking pictures of Dik's
In the latter
case it was mostly so I
could hand over a copy to
him without having to do it
at home via my PC. It turned
out that Dik had no way to
read SD cards, and I had to
copy the originals, plus
some edits, onto a USB thumb
drive for him. Since the
memory card dies yesterday I
have decided that I will
always use the second card
as backup on both my
professional grade (if a bit
old) Nikons. In the case of
the Nikon D310s the second
card is an older Compact
Flash card, and I have few
of those, and most of them
quite small capacity.
One thing I am
pondering is whether the
failed SD card might have
been caused by it being too
big for the camera to
handle. It was a 64GB card,
and older software, as could
be in the Nikon D3200 and
even more likely in the
Nikon D310s, may only be
able to handle 32GB. I have
now changed the cards, SD
and CF, in the Nikon D310s
to 32GB cards. The only
trouble is that I only have
one 32GB Compact Flash card.
I hope I never actually need
it, but to be on the safe
side I did another order on
Amazon for two more 32GB
cards (plus some other semi
expensive "toys"). They
should be delivered sometime
on Sunday.
I did not spend that
long reading in bed last
night. I had already used an
hour or two playing with my
cameras. I think it was gone
9pm, and maybe close to 10pm
when I went to sleep. At
that point I could feel some
slight heartburn, but it
seemed mild enough to ignore
it. What was worse was that
it felt warm enough to go to
sleep without being under
the duvet. I woke up about
two hours later feeling
cold, and in particular my
chest was feeling very cold,
and that was stirring up all
the scar tissue and stuff
from my operation in 2013.
I am very sure that
chest pain had no other
cause than inflammation of
the scar tissue because
different bits hurt more
when I stressed them with
different movements. Whether
that also caused the minor
heartburn to get worse is an
unknown, but the two
combined meant I lost at
least an hour of sleep while
I waited for paracetamol and
antacid to calm things down.
After that I seemed
to sleep quite well. I woke
up as normal around 6am, but
it seemed far too early. I
had a pee, and went back to
bed where I thought I would
try for another half hour of
sleep. 90 minutes later I
woke up again ! It was time
for time for another pee,
and also a poo. I then
weighed myself, and despite
seeming to eat too much of
the wrong stuff I seemed to
have lost 400gm since
yesterday morning.
My blood glucose was
also down, and up down at
the same time. The GlucoRX
meter read a very good
7.6mmol/l. The Contour meter
was sort of in the middle
with an OK-ish 8.4mmol/l.
For reasons only known to
itself, the new Exactive
meter made another very
spurious reading of
9.0mmol/l, and the second
time, using fresh blood from
a fresh finger prick, it
gave a terrible reading of
9.4mmol/l ! At the current
rate it is seeming to be
even worse than the Sinocare
meter, and I am wondering if
the best place for it is the
dustbin !
I had an idea I might
to and get to Aldi today,
but time seems to be flying
by this morning. It is not
essential, but if I feel
there is time I might still
get there, if not, tomorrow
will do. The main event
today, being a Thursday, is
a beer tasting session with
Jodie and probably Michael.
I think here are some
potentially good beers in
the fridges, but undoubtedly
Jodie will favour some nasty
sour tasting fruit beers.
She may end up drinking them
herself !